Guests spreading Disney Magic

We always find someone at the pool the night before we are leaving to give all our extra unopened snacks (and beers and soda) to! It's fun chatting with people and then offering it all up. Makes ya feel good :goodvibes
We always find someone at the pool the night before we are leaving to give all our extra unopened snacks (and beers and soda) to! It's fun chatting with people and then offering it all up. Makes ya feel good :goodvibes

What a great idea!! We left our unopened breakfast foods (muffins and such) in the room on the table figuring the maid may want them....a little extra mousekeeping tip I guess. But I never thought of giving them to someone you meet at the resort...Duhhh!! :confused3
I love the glowstick ideas! I'll have to get some for our next trip. Not only can you spread some Pixie Dust, but the kids will be entertained while waiting for the show to start! We picked up a bunch of pins for $.99 one year at the Disney Store (back when they were still owned by Disney) and DS loved giving them out to kids he met.
We are going to be bringing friendship bracelets and glow bracelets for my 2 DD's to pass out to other kids when we are there next month.
I have bought a multiopack of bubbles and customized them with a different label and Disney stickers. My DD had one for waiting for parades and we gave the rest out to kids near us. They were so excited.

I also take little celo bags and put in some chocolates and make up a little note of thanks and hand them to CMs that are especially helpful.

I play VMK and I always bring extra quests, expecially the ones you have to print out at home and I hand them out to the people that didn't have them. I never know who is more excited, the kids getting the quest cards or the parents that they don't have to run around trying to figure out Quest answers any more.

The moment I am most proud of was my DDs idea. She made a friend in the princess line and was showing this girl her pins and lanyard and explained pin trading. A few minutes later she whispered to me may she give one of her pins away. I said they are her pins to do what she wants with. My 4 1/2 year old gave away one of her new Princess pins.

The Mom of the little girl seemed shocked and asked me if that was really ok. I responded that they are Grace's pins and she can do what she wants with them.

I was so proud of her.
The moment I am most proud of was my DDs idea. She made a friend in the princess line and was showing this girl her pins and lanyard and explained pin trading. A few minutes later she whispered to me may she give one of her pins away. I said they are her pins to do what she wants with. My 4 1/2 year old gave away one of her new Princess pins.

The Mom of the little girl seemed shocked and asked me if that was really ok. I responded that they are Grace's pins and she can do what she wants with them.

I was so proud of her.

I think it's moments like that that let us know that we have done a good job as parents.:cloud9:
Last fall, we took a surprise weekend trip to WDW right around Halloween. We had done NO planning-- just happened to find cheap flights and a hotel and decided what the heck. My daughter was 2 and it was her first time at the parks that she could remember (she also went as an infant). I brought her Halloween costume (a princess dress, naturally) and let her wear it around.

On the day we left, we did the character breakfast at the Cape May Cafe, and while we were waiting to be seated, a very nice British woman came up to us and asked if my daughter would like a wand to go with her princess dress. She had bought a light-up Cinderella wand, but it had some sort of liquid in it and couldn't take it on their plane home. My daughter couldn't believe a stranger was giving her a nice present. She still remembers when the "nice lady gave me my princess wand" and plays with it often. It was a great lesson for her. :flower3:
We were waiting for SpectroMagic to start. We had "front row" seats by the curb. It was crowded and dark, and a young family got squeezed in behind us. The parade started and I KNEW the little ones couldn't see. So after asking Mom if it was OK, I let them stand in front of me and even lifted one up so he could see better. They were delighted and ecstatic. It was their first trip. I had seen it was more important to me that they see it the way it SHOULD be seen! :goodvibes
There's this "Grapper Machine" in Laughlin that has Fab 5 stuffed toys in it. They look just like the ones you can buy at Disneyland. Last time we where there I must have "grabbed" like 8 of them. Well we went to Disneyland on June 6th (my birthday) and broughtthe toys to hand out to little kids. I was amazed...First we had a hard time finding kids that looked deserving of one. Most of the little kids were bratty! We always asked the parents first and alot of them didn't want to take the toy. :confused: The ones that did, you could tell it made the kids day.
all these nice gestures have really made me want to "spread the magic". I have lots of those Mickey stickers and i'm thinking of bringing them with me and rewarding well behaved and polite children :goodvibes
I've bought loads of small Disney Beanies to decorate our villa at the Boardwalk in September. It is my DBF birthday and I plan to give them out to kids afterwards in the parks.

I carry some small printed slips with me for the CM's and if someone does soemthing really nice I give them one of the slips. They say things like "You're a Star" with a cartoon star on it and thank you from us from England.

We've had FP's given to us in the past for Soarin' which was really nice. The wait time was horrendous and the FP's were for a time that we had a meal booked so we wouldn't have got to ride it.

