How do you feel about wearing a mask at Disney parks?

How do you feel about wearing a mask while at a Disney Park?

  • If wearing a mask means the parks can open sooner, I'll wear one. I just want to be able to go!

  • Wearing masks would detract from the Disney experience I love so much! I won't go if I have to mask

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I have a darkish viewpoint of this mask situation, and I waver on the subject. I have sewn my own masks (multiple styles), and have store bought ones. None fit-if they fit my bridge, they hit my eye socket and drag the skin. If they drop lower, I can't breathe through my nose and it ends up hurting (I have a weird nose). I haven't yet been able to wear one for more than an hour at a time (while grocery shopping) without a break. AND because I end up having to breathe through my mouth, I get the added fun of having the humidity of my breath get my mask damp.THAT's not embarrassing.

Also, while they're better than nothing, single layer cloth masks aren't all that effective. I've made some with pockets to put hepa filters in. If you can find 'em, vacuum hepa filter bags have been suggested; I bought a hepa air filter and plan to cannibalize that. Most hepa filters will catch particles down to .01 microns, and the coronavirus is larger than that. Despite this, there is no way I could wear all that in the Florida summer heat.

However-I have a sneaking suspicion that masks are going to become a way of life for those who aren't in love with becoming deathly ill. I don't think the virus is going to just magically disappear, and I'm going out on a limb here to suggest that it's unlikely a vaccine is going to be produced any time soon, maybe not in our lifetimes. Scientists haven't come up with a vaccine for rhinovirus' (of which Coronavirus is one) yet. If my hypothesis is correct-and I have been known to occasionally be wrong :smooth:-I think we're going to be stuck with preventative measures for a long, long time. Think years, not months.

So while I'm following the SAHO's of Michigan, I want to get on with some semblance of my former life; if that means wearing a damp, sweaty mask in 90+ degree heat and 90+ humidity to get to my happy place, I will wear the dang torture
Being that you can’t rely on others to do what is right I would have a hard no if they were not required or just optional. I can pass on Disney until there is a cure or vaccine. Everyone can get this without exception so I don’t see kids being exempt.
If I missed a conversation on this forgive me. I pose a question though. I'm almost starting to get used to the mask thing, indoors. Almost. I still find it very difficult to breathe after say 15-20 minutes - kind of like having the blankets over my head when sleeping. With that said, does anyone else feel the requirement to wear them outdoors in certain areas, like the recently opened City Walk at Universal, just plain stupid? I almost get the indoor requirement, but outdoors? Seriously? If Disney requires masks indoors and outdoors, I'm out. I'll cancel our two week August trip and not even think about going back until all this just goes away.

How do you even handle say walking down Main Street with a Mickey Head ice cream bar, or Adventureland with a Dole Whip? People will be taking masks on and off, getting them dirty, touching them etc. etc. Pretty much negating what very little affect they have anyway. God, this is going to be worse than the security theater at the bag checks.
You are free to reject the scientific evidence if you choose. If you want to believe that masks have no effect, you can do that. In fact, challenging what is 'known' about something is a crucial part of science. I'm just telling you where the science stands on the issue. I don't want people to think there is no scientific evidence for their effectiveness. There is. It isn't perfect evidence just as masks aren't a perfect solution, but it's there.

With regard to being forced to wear one, I'm not sure I get your point. Disney can force you to do whatever it wants. Buy a ticket, get your bag searched, leave at a certain time, not sit on the rails, you name it. If you reject the conditions they set, you just can't go. It's your choice. I think the question of having to wear one in public is a different question entirely and you're probably right that our society won't force people to wear them.

