Half Marathon Results

Thnaks fort taking the time to post your report Lisa- those stories were incredible! Sure makes doing all that training worth it.

And congrats to you!
Hi everyone! I did it again! was very scared this year because I was defintly NOT prepared. I actually contempted up to the last minute whether I was gonna go!
I got to my in laws new years eve for 3 nights then headed to disney for 4 nights, we stayed at POP. I was not able to get to trails end unfortunately. I was REALLY bummed about that! I could not sleep and ended up falling alseep about 12:30. I had no choice but the park hop the day before due to our schedule and touring with my in laws who have never been to WDW. I did however leave early to try and sleep but couldn't.

Woke up about 2:30 (way too early but I was finally excited about it) and got on the forst bus to the marathon! BTW I will never do that again (too much time to kill) I met a girl on the bus, it was her first time and we chatted for a while. Weather was fine with me I was cold ( not yet anyway).
I was so happy that a WISHER found me!!!!!!!!!!! :cool1:

I did not take advantage of the shirts WISHERS oredered but had my scarf from the previous year and pleaded here in the boards to FIND ME!!! :scared1: for I dont want to be alone!

I was found by pat ( I am so sorry I forgot your WISH screenname ) and a WISHERS husband named kevin (not sure of that WISHERS screenname either).............anyway, it was so nice to have people to talk to being that there was so much time to kill. Once we went through the tents then I got really cold. We were pretty much the first in corral F so we made ourselves comfortable ( sitting on the floor ). I walkied around the corral to look for WISHERS but did not see any. I did meet one other WISHER I believe it was chimera who was in the corral in front of us. The race began I said my good bye to my new found friends and we were off!

The miles seemed so far apart! lol :rotfl2: and my mind really began playing tricks on me like can you really finish this? your not prepared..... look at all these people running past you! Crazy strange thoughts but then the cheering began so many volunteers and people cheering us on was such an inspiration! I began to feel like I had to give them something to look at! As strange as that sounds! lol........at least when I was passing the crowds I starting running fast! lol............. as if they came to see just me! I know thats weird but hey what do you excpet on 2 hours sleep! anyway I did see that girl from the bus and kevin a few times. According to the clock at finish time, it was 3:01:05 ( I think ) but I assume time will be deducted from my corral to the start. Last year my official finish time was 3:01:30............
I believe I hear someone next to me saying it took us 13 minutes to get to the start.if thats the case I will have finished in about 13 faster that last year. Everything went well, I went to the potty before I began and once ( in a bush while waiting in the corral lol ). I should have however, brought a camera and gloves!

I have to say over all if I had to compare the experience to anything, it would be labor and delivery! thats right you heard me lol! :rotfl2:
the entire time I was saying myself, i will never do this again!
but soon after you forget the labor because you have your result! Crossing the finish line/ finally giving birth!
I really was saying this is the last time I am doing this! but I am not only signing up again but next year I am going for the MICKEY.

just want to shout out to pat and kevin..................
curious as to how you both did!!!!!!

WOW! Where to start? Certainly not in a cold EPCOT parking lot at 3:45 a.m. on 1/7/06. The journey started about 50 weeks before that and while I'd love to tell you all in great detail just how much the year meant to me, I'll condense it to say I would not have made it through this year without all of you.

I had thought that your support and advice would bring me to the START and it would be up to me to get myself to the finish. But the reality was so greatly different from that. You were all with me for what my Garmin said was 13.24 miles, in my heart and in my head. I thought of your advice and the joy I'd get to share with you when I finished without being swept. And you were right there on the course with me -- Honeibee was tracking my results and I could imagine her smile. Seeing Lily and her son on the course for the last several miles, enjoying the journey, taking pictures at mile markers and being just so wonderfully upbeat and joyous. . . Seeing many other WISHers in their green shirts, including baloou and others. Most of all, I had the unbelievable pleasure of sharing the day with akasleepingbeauty (Rhonda). What a sweetheart! We had so much fun -- I can't begin to tell you. But you should see our grins in the pictures! :teeth:

There were so many highlights to the weekend that I can't think of where to begin -- we met John Bingham and Jenny Hadfield as they left the Expo Hall on Friday. With Howard's help, I had the courage to catch up with them to just say thanks for "MfM" -- I said I'd had heart surgery a year before and the 1/2 was my celebration and they hugged me and congratulated me and autographed my stuffed penguin. When they heard what Howard was going through they were so wonderfully supportive and encouraging. They autographed our MfM book, too, and we all shared hugs and (my) tears before they went on their way.

Meeting the WISHers at TE was so exciting! It would have been great if we could have all grouped our tables together but as Lisa mentioned I think the management barely tolerated our presence.

