How disappointed I am with the Boards now

Quote below from our webmaster Alex
Non techie explanation- the software is maxed out

techie explanation- The Vbulletin software is built on top of a mysql database. The tables that it uses, isam, utilize table locking as opposed to row locking. When the boards get slow it is because the table locks can't clear in time. There are several active efforts to port the software to a version of Mysql that uses row locking (innobase tables) as well as postgresql. As SOON as someone has some success we are THERE!
Think your frustrated? I can't post either AND I have everone grumping at me

I only base my post on what our lords and masters here tell us :)
Hardware / bandwidth can be purchased, cash will solve the problem.
Software has to be written you can throw money at it and still not get what you need, when you need it;)
Hmm. That vBulletin link muddies the waters a bit though............:confused:
I only base my post on what our lords and masters here tell us
Hardware / bandwidth can be purchased, cash will solve the problem.
Software has to be written you can throw money at it and still not get what you need, when you need it.

Does what it says on the box!

This is my "bread and butter" work - I guess that there's a reluctance, understandably, to ask people to dig deep for a facility that is currently free.
Originally posted by UKDEB
Hmm. That vBulletin link muddies the waters a bit though............:confused:

so did you understand it Deb - the only bit that caught my eye was

For example, some boards have many hundreds of concurrent online users, and cope fine, but others can only cope with 100 or less

since we are talking about over a 1000 on here quite often, then many hundreds doesn't sound like it will cope.

It's time for me to add my thoughts now. While I really do appreciate every thing that the tec staff are doing I can see Wendy's point of view . I haven't been a member for very long, but have been "lurking" on these boards for years, on the US ones as well , even before the UK ones. The one thing that really worries me, is if the US boards go down completey like the UK boards, how do we all manage then? A lot of you out there have met up and got to know each other quite well, you may even have each others phone numbers, e-mail address ect.....,but for us newer members .... we'd be left in a state of limbo. So, my biggest worry guys, is that I wouldn't be able to get in touch with any of you! Sorry to waffle so, but just wanted to add my thoughts.

well Janice - I've got your email address now (since you mailed me about the boat), so I will be sure to keep in touch if the boards disappear!

I felt i had to add my comments to this thread, most of you know me well
from the DIS board, .However good this board we are all posting on here(and i mean
no disrespect here), it isnt the same, im sorry but in these last few days of the boards being
down I have already reduced my views and posts.I totaly understand the difficulties alex and everybody are trying to resolve, but how about some information about whats going on, how long will the boards be down?, can we just have some info on whats going on or what has happened since the last webmasters posting.
Im sure we will all be happier once we know more.

Baldrick here.

I have eventually found my way to these boards after days of looking at an error message.

What happened? Just wanted to say, hello. It's good to see some familiar names and

hope to be posting something soon!

Hi Baldrick! :wave:

Glad to see you found your way here!

So that Simon and the Fatman don't decide to duel at 20 paces :)
Let me clarify some things. It really isn't a black and white situation. The REAL problem is the software and that is being worked on. However throwing some more hardware at it should help enough to make things "reasonable" around here. We are doing that now and I hope to have another server online in the next 7-10 days. I certainly am not going to say, at this time, that it will help enough that I am going to set up seperate boards for the UK but I have real hope that it will make these boards and the US boards very livable. After the new server is up and we have a chance to look at how the performance is we decide on a course of action.
In the meantime realize that we are ALL frustrated, all upset and trying our hardest to make things work around here. I ask you to bear with us and if it gets too much and you need to take a break, you are always welcome back...
Thanks for the reply Alex. I think half the time its the lack of information more than anything else.

Anyway I would really like this thread to end if you want to carry on posting about your concerns could you please start a new thread of your own.

Thanks Wendy :)


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