My hypothetical was more to make the point that in a close-contact situation with someone who is known to have the virus, you would probably feel better if they had a mask on.
I don't question their effectiveness when used correctly. I question their use and effectiveness when not used correctly. I'm all for people wearing a mask if they want and I wish Disney didn't make them mandatory as it looks to be. I also have a child who would not be able to wear a mask, so we'll wait until no mask. Based on my antectodal evidence at least in my area the only time and place I've seen people use them correctly was when I took my child for a doctor's appointment. They squirted my hands with sanitizer and handed me a mask explaining to only touch the ear loops and never touch the inside or outside of the mask, as I was leaving I needed to dispose of the mask in a guarded receptacle and again sanitize after. When taking a walk around my block, I see masks dangling from rearview mirrors, when I'm in my supermarket it is required for their workers and highly encouraged for shoppers to wear one yet I see them adjusting, scratching their face, covering just their mouth with their mask. Now what happens when I see the employee's nose breathing on the front of their mask, adjusting the front of their mask, then putting it back on and putting away bananas that customers are now going to grab. Now a whole family may have contracted covid. But everyone was wearing a mask! I mentioned previously I believe it's psychological because some feel safer seeing others have it on and others like myself now feel less safe because I'm seeing all the 'mistakes' when wearing them. I would think less about the germs and virus if that person working at the supermarket was without a mask and just putting the bananas back. (Nothing against people working at supermarkets, true mvps, just what I observed) I agree it's a respiratory virus and how it's transmitted, but my opinion is it either needs to be done right or not at all. I felt comfortable wearing one and safe at the hospital because it was done correctly.

If I knew I was going to be trapped in a room with someone who had Covid-19, I would mentally prepare myself that there would be a high probability I might contract it, be as positive as possible knowing there's a good chance I'll survive, then if I did get it, do my best to fight it off and trust my doctor's to do their best if I needed to be hospitalized. Can I ask if you knew you would be trapped in a room with 1 person with covid-19 and had to choose between one person with a mask who is constantly fidgeting with it, touching their face, lifting it up and another person who is quietly there making sure they're not touching their face, what would you choose?
I appreciate the respectful discussion :) No argument that a lot of education about how to properly use masks has to be done. And I totally agree that it does give people the sense that they can do whatever they want if they have mask on. My suspicion is that those same people would do whatever they wanted without the mask, anyway. People touch their face about 1000 times per day, mask or not. But to your question, I would definitely rather have the person wear a mask! The person touching their mask has to touch a surface and then I have to touch the same surface and then touch my face without performing hand hygiene first to get a large dose of the virus. Without any mask all they have to do is cough or talk for enough time and I just breathe it in. Basically, perfect cant be the enemy of good here. If 100 people wear masks and 30 use them correctly that's still better to me than no one having a mask on at all. I mean, you guys cover your mouth when you cough, don't you?
I’m curious about those saying you have no problem going if masks are required you have children? Even if I, as an adult, was ok with it, there’s no way I would go and expect my kids to wear them. I’m certain they would complain endlessly and mess with them non stop. It would be miserable for all of us. I’m just surprised so many are saying it won’t be a big deal, if kids are involved.

I am in the HRG because of Lung Disease. I am also in the health care profession and due to the severity of the Pandemic, I had to take a LOA. I too have a YC also with ILD and that makes her HR too. We both go out in mask. Is it easy nope! Is it uncomfortable absolutely! I can’t even walk around with my N95 on for longer than 10 minutes.

I now have to use a scooter when we go grocery shopping due to having to use one. It took a few weeks before I was able to bring my child out in public with me because I had to train her to use her FM correctly. She is also on the “Spectrum” so she had to be trained to accept and adapt to having something over her face. She would immediately pull it off and scream she couldn’t breathe. It was awful. As her parent, it is my responsibility to make sure that she remains as safe as possible in public.

The school she attends is going to require FM for EVERYONE NO EXEMPTIONS. They have stated if you can’t get your kid to wear one, then your child will need to be homebound with homeschool instruction until they can comply. This will become a bigger inconvenience to anyone who needs to return to work.

