Hotel THREW Out Our Gifts

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A bag full of clothes (even baby clothes) would be heavy. IF there was a bag, or several, in the room, how could housekeeping mistake it for trash and throw it out. I am not buying this story. Sorry.

I would like to know how you are fitting 5 children and at least 1 adult into a room at a Clarion? I have 4 children and daily housekeeping in the 2 rooms that are required for our family of 6 is a must! I can't imagine the mess after a few days of no housekeeping/trash removal/fresh towels! Ew. That's no vacation. That sounds like misery!

Not to mention two in diapers.
Wow, its disappointing that it only took 8 posts for someone to cause doubt and distrust in the OP post........ tsk tsk

My goodness, we only have two kids in our room and I know what it can look like at times.....and to straiten up after kids is sometimes a losing battle. (Espescially with new toys, souvenirs etc, hurrying out of the room to do this and that)

I agree with you :thumbsup2

Read some of the OP's other posts. Then you'll realize why people doubt her story.
well i'm sorry but it insults me when ppl say gee must be more to the story. i'm not buying it. that's accusing ME of lying@! I'm not trying to be mean here. I came here for advice. This REALLY happened. Yes I have 2 in diapers. I was planning on calling for service and supervising them when we were in the room, as we've done in previous years. So far all that's happened is I've filled oiut an incident report and gotten nowhere. I called last night and expected a response this morning. Nothing. They told me by 8 am. UIt's not 9:30. I'm keeping on top of it. It is merchandise you cannot find anywhere else. Yes they know I have 5 childre and myself. I'm a single mother, as I've repeatedly stated before. This is how I HAVE to vacation. We have fun. Sometimes it's stressful and trying but it's my life. I just wanted advice on what to do. I didn't ask for a well this couldn't have happened, must be more to the story, this is crazy. I do reuse the towels. We also ask for more as needed. The bags were by the trash, in front of the tv and the desk, which is where the trash can sits underneath.
The bags were by the trash, in front of the tv and the desk, which is where the trash can sits underneath.

I can now easily see why (especially given that the room was a mess - which you've stated), they were confused for trash.
Some hotels won't let you opt out of housekeeping. They want to make sure things like TV sets aren't disappearing. Maybe even make sure you don't have more guests in the room then allowed.

Your gifts were put in a location, and packaged in a way, so that they appeared to be garbage.

Very simple. Make a list of the items. List the prices. Any receipts you have. Talk to the hotel manager. Nicely ask if he wants to repurchase the items or if he wants to give you money so you can repurchase he items.

I wouldn't expect to literally get cash. At best they may just credit your account. They might offer to just give you one or two nights free.

They could just point to the "fine print" and tell you the hotel isn't responsible. Tell you there is no evidence a hotel employee removed the items from your room.

That's why you need to be nice and you need to be calm and not confrontational.
Something I have seen many times in Hotel stays. At times there are kids running thru hallways playing as kids do. At some time kids do remove sign from 1 door and either place on another door or throw them away as a joke. We have had that happen once and hopefully the last time. Now what I do is carry clear packing tape and place 3 small lenths of clear tape over door sign so it cant easily be knocked off or stolen as a joke. My wife calls me crazy but better to be safe than sorry.
well i'm sorry but it insults me when ppl say gee must be more to the story. i'm not buying it. that's accusing ME of lying@! I'm not trying to be mean here. I came here for advice. This REALLY happened. Yes I have 2 in diapers. I was planning on calling for service and supervising them when we were in the room, as we've done in previous years. So far all that's happened is I've filled oiut an incident report and gotten nowhere. I called last night and expected a response this morning. Nothing. They told me by 8 am. UIt's not 9:30. I'm keeping on top of it. It is merchandise you cannot find anywhere else. Yes they know I have 5 childre and myself. I'm a single mother, as I've repeatedly stated before. This is how I HAVE to vacation. We have fun. Sometimes it's stressful and trying but it's my life. I just wanted advice on what to do. I didn't ask for a well this couldn't have happened, must be more to the story, this is crazy. I do reuse the towels. We also ask for more as needed. The bags were by the trash, in front of the tv and the desk, which is where the trash can sits underneath.
Though you asked for no room service, mistakes happen, perhaps it wasn't communicated fully to the housekeepers, perhaps it was their understanding that it was only for the one day, who knows the point is that housekeeping came in your room. There was not a Do Not Disturb sign on the door, which you do not mention in your first post but mention in a later post that it was missing. I would have asked for a new sign if it was missing so that there would be no confusion but that is me, I work under the assumption that information doesn't always get relayed so I would want to make doubly sure I didn't receive housekeeping. Or I would have left a note on the door. Again that is just me and others might not feel the need to do the same. Regardless housekeeping came in and took bags you left by the trash. I think this is how it got confused. It was by the trash had trash mixed in with it. I can see how the housekeeper thought it was trash. They aren't expected to go through bags to make sure what is in them that may look like trash isn't. It was by the trash which to him or her indicated that that is what it was. I am always concerned about housekeeping throwing something away and since I don't stay around to supervise them I make sure that anything I want to keep is far from the trash. I also do this to make sure that none of us misake something for trash that isn't.

