Guess What I Was Just Told?i Have The Long Awaited Disney Perk,WE GET THE AP AND PAP

Originally posted by Doctor P
56% of DVC'ers are getting up to $800 each year in free cash based on doing nothing that they weren't already doing--and I shouldn't be at all upset that I am in a class of membership that can't get that perk? OK. :rolleyes:

What you are not seeing that everyone else is, you can get the perk. It is available to you. It is not DVC's fault you are unable to take advantage of the perk even if you have a very good reason for not doing so.

Without any discount on the AP the break even point has always been listed at using it for 8 days. If you get a discount and can use it for 7 why would that not be a good thing for you.

There will always be offers made that not everyone can enjoy. If I go out of town on travel and my local Target runs a great sale that I can't enjoy I would never consider it unfair to offer it to others.

As to why DVC is offering this I am sure as many have said it is similar to any rewards program or an incentive to future owners.
DH just told me about the AP discount and when I went to the boards, I couldn't believe this thread!

It's a great PERK (not entitlement) if you can use it as a DVC member.

People never cease to amaze me!

On another note (I didn't want to read through the 400 some odd posts) is there a limit per family? is there a differnt amout for kid's ap?
Originally posted by Dizzy4Dizney
DH just told me about the AP discount and when I went to the boards, I couldn't believe this thread!

It's a great PERK (not entitlement) if you can use it as a DVC member.

People never cease to amaze me!

On another note (I didn't want to read through the 400 some odd posts) is there a limit per family? is there a differnt amout for kid's ap?
I'm glad you brought it up. The website says "8 per HOUSEHOLD". That means if there's more than one household per contract, there could be 16 or even 24 passes for s single contract in some cases. And all those trying to decide whether to add sisters, parents, etc to the contract will now have an incentive to do so.
Originally posted by Doctor P
I have looked back through this entire thread, which is quite long now, and I wish to point out that not once have I made a personal attack on any poster. I'm not sure why people find it appropriate to personally ridicule or attack me just because they disagree. Each person is entitled to their opinion on this issue. I have expressed mine and tried to explain it. If you don't respect that opinion--fine. That doesn't make it any less valid, nor does it make it any less important. While it is easy to hide behind the anonymity of the Internet, please remember that there are human beings behind each of these board names. I'm a pretty strong person, but some of these attacks have really crossed the line, IMHO, and I don't think anyone should have to endure some of the venom and ridicule that has been pumped my way.

While you didn't attack anyone personally, you did make sarcastic attacks in defining whole classes of people before anyone flamed you. I.e. Your comments about Bush Country, elitists, pigs at the trough, etc. It was a sad spiral that overshadowed your original point. It seems to me that flamers are attacking your tactics and not the argument itself. (Which, by the way, you had several good points.)
I’d have to agree with CapeCodFam, while you did not attack anyone personally, you did make offensive remarks towards entire groups that you stereotyped and/or generalized. If I were to write “I’m glad for the AP discount, you’d have to be a lazy idiot not to take advantage of this perk”, I would not be attacking you personally, but I would be making a rather absurd and obviously incorrect comment generalizing or stereotyping the group to which you belong. Would you be upset? Sure. Did I attack you personally? No. In a couple of your posts you were upset about a generalization that all people who work for the state are “lazy, overpaid, and ignorant”, it upset you because it was a stereotype that wasn’t true, much like you comparing AP holders to elitist and pigs at the trough. Don’t you think that people on this board take those comments personally?

It would be like me logging on a forum for attorneys and making the comment that injury lawyers are a bunch of ambulance chasing jerks and then being surprised that people where upset and attacking me personally. You had some valid points, but you clouded them with your ridiculous comments regarding AP holders. That being said, I truly hope your situation improves to the point where some day you can post that you purchased a discounted AP pass; I’ll be the first to respond that you are now an elitist pig :)
Originally posted by Skip Wiley
I’d have to agree with CapeCodFam, while you did not attack anyone personally, you did make offensive remarks towards entire groups that you stereotyped and/or generalized. If I were to write “I’m glad for the AP discount, you’d have to be a lazy idiot not to take advantage of this perk”, I would not be attacking you personally, but I would be making a rather absurd and obviously incorrect comment generalizing or stereotyping the group to which you belong. Would you be upset? Sure. Did I attack you personally? No. In a couple of your posts you were upset about a generalization that all people who work for the state are “lazy, overpaid, and ignorant”, it upset you because it was a stereotype that wasn’t true, much like you comparing AP holders to elitist and pigs at the trough. Don’t you think that people on this board take those comments personally?

It would be like me logging on a forum for attorneys and making the comment that injury lawyers are a bunch of ambulance chasing jerks and then being surprised that people where upset and attacking me personally. You had some valid points, but you clouded them with your ridiculous comments regarding AP holders. That being said, I truly hope your situation improves to the point where some day you can post that you purchased a discounted AP pass; I’ll be the first to respond that you are now an elitist pig :)

Very well said (which means Doctor P. will not comment about it because any of the posts that makes sense are the ones he glosses right over).

