Have you ever had a shock?

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goofyernmost said:
I am a city bus driver by trade. We also cannot say anything to passengers but we do give a silent cheer to the other passengers that speak up. More than once I have smiled when I have heard a passenger tell another obnoxious passsenger to shut up or get help or something to that effect. Of course, that can lead to other more serious problems but when it works it is great.

People have no manners nor do they give one hoot about the people around them. It is a very sad when you consider the direction the world is going in with the coming of age of the "entitled" generation.

Love that last part. (I bolded & italicized it) Amen... AMEN!!!!

jlieblaw said:
The story about the father hitting his child was horrible. Please report something like that to someone in authority. If the CM doesn't do anything after witnessing it, report their inaction to a manager. Florida has laws which require reporting child abuse and it can be done anonymously. Our fear of creating conflict or of getting involved in someone else's problems should not matter when someone is being hurt like that. I work in the legal system and constantly see cases where children are being exposed to all kinds of abuse. If you can help just one child in an abusive situation you are doing a great thing. Sorry to be so serious but that story just really shocked me.
also this is the law in Florida if you see somthing like that you are supose to report it or you can be in truble.
A couple of years ago we were waiting...and waiting...and waiting for a bus to come and take us back to our resort. My DS (then 4) kept asking when the bus was going to come, he was bored etc. etc. I kept telling him it should be here soon. While I was tending to my 2 year old, I heard an older couple snicker. I looked over, and to my horror my 4 year old was MOONING them! :eek: I pulled up his pants, had a word with him, and apologized to the couple. THANK GOD the bus came before long. :blush:
PaulaSB12 said:
Not much of a shock I know, but the first time I was asked about my fanny pack I nearly choked. Here is the best dictionary definition

1 taboo the female pudendum (pundendum the human external genital organs!!!!)

Still cracks me up now.

:rotfl: :rotfl2: :rolleyes1 :stir:

Here in the US, fanny = bum ;)
Darian said:
And we must mention LiteBrite who protected her dad's injured leg from bestial children with a feral mother.


Arise my fellow DIS'ers! Go forth and be courteous in the face of the rude and selfish line cutting hoards. We CAN make a difference!

Darian, I didn't see this till today, but I can't take credit for this - I only commented that I agreed with you about how shocking this incident was. However, I definitely would have done something about it had it really been my Dad!

I did yell at people in the interest of public safety at WDW once. This happened at the TTA in the MK - I was coming up the moving sidewalk to the top with my elderly mom, and there was some sort of hold up at the top. For whatever reason, the CMs were not loading people on the ride. However, they did not stop the moving sidewalk, so a huge log jam of people was forming at the top. I could tell that soon, with the people coming up behind (who couldn't help from being dumped off at the top), people were going to start being crushed and knocked to the ground soon, so I yelled at the top of my lungs that "You people need to move out of the way RIGHT NOW!!!". I got some startled looks from the crowd, but they moved just enough to avert disaster, and the clueless CMs working the attraction woke up and rushed to turn off the moving sidewalk.

Is that enough to qualify me for membership? :rotfl2:
PaulaSB12 said:
Not much of a shock I know, but the first time I was asked about my fanny pack I nearly choked. Here is the best dictionary definition

1 taboo the female pudendum (pundendum the human external genital organs!!!!)

Still cracks me up now.

:rotfl: :rotfl2: :rolleyes1 :stir:

One of the funniest stories I've ever heard had to do with a woman from the US who was vacationing in the U.K. She realized that she'd forgotten her fanny pack at home, so she went to a store on the first day of vacation and asked the clerk where she could find one. The clerk pondered for a minute, then reached below the counter and handed her a box of tampons.
Disneyrsh said:
Mother Nature's one tough B*tch, and driving around in a Prius isn't going to make one noodle of difference, in the big picture.

We had Chewbacca yell at us once when he was walking by in MGM and we asked if we could have our picture taken. Sheesh, they really ARE bad tempered...Let The Wookie Win, I murmured.

Hoo boy. At least driving a Prius won't cause any further damage, and industrial pollution and the enviroment aside, pollutants have caused a marked and dangerous increase in respiratory diseases in children in the last twenty years, and that should be reason enough to halt the further production of pollutants.

And the second part was funny.
Mulan'sMom said:
One of the funniest stories I've ever heard had to do with a woman from the US who was vacationing in the U.K. She realized that she'd forgotten her fanny pack at home, so she went to a store on the first day of vacation and asked the clerk where she could find one. The clerk pondered for a minute, then reached below the counter and handed her a box of tampons.

:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

Owww... my sides hurt! :lmao: That is just too funny! :rotfl2:
Corryn said:
. Even though, I think Daddies should be changing more poopy diapers!

This stay at home Dad has changed PLENTY of poopy diapers. It will be weird when I don't have to change them anymore. Thankfully, more and more men's room have the changing stations. I was pretty surprised that Toys R Us didn't have one, considering how kid-centered it is.
babynurse1 said:
I'll tell you what shocked me one year at Disney. I was 5 1/2 mos. pregnant with my very large unborn child. I also had two small children and two strollers. My DH and I boarded the bus, but we got seperated as everyone rushed on. He ended up being on the back of the bus with dd and stroller and I ended up on front of bus with ds, stroller, and dfetus. :lmao:

dfetus cracked me up.
All these hundreds of posts read and I've seen people talk about DS, DD, DW, DH, but dfetus is a new one. Too funny.

I would have given you my seat.
I understand why people don't though, especially after a day in the parks.
It's exhausting (but in a good way). It's so nice to just sit down.
cornflkgrl said:
5. Indiana Jones stunt show--man sits in row across from us and removes his tennis shoes and sets them aside and then his socks and sets them aside and just puts his feet out to rest them as though he is in his living room. At the same show we are waiting for it to start and I hear a loud clank and turn to see a man picking up a silver butter knife. He has some sort of bread, a real napkin (not paper) and like 2 other utensils (real) and he has them on his lap and he is spreading something on the bread. Who carries silverware in their bag???

Oh, my word! I was ROFLOL at that. That is insane!! But it reminds me of a (non-Disney) related incident. You know how some movie theaters are really strict (or used to be) about bringing in outside food and/or drink. It doesn't seem to be quite the big deal that it used to be years ago but if you're paying $9 for a movie ticket...oh, I digress. Anyway, DH and I were at some movie a few years ago at a theater inside a mall. Two women, apparently mother and 20-ish daughter, sat down with their shopping bags and hauled out a WHOLE, ENTIRE MEAL FROM OUTBACK! Bread, butter, salad, steak, drinks. They weren't very near me but enough for me to see what was going on and be distracted by it. I am very much a rule follower and try to be conscious of those around me; something like that will absorb my attention for the duration. I feel sorry for the people sitting close to them. We took DD, 6, to see Beauty and the Beast performed by the Atlanta Ballet at the Fox Theater in the spring. Four women came in LATE to sit behind us and got out....bags of potato chips to eat! I turned around and gave a serious glare at the first crinkle of the bag and I have to give them credit, I have never heard chips eaten so quietly in my life, LOL! Even though it was a stupid thing to do, I appreciated their consideration, such as it was. :goodvibes

And DD and I flew out to the west coast to visit dad (working out there). Now, we had bought our plane tickets early and picked out two seats far enough from the wing so DD could see out the window well. We get on the plane and there are a woman and boy sitting there. I said, "these are our seats." The man sitting on the aisle across from her said, "That's my wife." I didn't say anything, but I looked at him and was thinking, "Yippie, why do I care, now get out of our seats." She looked up and said, "Our seats are in front of here. We'd like to sit here so he [hubby] can help me with him [son who was about 9]." She needs HELP with him? Sheesh. [He had no legitimate problems that manifested themselves during the flight, other than being ill behaved.] I was so ticked. They had already unloaded and spread all their stuff around. If they had just sat in their own seat to begin with and POLITELY ASKED when we got there, I would have been more than happy to let them; I just hate it when people ASSUMEmy generosity. (you know what I mean) The martyr in me acquiesced, LOL, but not without a lot of grumbling that people should just sit in the seats they pay for and let others do the same. I should have said, "Well, let your husband sit with your son in YOUR SEATS." The kid was bouncing, kicking our seats, pulling on our seats, you name it. Even my DD was commenting on it, and when she started talking about his behavior I said the seat kicking had to stop; thankfully it did.