So what you have here is an issue of communucation asked for no room service, no tag on the door and they for what ever reason it wasn't communicated to them that you declined service for the entire stay. 2. They go in (because for what ever reason they thought they were supposed to clean) there are bags by the trash, they take the bags by the trash that they assumed were trash. The room is cleaned.
You've said that you want you items back. It is very clear that this is not going to happen. You looked in the dumpster to retrieve the items and management has told you that the items are gone. So getting the items back is not and option. What you now need to do is give them two to three options to make this right. ie 1. Give you money back to the value of the receipts of the items that were disposed of. 2. Take that amount of the receipts and give it to you as a credit. 3. Give you a GC in the amount of the loss.

1. I would go to the desk with the receipts, have them copy them for their records and I would retain the originals. 2. I would offer them the options of what they can do to right the situation. I would be clear of the options. Getting the items back is not one of the options. 3. I would record whom I speak to and when and their response. 4. I would carry on with my vacation as I would have if these items were not disposed of. 5. I would speak to the manager before I left for the day and when I returned. I would remain pleasant but firm. 6. I would get another DO NOT DISTURB sign for the door. 7. I would call Housekeeping and calmly let them know that I DO NOT want service in my room unless I call again, calmly explain directly to them what happened in case for some reason the items are on a cart somewhere (not likely but who knows). 8. I would record in my log every action that I have taken and every respnse. 9. I would make sure that I disposed of trash and kept items that are not trash clear of the area near the trash, just in case. 10. I would explain to the children that sometimes this like this happen and that it is very disappointing but that we are going to: carry on with our vacation as I would have if these items were not disposed of.
I don't doubt the OP's story. She tried to avoid this whole mess by requesting no housekeeping for her stay. She did nothing wrong. I would certainly be upset if someone entered my room against my wishes and threw out my stuff.

The hotel should certainly reimburse her for her loss, since it was their fault. I can't imagine anyone actually going out and replacing the specific items that were lost. The best she can or will do is some kind of financial settlement.

It's kind of amusing to read all the "I would have...." posts. Hindsight is 20/20! I'm sure the OP would have made sure she had a privacy sign on her door every day had she known they would come in despite her request. Or taken more care for mixing up her trash and souvenirs. Or placing them next to the trash can area (let's face it, the rooms are small, she had a ton of luggage.) I mean, what's done is done. The only recourse now is a settlement for her loss.
I don't doubt the OP's story. She tried to avoid this whole mess by requesting no housekeeping for her stay. She did nothing wrong. I would certainly be upset if someone entered my room against my wishes and threw out my stuff.

The hotel should certainly reimburse her for her loss, since it was their fault. I can't imagine anyone actually going out and replacing the specific items that were lost. The best she can or will do is some kind of financial settlement.

