has anyone stalked the Dream team?

I tried but was unsuccessful. I saw them waiting near the exit of Snow White. We immediately got in line and rode. WHen we finished they were gone (there were only a few people in line ahead of us :confused3 ). I was bummed so we went into the store right next to the exit. When we came out they were back and had just awarded a prize to a little girl. I listened in and it sounded like she was getting a private meet and greet with whatever character she wanted, or something along those lines.

I do remember another diser saying they saw the dream squad at DTD so they sat down and waited to see what happened. Turned out they were waiting for someone to sit in a particular spot, and this person didn't get the spot right. No one sat in the appointed spot during the appointed window, so they had to give up and go to the next designated spot and time. They told the diser they would have won if only... Ever since then I imagine myself in a similar situation and I can picture that I'd be sitting in every spot and using every water fountian, phone booth, etc trying to see if I couldn't hit the designated spot. I'd look like a lunatic!!

We did the same thing at DL. We saw them at the end of Pinnochios ride with hats and DH wanted to walk right up. i just told him go ahead they wont give you one. :rotfl2: So we jumped on the ride quick and were able to get the hats at the exit. It was funny though because everyone saw then ran to the ride so the line got a little long but we were lucky.
No I think we have only seen them once and they came up and talked to us since they saw first timer badges they asked where we lived and what brought us to disney then they left :(
We did nothing our first trip but enjoy ourselves, on our second we stalked and won, on our third we did both and were those people that kept losing to the person in line behind you. Ug. Our next trip ... who knows. All Iknow is if you see the team and they have large black bags ... follow, follow, follow and luck may come your way. Or just enjoy your vacation and hope that soon it will all end so it is just the best place on earth again and not a contest.
We stalked a dream team member with no luck last November. We saw her walking around Frontierland and I told my DS to go talk to her and see what happens. She didn't stop walking, so he walked next to her for about 10 minutes and finally she gave him a pin for answering a trivia question right or something. We hung around the area another 30 minutes or so while waiting on DH to finish riding Splash Mtn, but she never gave a dream to anyone.
We stalked a dream team member with no luck last November. We saw her walking around Frontierland and I told my DS to go talk to her and see what happens. She didn't stop walking, so he walked next to her for about 10 minutes and finally she gave him a pin for answering a trivia question right or something. We hung around the area another 30 minutes or so while waiting on DH to finish riding Splash Mtn, but she never gave a dream to anyone.

Unless the squad member has their white vest on, they will not be distributing any of the official prizes. They may give you a magical moment but with my experiences, I have learned that they rarely will do something like that for those seeking it out. So instead of directly asking for a prize, just strike up a conversation with them. Who knows what will happen.
We head for Goofy barnstormer. It was early 10 am. We went up the que and waiting to load when the dream squad showed up at the exit platform. They were counting the people coming off. DH and I kept saying keep counting, keep counting. We loaded - DH, myself, DS8, DS6 and DD3. Ride ended and they were still there counting!! We got off and one of them says we won a prize to go down the ramp and meet another dream squad mbr. DD3 started crying that she didn't win a prize the whole way down to the other dream squad member. The dream squad lady is like -- Yes honey you did win a prize!! We won fast passes for MK.

For what it is worth, when we were at MK last week, we also got the Dream fast passes for MK when we were coming off the Barnstormer about 10 am one morning. Maybe that is a time and a place that the Dream team revisits from time to time.
Riding Star Tours early in the morning we discovered dd was not quite tall enough for the ride. She was so upset and a nice CM brought us to a stationary pod to watch the film while dh and ds "rode" the real ride. Mtg up in the gift shop we learned dh & ds were awarded the Super FastPasses for the park! We went back in and told the nice CM what happened and how difficult it would be for our family to have 2 w/ FP and 2 w/out. We had to wait for the dream team to come out of another pod as they were awarding another set. The lead Dreamer wasn't very interested in helping us out but the CM said no, I saw these people, this little girl was just shy of the height. I brought her over to the other pod. The whole family would have ridden together. (all of which I had said but apparently he needed to hear it from a CM) Anyway, voila, we were given 2 more FP sets. My dd was soooooo happy.
Dream team came up to us gave us two birthday pins talked to us and then left.
If you think that you can go up there and ask them for a dream and they say no i have proof that on most cases something not too extreme the dream can come true.
Best friend needed help in a proposal to his now wife. So we knew what the dream team looked like so we went around hunting for help. We found him and he was the nicest person ever. We told him the story that we would like if he can help us out with a dream by securing a place where he can propose to her and and also needed help. He then brought over 5 Dream team people and started asking us where we wanted to do it and it could be at any park ect. He said the castle some where would be nice. So the man secured the wishing well and the whole area was blocked off for an hour so that they can set up. man it was awsome! They gave us front seats to see the wishes fireworks and the parade. Also a ring holder and a painting of mickey and Minni mouse in a wedding dress! We had a great time!
Dream team came up to us gave us two birthday pins talked to us and then left.
If you think that you can go up there and ask them for a dream and they say no i have proof that on most cases something not too extreme the dream can come true.
Best friend needed help in a proposal to his now wife. So we knew what the dream team looked like so we went around hunting for help. We found him and he was the nicest person ever. We told him the story that we would like if he can help us out with a dream by securing a place where he can propose to her and and also needed help. He then brought over 5 Dream team people and started asking us where we wanted to do it and it could be at any park ect. He said the castle some where would be nice. So the man secured the wishing well and the whole area was blocked off for an hour so that they can set up. man it was awsome! They gave us front seats to see the wishes fireworks and the parade. Also a ring holder and a painting of mickey and Minni mouse in a wedding dress! We had a great time!

