gradtchr's back on track (comments welcome)

congrats on the loss, Beth!

Take care of the asthma. NOT fun, but manageable. Don't overdo it!

Have a great rest of the week!
Wow, what an accomplishment! 60lbs lost is awesome! :banana: :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :cool1: :yay: Great job not giving up and sticking with it. You will get to your goal eventually and since you are losing it the "right" way (changing your lifestyle) I don't think you will have to worry about gaining it back! :goodvibes
Hi Beth,

Congrats on the loss!!! You have done a great will meet you goal in no time!!!

Keep up the great work!

Have a wonderful Tuesday :)
I'm still alive I'm teaching 5 classes this summer so time is non existant. :) I am slowly becoming a FIRM believer. The workouts are killing me but I feel so good!
Wow, Beth, FIVE classes! You really don't have a summer, do you????

Congrats on the FIRM commitment! You're doing awesome, especially with your schedule.

Have a great rest of the weekend and try to take some time to relax.

Have a good week next week!
Wow....five are amazing!!!! And you find time to work out! Good for you!

You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work!

Happy Monday :)
Summer school is FINALLY over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Maybe life can calm down some now. :)
Thanks Jen, now if I could really refocus on journaling and getting back on a program of some type!

This has been the summer of NOT fun and lots of stress, and since I tend to be a stress eater well things are going less than well!

The summer started with me teaching 5 classes (not to bad they were all online and I had lots of wonderful students)
Then we get a call from my IL's that my FIL needed to have his pacemaker replaced and it was an emergency well it got downgraded from emergency to needed to be done ASAP but not critical. Then as we are getting ready to leave town to be there with them when the surgery happened we get a call that my grandmother fell and broke her pelvis and was going to have surgery. :( Well DH and I headed to his parents and I kept in close contact with my Mom in a different part of the state. We get back and things seem to be settling down some my FIL is doing ok and my Grandmother is doing as well as can be expected. DH and I then start looking at houses as we are ready to have a place of our own. Not a problem there well we hear rumors at work about downsizing and we talk to one of the bosses and find our that DH's funding is probably going away in December (although they hope it won't but for now it probably is) oh and at the time they didn't know about mine. Ok not good at all so DH and I both start looking while being thankful we have some time. I then found out that I was ok for now but it still scares me so I will keep looking. Then we get a call last week that my Grandmother is rapidly declining and it is just a matter of time and we are waiting for the call that we need to leave to go to a funeral. :sad1: I feel really bad that I am not down there right now but with the start of the semester and DH's interviews we just can't leave right now. (I'm feeling some guilt about this one I can't do anything there but I can't do anything here either)

So with all that said I have not been watching what I ate this summer as closely as I wanted to and topped off with serious asthma issues and a heat wave to beat heat waves the workouts that I love have not been around. I am ready to be back on program. I have done a good job maintaining within 4 pounds of where I was and I bounce up and down in those 4 pounds but I am ready to start losing again. I am going to start with the September Exercise Challenge and I am going to start getting my minutes back in YEAH!!!!!!!
I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. :grouphug:

That is great that you only gained 4lbs all summer. Not too much damage was done! I know you'll get right back into a routine once things settle down. My DH's job is also in danger. They are laying off 20 more people in his department. Not a comfy feeling...

Hang in there!
Sorry to hear about your grandmother & your DH uncertainty. Life is really rough sometimes, but you've been doing remarkably well through it all.

Hang in there! It will get better.

Prayers & PD headed your way!!
Life is a roller coaster and I am determined to take it full speed. :)

Thank you all on behalf of the family for the condolences. As it has been said it was somewhat expected but when it actually happens it doesn't quite feel real. She is in a better place and she is with my Grandfather so what could be better for her? Nothing that I can think of.

So let's see last I wrote about was that DH wouldn't have a job at the end of December well when we got back from the funeral he was offered the job of his dreams which he accepted. He starts next Monday. Then comes the house dream again, well we signed a contract yesterday on a brand new home and we are closing in 3-4 weeks. Everything totally fell into place on this one and I know there was some divine intervention.

So it all works out in the end it just takes time to get there, just like this blasted weight loss. :) The cool deal about the new house is the hike and bike trails that go around the neighborhood which mean we get to put our bikes to use! Oh and running stiars too since it's a two story house. :Pinkbounc

So hopefully after we close and move life will slow down some and we can stop and fully reflect on how this stressful summer with scares, hurt, and loss led to so many blessings that we can't put into words.
Welcoem back beth!! i have missed seeing you on the journals.
CONGRATS to you both about the house and to your DH with the job! thats great!!!!!

i like this "Life is a roller coaster and I am determined to take it full speed. "

i need to think like this too :goodvibes: have a great weekend


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