It's kind of amusing to read all the "I would have...." posts. Hindsight is 20/20! I'm sure the OP would have made sure she had a privacy sign on her door every day had she known they would come in despite her request. Or taken more care for mixing up her trash and souvenirs. Or placing them next to the trash can area (let's face it, the rooms are small, she had a ton of luggage.) I mean, what's done is done. The only recourse now is a settlement for her loss.

I wouldn't assume it was the hotel's fault. It might have been theft by another guest, not housekeeping. With 5 kids to handle, maybe the door wasn't completely latched when they left. A number of things could have happened that gave other people access to the room.

Almost every single hotel has fine print they are not liable for items left in rooms. It isn't their responsibility.

So the hotel may do nothing for her.

When we travel, purchases are always put in suitcases/bags or kept with us (if small enough) to prevent this exact thing from happening.
:thumbsup2 If that had happened at a Disney resort the OP would already have her stuff replaced.

OP, sorry this happened to you, but why on earth would you put trash on top of your gifts ?? Isn't there a closet in that room where you could have put the bags instead of leaving them on the floor ?

ETA : Oh geeze it's the "I'm not taking enough money" lady.. waste of time. See ya.

I don't know of the OP or the other posts, but maybe this is one way to get enough money..............:)

I would be interested to know if the room limits are exceeded and that may be the reason for the no housekeeping request in the first place.
Is this the poster who wasn't sure if she was bringing enough money? Who wanted to know if she could get a better rate then $50 for the hotel? Occupancy is limited to one adult and 4 kids. How many kids did she bring? It doesn't sound like she booked two rooms.

Asking for $300 is like asking for 6 nights free.

Hotel really isn't liable. I'll repeat my previous suggestion. Make a list and bring receipts and see what the hotel will do for you.
OMG, some of you ppl are crazy, stupid, mean, and so un-kind, Let her be, and the balls for someone to post and say, Well w/ that many kids in one room, maybe that's why she didn't want anyone in the room, trying to screw the hotel on the limit of ppl, who gives a damn, they were small kids, i would do the same thing, even if i had to on a Disney Resort, they screw us enough with their prices. Some of you act like you have never, ever done any wrong.
I am not a mean person, but it urks me the way some of you Dis fellows act.She's a single Mom, at least she has her KIDS and trying to have Fun w/ them, more than i can say about a lot of ppl that don't.
Have a Good Day !!!,
I hate to think of what some of you say behind my back:rotfl:
Is this the poster who wasn't sure if she was bringing enough money? Who wanted to know if she could get a better rate then $50 for the hotel? Occupancy is limited to one adult and 4 kids. How many kids did she bring? It doesn't sound like she booked two rooms.

Asking for $300 is like asking for 6 nights free.

Hotel really isn't liable. I'll repeat my previous suggestion. Make a list and bring receipts and see what the hotel will do for you.

Yeah it's the same person. The number of kids seem to depend on which screen name she uses that day.
This whole thing may be a complete fabrication, and she's acting like a petulant child ("I want my stuff NOW!") ... it's hard to feel very sorry for her and besides, things like that tend to happen when you turn your hotel room into a pigsty.

Bags with trash in them, set next to a trash can, have a tendency to end up... in the trash. Lesson learned, next time take the 2mns to put the bags into a closet.
I think this , and all that pretains to this post be removed, before we have to get our Shovels out, because S... is getting Deep, God doesn't like Ugly People !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're staying at the clarion lbv and I requested NO room service for the week we're here. Kids make messes and I cannot separate daily/hourly what's what so I asked that they please not clean. They said fine. No cleaning yeserday. Figured they all got the message. today, come in after downtown disney and they cleaned and threw out a whole bunch of souvies and stuff with the trash. I hadn't gone through the bags quite yet and there was cardboard and stuff mixed with toys and clothing and all. I am LIVID! It's about $300 worth of items. It went out into the dumpster already. They filed a report and the supervisor is going to talk to me later. I don't want to wait for a check. I want the stuff NOW! This is ridiculous. I've never had this before. What do I do? How do I handle this? Will they replace the stuff? They asked the value and I said about $300. I don't want the cash per say, just the stuff we got for my kids. They're so upset.

