Half Marathon Results

Lisa-Loves-Pooh, I noticed your comment about the Clifshots, I was handed a Cola flavored one and thought they were trying to kill me! Ewww!!! I'll give their other flavors a chance but take care when squirting the Cola one in your mouth and have water on stand by, thank goodness I used a waterbelt and had my own to get rid of the taste. I DID have my own vanilla powergels on my belt but figured it was handed to me and less effort boy I won't make that mistake again! LOL I loved having my own preferred gel on hand and will do that again.

WDWFan9 you came in a minute after me! I came in at 3:28:16.

ACK! I copied this from someone's post and I think it was Keenercam(?)

"There is so much more to tell, including the pure joy of walking around the parks with a Donald medal on and being congratulated by CMs, people with no medals, Donald's, Mickey's and Goofy's. Do you know how surreal it is to be congratulated by someone wearing a Mickey or Goofy? Just that bit of acknowledgment by someone who went even further (not to say anything of the Donald's who likely went faster) was like a happy pill. I felt like I was lit up from inside. Words do not suffice."

It is an unbelieveable feeling to be congratulated by everyone especially those that have gone farther then yourself. When we were doing 5Ks this past year as part of our training we'd be out there being outpaced by many many racers and Susan would just tell me they had to start somewhere too and we're just at the start and soon we'll be running and going farther. We walked/jogged the Half this year and both finished within 4 minutes of each other. Talking afterwards with those that did the Full and the Goofy were amazing. We learned more from them and had an incredible enjoyable time listening to them with their stories and tips. I had the wonderful pleasure to sit next to a lady who had been registered to do the Full but due to an injury in November was sidelined for another 2 more months. Talking with her was very inspiring and hearing about her thoughts on The Flying Pig and one of the Rock & Roll races left me with a glint in my eyes that had Susan shaking her head saying first let's finish Disneyland and get our 2nd Donald before we look elsewhere LMBO

The support this year was even more amazing then 2005. We didn't finish in 2005, were swept around Mile 8.5 or something but being swept just pushed us this year to train more and become more serious. In 2005 we were naive and blissfully ignorant, we showed up and tried. We wore cute matching shirts and hats. We took water when we felt like it. This year we wore those tech shirts made for racing, had sport beans and our own powergels on waterbelts. We trained with these belts, carrying exactly what we would on the Half so when Jan 7th came it wasn't extra weight.

Still learning as we go, becoming more serious and amazed that our running clothes are starting to require more and more room in our closets ;) The most amazing thought that crossed my mind this past week (after the race) on a Disney bus..... Next year we'd have 2 Donalds and a Castle ... Wow, never thought I'd be able to say that.

If any supporters are reading this thread, God Bless you because YOU PEOPLE ARE AMAZING!!!! Thank you for your support and kind words I'd like to hug each and everyone one of them.

So now it's on to Disneyland! Castle to Castle 2006!!!! :) Who has time for After-race blues? There's training to be done! May the coming training season keep everyone safe and injury free.
Can't decide whether to start this post with 'yippee, it's all over' or 'I've just spent the last year of my life focusing on something - so now what!!'. Yes, I'm back in sunny NZ - got back 5 hours ago and have had no sleep for 36 hours, but had to find out how everybody did - i'm so happy everyone finished, although i'm very unhappy I didn't meet Craig - though Terri can vouch for me doing my own personal 'annoying talking donkey from Shrek impression' in his honour when I walked with her for a bit.

I finished in 5.39 which was about 9 minutes slower than I wanted to, but I so didn't care, I'd said to everyone I wanted to finish smiling and in my pics I'm beaming - I actually sprinted the last 500 metres. I was also v pleased that I didn't encounter the mythical wall - mainly because despite the whole 'never do anything you wouldnt do in training' rule, I was sucking down oranges and Cif shots like a good-un. Sadly I didn't get my pic with Tigger but I did have a little cry when I saw eyeore - I think I may have winded the poor guy I hugged him so hard in the photo! Oh and I still have all my toenails - hooray.

I also discovered that there is an ipod fairy!!! It was about mile 19.5, there was a little hill and I'd decided to have a walk - I told myself that I had to start running again at the top of the hill, but I really didn't want to. It was my only moment of doubt in the whole thing and then, for the first time in the whole two weeks we'd been away, my ultimate motivation song, the one that always makes me run fast came on - so, once I 'd stopped weeping again, that was that, the race was back on - don't know what the ipod fairy looks like but she was definitely pixie dusting at that moment.

Anyway, it was great to meet everyone at Trails End, and really weird to see people in the parks the days after, I wasn't expecting to bump into anyone again what with the thousands of people, four parks to choose from etc so it was nice to see everyone I did see - and thankfully I didn't humilate myself in front of Carrie or Solo on the Segway tour, although no-one told me riding one hurt your feet more than running a marathon!!!

