Holiday "W.I.S.H."es - December 2021 thread

Woohoo... in the past three days I've had three packages mis-delivered and the neighbors who got them all brought them over.

Hooray for nice neighbors!! Sorry about the vacuum belt - hope it's not an expensive part! Weather here is rather grey as well. (I can tell there hasn't been enough sunshine when my solar light doesn't come on at night. ☁ )

My WooHoo today goes to Walgreens photo. They sent me a 50% off code, I designed a mousepad in minutes, and I can already pick it up! I think DH's folks will love it. :love:
Wahoo DS2's birthday package is in the mail and will arrive before his birthday!

Wahoo my ears have been plugged for a couple days and tonight they aren't!

Wahoo/boohoo my work assistant has gotten approval for her placement in our school to earn some hours toward her masters. Next week is probably the last full time I'll have with her for a long time. Our principal is checking with HR to see exactly what happens when she goes from 8 hours to 4 hours and we don't hire anyone else for those four hours! Wahoo I'll be super busy??! :faint: :rotfl2:
I am thankful for one of our donors that I work very closely with. He is the nicest guy and we have become friends outside of work. He always asks me about DD because he knows all the stuff she has gone through. I was telling him last Friday about this possible blood disease. I told him it was not a huge issue but something that we just need to know for certain things. On Saturday a basket of cookies by Cookies by Design (these are huge sugar cookies that are put on sticks to make it look like a flower bouquet. There were 6 cookies). The cookies were bears in scrubs and masks (they were doctors) and the middle cookie was a flower that said "I hope you feel better soon". This donor sent these cookies to DD to make her feel better. She got the biggest smile on her face when she got them. He does so much for me as well so many other people. He is just so caring and I am very thankful to have him in my life.
My labs came back and I am thankful that all of the numbers look better: my thyroid so much so that he's considering lower the dose of the thyroid med. So I guess my eye condition is more related to old age... again, no acceptable cure.

I got some new protein drink powder stuff and really liked it the first glass I drank, then the coughing started. It has pea protein so I knew there was a chance, but it has so much other good stuff I wanted to try it. I had to take a Benadryl then felt crappy from that, so had to re-think things. Yesterday I took a Benadryl in the evening then had a glass... limited coughing and I went to bed shortly after, I think this is going to work, so thankful for that!

So last Wednesday I actually unplugged the new TV so I could watch Survivor, then left things that way all week. Yesterday I could not find the remote to the old TV anywhere, it has completely disappeared, so I decided to plug the new TV back in and poke around again... I found how to get into my cable feed and found Survivor, so got to watch it on the big screen! Thankful about that.
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Thankful I could attend my grandson’s Christmas concert and that they are able to play together again after the last year and a half of virtual lessons. So heartwarming to see those excited little faces on stage again!

Thankful someone is coming to power wash the house tomorrow before we start looking like the Munsters.

Thankful I have leftovers because I forgot to take something out of the freezer and I am tired of cooking this week!
I am thankful for those of you who began reporting that you were getting boosters. CT wasn't giving very clear info on eligibility, and it turned out that I was eligible sooner than I realized. You all put it on my radar, and I am VERY thankful for that. My BFF who I have the most contact with at school got COVID from her 4 year old son. He is better, but she is in bad shape. She was fully vaccinated, but she kept putting off the booster because she is so busy being a working mother. I feel terrible for her. Had I not gotten boosted when I did, I very well could have it right now as well. So, THANK YOU!!!
Thankful for DS6's sweet little voice. He begged to watch MUPPET FAMILY CHRISTMAS before bed tonight...twist my arm kid. Everyone know the medley they sing at the end? He stood there and sang the entire medley. His speech delay effects some of his pronunciation but that makes it all the sweeter.
Thankful for our neighborhood Mexican restaurant. Yay burrito bowls.
Thankful for having tomorrow off work
Thankful that it looks like we have a sub contractor and some of the work might be done by Christmas! Super excited to get things started--so they can end and I can have my room back!

Thankful that at work we got some policy clarification and so tonight I baked ginger snaps and will bring them to work for others to eat. It's pretty much always the first cookie I bake for the holidays. They freeze so well. Fingers crossed that the one I ate doesn't upset my stomach.

Thankful DH was home today to chauffeur me during lunch. It was raining and I just didn't feel like walking home in the rain!
We woke up to no heat. Ever since we got a new furnace a few years ago, this happens no matter what maintenance we have done to try to avoid it. Tomorrow it’s warming up, but of course today it’s freezing out. Those outdoor space heaters will temporarily keep us warm until they come out to repair it.

