has anyone stalked the Dream team?


Earning My Ears
Jan 7, 2008
has anyone seen one in the park and followed him/her around until they gave out dreams?
Well I wouldn't say I stalked them, but I did hang around when I saw a couple of them on my solo trip two weeks ago. I was walking towards the exit at AK and saw them at the flamingo/kangaroo viewing area hanging out behind the viewing wall exit. Soooo, I proceeded to suddenly have the urge to watch flamingos and take some pictures:thumbsup2 . About three minutes later, I heard one say, "It's time", and the next person by them exiting the viewing area was handed a lanyard. So, I decided it was time I left - and surprise! Got a YOAMD lanyard:rotfl:
So if you see them just hanging around an area, find something to be interested in and just hang around near them until you see what they're up to - you might get a dream too!!:goodvibes
I have spent 21 days in the parks since YOMD started. In all the parks, MK, EP, MGM, AK, DL, CA.... plus alot of time in DTD Fl, and DTD, Ca. I have never even SEEN the dream team!! And of course, have not gotten any dreams, but at this point, if I were to see them, and it were possible, I WOULD stalk them!!!
I tried but was unsuccessful. I saw them waiting near the exit of Snow White. We immediately got in line and rode. WHen we finished they were gone (there were only a few people in line ahead of us :confused3 ). I was bummed so we went into the store right next to the exit. When we came out they were back and had just awarded a prize to a little girl. I listened in and it sounded like she was getting a private meet and greet with whatever character she wanted, or something along those lines.

I do remember another diser saying they saw the dream squad at DTD so they sat down and waited to see what happened. Turned out they were waiting for someone to sit in a particular spot, and this person didn't get the spot right. No one sat in the appointed spot during the appointed window, so they had to give up and go to the next designated spot and time. They told the diser they would have won if only... Ever since then I imagine myself in a similar situation and I can picture that I'd be sitting in every spot and using every water fountian, phone booth, etc trying to see if I couldn't hit the designated spot. I'd look like a lunatic!!
yeah, you can say we 'stalked' them. We went last aug. Our last day we hit MK to finish a few rides. We did POTC and then headed to the train station to go to toon town. We went up the the platform and infront of us are 3 dream squad members. My dd 3.5 wanted to look at their pins for trading. I asked if she could check out their pins. They were really nice and she traded a pin, so did DS6. They got on the train and got off at toon town too!! We head for Goofy barnstormer. It was early 10 am. We went up the que and waiting to load when the dream squad showed up at the exit platform. They were counting the people coming off. DH and I kept saying keep counting, keep counting. We loaded - DH, myself, DS8, DS6 and DD3.
Ride ended and they were still there counting!! We got off and one of them says we won a prize to go down the ramp and meet another dream squad mbr. DD3 started crying that she didn't win a prize the whole way down to the other dream squad member. The dream squad lady is like -- Yes honey you did win a prize!! We won fast passes for MK. They ended the handouts about the same time and we exited the ride with them. They headed back toward the train and we were heading toward Space Mountain. One of them remarked jokingly that we were stalking them!! They waved to us as the train departed. We ended up spending most of the day at MK. DS8 and 7 and myself did 7 of the fastpasses. We did Space Mountain for the first time!! DH and DD did 5 of the fastpasses. We were able to do all the rides plus have counterservice lunch -starting at 1015 am and done by 230ish. No way would we have been able to do all those rides in such a short time plus spend about 45 mins on lunch!!

So yes 'stalking' them does work out!!
Yes we did for the first time ever :guilty: We saw them if Frontier Land and my DH said lets hang out here a while and finally I said we have to do something so we rode Thunder Mountain and saw them at the exit so we decided to ride again, but this time when we got off they were gone. I told him that we had lucked out before and let's just be thankful that we won something in the past. So with that we decided to ride Splash Mountain. When we were about to get on the boat we saw the DT at the exit and she stopped a little girl and said "congratulations!" Imedatiately, DH said cross over the boat and get out he so we did and got Dream Fastpasses. So before I get flammed I do feel a bit guilty. :scared:
we did not stalk, but while at AK last year, my ds (14 mos) was very fascinated with one of the dream team members. we were at rafiki's planet watch and the dream team was just hanging around there. we were taking a break on a bench with a snack and watching the talking trash can. our ds was charming the pants off of the DT lady, but no dreams for us. ;) . it was pretty funny to watch our little romeo in the making, though:rotfl2: .
This happened to me in December.