A couple of things I didn't get a chance to say - thank you to lisa for the little 'purple' card, and to lily for the scarf, it's back here and once its had a wash it'll be on the wall with my medal and pics. And Lynne, you asked me my surname, it's Foster, but I wasnt saying anything then in case someone came up and said 'I read your book, it's rubbish!!!' Anyway, I'll be checking in with everyone on the training thread as, although I can't do Fla next year, I am doing Disneyland so until then...... Helen
Helen - So glad your safe & sound in sunny NZ. Thanks so much for suggesting taking the boat back from Trails' End to the Contemporary and for hanging out in the corral with me on Sunday before the marathon. Both were very much appreciated. Congrats on the Goofy and I hope to see you in Disneyland for the 1/2 :cool1:
<<======Running in sliding along the floor and plopping down! Hi kids! I'm home! It was Fun Fun Fun! I will check up with everyone tomorrow. I'm kinda tired. I know being home will also have me "hitting the wall" here soon as reality steps in big getting back to the grind.
Tiger Lily 03 said:
<<======Running in sliding along the floor and plopping down! Hi kids! I'm home! It was Fun Fun Fun! I will check up with everyone tomorrow. I'm kinda tired. I know being home will also have me "hitting the wall" here soon as reality steps in big getting back to the grind.

Welcome home, and congrats!!
Welcome home, Lily and Helen! Lily, I think you should know Liz is out there drumming up lots of company for your next 2 adventures with her! Both events sound outrageously tempting!

Helen -- It was so wonderful to run into you and your DBF in EPCOT. I am glad I had the chance to say goodbye once I realized we wouldnt' see you at Monday breakfast. I hope the rest of your vacation was wonderful. I didn't know you were going for the castle medal. Looking forward to seeing lots of WISHers in CA in just 8 months from tomorrow! WOW!
Well, I'm back home. Sitting at my desk with piles of work around me. I still can't believe that I ran a half marathon last weekend. Wow. The experience was surreal. I truly loved every minute of it--I can say that now that it's over! :) I don't even know where to start. Meeting everyone Friday was great, I wish we could have had more time talking to each other and actually meeting everyone. I have a really good group picture and I think everyone is in it, if someone needs me to e-mail it to them, just PM me. I put that picture on my screensaver (with other marathon pictures), so every once in a while you guys drift past my computer screen. :goodvibes

I actually got some sleep Friday night, which I didn't think I would get. When we got back from dinner, my Mom and I laid everything we would need for the next morning out, we even pinned our race #'s on then. I took a shower and then got in bed at 9:00, I took John Bingham's advice and just laid still so at least my body would get some rest. I think I finally fell asleep around 10:00, so I got almost 5 hours of sleep that night. The alarm went off at 2:50 and I can't say that I jumped out of bed, but I got up as soon as the alarm went off. Mom and I left our rooms right at 3:30 and there was a bus waiting for us in front of Port Orleans. I wasn't nervous at all Saturday morning, Friday night was a different story, but on Saturday all of the nerves calmed themselves and I was fine. Waiting to go in the corrals was the worst part of the morning--that wind was cold! It was great hanging out with Erin, Kathy, Tiffany and her Mom, talking to other people took my mind off what I was about to do. I loved the Sarge from Toy Story, I thought that was really cute, getting everyone through baggage claim and into the corrals. Was anyone else confused here? Since Mom and I didn't have bags to check, we were unsure what to do, finally we heard someone say that you go through baggage claim to get to the corrals. The walk to the corrals was long!! They weren't kidding when they said it would be a 25 minute walk. I don't think it was exactly 25 minutes, but it was a ways. Once we got to the corrals, the half marathon suddenly became very real. Mom and I both knew that there was no turning back and it was sink or swim. We got into our corral (Corral F) about 20 after 5:00, so the wait wasn't that long and at least in the corrals there was body heat!! At 5:45, Mom and I took off our sweats and started the marathon shuffle to the start line, I assume that's when they took the corral barriers down.

Crossing the start line was awesome (it took us about 13 minutes to cross), I made myself start out slow and steady, I think I was running about 12:10-12:30 and I was walking around 13:00--I was really pleased with my pace. The first few miles were cake, like John Bingham said, the miles came to me, it seemed like I had just crossed mile 3 and all of a sudden there was mile 4. It was great. Dad and Stephen were watching from the TTC, right around 4, I stopped and talked to them for about 30 seconds and I continued on my way. On the road to the Magic Kingdom, right around mile 5, I saw the top of Cinderella Castle and I started to cry. I envisioned the Castle on every run--short and long, that was the vision that got me through and now here I was in the half marathon and getting ready to run down Main Street and through the Castle. And let me say, the "Go the Distance" sign didn't help matters either!! :)

Once I got on Main Street, my emotions were under control and I was okay. I got to see Carrie on Main Street and there's even an official picture of me smacking her hand. I thought that was pretty cool. Running through the Magic Kingdom was awesome and quite a thrill. I wish the whole marathon could just be circling the Magic Kingdom! Coming out of the MK was a little tougher, we were right around mile 7, coming off a high and I knew the road to Epcot was long. I saw Dad and Stephen again in front of the Poly, stopped for a few seconds and kept running. And then I hit the low. Looking back it wasn't that bad, but miles 8 1/2 -11 were really tough for me. Running on the road stunk and there wasn't anything really going on. One thing that was really awesome was the spectators and the cheering groups yelling out my name, "C'mon Krista, you can do it"--that was a huge spirit lifter! And I especially like the cheerleaders telling everyone, "Good job, you guys, you look so pretty". :cutie:

