gradtchr's back on track (comments welcome)


<font color=teal>When I went to school, there was
Nov 16, 2004
Ok I have journaled on my own but I need more accountability.

A little about me. I am 28. I got married at Disney in July. :goodvibes I have four furbabies. Two bunnies and two cats. All are very loved and spoiled. We're talking about having children in a couple of years and when the time comes I want to be at my ideal weight.

I have been working very hard at losing weight for three years and looking back I have been very successful. Three years ago when my DH and I began dating I realized I needed to take control of my eating and workouts. I used to workout all the time but life just got too busy.

I began on my own and was not seeing the results I wanted so I moved on to Jenny Craig. That was the worst experience of my life. I was losing inches :cool1: but I never lost pounds. I was doing the at home version and the counselor who would call me was always getting on me because the scale had not budged. Inches did not matter to them, they wanted to see pounds coming off so I quit. I did pay for a lifetime membership so I guess in the future if I want to go back there I can.

I then moved on to WW. I had family members who were having great success and were a real motivation to me. I lost weight and felt great but then I plateaued and got frustrated but not giving up. I was also not doing the best of eating, I counted my points but was always terrified I was going to run out so my eating was not all day but was usually saved for one big meal with a small meal and snack to tide me over.

I was home sick one day in May and the author of Body for Life for Women had an interview on the news. I was captivated with what she said and really bought into the entire system. I called DH (he was still fiance at the time) at workand told him all about it. He read up on it and called me back. He said if I was going to do that then he would do it too. We then bought the book and began. I immediately saw results with the eating and the workouts and had a great motivation of fitting into a wedding dress. :) The dress I originally had picked in November was way to big for me at this point and could not easily be altered down so I found a custom made dress on ebay and ordered it.

We went to Disney in July and I felt great with life! I was at the lowest weight (147) I had been at in years and was loving how I felt. We got married and enjoyed the honeymoon time. When I got back I had only gained three pounds but since then I've fluctuated between a 3 and 5 pound gain since the wedding day. Right now I am at 150 and I am not happy with it.

My 10 year high school reuinion is this weekend and I realized after shopping for a dress (ok that was a lot harder than finding a wedding dress) that I need to take control again before my weight goes out of control again.

One of my first steps is this journal. I hope to update it daily with what I am eating, how I am feeling, and what workouts I am doing. Now back in March we began training for a 5K. Summers in Texas are hot and miserable so training fell by the wayside. I am recommitting to that. This is something I can do, and I cannot give up like it would be oh so easy to do.

ETA: My weight when I started my journey was in the upper 190's according to my doctors scale. My current weight is 150. My goal weight is 135 or a size 6.
I got up at 6 AM and did a 2 mile WATP, it was the power walking one w/ weights I did it without weights but I did do all the motions.

B-1/2 english muffin, 2 oz tuna salad, 1/2 orange


l-barbecue pita pocket (ok our pitas didn't want to pocket so it was more of a barbecue pita pizza still super YUM! real quick and delicious recipe)

35 min brisk walk with DH after we ate, we work at the same place so we get lunch hour together


15 minute walk to gym

35 minutes elliptical machine cranked up and resistance a lot higher than I have ever really done.

25 minutes treadmill

15 minute walk back to car

I had to go to the store for our weekly groceries and needed sugar quick so I got a Hersheys marshmellow and chocolate pumpkin.

d-2 oz balsamic pork w/ 2 tbsp brown rice and 4 slices tomato, 1 slice onion, 2 tsp italian dressing on those

s-banana cream pudding w/ 1 tbsp ff coolwhip

water-had over 100 oz

I feel so good right now. The getting up in the morning to work out motivates me for the entire day, now why did I forget how good it made me feel, oh yeah because I love sleep but I am going to do this and I am going to get over this plateau I am stuck at. The 30 minute workouts I have been doing for the past two months are great but I need to do more so this is a step in that direction. I even have a reward system in place after I work out for 16 hours I get a special treat and my bag of Haribo gummy bears is waiting for me in the pantry where I will not be tempted until I reach my goal. :)

I'm new at the DIS and wish. I started a journal recently for the accountability. I noticed right away another big plus to posting here - positve feedback.

My workouts are based on BFL, so I'm glad to read about your interest in BFL for women. I really need to get my hands on a copy of that book.

Oh, and congrats on your recent wedding!!!!!
Hi and welcome to WISH

You have come to the right place for support. WISH has been great for me. Everyone here is fabulous!!!!

You are on the right track.