We just got off of Tower of Terror and were standing there past the gift shop just about to head towards the ToT entrance again when what do I see? Two Dream Teamers sort of looking over their shoulder, standing by the chained off path on the other side of the area outside the gift shop.

I casually turn around and tell my buddy, "Don't look! But there are 2 Dream Teamers and I bet they're heading into ToT."

Now what happened next is almost understandable. After all, we got Dream Passes the previous year and he absolutely freaked out on them. He spoke for the entire next year about how he hoped we'd get them again this year.

Back to the story. So no sooner do the words leave my mouth then he whips his head around 180 degrees to see where I was looking. Now fate was truly against us as at that exact moment (as I cringed and said "Don't look!!!" as quietly as possible) both Dream Teamers were taking one last look back at the crowd, a TOTALLY 'checking to see if anyone's watching' kind of look. The whole time they were moving very smoothly and surrepitiously. As soon as he whipped his head around, that motion attracted their attention. All 4 of us knew right then the gig was up.

They immediately turned on their heels and ran away disappearing behind the greenery. I smacked my friend in the back of the head "Um, I said DON'T look genious!". Now the race was on. We ran up the entrance, no line and got to the front where about 10 people were waiting. Rather than use one of our precious Fast Passes (yes, we're idiots) we saw the short line and immediately thought we could save them for later.

So the people in front of us were the last one in the right library pre-show room and then they closed the doors. We were first in the right library pre-show room and you can guess what happened. Midway through the Twilight Zone video I heard a muffled bunch of cheers. Sure enough as we exited our room, the people exiting the other room were all cheering, pumped and sporting nice new Dream Passes.

My buddy was crestfallen, we were so close.

To me it was almost as fun as winning. To be honest with you, when we won them last year it was at MGM as well and we didn't need them once. Seems like they give them out on days when you really don't need them. ToT was walk on almost all day.

Good luck.
I read on another board that they might grant you a dream if you ask them. I would be too afraid to ask for something, but I'm wondering if anyone has ever had the guts to do so.

I think if I saw them, I might ask if I could help them give away a dream. It would be really cool to see the look of surprise and happiness on someone when you give them such a nice gift!
I have pictures of a member of the Dream Team doing the hokey pokey with my DS and DD in Frontierland (putting his backside in even) and afterwards he said he'd love to give us something but he couldn't since he had a list of certain things that he could only to give to certain people at certain times and he didn't have anything at that moment. He did arrange for us to ride BTMR in the front and back seats to see which we like better.

We did win Dream Fastpasses twice that week, so we weren't too disappointed :)
We made T's that said "Will my Dreams Come True" in hope to win something...but not this time, maybe in may!
So the team can't randomly pick people on their own? They are told which bench to pick the people from, or what number off the train? Like you are the 101st person kind of thing?
I just returned home last night after a week stay and I spoke to 5 of the DT cast members and I GOT NOTHING!!!! We were asked to be in the parade at Magic Kingdom by a normal cast member, but DD and I were injured pretty bad in a parade in August 07 so when she heard the word parade she answered with a loud NO!!! She told the lady she would rather go back to the hotel and swim. I was so upset..I really wanted to be in that parade!!! :rotfl: Oh and I was at Pizzafari and got the lucky meal ticket and got a free dessert.
So the team can't randomly pick people on their own? They are told which bench to pick the people from, or what number off the train? Like you are the 101st person kind of thing?

Yup, they have an automated computer system, which gives every single person the equal chance to win a prize. I think it's neat because then adults have just as much of a chance as kids to win something that some people think that only kids would enjoy, such as a night's stay in the Cinderella Castle Suite.


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