This is a PERFECT example of what the Dream Squad can do when they are not giving out prizes. They are out there trying to make magical experiences and when something like this presents itself, they can really go beyond what many cast members can do because they are not really tied to a specific position or ride. Furthermore, many of them are experienced CMs with multiple connections and can often arrange for special things to happen if the occasion arises.

So asking for prizes will probably not get you anything but giving them a reason to help you out and a way they can do it, they may respond to something like that. And they may respond in a way that is much bigger and more exciting than you possibly dreamed.
We just returned Sunday from our Spring Break at DWorld, and we won dream fastpasses twice in one week! The first time was Wednesday at Epcot-I was walking through Innoventions East with my kids at around 10:25 and we saw the dream squad come in. I decided to hang around in the area for a few minutes to see what would happen because they were looking at their watches like they were waiting for something. At exactly 10:30 they started handing dream fastpass lanyards to everyone that walked by them, so we walked right up and got them. Then on Friday we were at Animal Kingdom and my DS2 wanted to stop and look at the Flamingos around the tree of life. At exactly 10:30 the dream squad walked over to the area where we were, so we decided to hang around for a little while. My DS11 asked a dream squad member a question about the flamingos and we won dream fastpasses again. This was our 4th trip to DWorld during the YOAMD, and the first time we have ever won anything. My DH joked that I had a "spidey-sense" about where to find the dream squad members.:rotfl:
What exactly is a Dream Pass?

If you're talking about a dream fastpass, it's a plastic card with tear-off fastpasses to every ride that does fastpasses in that particular park. You can use them at whatever time you want (unlike a regular fastpass that gives you a time slot), but they're only good for the day you win them. It is attached to a lanyard so you can wear it around your neck.
If you're talking about a dream fastpass, it's a plastic card with tear-off fastpasses to every ride that does fastpasses in that particular park. You can use them at whatever time you want (unlike a regular fastpass that gives you a time slot), but they're only good for the day you win them. It is attached to a lanyard so you can wear it around your neck.

Thank you so much for the info. And great to hear that you had the "spidey- sense." Hopefully I will have the same luck with my family in May (which I am so excited about.)
I have spent 21 days in the parks since YOMD started. In all the parks, MK, EP, MGM, AK, DL, CA.... plus alot of time in DTD Fl, and DTD, Ca. I have never even SEEN the dream team!! And of course, have not gotten any dreams, but at this point, if I were to see them, and it were possible, I WOULD stalk them!!!

Me too! I've only spent about 10 days in the park - but I've never seen the dream team either. At this point, I just want to see SOMEONE get something, I don't care if it's me! :goodvibes
I think it would be fun to help the dream team give a prize away!! That would be the next best thing to winning!!! lol
I would totally stalk them if I saw them.:rotfl2:
Unfortunately, the last time I went was at the beginning of the YOAMD and I didn't know about it.
My family has never done a lot of research about stuff...Also, since we lived really close when I was really little I think my Dad is under the impression that he knows everything there is to know about Disney World.

Sadly, the next time I go the YOAMD will be over... at least theoretically. Hopefully, they come up with something equally amazing for next year.
this is just so cool- I have been to wdw many times during the yomd and never knew this was happening around me. I cannot wait for my next trip, I will keep my eyes peeled for sure.;)
Congratulations to all who "ran into" the Dream Team! Hopefully we'll have the same luck! :goodvibes


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