Once I got past mile 11, I was pretty much okay, definitely tired, but I knew the end was in sight. Coming into Epcot put a spring in my step, but I still kept my pace around 12:00--I didn't want to crash at 12.99 miles!! Running in Epcot was okay (oh, I passed Lisa on the out and back around the tree, she was ahead of me), not that great or exciting, but honestly who cares, that's mile 12. And I did cry in Epcot because they played Madonna's "Hung Up", which was one of the songs I trained to. I kept thinking, I heard this song on my long run and now I'm listening to it at mile 12 during a half marthon. I saw the gospel choir, I couldn't tell you what they were singing and I started to fly. I have no idea how fast I was running, but I felt like I was hauling. I saw my Dad and Stephen in the stands and I crossed the finished line at 2:41:47. That was the greatest feeling in my life. The sense of accomplishment and all that hard work. I still can't get over it.

I met Stephen in the W tent and we went to watch my Mom cross, she crossed in 3:36:50, which is a miracle because she had walking pneumonia from Sept-Dec and couldn't train. After she crossed, we made our way to the W tent, by that time Carrie, Cam, Heather, and Mel were there, so we spent a few minutes talking them.

I want to thank everyone again for all of your support, advice, and friendship on this awesome journey. You have no idea what you have meant to me. See you all next year!!! Same time, same place. :goodvibes

Krista princess:
Yeh Cam I didn't realise you were doing Disneyland either so that's me, you, Lisa - who else??? I booked my hotel yesterday - doing the Candy Cane Inn thing and we'll be there a week so figured best get in early. Helen
littlegreydonkey said:
Yeh Cam I didn't realise you were doing Disneyland either so that's me, you, Lisa - who else??? I booked my hotel yesterday - doing the Candy Cane Inn thing and we'll be there a week so figured best get in early. Helen

Me, me, me!!! I have a reservation at the Candy Cane Inn and also at the Best Western Park Place Inn ,which is directly across the street from the main pedestrian crosswalk to DL. I will keep them both for a while...
I know Heather (TxBelle) is also in and staying at the Hyatt.
WOW! You guys are way ahead of me. I have NO IDEA where we are staying. Guess I'd better start figuring that out! Maybe I'd better figure out first whether DS will be joining us and how many days we plan to be there and whether we are going to stay in the Anaheim area or branch out and see some other places too. :confused3
littlegreydonkey said:
Yeh Cam I didn't realise you were doing Disneyland either so that's me, you, Lisa - who else??? I booked my hotel yesterday - doing the Candy Cane Inn thing and we'll be there a week so figured best get in early. Helen
I didn't do the Disneyworld 2006, but I'll be at Disneyland-- I'm staying at the Grand Californian!
keenercam said:
WOW! You guys are way ahead of me. I have NO IDEA where we are staying. Guess I'd better start figuring that out! Maybe I'd better figure out first whether DS will be joining us and how many days we plan to be there and whether we are going to stay in the Anaheim area or branch out and see some other places too. :confused3

Cam - When you're ready to think about lodging, here's a link that might help you out http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=567689

It shows all of the hotels real close to DL, some even closer than the official DL hotels. It also has reviews on some of the hotels.
I just signed up for the DL half :cool1: No clue where I am going to stay though....which is a very strange feeling. I am very familiar with WDW, and haven't been to DL in over 30 years. I am going to have to do some research...looks like the Candy Cane is popular.
littlegreydonkey said:
Yeh Cam I didn't realise you were doing Disneyland either so that's me, you, Lisa - who else??? I booked my hotel yesterday - doing the Candy Cane Inn thing and we'll be there a week so figured best get in early. Helen

Actually--now I know how all the non-Floridians feel when debating their plans for the WDW marathon.

I'm registered--but contigent on hubby willing to front an airline ticket and hotel costs. Though I just might have a friend who will do it with me. :cool1:
Got back last weekend and have playing catch up.

I had a great time meeting everyone at TE. It was wonderful to put faces to names. Thank you to Lisa & Lily for both the card & scarf. They are both part of my race memoribilia and an important reminder of where I started and how far I came. I wore my scarf through the race and it really kept my spirits up.

I had a rather terrible 2 days before the race. I was sick, really sick the in bed chills and throwing sick. I felt much better Friday afternoon so headed to TE, I am not sure I would have had the energy to get up at 2:30am if I hadn't.

I was also thrilled to see those cool temps. I know most of you were not happy but I will bet like me most northerners were grateful it was not 60's or 70's or even 80's.

My chip time was 3:17:52 and I am pretty happy with that. It was my first, I actually took a fall by the Contemporary and had 1 bathroom break which slowed me down so I figure no where to go but up!

I am also doing the DL 1/2 - figure what the heck might as well. I am not sure where I am staying. I am going solo so if anyone wants a roomie to splt expenses, I am neat and easy to get along with - LOL!!

So what can I do to top this year's goal - well sign up for the full next year!! :cool1:

Before13 months ago:


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