Another amazing moment in the weekend was when Craig (Calcio) spotted us in front of Beach Club and doubled back to give hugs and congratulations! Seriously, it was amazing to be congratulated by someone who was doing the Goofy. Kind of like hugging Lily on Sunday morning at breakfast.

I was so excited to be there Sunday cheering on all of the marathoners. The people around us came and went, but we were having such a great time and we stayed in place for almost 2 hours and 45 minutes. Howard called out names as he read them on the bibs, so that we could cheer for friends and strangers alike. I am so glad that Craig spotted us because I almost missed him! I never had any doubt you'd make it, Craig, but I was so relieved as I saw each of our WISHers go past. I am soooo impressed by all of our WISHers who set out to accomplish whatever their personal goal was and went out and did it.

As for me? Here are my results:
Start time 6:14:29 a.m. (yes, it took us nearly 15 minutes to get to the START line)
10 mile – 2:44:28 (we spent so much time weaving in and out of walkers!)
Finish – 3:21:59 (way ahead of the sweepers!)
Pace 15:24 (looking forward to some serious improvement this year! :cool1: )

I am so glad we all shared this experience -- Special thanks to Judy and Liz --you guys are just awesome and I can't wait to share this experience in person in 2007!

There is so much more to tell, including the pure joy of walking around the parks with a Donald medal on and being congratulated by CMs, people with no medals, Donald's, Mickey's and Goofy's. Do you know how surreal it is to be congratulated by someone wearing a Mickey or Goofy? Just that bit of acknowledgment by someone who went even further (not to say anything of the Donald's who likely went faster) was like a happy pill. I felt like I was lit up from inside. Words do not suffice.

So, today I am back to my regular life, sitting at a desk, WISHing I could surround myself with the likes of you who all understand what it was like and what it is like now. My Donald is sitting next to my phone at my right elbow. I look at him every once in a while and I imagine there is a big, random grin that just appears suddenly on my face. I am still basking in the pleasure of the moments. And looking forward to 2007. :goodvibes
Here are my thoughts from the weekend:

I had a great time! Really enjoyed meeting folks at TE. It was good to finally put a face with a name. I finished both races and am very happy. The marathon was tough for me, but I was proud of myself that I stuck it out and didn't quit. I now have a wicked shin splint and a huge blister on the side of my heel. Doc says I'll be on crutches for the next 3-4 days.

My 1/2 marathon chip time was 3:20:53 and the full was 7:08:05.

When I finished I thought "Never again". Now that I'm home, I don't know. I think I'll just do either race next year, but not both. This was my first race at either distance, so just finishing has made me happy. Now I can work on improving my times. Doing both didn't give me a chance to really enjoy the event. After the 1/2 I was sore and just wanted to get on the bus back to my resort. The rest of the day I spent lying aound with ice packs on. Sunday, I was very tired and sore after the event. It was all I could do to make it back to the bus. I wanted to stop at the med tent on the course to get some Biofreeze, hoping it would dull the shin pain, but I though if I stopped for even a minute I wouldn't get started again, so I just kept going.

Were there characters out for pics after the 1/2. I didn't notice any. After the full, Goofy was there and Donald and Daisy.
And I guess Lisa solved my confusion. At the end of both races, my Garmin showed a longer distance than the event. I didn't think I zigzagged that much (1/2 mile for the full). No wonder I was so wupped out there :eek:

btw - my niece Patty did great for her first 1/2. She finished with a chip time of 2:12:43. Now she's thinking about the full!
Mel - Patty really enjoyed plaing with "the Boy" at TE

Wow Terri!! Your first time at *either* distance, and you did BOTH??!!! Congratulations-- that's awesome!!
We got in last night and I read everyone's results but was too tired to post mine. First congrats to everyone who worked so hard just to get to the starting line. Anybody who made the effort has my total admiration.

I finished with a time of 3:02:44 - a bit slower than I had hoped but not a bad first effort. My knees began giving me a time at around mile 7 and I ended up walking most of the last 6 miles. You can bet I ran those last few yards though!

I wish I had gotten to meet some of you but as hard as I looked, I did not see any lime green shirts. I will be there next year even if it is as a spectator so maybe we can meet then. We had a great weekend and I would not have traded this experience for anything.

I'll write a longer post later when I get my head around this thing.

Well done everyone!


Me-at the end of it all. I promise I normally look WAY cuter than this!

Here are my results:
Start time 6:02:53 a.m.
(I started out in Corral B and had a pretty easy time keeping up with everyone.)