We've had airplane seats apart from my DH before and I would NEVER think of just plopping myself in someone else's seats. DH had someone get mad at him for not swapping seats with her so she could sit by her friend. He had a window, exit-row seat (more leg room) and she was in the middle of the center aisle near the back. This was a cross-country flight, NO he didn't want to swap seats. LOL!
crystalblue705 said:
I have a few things. We got back last week and had stayed 2 weeks. The main thing is the way people would just stop in front of you. My daughters were walking ahead of me when this guy in front of them stopped suddenly and assumed the John Travolta position( pointing upward) and at what??? Nothing was there that we could see. :confused3 Actually, could have used this for Candid Camera to see how many people you could get to look up! Also there was this couple at the top of the stairway at The Land that blocked the way down. It didn't matter that people like us were waiting to go down, they were spread out at the top ,maybe wondering "Where am I,Who am I?'' They didn't notice that noone was on the stairs? Hmm. Wonder why there's nobody on the stairs? Be back later with a few more.

oh i HATE when people do that! or they'll stop in the middle of an aisle in a store so no one can get around them and to the other side of the aisle
If they had just sat in their own seat to begin with and POLITELY ASKED when we got there, I would have been more than happy to let them; I just hate it when people ASSUMEmy generosity.

Amen! About 2 months ago I was getting on a flight, a fairly full 737 with 3 seats on each side of the aisle, and some guy was in my seat. The conversation went like this:

Me (polite smile, holding up boarding pass): "hi, I'm in 8F."
Guy: *blank look*
Me: I believe you are in my seat. What does your boarding pass say? (still cordial, giving him the benefit of the doubt -- sometimes stuff gets screwed up)
Guy: 8B (note that 8B is the center seat on the other side of the aisle)
Me: *waiting*
Guy: Do you want to sit here??
Me: yes, I do, thanks
Guy gets up, lets me in, then sits down in 8D, still not his seat!
Guy proceeds to look around pointedly.

Guy: So you really want that window seat, huh?
Me: yes, I do.
Guy: Well, take it then!
Me: Gee, thanks!

I mean, really!! The nerve to just assume he could have whatever seat he wanted, but then act surprised when I wanted my seat, and then act like he was doing me a favor!
Tara said:
Amen! About 2 months ago I was getting on a flight, a fairly full 737 with 3 seats on each side of the aisle, and some guy was in my seat. The conversation went like this:

Me (polite smile, holding up boarding pass): "hi, I'm in 8F."
Guy: *blank look*
Me: I believe you are in my seat. What does your boarding pass say? (still cordial, giving him the benefit of the doubt -- sometimes stuff gets screwed up)
Guy: 8B (note that 8B is the center seat on the other side of the aisle)
Me: *waiting*
Guy: Do you want to sit here??
Me: yes, I do, thanks
Guy gets up, lets me in, then sits down in 8D, still not his seat!
Guy proceeds to look around pointedly.

Guy: So you really want that window seat, huh?
Me: yes, I do.
Guy: Well, take it then!
Me: Gee, thanks!

I mean, really!! The nerve to just assume he could have whatever seat he wanted, but then act surprised when I wanted my seat, and then act like he was doing me a favor!

What gives people the right???!!! I mean your seat is your seat!!! If someone asks you politely then it is still your decision. Why can't people just follow the rules!!! :confused3
I hate people on planes who sit in the wrong seat. It's not like it's easy to move around once your on, it just creates unnecessary hassle.

I went on a train once and there were NO seat reservations in operation, although most people had a seat reservation ticket. For some reason, the train was not doing seat operations that day. It was a busy train but there were a few seats left.

This woman gets on and says to the woman in front of me, "this is my seat". The woman explains that there are no seat reservations in operation but the woman wanting that seat wouldn't sit down. "This is MY seat etc etc." The woman in her seat had a child of about three years old with her, and had been on the train for at least an hour. The woman who wanted the seat could have sat in any of the other seats (they were all the same!) but instead she wanted the woman and her child to move so that she could have that SPECIFIC seat. When the train manager came along and tried to explain, she still wouldn't have it. :confused3 Yes, if you HAVE a seat reservation and they're operating, you don't sit in someone's reserved seat. But, since they weren't operating, no one knew which seats were reserved and which weren't. Just SIT DOWN!
dwheatl said:
Becky, I'm sure you're a sweet girl, so this would never occur to you. I'm a bitter middle aged woman, and this is what I do when people are nuisances with their video cameras. Talk very loudly about how obnoxious they are. For example, "Boy that guy with the camera is rude. He's squishing little kids and blocking the view of people in wheelchairs. What's wrong with him, anyway?" All of this will be on his home movies for eternity, so everyone forced to watch them will know what a jerk he is. :stir:

dwheat---from one middle aged woman to another.......I LIKE YOUR STYLE!! I never would of thought of this (okay - me + middle age = poor brain cells lol). I would have used this at Seaworld with the guy and his video camera who

1. Did not purchase fish to feed the dolphins
2. Practically sat his video camera on top of one of my kids heads to the point that I thought he was attempting to do something other than videotape as his body was just "looming" over my child. (figures DH was at the Budweiser station)
LiteBrite said:
Darian, I didn't see this till today, but I can't take credit for this - I only commented that I agreed with you about how shocking this incident was. However, I definitely would have done something about it had it really been my Dad!