It’s not like you don’t know how hot it can get anytime at WDW. You have the option to stay your behind at home. No one is forcing you to go. It does not provide an essential service. If Disney sticks to mask being required follow the rules or be ready to face the consequences of your actions. I don’t care if they never enforced anything else before. This is a completely different ball game. You don’t know what they may or may not do this time. They may just call your bluff.

If the FM are still required in December when we plan to go back, we will be wearing one. We canceled our usual Summer Trip 😭because mask will be required and I don’t think I’d be able to transport the maximum amount of supplemental O2 I’d need to make it through the day! I’ll just sit my behind at home and live vicariously through the ones there, wishing I was able to join them.

And contrary to the DIS belief, there will be plenty more people who will actually follow the rules who will happily take your place to be able to Disney once again.

I am in the HRG because of Lung Disease. I am also in the health care profession and due to the severity of the Pandemic, I had to take a LOA. I too have a YC also with ILD and that makes her HR too. We both go out in mask. Is it easy nope! Is it uncomfortable absolutely! I can’t even walk around with my N95 on for longer than 10 minutes.

I now have to use a scooter when we go grocery shopping due to having to use one. It took a few weeks before I was able to bring my child out in public with me because I had to train her to use her FM correctly. She is also on the “Spectrum” so she had to be trained to accept and adapt to having something over her face. She would immediately pull it off and scream she couldn’t breathe. It was awful. As her parent, it is my responsibility to make sure that she remains as safe as possible in public.

The school she attends is going to require FM for EVERYONE NO EXEMPTIONS. They have stated if you can’t get your kid to wear one, then your child will need to be homebound with homeschool instruction until they can comply. This will become a bigger inconvenience to anyone who needs to return to work.

It’s not like you don’t know how hot it can get anytime at WDW. You have the option to stay your behind at home. No one is forcing you to go. It does not provide an essential service. If Disney sticks to mask being required follow the rules or be ready to face the consequences of your actions. I don’t care if they never enforced anything else before. This is a completely different ball game. You don’t know what they may or may not do this time. They may just call your bluff.

If the FM are still required in December when we plan to go back, we will be wearing one. We canceled our usual Summer Trip 😭because mask will be required and I don’t think I’d be able to transport the maximum amount of supplemental O2 I’d need to make it through the day! I’ll just sit my behind at home and live vicariously through the ones there, wishing I was able to join them.

And contrary to the DIS belief, there will be plenty more people who will actually follow the rules who will happily take your place to be able to Disney once again.

I was in no way suggesting I would go and not follow the rules. If masks are mandatory, my trip will be cancelled, end of story. And not because I think masks aren’t effective or any other reason besides it doesn’t sound like a vacation that would be enjoyable to me.
My point was really about all the people saying they won’t have a problem with it. I’m guessing a lot will change their minds after actually doing it for a day or two, especially when kids are involved. It’s much easier said than done.
I cancelled our July trip because...well, we are in the midst of a Global Pandemic and even if there are less cases, I'm just not taking the risk for anyone or anything to travel at all. As for a mask, if it isn't safe to go to WDW without a mask, I will not be travelling there with or without a mask. My answer is I am Pro-Mask.
Heres another example of how they do help. But youre correct a lot of folks aren't interested in facts and want to believe whatever supports their personal agenda/situation.
no agenda here. As stated by myself and others several times now, we simply are canceling our trips if masks are necessary. Masks outdoors in extreme heat and humidity is something we’re not willing to do, truly don’t get anyone’s issue with those of us canceling trips. You should be happy there will be more room for you.
no agenda here. As stated by myself and others several times now, we simply are canceling our trips if masks are necessary. Masks outdoors in extreme heat and humidity is something we’re not willing to do, truly don’t get anyone’s issue with those of us canceling trips. You should be happy there will be more room for you.