10 mile – 1:41:26

Finish – 2:14:56 (way ahead of John Bingham) :banana:

Pace 10:17 (Not bad with a stent and kidney stone along for the run. :scared1: )

It was a REAL pleasure meeting everyone at TE, at the Boardwalk Bakery and at the family "W" tent post Half. You all have so much to be thankful for and proud of.

My pace was faster then I planned but my body knows its own "groove" and quickly fell into it after the race start. I ran between 9:30 and just over 10 minutes per mile most of the race. I did slow down (while in pain) towards mile 12 and then picked it back up again.

I will post more later. I applaud all of you for your efforts. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congratulations everyone! Thanks for posting your experiences, it is wonderful to read how well you all did and the great support you gave each other!

Bev Come on, you really do what to join us in 2007!

Thanks, averyone, for sharing your race results! I started getting choked up on Lisa's post - which was where I started reading today - and stayed that way through all the rest of them! You guys are awesome! :banana: :banana: :banana:
OK you guys might as well know a couple of truths about me right now.

First off, I tend to talk to innimate objects. Talk? Heck, I have conversations with them.

And most this weekend I had long talks with my cell phone. :flower:

First off on Saturday morning. As I got up bright and early and turned it on and sat down with my coffee, ready to track Cam. :teeth:

But much to my horror, 6:00am came and went with no text messages. :confused:

"Did I screw up registering!???" I asked the phone. :scared1: Darn. I hope not. Then I put my phone in a ZipLock bag, stuck it in my pocket and headed out to the barn do chores. I kept checking it and asking it over and over "Where is she?? I'm sure she's started by now." My phone refused to tell me.

Then I thought "OMG! I hope nothing happened to Howard and she isn't walking!" :scared1: :scared1:

Still, clutching my phone, hoping for some sign....I continued on thru my morning.

(Right about now you're thinking Geez, Judy, get a life! But I couldn't help it. :hyper: I was just so excited for Cam! ::yes:: )

Finally, sitting at the table having breakfast, my phone goes off! YES! :cool1: It's Cam's Final! :banana: Whoooo hooo! I am so proud of her! I know we haven't even met yet, but gosh I was so happy for her and so proud. She never even let those sweepers get close! :cool1: So, Cam, Congratulations and thanks for letting me be a part of your special day! :flower3:

Then Sunday...now I'm tracking Christa. 6:00am comes and goes and nothing. "Not again!" I'm pleading to my phone. But then...ah ha! Her start time! Phew. OK at least I know she's on her way. :flower: Then I start getting her splits. "Whoo hoo!" I tell my phone.."That Crista is really moving!" (BTW I should mention I was home alone. My husband was away skiing.) But the best part was while I was in Stop & Shop, diary aisle, milk section late Sunday morning. My phone beeps. It's Christa's Final! :banana: "Oh My God!" I say to my phone "That is FABULOUS! Oh way to go Christa! Oh that's great." Meanwhile, all the shoppers around me are starting to move farther away, taking their milk and moving briskly on.
So, Christa, Congratulations and thanks for taking me along for the ride! :flower3:

The other thing you guys might as well know is this......

I cried just getting the results of other people I haven't even met yet. So next year, at the Half, if you see a blubbery mess walking along, crying her eyes out......that'll be me. ::yes::
Honibee-soo funny!!! DH didn't get any of my splits until he had already seen me at the finish line! We got the 10 mile after the finish and those were the only ones we received.
Honeibee - You are too funny! Thank you for all the phone support you gave Cam before, during and after the race. You mean a lot to her (as you all do). BTW, I only got one update on her progress (besides my phone call to her when I finished) - right as I watched her cross the finish line, I immediately received her chip time for the race.

Calcio- I think we have a similar pace and our overall time is very close for the half. If I had been a bit healthier, I would have been right up there with you (or slightly ahead). However, you had to keep some in reserve for the Marathon on Sunday. Congratulations on the Goofy accomplishment! I am in awe and hope to one day get Goofy too. Your stop and brief visit with us on Sunday in front of the Beach Club was a huge thrill for Cam. Thank you for all you've done here on the boards for all of the W.I.S.H.'ers.

All the best!

Honeibee -- You are such a sweetheart! Your posts always make me laugh, but sometimes you even make me cry. I LOVED talking with you every day of the weekend -- Thursday when we checked in "Come on, Judy. This 2BR is HUGE! It is obscene for me and Howard to have it to ourselves." Then on Friday at TE -- "Hey, everybody, say "hi" to Judy!" and other times throughout the weekend. :teeth:
It was fun to share the experience with you and Liz and yes, we will all be blubbering messes together next year.
First off ......thanks to everyone on this board for helping me prepare for the 1/2! I did a 1:55:12 and that was from corral G. A lot of zigging and zagging
at the start. It was my first 1/2 since 1996 and I'm not getting any younger!!
My DW did a 2:36:40 for her first!! Yes it was dark and cold....but the best experience of our lives!! We'll see you next year!! :faint:
Erin (Stitchloversith) and I finished the half without being swept. She finished in 2:57 without any training. The wonders of youth.