There’s always something to take the joy out of living.
We woke up to no heat. Ever since we got a new furnace a few years ago, this happens no matter what maintenance we have done to try to avoid it. Tomorrow it’s warming up, but of course today it’s freezing out. Those outdoor space heaters will temporarily keep us warm until they come out to repair it.

There’s always something to take the joy out of living.

So sorry about the heat! I hope it's a simple repair.

P.S. - Don't be afraid to tell the kids in your class that your morning had a rough start and you could use a nice day. Little ones are way more empathetic than we give them credit for.
Our school district has been having an issue with threats being made on social media for our middle and high schools. The middle school has had 3 in the last 2 weeks and the high school has had 1. This is also happening in many districts in the area so not just us. The one for the school came in during school hours with a date of the 10th as the day it was going to happen. I am very thankful that our district is not taking this lightly. Since the threat was sent out on a Friday and was taken care of over the weekend we sent the kids to school all week. I got a wake up call from the school that there was another threat to the middle school that came out last night close to midnight. They have closed the middle school today and let parents know that if they felt more comfortable they can keep kids home on the other buildings too. We decided to keep the kids home. I talked with my mom how is a middle school teacher in a different district and she said to keep them home. Also I talked with DD's 7th grade math teacher (we are friends on facebook) who has a soon in 9th grade. She was keeping him home as well. It was hard keeping them home. DD was in tears that she wanted to go. Finals are next week and she didn't want to miss. After she settled down she was fine and understood. I really hope these stop soon. These kids are being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and the school. I hope that once they see what is happening with the kids that make these threats they will stop.
Oh hello there Friday, happy to see you.

My biggest accomplishment this week was to improve my sleep scores: in the past 6 days I've had 'good' scores 4 times. The things I've changed are to turn off the TV and put down the phone and read for at least half an hour before going to bed. I also switched pillows and started using a foam one and I feel like that is helping.

My other accomplishment was to start getting comfortable with the new TV. I like the screen size, I just need to figure out how to find things and how I can discontinue my cable service and go all streaming.

This weekend is going to be sticking pretty close to home and getting stuff done. We're in the 'two week countdown' period to Christmas and I'd really like to get everything completed, so I'm not thinking about undone chores any longer... OK, that's not realistic, so not thinking about them as much.
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Our school district has been having an issue with threats being made on social media for our middle and high schools. The middle school has had 3 in the last 2 weeks and the high school has had 1. This is also happening in many districts in the area so not just us. The one for the school came in during school hours with a date of the 10th as the day it was going to happen. I am very thankful that our district is not taking this lightly. Since the threat was sent out on a Friday and was taken care of over the weekend we sent the kids to school all week. I got a wake up call from the school that there was another threat to the middle school that came out last night close to midnight. They have closed the middle school today and let parents know that if they felt more comfortable they can keep kids home on the other buildings too. We decided to keep the kids home. I talked with my mom how is a middle school teacher in a different district and she said to keep them home. Also I talked with DD's 7th grade math teacher (we are friends on facebook) who has a soon in 9th grade. She was keeping him home as well. It was hard keeping them home. DD was in tears that she wanted to go. Finals are next week and she didn't want to miss. After she settled down she was fine and understood. I really hope these stop soon. These kids are being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and the school. I hope that once they see what is happening with the kids that make these threats they will stop.
I can’t imagine the stress dealing with this. It’s so discouraging that these students are making these horrible threats. It’s a perfect example of how teenagers live in the moment and don’t think of repercussions or the consequences.
We woke up to no heat. Ever since we got a new furnace a few years ago, this happens no matter what maintenance we have done to try to avoid it. Tomorrow it’s warming up, but of course today it’s freezing out. Those outdoor space heaters will temporarily keep us warm until they come out to repair it.

There’s always something to take the joy out of living.
Hope you get heat restored soon!
Just doing Christmas stuff today and tomorrow. I have two bags for Goodwill after clearing out my linen closet, so will take those today. Sunday the family is coming for football and dinner, so will make some cookies today.
Weather is mild today so will get out for a walk after lunch.
Piglet, these are scary times. It’s a shame that we have to deal with this. We should be able to relax when our children, family and friends are in school. Take care.

Heat came on at 4:00. Fortunately I was at school all day. Our COVID cases are up at my school, including some of my students. Once again, I am thankful my family and I got our booster.


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