HELLO ? MICKEY? ARE YOU THERE?It's me again, and again, and again.....TR STARTED 6/3

Another great flashback! And oh my goodness, that EE picture had me cracking up! :lmao: That is hilarious. And I must say Michelle, I think you get prettier and prettier as the years go on! :goodvibes
Nope, we live about two hours from Grand Rapids--so pretty close though. I am so excited about being able to go to it. :goodvibes

That's great that you'll be able to go. :) We actually live about 4 1/2-5 hours from Atlanta, so it was a good ride for us.

This is June from "Little Einsteins." (So sad that I know that but Alex and Lauren both used to watch it quite a bit).

Thanks Alicia! :thumbsup2 You are right---I knew if I heard her name, I'd recognize it. The Little E's were past my girls' time! :laughing:
8 days?!?!?! Only 8!!!! that is so exciting!! I have not done well keeping up on the Dis since I left but I enjoyed catching up today on your flashbacks.

So are you ready to go or too busy with the end of school to dwell on it?

Oh, that's ok, Katie---I'm a mom and a teacher, so I know how much there is to do at home when you return after being away. Hopefully you're getting caught up. :)

I think that it has really hit me the past few days that my trip is coming up fast. I started to go into panic mode, but I've calmed down for now! ;) I just decided to do a little bit each day this week, and hopefully it'll all get done. :thumbsup2

I just saw the link to your TR, so when I finish posting responses, I'm over to check it out!

Another great flashback! And I must say Michelle, I think you get prettier and prettier as the years go on! :goodvibes

Thanks Courtney---That's a very sweet thing to say! :goodvibes I sure hope Kevin feels the same way (Tuesday is our 20th wedding anniversary! :lovestruc)
(Tuesday is our 20th wedding anniversary! :lovestruc)

Congratulations! 20 years is awesome, so many people just don't make it that long anymore. Don & I's 20th anniversary will be next year, I'm thinking we need to do something special for it, but I'm not sure what. I'd probably take an adults only trip to WDW with a stay at the BCV or BWI, but somehow I doubt he'd be on board with that...... :rolleyes:
Happy 20th Anniversary...that's awesome. Mark and I will celebrate our 27th next Friday (well, I don't know that we will celebrate as he has a doubleheader that night that he needs to ump; so we'll celebrate in Florida).
Congratulations! 20 years is awesome, so many people just don't make it that long anymore. Don & I's 20th anniversary will be next year, I'm thinking we need to do something special for it, but I'm not sure what. I'd probably take an adults only trip to WDW with a stay at the BCV or BWI, but somehow I doubt he'd be on board with that...... :rolleyes:

Thanks, Michelle!

Since our trip is planned so close to our anniversary day, I guess that will count as our "something special", even though we'll be taking three kids with us. :) We do have a dinner planned one evening for just the two of us at the Yachtsman.

Maybe you can persuade the "Disney Grump" to take that adults only anniversary trip to Disney! You can start working on him now! :thumbsup2

Happy 20th Anniversary...that's awesome. Mark and I will celebrate our 27th next Friday (well, I don't know that we will celebrate as he has a doubleheader that night that he needs to ump; so we'll celebrate in Florida).

Thanks, Kathy. Happy Anniversary to you, too, next Friday. :) I'll tell you now, since I won't be around on that day----I'LL BE ON MY WAY TO DISNEYWORLD!!! :banana::banana::banana:
One week from today you will be in WDW!!!!! :woohoo:

I was going to ask if you were doing something special for your anniversary but you answered it in the previous post. :)
Thanks, Kathy. Happy Anniversary to you, too, next Friday. :) I'll tell you now, since I won't be around on that day----I'LL BE ON MY WAY TO DISNEYWORLD!!! :banana::banana::banana:

Thank you for the early wishes. Have a drink for us while you are in the World. :)
wow, lots of us with anniversaries this week...Greg and I celebrate lucky #13 on Monday.

congrats on 20 years!!

Greg has already decided for our 20th we need to get to Europe again. The boys will be old enough to appreciate it and more importantly, to haul everyones stuff around :lmao:
One week from today you will be in WDW!!!!! :woohoo:
:yay: I know--- I can't wait!

Thank you for the early wishes.
You're welcome! :)

wow, lots of us with anniversaries this week...Greg and I celebrate lucky #13 on Monday.

congrats on 20 years!!

Thanks, Katie! I guess May is a great month for a wedding! :thumbsup2 ( I planned it for May so our anniversary wouldn't be around any major holidays. That way Kevin wouldn't be able to bundle anniversary gifts with other gifts!! :laughing: )
Thanks, Katie! I guess May is a great month for a wedding! :thumbsup2 ( I planned it for May so our anniversary wouldn't be around any major holidays. That way Kevin wouldn't be able to bundle anniversary gifts with other gifts!! :laughing: )

So very clever! :thumbsup2

My last weekend was better than this weekend.
Your next weekend will be better than this weekend.
This weekend is just losing out in excitement, isn't it

I just got finished cleaning the kitchen floor, and I have a load of towels in the washer.
I need to rake some grass up and clean the tub.

Yeah, this weekend totally loses out in excitement. :upsidedow

Love the EE kid's face! :laughing:
Woo-Hoo! Only one week to go!!

So very clever! :thumbsup2

Thank you very much. Some people might say that was manipulative, but I prefer to think of it as great planning for the future! :rotfl:

My last weekend was better than this weekend.
Your next weekend will be better than this weekend.

I am looking forward to my weekend very much. :)

At least you have a July trip to be thinking about. After four trips this year, I'm not sure if I'll ever convince Kevinto go back! :eek:
One week from now we will be meeting up and hanging out in Epcot. :banana::woohoo::dance3::yay:

Can you believe we are down to a week? I'm sooooooooo excited now I can hardly stand it.


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