I walked with WishILivedInFlorida (who I met before the start) and would like to thank her for keeping me going when I slowed down. I finished in 3:24. My split at 10 mile was 2:53 almost 25 min slower than my 10 mile training walk on Dec 18. It was difficult to get through the crowds and I ended up with 3 potty stops.

It was an experience I would like to have again. I told Lynne (Xterratri) I would like to run/walk the half next year and do the full in 2007. Next year is questionable at this time, but who knows.

Lynne has already signed us up for the Minnie 15K in May. My goal is to walk/run that race and hopefully get down to 12 min miles. A few years ago, I was able to accomplish that for a 5K. Who knows?

Sitting in the airport in Atlanta, waiting for the flight to Syracuse, a gentleman came into the waiting area wearing a Goofy medal. I commented, i only did the half. His response was 'there is no only, YOU DID THE HALF.' That made me feel good as I was trying to down play my accomplishment.

Hope to see fellow WISHers at future races.
Hi All!

Just got home this evening, and all I can say is...Wow! What a wonderful experience this has been.

First off, a big thanks to all of you who have encouraged and reassured little pups like myself that big things are possible. A year ago I would have never believed I could complete a half-marathon!! Any yet here I sit with my Donald medal not far from my side.

Thank you to Wiskband (Renee) and Agotta's DH (Kevin) for keeping me company as we waited for the race start. It really helped to pass the time and take my mind off my nerves and the cold.

Now for the details....

start (front of corral F) 6:14:17

mile 10 (chip time) 2:52:15
finish 3:29:27
pace 15:58 with one potty stop in the MK

I was surprised near the finish by my niece and her new DH (on their honeymoon). They knew that I was doing the half, but I had no idea they knew about spectators, or how to figure out where to be to cheer for me. It was just another magical moment in what was a really special experience.

On Monday I was talking to a gentleman with a Mickey medal - he has had two ankle surgeries, and walked the full. And that's got me thinking......do people really walk the full and not get swept?? I don't think I can get much faster than I already am, but I am thinking that with training I could do it for a longer distance. I don't know...maybe I am nuts, but I am actually thinking of walking the full next January. Has anyone here done that before?

Anyway....once again a great big thank you to all of you!!
Whho Hoo! More WISHers with race accomplishments to cheer! :cheer2: Congrats to Kathy, Erin, Pat, and PCFriar80 on your races!

Honeibee, it felt like you were right there with us at Trails End! Yes, I was one of those voices you heard on Cam's cell phone! I am glad you were able to share in the race weekend, even if it was from home!

It is possible to walk the full w/o getting swept. I pretty much did that this year. I had a few slow running sections during the first part of the race, but from the 1/2 way point to the finish I walked.

WDWFAN9 said:
On Monday I was talking to a gentleman with a Mickey medal - he has had two ankle surgeries, and walked the full. And that's got me thinking......do people really walk the full and not get swept?? I don't think I can get much faster than I already am, but I am thinking that with training I could do it for a longer distance. I don't know...maybe I am nuts, but I am actually thinking of walking the full next January. Has anyone here done that before?

Anyway....once again a great big thank you to all of you!!

Yes--we have 3 teammembers who walk (finish in the 6 hour range) and there is my dad--his walking time is equivilant to my running time. Granted he is race walking. But yes it is possible.

My 3 teammates--one had knee issues and the other are doctors ordered to walk. All 3 did Goofy (all walking).

It is VERY possible--but you must train your entire season this way for optimum success.
Hey everyone! Great job! I am so inspired but I still think I could never do it.

I just wanted to say I am soooo proud of DH (DVDGuy). He did awesome and deserves to have his moment shared. First let me say that I roped him into this. I thought it would be a great way for us to work out and lose some weight together. Back in September however, I dropped out. I just don't have that kind of endurance. Dh pushed through, but the holidays hit him hard and he didn't have the time or motivation to train.

That being said...


6:14:16 AM EST 2:01:13 2:23:23

TIME Chip Time: 2:23:23 Clock: 2:36:07 Pace: 10:56

Placement Overall: 4897 Gender: 2568 Division: 115

Kevin, I am so proud of you!! Way to go honey!!


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