i am NOT stupid and yes i have the receip[ts. About 4 or 5 big bags were thrown away. We are here another week. i just want the stuff back. i've never had this issue before. There was a bag with baby clothes we had just purchased fot over $100 as well as candy for 50 and several other trinkets. theydo add up. The baby clothin was $30 a piece. There was opened boxes and stuff i had shoved back in the bags and i believe they mistook that for trash.

NO there is NOT more to the story. i have the receipts. Yes there was trash placed in the bags. Not trash trash but toy wrappers and all to clean up the room. I've stayed here for 4 years and never had ANY issues. They've talked to the maid who cleaned the room. It as already said to be thrown in the dumpster. And if you read my originl post it said the do not disturb sign went missing and I called and told them NOT TO CLEAN. They do acknowledge this. I am not seeking extra cash or souvies. I just want our stuff returned, in it's original condition. Geeze! And most of it was clothing and shirts, which is easily not noticeable.

no, compensation is what I want but I do NOT appreciate being called a liar when I'm telling the truth. Yes the room was a mess. clothes and stuff strewn all over. That is why I did NOT want them in here.

ogler- HOW fast did they reimburse you/replace your stuff? And the clarion aka comfort inn lbv did this? Manager was supposed to come tonight at 8 and never showed. Going to call in the am and see what's going on? I want my stuff returned asap. They threw out several bags. We may not be tidy/neat people but with 5 kids who is? I usually do clean up almost daily though and I was going to call housekeeping when i could be present, as I've always done.

well i'm sorry but it insults me when ppl say gee must be more to the story. i'm not buying it. that's accusing ME of lying@! I'm not trying to be mean here. I came here for advice. This REALLY happened. Yes I have 2 in diapers. I was planning on calling for service and supervising them when we were in the room, as we've done in previous years. So far all that's happened is I've filled oiut an incident report and gotten nowhere. I called last night and expected a response this morning. Nothing. They told me by 8 am. UIt's not 9:30. I'm keeping on top of it. It is merchandise you cannot find anywhere else. Yes they know I have 5 childre and myself. I'm a single mother, as I've repeatedly stated before. This is how I HAVE to vacation. We have fun. Sometimes it's stressful and trying but it's my life. I just wanted advice on what to do. I didn't ask for a well this couldn't have happened, must be more to the story, this is crazy. I do reuse the towels. We also ask for more as needed. The bags were by the trash, in front of the tv and the desk, which is where the trash can sits underneath.

So I'm confused. It's mostly clothing and souvenirs (not souvies, souvenirs) that you want returned/replaced, yet now in this last post it's elusive merchandise. Why is that? Can't you just go back to the store you purchased them from? Was it some kind of special back-room, one day only merchandise? This whole thing makes no sense which is why I suppose a lot of eyebrows are being raised, especially in light of your past postings.
I have not read the complete thread but if the stuff was not in the dumpster I would assume it was stolen not mistaken for trash. Housekeepers make very little so it may have been an untrusting person.
I think this , and all that pretains to this post be removed, before we have to get our Shovels out, because S... is getting Deep, God doesn't like Ugly People !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think we might disagree on who is doing the shoveling.

And who is the "Ugly People".
I feel the stuff was stolen, I mean I cant see how the bags could have been mistaken as trash!

The number of ppl in the room have NOTHING to do with what the OP was asking! So what if it was a mess, who has the RIGHT to judge? That was completely uncalled for!

What if yall are wrong and its a honest post then you've hurt someone feelings for nothing! We are all here for the same reason, why cant we just get along and be DRAMA FREE!

OP hope you get it sorted out.. Id love to hear the out come..
I think we might disagree on who is doing the shoveling.,

And who is the "Ugly People"

everyone that is bashing this poor lady !!!!!!
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