Hi - my name is

mseg16222 said:
How do you post pictures on here....I have a digital camera that I can take pictures with then post but unsure how....

Hi Stacy, I just wanted to say that I see you live in Dayton PA.............I am not too far away I live in DuBois PA!!!!! I would love to see your Steeler Mickey........Huge Steeler fan here :yay: ( I was born and raised in PGH) Once you get all the details figured out on how to post pictures it becomes real fun, I sometime have to pull myself away :surfweb: and actually go to work!!!!
I know to post pics you have to upload them onto the web, I just use the community photos on these boards, it is a little confusing at first. Once you get them uploaded you must copy and past the url (think that is what it is) and then when you past it onto your message you have to put these in front of it
I now this may sound confusing but if you go over to the tech supposrt board it will tell you in better/correct terms than I can. Good Luck..
My name is Beth, and in less then a week I have become addicted to the DDA.

I am truthfully computer challenged, however I do consider myself crafty.. :rotfl2:

Thanks to everyone here who has helped me, especially TravelinGal,Triplefigs and Julia and Nicks mom for my awesome designs they helped me come up with.(ok they did all the work).
I now have 2 designs to turn into shirts for our group of 12 that are cruising in July!!!

I am a SAHM to 3DS's(22,15,8) and one DD (21). I am a fan of anything Disney. And none of my friends seems to understand my addiction.
Hi Beth, and


Please come join us on our main chat thread. We would love to get to know you!
Hi my name is Gary and I'm a proud member of the Lurking division.

We're leaving in June and I've suddenly gotten the urge to see if I can do everything to make this the best first trip ever for my two boys (4 & 6).

I'm more at home with a camera in my hand than trying to layout clipart, but have made a couple of small designs for friends and family. Like this one of my oldest (it's a couple of years old, but I can still play in photoshop)

I've seen several designs that I'm already hoping to get copies of... the four park diamond with the family vacation 2006 comes to mind immediately... along with a couple of other Julia and Nick's Mom's jump out at me. Go ahead everyone, clean out that PM box. :rotfl2:

Now who's going to drive to North AL and teach me how to be crafty.
Hello my name is Queen2 aka Sharon, I'm a DDA wannabe :rolleyes:. When it came to art God thought I said dart & forgot to give to the knowellage to compose. Just give me a camera :rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: & I hold on to it till the party is over

I have had a lot of help from J&NMom & travlingal & many ideas from all the creators. I love this forumn & just found this thread tonight.

I have 3 grown children DD36 DS 34 DS 30 DGS soon to be 8. & married to Grumpy for 39 years.

Both sons, Hubby, DGODD, & DGS & of course me are cruising in 26 days :banana: :cheer2:
Welcome Gary and Sharon, to our crazy little corner of the world. Please join in our main chat thread and get to know us.
Hello there! just saw this thread thought i'd offically say hi!
I'm David from Leicster in the UK and a Student of Interactive Design!! looking forwad to getting to know all of you guys better.

Loads of very creative people here hope i fit in!

David xx
Welcome David - there is a monster thread that we chat on that you are welcome to come along to say hello. There are a few men - but mostly women but we're all nice!

I used to live in Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead in 1971-1972; I'd love to go back!
Hi My name is Crissy and I'm a DDA. I must admit I turned my son into a DDA too.

I have 4 children all with birthdays coming up in the next two monthes so they will be; two girls ages 13 and 9 and two boys ages 12 and 2.

I just started creating designs and wish I had more time. I do home daycare and can have as many as 14 children here somedays.

I am a disney addict as well. I love everything disney. 4 rooms in my house are decorated with disney themes. I am planning 3 trips within the next year. One coming up in may. One the first week of December and One next feb/March when we will celebrate 10 years of marriage and 15 years from our first date. Neat the way those dates match, huh. :teeth:

Welcome to all the new folks in the last few weeks! It's good to see so many new DDA-ers. I hope to see you all around the big chat thread.
Hi, my name's Carolyn and I'm not yet an addict (notice I said, "yet"). I found this forum while researching ways to make Lilo kissing Stitch t-shirts for our bridal party (wedding coming right up on 6/11/06!!). Seems like I should just do the iron-on technique but I'm wary of screwing it up...I'm just not domestic at ALL. :-)
Hello! My name is Lin and I am a Disney Design Addict, though I can't design any myself!

If you wanted me to paint Cinderella's castle on your bedroom wall I'd be all for it, but using the computer...forget about it! LOL! I just discovered this board over the weekend and have been on it nonstop since then...
Hi, I am Sue and I think I am going to become a Disney Design Addict. I don't know if I can create or not but we will see. I have been looking at the Disboards now for 6 months and now are trip is booked. Now I found this board. Been here almost everyday trying to get ideas of what I might want to do.

Waiting until spring break to get started. I have to finish another project first.

I am sure I will be back with plenty of questions.

Ok to start - What software do I need to do this well?

Thanks, :thanks:


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