Holiday "W.I.S.H."es - December 2021 thread

I don't understand completely what is going on but it has something to do with blood between the 2 and maybe one getting more then the other.

I think I've heard of that - is it twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome?

If so, it can definitely cause problems, but they will watch it at first or do some other tests. They were suspicious that my neighbor might have it back when she had her twins, but it turned out they were fraternal, and just really different sizes.
They called it TAPS. I need to look it up to know exactly what it is but from what they are saying these for are similar. One baby is about a pound smaller then the other. The last I knew they couldn't tell yet if they were identical or fraternal. Here is what I just looked up. I think it is different then Twin to Twin transfusion. I think my cousin's twins had this. Both seem to be similar and can be scary.

TAPS is a rare condition that occurs when there are unequal blood counts between the twins in the womb. Unequal blood counts cause the twins to suffer from an imbalance in red blood cells and hemoglobin. This means one twin is not receiving the appropriate amount of oxygen and nutrients it needs to develop properly.
Woowhoo today is my Friday so I am done with work for the week! And next week is only 2 days! Tomorrow I have a care plan meeting for my parents, a report card meeting for DS6 and between will be last minute gift cars shopping. Friday will be wrapping and baking. The weather Saturday is supposed to be gross so excellent cookie weather.
Have a bit of a sore throat today...have had it off and one since it start getting cold. The temps this week are varying between highs of 35 and 60....wonderful for the sinuses. Raynauds has been flaring in my toes which sucks.
DD figured out how to turn on the Christmas Mickey band. Which is adorable for the first 20 minutes, then it gets old! She is resourceful if nothing else and her teacher and I are putting together that she is doing motions from school songs randomly at home if we happen to say a word or two from the sonf

DD making the band play, with or without adult help
So grateful to be spending time over the holidays with family this year. Getting together with my friends in person instead of on Zoom. I’m still careful in certain situations but feel like a great weight has been lifted.

Thankful for this little group of Wishers-I do look forward to checking in with all of you every day!
I LOVE Marianne Williamson! Her book, Illuminata, got me through my infertility journey, and some other life challenges. I should reread it.

WOO HOO I made it through yet another challenging day yesterday, and rather than escalate an argument, I turned and walked away. Had I said what I was thinking about my colleague’s betrayal, I may have gotten myself into trouble…

I am so grateful that I am fully vaccinated + booster. Our cases are up by 94%. Too many parents are choosing “screen and stay” after being exposed to COVID. Not enough kids are quarantining. I really hope that I don’t end up with a breakthrough infection. I have been waiting to see my family for so long. Our last Christmas together was 2019. The hotel and ferry are booked. We just need to stay healthy enough to actually go.
I am so grateful that I am fully vaccinated + booster.

I agree. I am thankful for this too. Cases in my area are way up. In the state we had over 10,500 new cases yesterday. It is just running rampant here as I am sure other places too. Some school sin our area have gone full remote this week. The kids school still does not have many kids out with COVID yet. I am guessing they are just not testing. Our hospitals are almost at compacity and one hospitals morgue is full and they are using trucks now.
Also thankful to be vaxed and boosted. I don't think the numbers here are too bad... yet. I know my county is 84% vaxed and masks are required indoors, plus if you go to a public indoor place you have to show your vax card. There's a sharp spike going on, but hospitalizations don't appear to be an issue... yet. I've heard a couple times that the worst for the new variant is expected in January. For our Christmas there will be six people from five households, if it was more than six people I might be concerned, but I think it will be OK. Folks are spending more time in the office, but I'm not interested in doing that... yet.

Also thankful that is it not pouring down rain this morning. And thankful that I am finally getting in for new glasses tomorrow, after a three month wait. And thankful for half a work day tomorrow. A lot of my time this week has been spent on production support things, which is really draining but it looks like everything is wrapped up now, so thankful for that as well.
Also thankful to be vaxed and boosted. I don't think the numbers here are too bad... yet. I know my county is 84% vaxed and masks are required indoors, plus if you go to a public indoor place you have to show your vax card. There's a sharp spike going on, but hospitalizations don't appear to be an issue... yet. I've heard a couple times that the worst for the new variant is expected in January. For our Christmas there will be six people from five households, if it was more than six people I might be concerned, but I think it will be OK. Folks are spending more time in the office, but I'm not interested in doing that...
Masks are not required indoors in Pa (maybe some businesses can require it?) but I notice about half the people in stores wearing one. No one bats an eye, which is nice.
Masks are not required indoors in Pa (maybe some businesses can require it?) but I notice about half the people in stores wearing one. No one bats an eye, which is nice.

Ohio is the same way. We only have 58.9% of the state is vaccinated. We are one of the states at the bottom for this. It will continue to be bad here for some time.

I am worried about Christmas with DH's family. They just don't care and are not vaccinated. We are looking at about 10ish people and we always have the windows open because of how hot it gets in the house. I will be sitting by this window most of the night and then will be lysoling everything after they leave. At my moms they are all vaccinated expect for my nephew and his husband and my other nephew. They are testing before they go so I feel better. DH family we won't even ask. They would throw the biggest hissy fit about it. I just want the holidays to be other so I can stop stressing (my anxiety is getting super high again). I will probably test myself over the next few weeks/months just SO I know I am not bringing anything to the babies when they are born.
Wahoo that work has started! Last night DH and I did everything we were supposed to do and today things were torn up/masked off. So that room is not available, which is fine because there's no heat in it at the moment! I wonder about how the mud/texture will dry, but oh well. Once the texture is done we can start heating the room! Gotta love wall heaters. :rolleyes:

This week's eating has been going well. Since it's not raining I was going to pull weeds, but can't get to the garage for the tools! DH is out and he has the garage key. There's one around here somewhere, but beats me where! Hopefully he'll be home before it gets too dark and I can get a bit done. There's tons to do. Stupid weeds!!!
Happy Friday, everyone!

