Goal Getting....my journey....lmhall2000

I told everyone yesterday I needed a MAJOR attitude adjustment... I do think the winter months put people in a tail spin quite fast! Today try to think of all the positives!!! It IS going to be a good day! You ARE going to reach your goal! Your house IS going to sell! Come on! You can do it! :cheer2:
It's been a good night of sleep...I'm about to weigh in...despite that puffy feeling I have I'm going to take whatever the scale says and make this week be a losing week!!! Thanks Sarahsmom...I can really feel myself saying those words back to myself and feel a wee bit stronger today!!! Thanks so much for the support!!!

Well, the scales showed 194.5...I'm taking it!! It's been a tough week adding in wheat toast and even a few slimfasts which could have blown my low-carb loss last week....but it's working out and I'm moving down...although a .5 pound is minor..it's MAJOR in the whole scheme of things! :)

Off to buy my FIRM tape so I can't have an excuse to get my exercise in.

Down we go!!!
Hi Tara,

Congratulations on the loss. All losses are awesome and sometimes our bodies can only give up a little, so that the next time they give up a lot. Keep up the great work. What FIRM tape are you getting? I love the FIRM.
Hey, Tara, you know what Kathlyn would say. Stick 2 sticks of butter to your forehead and wear those for a while. That's what you lost this week! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!! You are closer to your 150 goal than you were before! :cheer2:
Congratulations on your loss Tara!! Your spirit and motivation are inspiring - I love reading your journals! Keep up the great work. :sunny:
Thanks for the kind words guys!! I am so proud of myself...I went out for dinner with some girlfriends (once a year thing) and in the past could really see scarfing down some chicken tenders/fries/with loaded brownie (Houston's if anyone knows it) But I stuck with the spinach artichoke dip (only had a spoonful and 4 chips) and a caesar salad with grilled chicken and NO dessert!!! I slimfasted the two meals today because I was afraid that I would get there and go crazy....but I did well and really enjoyed my dinner!!! :)

Whew!! Got a pilates tape today...going to try it out tomorrow....

The scales were okay for me today..especially after having a late meal last night...I usually never eat after 6:30...but we didn't sit down at the restaurant until after 7:30 so that threw me off...going to do that Pilates tape...hope I like it...if not it's off to buy one of the FIRM tapes.

Goal: Add more water in today and try to stick to low-carb as much as possible....got a sore throat this morning...hope it's not strep related from the kids.

Great job at the restaurant Tara!!! Keep it up - you are doing awesome, and those 1/2 pound losses do add up! :flower:
Sending a quick dose of :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: that your sore throat is nothing more than a tickle and that strep throat will not be diagnosed in your current home again!

Stay well!! :umbrella:
Well, this isn't how I planned...it's 4am and I'm getting my water in...my son woke up at 2am with a bad dream and I have not been able to get back to sleep...my throat feels better but I have so much sinus drainage that I needed water............tomorrow's Saturday oops I mean today is Saturday and I need energy to clean for any showings. water give me rest! :)

Thanks guys...love the encouragment! Staying strong to get fit and healthy! And Geetey...love your little fish and bubbles...hope you hit that 22 pounds in good time! :)

Hope you are feeling better today !!! Try to get some rest to get rid of the yucky bugs going around! :grouphug:
Hi Tara :wave2: I hope you are feeling better. The water can be so hard to get in sometimes. ::yes:: How many oz are you aiming for? I used to could do 100 oz easily but haven't worked myself up to that again yet. I'm around 64-80 oz right now a day. Hope good news comes on the house soon! :goodvibes: Take Care :)
We went to some friends house to play cards and usually we have munchies at the table...I love Chili's salsa...so I had mostly salsa and about 10 chips with a small caesar salad...but I did have about 10 M&M's...hopefully that won't wreck me.

Sarahsmom!! I'm feeling much much better...did I tell y'all I snuck the last three days dose of my son's antibiotic? And within 2 days I'm feeling almost 100%...he had 7 days of it so I figured he was covered.

Kaye...I'm HORRIBLE with water or any beverage really...I'm like a camel I can go all day without anything to drink...if I'm at a restaurant you can't keep enough water on the table but at home I just forget to pour myself something to drink...I don't even count ounces...most days I get about 16 oz of water and a diet coke or half a diet coke...isn't that pitiful! So really anything above 30 oz. is a good water day for me! :) I'm always in a hurry it seems or doing some task and don't take the time to pour a glass and drink it. Gotta work on that! :)

You didn't cheat!!! You were "moderate"! You didn't go overboard, and that is awesome!!! Good work! :cool1: Hope you have a great day! :sunny:
Thanks!! I've been soooo disciplined that one M&M feels like cheating...eating 10 almost puts me in a slump!!! But I had it and it's over....now you've got to tell me what it feels like to be 170!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THAT NUMBER!!! I'm 5'8 and hope that when I hit 170 my size 12's will fit very well...any tips? I've got to start exercising more to tone up my flab...would love to hear what it "feels" like at 170!!!! :) Do you have more energy?

It just feels so good to see cheekbones!!! My 12's fit like a dream! (I'm 5 ' 11" so I have to buy 12's!!! The best thing is things fit better in the hips!! And yes... I have more energy! :cool1:
Sarahsmom and gang!! I can't believe it! I was so worried to weigh this morning...but I weighed 1.5 pounds less than yesterday!!!! There must be something magical in a bowl of salsa from Chili's! :) I did drink only water yesterday...maybe one sip of my dh's diet coke but otherwise it was all water and I think my body has finally adjusted to adding the carbs back in...yesterday I had whole wheat toast with peanut butter and an orange for lunch and breakfast was an egg/cheese omelet...and dinner was caesar salad with all the dressing, a whole bowl of Chili's salsa and chips to scoop it up with and a handful of M&M's....I thought for sure my body would kick back some pounds for having so many carbs in a day...but I made it out okay!!!

I can't WAIT to fit into a size 12 comfortably without many bulges...and cheekbones are a huge PLUS!!! I can't wait!!! I'm only 13 pounds away from the 170's now!!! :) Being 5'11 you probably look at 170 what I'll look like in the 160's or 150's so that gives me such encouragment!!! :) Keep up the great work!!!

That is great Tera!!!! Good for you!!!! I am still stuck at 170 so I guess I need to kick it up a notch! You are giving me the encouragement to do it! Thanks!!! :cool1:


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