I am one of the people who will NOW purchase APs for myself and wife and will not be purchasing parkhoppers any longer. :thewave:
I have always wanted a descent discount on Annual Passes and now that we are getting it, I WILL use it. It is nice to have the freedom of coming and going as I please. I posted a while back about how Universal had won me over with the two years for one Annual Pass a few months ago. I fear that the Universal Pass will not see as much action as originally anticipated since the adoption of the new DVC AP discount. Disney has won me back into the fold.
Originally posted by alsipd
I posted a while back about how Universal had won me over with the two years for one Annual Pass a few months ago. I fear that the Universal Pass will not see as much action as originally anticipated since the adoption of the new DVC AP discount. Disney has won me back into the fold.
Music to a shareholder's ears.
CapeCodFam, SkipWiley, LisaR....thank you for explaining what I could not!!

DoctorP...I was willing to overlook all the "elitist", "pigs at the trough" comments. But, "my vacation habits are no more of a choice than one's race or ethnicity" really got me.

When people have been persecuted or killed because of their race...I just do not understand how you can make such a comparison. When you will be able to vacation whenever. But, your race will be the same until the day you die. To compare the hardships you face with your employment to the hardships people face when they have true discrimination in their is insulting to all of those who have truly suffered because of something over which they have no control. I'm sorry that you feel so "frozen" in life....but, it truly is not the same. I guarantee it would be MUCH easier for you to change jobs than for anyone to change their race or ethnicity.

I really didn't mean to "slam" you...only to make you realize that, in spite of all of the hardships you seem to suffer with really do have it good....we all do!!! Just to live in this country, to be financially secure enough to be able to afford DVC (God knows even two years ago, this was TOTALLY out of our budget...thanks to student loans)...we are SOOO lucky!! If you ever forget that, just go over to the budget board and read what some of those posters have to do to get to WDW. They panic over money, and sell some of their belongings on ebay to get food money...they are AMAZING!!! Or better yet...just turn on the news...that'll get you right there.

My point is...there is SOO much true suffering...this is not it. DVC gave us an additional perk, and didn't take any others away. I am thrilled, and thankful....whether I use it or was still a VERY nice gesture that they were under no obligation to do...I have ALREADY purchased my points. If they wanted to be "business-like", they could've just given the new "incentive" to people who have not purchased yet...but, they didn't...they gave it to everyone.

You started a very nice thread about what everyone is thankful for this time of year...well, I am thankful for the discount. Not just for myself, but for everyone who is going to benefit from it, and get more enjoyment out of their's a wonderful world!!!


I am very happy about the availability of the new AP/PAP discounts. As a Disney shareholder, as well as DVC member, I hope it is an excellent business decision that results in even more customer safisfaction. Thank you DVC.

We are an "immediate family" of 12 - you see I count our grown children, their wonderful spouses and our grandchildren as our immediate family. We will only qualify for 2 discounts because, thank goodness, there are only 2 residents in this household. In the past, at one time or another, my DH and I have bought APs/PAPs for 13 different family members and feel very fortunate to be able to do so. They made sense dollar wise for the trips we had planned. I wish we could get discounts for any one of our guests, but I back up the DVC policy 100%. I think anything other than family members in the same household has too many possibilities of abuse. Again, thank you DVC - we will enjoy our $200 or $250 savings on our next APs or PAPs.

Maybe more of us will consider the suggestion made by Dean. These new discounts can be an additional reason to review our gift/estate plans.
Wow! I haven't been on the boards much at all due to our new little one and this was such music to my ears!!!! DH and I were just talking about what passes we were going to buy for our upcoming trip - it'll be AP's now!! :)
Originally posted by Doctor P
I guess that I'm just supposed to shut up and fade into the background and let everyone have their day in the sun and rub it in the faces of those of us who are unable to buy an annual pass. I appreciate your sensitivity and concern to members who are neither as wealthy nor have as accomodating a job as you must have. But, apparently the answer is to just shut up because those of us who really count will benefit. Sorry for expressing an opinion that affects far more DVC'ers than the elitists would like to believe.

Wow, I am sorry but your logic is mind boggling. I have long been in favor of discounts on AP's, even though I know I wont be purchasing any in the near future.

IMO its a great option to have IF one of these years my family can make use of it.

Its not a matter of anyone rubbing anyone elses face in it or shutting up those who feel they dont benefit. Its about a huge percentage of DVC'ers getting a very nice incentive and the other percentage not being effected positively or negatively.

