Have you ever had a shock?

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crystalblue705 said:
Here's another one. We were at the Land again, this time at the Seasons food court. I was waiting for my daughters to get their food while sitting at the table eating mine. (I took priority that time and got to eat my food while hot. Yay) I like to people watch so I noticed a few teens at the table in front of me and it looked like they were trying to decide what to do next, ? go get food now .wait till later,etc. They get up and one of them stands still, while the others walk away, and starts reaching down into the front of his shorts and I'm thinking OMG what is he doing!!! He was digging for his........fannypack. Apparently he hid it in the front of his shorts so no one could see it,maybe he felt self-conscious with one,whatever. I was going into shock mode while it was happening. Whew! I wonder how many other people saw him that day and were wondering what was going to come out.

I had a great laugh with this one. Thanks for posting. :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:
Darian said:
Oh that is hysterical!!! I can just imagine the looks on the faces of people watching... "Dear Lord Martha, what is that guy pulling out of his pants?!?!?!"

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: I can just picture a cute elderly couple eating there lunch and looking over..... Thanks for the laugh :goodvibes
Dislifer said:
Ok, the most shocking thing happened to us last year while staying at the Polynesian. It was just me, my dd (14), and ds (9). We are just beginning to have dinner at Ohana. As soon as the food began to arrive, my dd says I don't feel good...at all...can I go back to the room. So, she had a cell phone and I told her to go ahead and I would get the waiter, pay up and follow her ASAP. She left. I was a nervous wreck that she was feeling ill and all alone walking back to our room. So, my son says should I go and make sure she is ok? So, I said..."yes, hurry up and catch up with her". I still haven't been able to flag down our waiter and then I would have had to pay the bill and all this takes forever when your in a panic hurry.
So, I call dd on her cell phone and say ds is coming....are you ok????
WELL!!!! The poor kid got out of the restaurant just in time she was throwing up by herself in the bushes walking back to our hotel room!!!
So, now she says she is back in the room...SICK AS A DOG!!! I ask her if ds is with her...she says no!!! UGH!!!!! so now I'm really panic striken!!!
Well, THANK GOD he ended up back in the hotel room a minute or two after (which under these circumstances felt like forever) and I was soon there too!!! These are the times you REALLY REALLY REALLY wish that there was another adult with you!!!

I would love to know other people's advice as to how they would have handled this situation...I mean if I made dd stay in the restaurant while I settled the bill...she would have definitely thrown up right there. I guess if (God forbid) this happened again, I would send the 2 kids together.

That was my shock I guess. I mean imagine seeing a young girl by herself, at night, throwing up in the bushes at the Polynesian!!!!
What an experience!

Why did you not just send her to the ladies room?
Here's one, not too bad, but annoying. We were waiting for Spectromagic to start, and we were in the handicapped section, because my mom was in a wheelchair. Near the time of the parade, they let anybody in there, including this very, very annoying guy. He was pushing me and squishing me further and further, just because he had to take his precious video of the parade. I ended up uncomfortably sitting on my mom's lap (don't worry, at least I'm a preteen).
crystalblue705 said:
I have a few things. We got back last week and had stayed 2 weeks. The main thing is the way people would just stop in front of you. My daughters were walking ahead of me when this guy in front of them stopped suddenly and assumed the John Travolta position( pointing upward) and at what??? Nothing was there that we could see. :confused3 Actually, could have used this for Candid Camera to see how many people you could get to look up! Also there was this couple at the top of the stairway at The Land that blocked the way down. It didn't matter that people like us were waiting to go down, they were spread out at the top ,maybe wondering "Where am I,Who am I?'' They didn't notice that noone was on the stairs? Hmm. Wonder why there's nobody on the stairs? Be back later with a few more.

I have to apologize, because I've DONE this at WDW!

Apparently I am unable to think or make decisions and move my feet along in a proper manner! :rotfl: (follows the lines of can't walk and chew gum)

I think mostly what happens is people aren't used to being in such huge crowds; in normal life, if you stop a minute to think things through you don't have a 100 bajillion people behind you :teeth: .
Disneyrsh said:
I have to apologize, because I've DONE this at WDW!

Apparently I am unable to think or make decisions and move my feet along in a proper manner! :rotfl: (follows the lines of can't walk and chew gum)

I think mostly what happens is people aren't used to being in such huge crowds; in normal life, if you stop a minute to think things through you don't have a 100 bajillion people behind you :teeth: .

Mea Culpa! I confess to doing this as well. In my defense I would say that there are so many wonderful sights and sounds to take in at WDW that one's mind can be overwhelmed and your feet just stop working. This is especially true for us guys. Try talking to a guy who's watching tv... yeah like thats gonna work. I really try, I do! My wife tries to talk to me when the tv is on and I just can't turn my eyes away from those magic moving pictures......