The nicest thing was waiting in line for something at MK. Two kids were sitting on the floor drawing and colouring and heard us speaking to each other. One of the kids turns round and asks if we are English. We got chatting to him and his family about the differences between England and Michigan etc and had a great time. When the line started to move the kid gave me his drawing and said it was so I didn;t forget him.

That was years ago and I haven't forgotten him. And I still have the drawing.

I love it when people start chatting to us, it really makes my day.
I'll add my dd (13) to the list! We were at the DTD pin trading store and a little boy about 9 saw she has a specific pin on her lanyard and told her how awesome and it would finish his collection. He said he had tried to buy it from the pin traders outside but they wouldn't sell theirs. A few minutes later my dd said she wanted to find the little boy and she offered to trade it to him. He was so excited!!!! A few more minutes later his older sister found my dd and had been give a set of the pins where you keep one/give one and she gave it to my daughter to thank her for being nice to her brother.

We all had a warm fuzzy Disney moment! :goodvibes
My husband and i and our daughter (4) went to disney in June we stayed for 8 days. We also purchased the dinning plan for those days. We stayed at POP. well lets just say at the end of our stay we still had some meals left over. so i picked out a family and the dad got a dinner on us and the child got a meal on us. it was so great, to give those people dinner instead of wasting what we had already paid for. The cashier even said, WOW a guest giving a guest a DREAM. Well we were already outside waiting to get onto our bus to come come and here comes out running the cashier looking for me, to give us Year of a Million Dream Tinkerbell pin for giving a guest a dream. that was so nice of them. It was great. it made out trip.:grouphug: :love:
I try to buy 20 pins on Ebay for tradingbefore our semi annual trips, and if I do not see any pins to trade, I start giving them out to kids, it is great fun!
It is not about what we did to others. Actually one old couple from NC made our day.

We were waiting for illumination start at the very front line at showcase plaza from 45min before the show start. I have two DDs(4&2 at that time) in sitting between my DW. Suddenly, 10-11yrs big boy came right in front of us and started waiting for the start of the show. Apparently, his parent did not care where he was. My DDs started to tell me that the boy was sometimes stomping their foot and blocking their sight. I was leaving the boy for a while because I could not tell him to move away at least until the show start.
Suddenly, the old couple next to us started talking to the boy. The gentleman told him kindly that he was stomping my DDs and ask him nicely to move back to his parents area because he was going to block my DDs' view.
The boy was whining a bit but the old couple convinced him to stay away from the area. I tried to say thank you but the how started immidiately afte the boy moved out, I cound not say thank you.

After the show, I told the couple that we really appreciate the action they took for us, especially for my DDs'. We found out that both of them were long time elementaly school teachers so they knew how to handle kids without offending. Also the lady told us that she could not help to say something to the boy because my DDs were so well behaved for a long time without showing any whine at all.(My DDs know the consequences of whining;) ) They hugged my DDs and said good bye. More than anything, the way gentleman convinced the boy, the complement from the lady really made our day.
The best thing didn't happen to me, but to my friend and her husband. As they were leaving Pop, a man came up to them with a soft sided cooler. He asked my friend "Can you guys take this for me, we don't have room for it in the car." They said sure, and the guy winked, inside were 23 beers. My friend's husband thanked the man again and again, and the guy got into his car laughing his head off.

I always go out of my weigh at Disney to complement children, either for their princess dressed or costumes. We pass out glowsticks and lots of other things.

This didn't happen at Disney, but the time I spread the magic was at work. The little boy at a table was dressed in an astronaut costume. I walked up to him and asked him for his autograph. He was four, so he didn't know what that was. LOL. I asked him to sign my book, b/c I had never met a real life astronaut before. I had him then. We talked about him going to the moon, and I made sure to tell him that if he wants to go to space someday he needed to make sure to listen to his parents, eat his veggies and go to bed on time. His parents LOVED the attention, and so did he. He was the cutest little guy ever.
My DH and I purchased several Disney pins off of ebay before our trip. We purchased some that we wouldn't mind trading. While we were in the park, there was a family on the bus that asked what our lanyards were and where we got them from.

We spent a few minutes explaining the pin trading concept and the kids were facinated. They looked at us like we were gods :worship:

My DH and I asked each girl to pick a pin off our lanyards and they could have them. But we made them promise to be good and told them about the kid only trading cast members.

We saw them several times throughout our trip and each time they would wave :wave: and say to their mom "There are our North Carolina friends" :goodvibes

We have won several of the Year of a Million Dream Lanyards and pin sets via the postcard entries. We are going to take the extra ones on our DisneyWorld trip in December and see about giving them to people in the parks.

I hope these both count as Guests Spreading Disney Magic. Makes me feel good to brighten someone's day.


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