There is no negative effect in this at all for those who do not purchase AP's. NONE! You just continue, like me, to buy whatever tickets you normally buy. Our ticket prices havent been raised to make up for the difference.
Originally posted by Doctor P
I guess one of the things that gets under my craw is that the 55% of DVC'ers who are supposedly already buying annual passes are getting a substantial perk for not doing anything but continuing the same behavior. I find it very difficult to believe that $100 more per person is going to be spent in the parks because of this discount. To me, it simply looks like a group of DVC'ers are being singled out to receive a kickback that some of us cannot receive. Sorry, but I think that stinks. The idea should be to encourage future behavior changes, not reward past behavior. Thus, anyone who currently has an annual pass should be ineligible for the discount, as should anyone who has a voucher issued prior to January 1, 2005. Period. To carry it a step further, in order to change people's behavior, why not allow unused days on Park Hopper passes to be traded in at CURRENT value (including a valuation for plus options as an extra incentive) against a discounted pass for some window of time. And, to be fair to everyone, limit the number of discount passes to the members with blue cards, no immediate family, nobody else. This is what would be fairer to everyone. In fact, if they instituted the requirements that it only be members, and only be given to people that had not held an annual pass in the last two years, and made it an annual pass that was not good in high season, then I think this would be a win/win situation that would be fairer to a broader cross-section of members, meet the business need of getting NEW annual pass members, and help to reallocate demand to off-peak seasons.
"There is no negative effect in this at all for those who do not purchase AP's. NONE! You just continue, like me, to buy whatever tickets you normally buy. Our ticket prices havent been raised to make up for the difference. [/B][/QUOTE]

I agree. We have a place in FL that we really don't visit but love since we get Fl Resident Seasonal Annual Passes. We get nothing at all from the new perk. There are no renewal incentives for us. FL resident PAP is discounted by $25 but only for the first year. After that there is no discount... So we don't benefit at all unless we sell our FL home. Truthfully that might happen soon anyway since we rarely go there.
Actually, increased demand for DVC reservations, and increased park attendance at peak seasons would be a negative and "increased cost" for those of us who do not buy annual passes but remain members of DVC and go to the parks. I won't worry about that until it happens, but people have already reported a similar situation with respect to reservations as a result of the promotions at SSR. I will live with those problems, but just want to point out that they are not nonexistent.
I am very happy of the new perk. Thanks DVC.

Dr P, either enjoy the week you have, or sell it. Simple. You have choices. You would be able to make a nice profit with the price of points going up and up. I think this perk is great and I don't appreciate being underhandly being called a "pig at the trough." Sorry for the situation your in, but this is America, if you don't like it change it, even if it means less money. Your poor me act is getting old.

Everyone happy with this perk should let DVC know, since Dr P made is clear to DVC that he isn't happy with this. I'd hate to have them all think we are all share the same mindset.

Disney is a business first and foremost. Their first responsibilty is to the shareholders. Disney believes this perk will generate more revenue for them, and is good for many members. So what is the problem? Darn, I told myself I wouldn't get sucked into this thread, yet here I am. I believe Dr P intentionally is trying to irrate people, misery loves company. Sorry, I'm happy. 8 more weeks and I'll be there!!!!!
Originally posted by Doctor P
I take issue with the above posters--this perk is systematically cutting out a whole segment of DVC owners, a segment that I don't believe is a small one given other posts that I have seen on this board. Basically, what they are saying is we are not interested in giving you any special breaks on admission if you can't stay at least 8 days (and don't get me started about the inflated UPH pass costs). Now, if they said we will give you 25% off of the UPH, I would have to say, "OK I don't like the pass, but at least they are giving a comparable discount to people who aren't able to stay as many nights." And there would be no future liability since the UPH passes expire the day of check out. And, of course, dropping one or both of the beginning or closing days, as is done currently, goes without saying as a continued modicum of fairness.
Doctor P, does that mean that you must travel the same week every year? If it does, I suspect you are in a definite minority. Most folks can flex their travel by a week, and doing that, you would have two trips on one AP. That would be at least 14 days if you normally travel for a week.
Originally posted by Doctor P
Actually, increased demand for DVC reservations, and increased park attendance at peak seasons would be a negative and "increased cost" for those of us who do not buy annual passes but remain members of DVC and go to the parks. I won't worry about that until it happens, but people have already reported a similar situation with respect to reservations as a result of the promotions at SSR. I will live with those problems, but just want to point out that they are not nonexistent.

sorry but that arguement is just nonsense!

It could be argued that the attendance wont shift much at all. I know the very few times we had AP's, we actually spent less time in the parks per day. We may have went more days, but overall spent far less time there.

And as far as increased dvc ressies, its coming anyway, AP discount or not.
Originally posted by sjdisneywedding
sorry but that arguement is just nonsense!

It could be argued that the attendance wont shift much at all. I know the very few times we had AP's, we actually spent less time in the parks per day. We may have went more days, but overall spent far less time there.

And as far as increased dvc ressies, its coming anyway, AP discount or not.
To be honest, I'd expect this issue to even out the usage somewhat and think it's very unlikely to make it more seasonal than it is.
Actually, if I was going to bet, I think you are absolutely correct, Dean. That's why that particular issue really didn't have me that concerned. Could happen, but I'd be more willing to expect what you have suggested.


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