So please have mercy on us guys who just suddenly stop and stare at something. Our brains are overloading... and need time to reboot. We must be running microsoft windows.....
Dis-Wiz said:
When we were on our way to the lobby at the Grand Floridian, we passed by a mother duck and her cute little ducklings, and there were kids chasing all of the ducklings around the grass. :guilty: Then, one of the poor little ducklings fell into a drain. Immediately after, a few CMs came out and started calling for the duckling, luring it towards them to get it out. While the CMs were doing this, the little children persisted at going after the ducks. The CMs soon at to tell all of the guests to clear the area so that they could bring the duckling to safety. We were at the lobby doors watching all of this and could not believe the carelessness of the parents of these children. :sad2:

The duckling was eventually taken out of the drain and reunited with it's family, who was quaking almost the entire time of this event. :goodvibes :love:

We were playing putt-putt and a little boy started chasing a bunny with his putter. I'm normally a shy person, but I yelled across two fairways, "Hey! Leave that poor rabbit alone!" (DD10 said she was embarassed, but glad I did it.) He stopped immediately. I think we all need to speak up, especially for animals and children, when something or someone is in distress.
I just remembered a shocker. Well not really. Just a kid doing what kids will do. We were riding the monorail and the kid next to us (about 8) was licking the window. GROSS!!! The mother looked at him and just let him keep licking it. 50 billion germs and he is licking them. :crazy:
dwheatl said:
I know I'm going to vomit. I know it's from poo kid, because I didn't have any morning sickness with my DD. So anyway, I have to think fast, because we're only ten minutes through a twenty minute ride, and my lunch is coming up. I quickly decided that in the boat was easier to clean up than the closed water system of the ride. I barfed on my shoes, finished the ride, and let a CM know when we got out. He told me it happens all the time, and they pulled the boat offline for cleaning. :eek:

Awesomely quick thinking! Kudos! :thumbsup2
:rotfl2: The only really shocking thing we've seen happened on our trip last September. After Wishes, we made it back to AKL, went down to Mara, and placed our order. We were all exhausted, so DS, SIL and I went up to our room to get DS ready for bed; DH stayed to get the food.

A few minutes later, DH came in with the food with a strange look on his face, saying, "You won't believe what just happened to me!". Apparently, he was in the elevator with the food when a guy, his wife, and two kids got on. DH had already put in the card and pressed "5" - this family pushed "4". At the fourth floor, the doors opened, and the wife and kids got off. The guy stayed on and indicated DH could go. DH had his hands full and was tired, so he just nodded in the direction of the lit "5" to indicate he wasn't getting off. The guy started to follow his family, but came back as the doors were closing, yelling at DH, "What, you don't speak English? What's your problem?"

DH said he said, "I'm going to the 5th floor." The guy gets on the elevator, rides up to 5 with DH, berating him the whole way, telling him, "Go back to your room with your boyfriend, @#$%^", etc. The doors open on 5, DH gets off, the guy follows him, yelling. (ETA - I don't get why he thought my DH was gay, but I really don't get why he thought that was an insult!)

DH stops in the middle of the bridge across the lobby and says, "First of all, we are at Disney World. In The.Animal.Kingdom.Lodge. I am NOT going to get in a fight with you no matter how hard you try. Second of all, you are WAY off base and I have no idea what your issue is. Go back to your family."

The guy yells for another minute as DH walks back to the room, where he opened the door and related what had just happened.

We have no idea what set him off. Maybe because my DH was wearing manpris? :rotfl2:

Anyway, we told the concierge the next morning and they had the GM and the head of security there within seconds. We appreciated the quick response and they promised to alert security that a potential crazy guy was in the hotel!
Rowlf...It sounds like your DH is a level headed, calm guy. WOW It's just unbelievable what will set someone off. I sure hope he calmed down before he got back to his family.
Geez, that is bizarre. The only thing is I would have been very hesitant to go back to the room with the guy there. I wouldn't want him to know what room I was in.

I probably would have put down the food, pressed "L", told the guy I was going down to talk to the front desk, and asked if he wanted to come along or could I press "4" for him.
So please have mercy on us guys who just suddenly stop and stare at something. Our brains are overloading... and need time to reboot. We must be running microsoft windows.....

I think we've all done this. When I realize what I've done (and it usually becomes pretty obvious pretty quick), I apologize and quickly move to the side. I have no problem when somebody else does this. It is annoying when its obvious they just don't give a hoot though.
It was EXTREMELY bizarre and DH still shakes his head in amazement when he retells the story. I wonder what had happened to him that day to make him like that. Or, if he is just that kind of person, I feel sorry for his family.

Luckily our room was pretty far down the hall, so the guy didn't see where DH was going. DH is the type of guy to already have calculated how he was going to take the guy down and neutralize him had he actually tried to start something.

I told him that if they had fought on the bridge across the lobby, people probably would have thought it was a stunt show and cheered them on! :rotfl:
Rowlf said:
It was EXTREMELY bizarre and DH still shakes his head in amazement when he retells the story. I wonder what had happened to him that day to make him like that. Or, if he is just that kind of person, I feel sorry for his family.

Luckily our room was pretty far down the hall, so the guy didn't see where DH was going. DH is the type of guy to already have calculated how he was going to take the guy down and neutralize him had he actually tried to start something.