Keep up the good work and have a great day!
Also Congrats on getting married in Disney in July!
Thanks so much for posting yall. I am really excited about this and think the feedback, support, and accountability are just what I need.

frogmommy-I really bought into what she said but ended up buying the regular body for life book since DH was going to do it with mel. I compared a lot of it and they are very very similar so I haven't bought that one yet.

I was on track again today.
I didn't quite do a full 30 minutes of WATP this morning but I did get 20 minutes in. My head hurt and I did my best to ignore it but it didn't work for to long.
b-denver omelette
s-apple and 2 string cheeses
l-ham and swiss wrap w/ tomato on a high carb tortilla
45 minute brisk walk
s-2 oz roast beef, 3 triscuits, 1 small can mandarin oranges
workout: 30 minute walk to and from gym, 40 minute walk/jog
d-chicken fajita
s-very berry crepe

I feel great about what I am doing and can't wait to continue. Tomorrow is my dad's birthday so I will be going out to eat with him but I know that where we are going I can make a great choice.
WOW!! I am impressed with myself. This is the third day and I am still on program. I went out with my family at lunch for my father's birthday and I made a great choice eating (had something very similar to what was on our menu for the day) and took half of it home to eat for snack.

b-scrambled eggs and cinnamon oatmeal
30 minute workout of WATP
s-apple and 2 string cheese
l-small salad, soup, chicken fried rice
30 minute workout of WATP
s-rest of chicken fried rice
65 minutes of cardio walk/jog and firming w/weights lower body was the target
d-oriental salad (small steak in teriyaki, with homemade oriental dressing, 1/2 can mandarin oranges, and a whole lot of spinach, I also added a little piece of cheddar cheese)
s-fortified chocolate pudding

I am going to make a positive change in my life if I keep this up and there's no option for me to not keep it up. I CAN and WILL be successful and I will run a race one of these days. :cool1:

Welcome - you have started out doing awesome!!!!! Great job and great choices. And, yes, you WILL do this and you CAN do this -just keep positive!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Thanks Chris-I am doing my best to stay positive there's no other way to be. :)

Today it was a struggle to workout so I did not do as much as I have been but there needs to be some rest for everyone. I did get 90 minutes in, unfortunately 35 of the minutes was walking in shoes that weren't meant for walking so I ended up with blisters on top of my fee. :( My fault and now I know much much better.

35 minutes watp
b-fiesta eggs
s-pudding and 100's pack of cookies
l-turkey and black bean burrito
35 min brisk walk
20 min stair climbing
s-3 triscuits, ham, 1/2 can mandarin oranges
d-chicken fajita

Tomorrow will be a fun day it's my High School Reunion and I already have planned around my workout and eating around it. I am excited!!
This morning the alarm went off and I rolled over and reset the thing so I could get just 40 minutes more sleep. I closed my eyes and realized I couldn't do that to myself that I would be a lot more disappointed with myself if I did not get up and work out like I was supposed to than happy if I got more sleep. So I got up and did a WATP. Last week I would have stayed in bed, recommitting works!
gradtchr said:
This morning the alarm went off and I rolled over and reset the thing so I could get just 40 minutes more sleep. I closed my eyes and realized I couldn't do that to myself that I would be a lot more disappointed with myself if I did not get up and work out like I was supposed to than happy if I got more sleep. So I got up and did a WATP. Last week I would have stayed in bed, recommitting works!

Congratulations on being so motivated! :cool1: You must be so proud of yourself being on plan all week! And congratulations on doing such an amazing job on your October Exercise Challenge -- I am sure you are motivating so many other people with your fantastic workouts!

I hope you have an awesome time at your reunion! Be sure to come back and tell us all how fabulous you surely looked! I hope you remembered to bring some of your gorgeous wedding pictures to show off! ;)

Have a great weekend! :hug:
Thanks yall! I actually live in the same town as the reunion so people might be coming over and I will have tons of pictures around to share. :)

If anybody here wants to see some I have an album at: Wedding Pictures

My hubby and I left work early today so taht I would have plenty of time to get ready for tonight but we did go to the gym for an hour and a half. YEAH!!!!!!! I did 20 minutes of intense upper body weights and the rest was cardio. Some walking, jogging, and arc trainer. I've already noticed a change in my attitude at work in the mornings I'm a lot more awake when I first get there instead of staring at people for two hours until I wake up.

I will definitely try to get pictures of me in the dress that started this all on Sunday. It's pretty but I realized then that I want to be healthier and I want to be able to find something a lot easier than what happened then. :)
gradtchr said:
This morning the alarm went off and I rolled over and reset the thing so I could get just 40 minutes more sleep. I closed my eyes and realized I couldn't do that to myself that I would be a lot more disappointed with myself if I did not get up and work out like I was supposed to than happy if I got more sleep. So I got up and did a WATP. Last week I would have stayed in bed, recommitting works!

