Have you ever bumped into someone you know at Disney?

Sept 2008, we traveled to WDW with my parents. My Dad kept asking when i was going to run into someone I know, cause everywhere we go I seem to. I just laughed and said we were too far from home (we live in Wyoming, originally from South Dakota). Well, long story short, several days into our trip, we were eating at the ASMu food court and I ran into a couple from college that I hadn't seen in almost 20 years!!!!
Our first two trips with kids we bumped into other family at the kids schools.

One trip we flew to Orlando to see if it would help save time, it did not, :scared1:, and to give the kids the experience. Some of the DW's family was at WDW at the same time but we never saw them. On our flight out we were stuck at MCO for about three hours waiting for our plane which was late due to weather.

The kids were great. They still were kinda young but the other kids waiting to get on the plane started playing with each other and sharing games and toys. The parents just watched over the mass of kids having fun. :)

The plane finally arrived and they called for us to line up for boarding...

When we lined up we found my DW's family. :scared1: They had been sitting about 5-6 rows away from us but we never saw them or vice versa. :laughing: I don't know how we missed each other since they and we had to walk out a certain way to get food and go to the bathrooms.

Not a WDW meeting but my father just ran into one of the DI's from boot camp from 50 years ago! What are the odds that they would live in the same area and visit the same place at the same time? Of the three DI's in the training platoon this DI is the only one still alive.

The first trip we ever took with my brother and my parents in the mid 80's, we were waiting in line to drive the cars by Space Mountain when my brother saw a friend from his class in the same line. I always thought that was a huge coincidence until our trip 2 years ago when one night I was standing in line at Earl of Sandwich and I get a tap on the shoulder. It was a guy who sits near me at work. A couple of days later I'm in line at the Crystal Palace and get another tap on the shoulder and it's a different guy from work! We're from a small town so it was really neat to have that happen.

All the time. I see someone I know practically every trip to the world. I've seen neighbors, co-workers, friends, etc. One time, I even ran into one of the members of my company's Board of Directors in the concierge lounge at the Yacht Club.

I am going in three weeks over Easter Break and expect to see someone I know then.
A friend of our family went to Disney with us years back when I was little. She teaches in a small town in north Texas. We were waiting in line for some ride, and we hear a kid yell our friend's name. She was a student of hers. It seems like wherever we go with this person, she always sees a past student of hers.
On our 2008 trip we hit the jackpot of running into people from home! DS and I were in line for Soarin' and a little girl called out his name. Turned out to be one of his classmates. Later that day at the BC pool we saw 3 other families from our town. None of us knew the others were staying there! Then after we got home another girl asked DS if he had been at the BC the previous week. She had seen us coming off the boat dock while she was warching a movie on the beach! Such a small world! :)
I did at least four times on my last trip that was only 5 days long.

At MK, I ran into my roommate from college and her family by Splash Mountain. We visited while her husband took her son on Splash Mtn. She lives 1000+ miles away so it was a great surprise. I also spotted a boy from my daughter's school while I was on my way back from the restroom. DD was with my DH and other DD waiting to see a character. Her classmate and his brother came with me to surprise my daughter who was still waiting to meet the character.

At Epcot, we ran into another classmate's family.

At AK, we were leaving as a girl in my Girl Scout troop was entrering. She was the only one we knew would be there at the same time.
When I was 12, we moved into a new house and left for a vacation in Florida two weeks later. While on IASW, the lady behind my Mom told her she recognized her accent and asked where we were from. My Mom told her, South Carolina. The lady said, "I knew it! So are we! WHat part?" My Mom told her Columbia, and the lady and her husband said, us too! My mom then said, well, we actually live outside the city in the suburbs, and then named the area. The lady slapped her knee and said, us too! My Mom said, we just moved there from a neighboring town and we built a house in Lake View Reserve, do you know where that is? The lady said, THAT IS WHERE WE LIVE! She said they had just moved in a few months ago. Well, of course we named our street, and wouldn't you know it? They lived directly across the street from us!!! Crazy, huh?

By the way, my parents still live in the same house, and so does that family. We all became very close over the years!
DH and I made a last-minute trip to WDW in Sept. 08 and signed up to do the DiveQuest tour in EPCOT. Mind you, this is a tour that holds 12 certified SCUBA divers, twice a day. In our tour, there was just us and one other couple. While we were filling out the information beforehand, the other guy said he thought my DH sounded familiar but couldn't figure out how he knew him. Three or four questions later, we discovered the other guy is the one that services the high-tech equipment DH's office uses; they talk by phone alot but hadn't seen each other in awhile. What are the odds we'd run into someone we knew, on one of the most exclusive tours in all of WDW?

I'm so excited to be official and be able to reply to this . . . :banana:

Yup! I've run into people in both DL & DW.

My best friend and I were in DL for the day when I thought I heard my name at the end of the evening rush for souviners in the gift shop. I asked her if she heard someone call my name. She proceded to laugh hysterically and tell me there was "no way" I knew someone all the way out in DL. About that time my former co-worker Amber came through the crowd to give me a hug. :rotfl:

A few years later my parents, sister and I were in DW & we ran right into one of the girls (& her family) that I had coached on a middle school cheer squad.

And when I took DH & DS for their first visit 3 yrs ago I ran right into a guy I graduated from high school with. My DH couldn't believe it, esp. because we have a continual competition going on regarding who will see the most people they know at any particular event/store/etc. & I always win. :lmao:
Don't think I have ever been and NOT run into someone I know. ;) There are a lot of people there everyday.

One year there was someone from our hometown in the hotel room right next door.
Have you ever seen someone from home or someone you met in your life at Disney?
Disney is so big, I wonder if those who travel ever see familiar faces in the crowd??

Yes, a family we knew quite well from the last military post we lived at. We were staying at the same hotel and met in the pool. It was nice for our kids to see each other again and get to play.
I grew up in Northern California, and we have run into friends/family at Disneyland a couple times. I've only been to WDW once and the only people we knew were friends that were meeting us for dinner. :)
Yep! ON My honeymoon with dh I ran into one of my students in Mickey's toontown. And on our last trip we were in line to get into Ak when my daughters saw some boy that looked like a freind from school. They remarked that he was even wear a pittsburgh steelers shirt just like the boy always did...sure enough it was him and his family. A friend of mine was also there at the same time, we didn't run in to them but they ran into the same family we did who happened to be neighbors of theirs. Its a small world after all!:dance3:
We're from Texas, and my MIL bumped into someone else from TX she knew there. But she runs into people she knows EVERYWHERE WE GO, so it was no surprise!
On 3 separate occasions we have run into someone we know at Disney. Twice at MK and once at Downtown Disney. We all were from Texas. Small World to say the least.
Just this past December we saw our neighbors not once, but twice--in different parks, on different days!

Oh, and did I mention it was December 29, and December 31! NYE---the busiest day of the year at Disney, and we see our neighbors! It was crazy!


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