Lunch with friends today but I should be home in time to do some baking. I need to get my spare bedrooms ready this weekend and make a grocery list. Grateful I can shop Tuesday instead of Saturday or Sunday.

Today was beautiful-61 degrees and sunny-I walked longer than usual because these nice days won’t last!
Today is my last day of work for 2 weeks. Yay!!!!! I don't have much to do. I only need to get an email out but I need out marketing person to start her day so I can get the code to get into the program. Other then that I have nothing today. Tonight I think I will work on wrapping the kids gifts. Shopping is done though. Tomorrow we have Christmas with our friends. Sunday I will bake cookies and maybe watch football, if there is football that is played. Our team plays Saturday but we have about 25 players with covid and we are not the only team like that this week. SO we will see what happens. Monday I will finish any cookies and Tuesday I am getting my hair colored (good by Grey) and cut and then my grandma's for our second Christmas party.
Half work day today... woohoo!

Yesterday I agonized over whether or not to make a cookie tray and finally decided not to, it just seems like too much for such a small group and I really don't want a house full of cookie left-overs. I pinged my Sister to see what she is bringing and then decided that I would change and bring a fruit salad and a mincemeat pie. And because I have no self control and have to overdo everything, I will also make just sugar cookies and some broken glass Jell-O squares.

I'm taking a half day today because I have several appointments this afternoon: eye exam for new glasses, followed by counseling, followed by a massage. Don't really have any weekend plans maybe just some clean up outside, I think Sunday the weather is supposed to be OK. I put white lights up outside this year but they just don't make me happy, so I may throw up some colored lights as well. And will try to get down to the park for a walk.
I just picked up covid tests from the kids school. We decided that we all will test before going to my moms for Christmas. My anxiety is super high again with this. I was able to get the test for free. I did get 4 from the high school and another 4 at the kids old elementary school just so I have some on hand just in case someone starts to not feel good over break. Tests are very hard to find here right now. Thankfully our school district has not been hit hard yet. My moms (specifically her school) has been hit hard and they don't have any tests. It took a little but for us to find tests for my mom so her and my step dad can test. Our state yesterday was 1300 higher then the day before which brought us to just over 11,300.

With my anxiety being high DH made me walk outside with him at our lunch. I was planning on getting on the treadmill instead. He knew it would be good for me to get some fresh air and some sun. It is a bit cold today though. But I went with him anyways. Yesterday we had temps in the 60's and today they are in the 30's. The walk did do me good. DH has been great. He is not where I am at all. He is at the point where he is just going to go on with normal life and just use precautions. I am almost at the point of locking myself in again but trying to talk myself out of it. One minute I am fine and I am where my husband is and then the next I am ready to lock down. I ma so ready for this all to be over.
I just picked up covid tests from the kids school. We decided that we all will test before going to my moms for Christmas. My anxiety is super high again with this. I was able to get the test for free. I did get 4 from the high school and another 4 at the kids old elementary school just so I have some on hand just in case someone starts to not feel good over break. Tests are very hard to find here right now. Thankfully our school district has not been hit hard yet. My moms (specifically her school) has been hit hard and they don't have any tests. It took a little but for us to find tests for my mom so her and my step dad can test. Our state yesterday was 1300 higher then the day before which brought us to just over 11,300.

With my anxiety being high DH made me walk outside with him at our lunch. I was planning on getting on the treadmill instead. He knew it would be good for me to get some fresh air and some sun. It is a bit cold today though. But I went with him anyways. Yesterday we had temps in the 60's and today they are in the 30's. The walk did do me good. DH has been great. He is not where I am at all. He is at the point where he is just going to go on with normal life and just use precautions. I am almost at the point of locking myself in again but trying to talk myself out of it. One minute I am fine and I am where my husband is and then the next I am ready to lock down. I ma so ready for this all to be over.
I'm some where in between. The national news last night got me going, but I was able to calm myself down and get back to 'just make smart choices'. I'm half expecting my SIL to cancel Christmas, and I think I'd be OK with that and just have my Sis and her girlfriend over to my house. The thing that I do not want to lose is the New Year's celebration in Port Townsend as I am so looking forward to that.

Hang in there... I wish I could say say "we're going to get thru this" but I don't think there is a 'thru', I think we are learning a new way of living and that is going to be OK.
Well, this has been a banner week for me. Around 2:30pm yesterday, I was walking the kids from a special to the classroom and I suddenly felt dizzy, got shortness of breath and palpitations. When we got back to the room, I put my head between my legs. It didn't help. I got someone to dismiss my class and left. By the time I got home, I had diarrhea. I took a shower, and nearly fainted. I opened the bathroom window and quickly rinsed off with the shower door open. DD took a rapid test before leaving for work this morning. She has COVID. So much for the vaccination and booster. I called DH at work and told him to get tested. We both tested negative on the rapid but apparently they are accurate less than 50% of the time. We got the PCR too and will get results in 2-3 days. If I don't have COVID, maybe it's the flu, but again, I got the flu shot which has always protected me. Whatever is going on with me, I feel miserable. I feel so lethargic and can barely walk from room to room without getting winded.

So, all of the fun activities I planned for next week are down the toilet, and much worse, our Christmas trip to see family in NY is cancelled.:sad:


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