I told him that if they had fought on the bridge across the lobby, people probably would have thought it was a stunt show and cheered them on! :rotfl:

I just got a mental image of your DH squirting the guy with Febreeze!

I'm sorry, I've been online waaaaaay tooo much today.

Kudos to him for avoiding getting into a scrap.
Disneyrsh said:
I have to apologize, because I've DONE this at WDW!

Apparently I am unable to think or make decisions and move my feet along in a proper manner! :rotfl: (follows the lines of can't walk and chew gum)

I think mostly what happens is people aren't used to being in such huge crowds; in normal life, if you stop a minute to think things through you don't have a 100 bajillion people behind you :teeth: .
Apology accepted! Then you get the people in front of you who are going a little slower (because they can't walk and chew gum) and you plan on going around them ,passing on the left but it's almost as if they know it and they slowly start bearing to the left so you can't get around them. By the time you get past them you are on a head on collision with the people coming toward you! They must have a sixth sense that you want to get by.
Rowlf said:
It was EXTREMELY bizarre and DH still shakes his head in amazement when he retells the story. I wonder what had happened to him that day to make him like that. Or, if he is just that kind of person, I feel sorry for his family.

Luckily our room was pretty far down the hall, so the guy didn't see where DH was going. DH is the type of guy to already have calculated how he was going to take the guy down and neutralize him had he actually tried to start something.

I told him that if they had fought on the bridge across the lobby, people probably would have thought it was a stunt show and cheered them on! :rotfl:

This behavior is probably why they didn't mind getting off the elevator and leaving him to ride elsewhere. Heck if he belonged to me, I'd probably be trying to lose him at another resort or better yet at Universal Studios. Your husband handled it very well. When there is one wacko in a situation, it doesn't pay to go off on them because you aren't going to change the fact that they are nutty as a fruitcake. If you remain calm in a bad situation, you can always be sure one person will be calm.
Becky_Boop said:
Here's one, not too bad, but annoying. We were waiting for Spectromagic to start, and we were in the handicapped section, because my mom was in a wheelchair. Near the time of the parade, they let anybody in there, including this very, very annoying guy. He was pushing me and squishing me further and further, just because he had to take his precious video of the parade. I ended up uncomfortably sitting on my mom's lap (don't worry, at least I'm a preteen).
Becky, I'm sure you're a sweet girl, so this would never occur to you. I'm a bitter middle aged woman, and this is what I do when people are nuisances with their video cameras. Talk very loudly about how obnoxious they are. For example, "Boy that guy with the camera is rude. He's squishing little kids and blocking the view of people in wheelchairs. What's wrong with him, anyway?" All of this will be on his home movies for eternity, so everyone forced to watch them will know what a jerk he is. :stir:
Rowlf said:
:rotfl2: The only really shocking thing we've seen happened on our trip last September. After Wishes, we made it back to AKL, went down to Mara, and placed our order. We were all exhausted, so DS, SIL and I went up to our room to get DS ready for bed; DH stayed to get the food.

A few minutes later, DH came in with the food with a strange look on his face, saying, "You won't believe what just happened to me!". Apparently, he was in the elevator with the food when a guy, his wife, and two kids got on. DH had already put in the card and pressed "5" - this family pushed "4". At the fourth floor, the doors opened, and the wife and kids got off. The guy stayed on and indicated DH could go. DH had his hands full and was tired, so he just nodded in the direction of the lit "5" to indicate he wasn't getting off. The guy started to follow his family, but came back as the doors were closing, yelling at DH, "What, you don't speak English? What's your problem?"

DH said he said, "I'm going to the 5th floor." The guy gets on the elevator, rides up to 5 with DH, berating him the whole way, telling him, "Go back to your room with your boyfriend, @#$%^", etc. The doors open on 5, DH gets off, the guy follows him, yelling. (ETA - I don't get why he thought my DH was gay, but I really don't get why he thought that was an insult!)

DH stops in the middle of the bridge across the lobby and says, "First of all, we are at Disney World. In The.Animal.Kingdom.Lodge. I am NOT going to get in a fight with you no matter how hard you try. Second of all, you are WAY off base and I have no idea what your issue is. Go back to your family."

The guy yells for another minute as DH walks back to the room, where he opened the door and related what had just happened.

We have no idea what set him off. Maybe because my DH was wearing manpris? :rotfl2:

Anyway, we told the concierge the next morning and they had the GM and the head of security there within seconds. We appreciated the quick response and they promised to alert security that a potential crazy guy was in the hotel!

It almost sounds as though this guy was looking to start a fight, maybe to try to sue your DH and Disney. You know, like how there are people who will purposely cause a car wreck just so they can try to get a new car. KWIM?
Not much of a shock I know, but the first time I was asked about my fanny pack I nearly choked. Here is the best dictionary definition

1 taboo the female pudendum (pundendum the human external genital organs!!!!)

Still cracks me up now.

:rotfl: :rotfl2: :rolleyes1 :stir:
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