I did yell at people in the interest of public safety at WDW once. This happened at the TTC in the MK - I was coming up the moving sidewalk to the top with my elderly mom, and there was some sort of hold up at the top. For whatever reason, the CMs were not loading people on the ride. However, they did not stop the moving sidewalk, so a huge log jam of people was forming at the top. I could tell that soon, with the people coming up behind (who couldn't help from being dumped off at the top), people were going to start being crushed and knocked to the ground soon, so I yelled at the top of my lungs that "You people need to move out of the way RIGHT NOW!!!". I got some startled looks from the crowd, but they moved just enough to avert disaster, and the clueless CMs working the attraction woke up and rushed to turn off the moving sidewalk.

Is that enough to qualify me for membership? :rotfl2:

Welcome to the club LiteBrite! As a new member you will be entitled to pick up the tab for the next round of drinks!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :drinking1 And good for you yelling at those cattle standing around at the TTC. Sounds like you got the herd moving and brought some life back to the zombied CM's!!!! :cool1:

Can you believe the whole not sitting in the correct seat thing? So many flights are so crowded these days that no way am I gonna risk sitting in the wrong seat and then get "volunteered" to deplane if the flight is overbooked. I've seen that happen before, when its too much of a hassel for the flight attendants to move people around the plane, they just pick whoever is standing. ALWAYS insist, politely, on taking your assigned seat immediatly upon boarding. Don't wait until the plane is completely full. Besides, you never know when the NTSB will use your seat location to identify your corpse in the event of a crash or fire. I'd like to be buried in the correct grave. Aren't I demanding!!!! :rotfl2:

I've had the experience of having some moron in my seat when I boarded. I don't ask them to move. I tell them to move. Its not an option for them. I do say "Please move, you are in my seat." I've had people balk at that, but then I just add... "do I need to call a flight attendant?"

On United, especially Ted, the seats in the back section of the plane are about 2" closer together than the seat rows in the front of the plane. Not talking first class here, this is still the economy cabin. Remember, this isn't the case on all their aircraft. But If I purchase a seat in the extended leg room area, there is no way I'm giving it up to someone who purchased the really cheap seats and no leg room but now wants to sit where I am supposed to be.

Am I the only one who's sick of selfish swine flying on aircraft? :rolleyes1 What's with people these days? Doesn't it seem like being courteous is almost a lost art?
cornflkgrl said:
5. Indiana Jones stunt show--man sits in row across from us and removes his tennis shoes and sets them aside and then his socks and sets them aside and just puts his feet out to rest them as though he is in his living room.

Ahahahahaha! That was sooooo me. My feet were killing me on our trip in May and my footsies came when ever I had a chance. On the bright side, they really didn't smell too bad.
It happened today at my 4 yr olds T-Ball practice..About halfway through the game one boy came up to his Mom and said he had to *go*. So she started getting up to walk him into the nearby building where the restrooms are. But no, the boy took off and ran to a small group of trees right behind us and proceeds to *go*. :eek:

The Mom kind of looks surprised and then explains to the rest of the parents that he's used to going outside since they live on a farm.

Gives a whole new meaning to "What, did I raise you in a barn?" :rotfl:

But what also bugged me, besides the weak excuse for public urination is that where he went was not a wooded area by any means and it directly overlooked a hiking path next to the river and could be plainly seen in all directions...and Mom didn't even really try to stop him! :confused3

That was my shock...oh and not to make myself sound like a superior parent because the other day my 2 yr old turned around and told my 4 yr old to shut up... :blush:
Darian said:
ALWAYS insist, politely, on taking your assigned seat immediatly upon boarding. Don't wait until the plane is completely full. Besides, you never know when the NTSB will use your seat location to identify your corpse in the event of a crash or fire. I'd like to be buried in the correct grave. Aren't I demanding!!!! :rotfl2:

I thought I was the only one who had this morbid thought when being pushed to sit in someone else's seat! :rotfl2:

And yes Darian, I do agree with you that being courteous is a lost art.
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