Good for you for getting up!!!! That is such a hard thing to do. I think I read somewhere that before an action becomes a habit it has to be consciously repeated 15 times. Looks like you are on your way to making morning workouts a habit.

Have fun at the reunion!!
Wow that is all I can say right now. Having the excercise challenge has given me something to shoot for, a number, and one that I actually did not know if I could reach on Monday or Tuesday when I set it and already I am over halfway there. Seriously last week if you had said that I would have work out this week for over 10 hours I would have laughed. I am so excited to see a new me and I'll look at bumping that number up really soon. Thank you so much for letting me participate!

Having workouts throughout the day I know right now is benefitting me. I have a much better attitude in the mornings, at lunch I get away from my desk, evening workouts are still not my favorite but I know that if I miss one that I have already done an hour before. My hubby and I were talking tonight about what a difference a week makes. I know that shopping for that dress for the reunion lit my fire but I can honestly say right now that fire had better not ever burn out.

Another benefit is that hubby and I are carpooling more now because if he rides with me I know he is going to go workout in the evenings so I can't just leave him there. That's saving us money on gas, and we get more time together. :love2: His unending support is also helping me through this, although he agreed that sleeping in this morning would have been nice although he did go back to sleep when I was working out until the cats pounced.

My eating has also been 99.5 on track. I had a bit more than I normally would tonight but I stuck with good decisions and veggies are a good thing. At least I didn't go look for the hot dogs at the football game. :)

B-chocolate oatmeal (it's oatmeal, chocolate protein powder, and peanut butter)
s-apple and 2 string cheese
l-turkey and black bean burrito
s-pudding and 100's pack of cookies
d-meditteranean tuna salad
s-crackers, 4 pieces cubed cheese, celery, carrots, cucumber, brocolli, and two small handfuls of jelly bellies. All in all I didn't do bad at part one of the reunion weekend.

I AM going to do this because I am able to. Any challenge that is set before me I will rise up and meet and I will resist the temptation that always cause me to fail. Failure this time is not an option. :cool1: :banana: :cheer2:
Yeah! The reunion is now over. Yesterday was our free day for eating but I've noticed that even on the free day I am making good choices.

30 minute 2 mile WATP
b-denver omelette
l-6 in sub w/ baked cheetos
s-1.25 oz cracker jacks
d-salad, 1/4 enchilada, 1/4 tamale, 1 chicken fajita, guacamole, 8 chips, 1 sopapilla, rum and cokes

Ok so rum and cokes not a good healthy choice but that's what a free day is for. :)
Sunday was a success! I worked out for 7 days this week (whooo hoooo)

s-still sleeping
l-chicken italiano over pasta
60 minute workout 35 minutes intense eliptical doing cross training program. Pedaling backwards HURTS!! Now I know which muscles need a lot of work. 25 minutes Wog, more walk than jog.
d-chicken caesar salad
20 minute WATP in front of Desperate Housewives. There's something great about just watching tv when you work out to make you forget your excercising.
Wow a full week has passed and I am so proud of what I have accomplished in a week.

30 min WATP
b-cappucino shake
s-3 triscuits, roast beef, mandarin oranges
30 min walk to and from lunch
l-cheese grit souffle, blackened tilapia, dirty rice, green beans, bread pudding
30 min walk to and from gym, 15 minutes excercise bike, 15 min walk cool down
d-pico de gallo chicken brown rice YUM YUM YUM was supposed to have with 1/2 mango but didn't have one so I added some cheese to the chicken to make it more mexican flavored
s-very berry crepe

I love proving to myself that I am capable of accomplishing my goals for the week. Now to do it again for another week until this is habit rather than our of ht eordinary.
TOday was a great day. I reached my first time goal of 16 hours and I got my first treat, it was going to be gummy bears but I found something even better (that's hard for me to say gummy bears are a weakness) but I got to have a marshmallow pumpkin from Hersheys. YUM YUM YUM!!

30 min WATP
b-scrambled eggs and cinnamon oatmeal
s-turkey sandwich
l-tuna apple salad
60 min walk
s- 1/2 ham sandwich w/ carrots
d-burger patty, homebaked fries, coleslaw
s-cracker jacks

YEAH!!!!! :cheer2:
I lost a pound this week and broke the 150's. I'm now in the 140's again, may it stay this way!!


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