I agree that no one should be judged for their decisions. I fully support the masking decision, but I also canceled our June trip because, in any case, the modified experience just won't be worth the overall risk. I hope that by the time we can go back the masks won't be necessary.
I was in no way suggesting I would go and not follow the rules. If masks are mandatory, my trip will be cancelled, end of story. And not because I think masks aren’t effective or any other reason besides it doesn’t sound like a vacation that would be enjoyable to me.
My point was really about all the people saying they won’t have a problem with it. I’m guessing a lot will change their minds after actually doing it for a day or two, especially when kids are involved. It’s much easier said than done.

Like all things in life, you can only “try”. No one is saying it’s going to be sooo easy. Heck we all might be like “OMG what was I thinking”! And then there will be those who are like, well,“OMG! I have no clue what the fuss was about because it’s wasn’t as bad as we thought“! You do seem to forget that a mask can be anything. It could be that some might choose to utilize a scarf. It still meets the definition of what ever Disney is requiring.

Either way, if we get there and it’s too hard to stay in compliance with the rules, we will just have to cut our visit short and do something else.

The choice is still yours to make.
To the poster who said her daughters school is requiring them - this is a regional thing. In our state, masks are not required. A lot of daycares reopened two weeks ago - masks aren’t required by children at any of them. I live in a large metropolitan area, so of course I don’t know the policies of them all, but of the 7 or so I have friends at, none require masks on kids. And they are currently serving kids up to 12, so not just little kids.
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I don't question their effectiveness when used correctly. I question their use and effectiveness when not used correctly. I'm all for people wearing a mask if they want and I wish Disney didn't make them mandatory as it looks to be. I also have a child who would not be able to wear a mask, so we'll wait until no mask. Based on my antectodal evidence at least in my area the only time and place I've seen people use them correctly was when I took my child for a doctor's appointment. They squirted my hands with sanitizer and handed me a mask explaining to only touch the ear loops and never touch the inside or outside of the mask, as I was leaving I needed to dispose of the mask in a guarded receptacle and again sanitize after. When taking a walk around my block, I see masks dangling from rearview mirrors, when I'm in my supermarket it is required for their workers and highly encouraged for shoppers to wear one yet I see them adjusting, scratching their face, covering just their mouth with their mask. Now what happens when I see the employee's nose breathing on the front of their mask, adjusting the front of their mask, then putting it back on and putting away bananas that customers are now going to grab. Now a whole family may have contracted covid. But everyone was wearing a mask! I mentioned previously I believe it's psychological because some feel safer seeing others have it on and others like myself now feel less safe because I'm seeing all the 'mistakes' when wearing them. I would think less about the germs and virus if that person working at the supermarket was without a mask and just putting the bananas back. (Nothing against people working at supermarkets, true mvps, just what I observed) I agree it's a respiratory virus and how it's transmitted, but my opinion is it either needs to be done right or not at all. I felt comfortable wearing one and safe at the hospital because it was done correctly.

If I knew I was going to be trapped in a room with someone who had Covid-19, I would mentally prepare myself that there would be a high probability I might contract it, be as positive as possible knowing there's a good chance I'll survive, then if I did get it, do my best to fight it off and trust my doctor's to do their best if I needed to be hospitalized. Can I ask if you knew you would be trapped in a room with 1 person with covid-19 and had to choose between one person with a mask who is constantly fidgeting with it, touching their face, lifting it up and another person who is quietly there making sure they're not touching their face, what would you choose?

My daughters work in a grocery store that is now requiring employees to wear a mask. They give them ONE disposable mask that they have to take home and bring back because they will not give out any more. These are not washable. This policy is laughable. It is absolutely for show. It's not as if they can not afford to provide masks for every shift since they are (as they claimed in a letter to all employees) the #1 store in the company for profit. I think that too many people are not really doing the research and thinking for themselves when they spit out "everyone should wear a mask to keep others safe". While that is absolutely true IF everyone wears the proper type of mask in the right way, we all know that that is not the case. Even with people just going to the store with a mask on, you see them touching and adjusting them, taking them down to take a drink, etc. Even though Covid is a nasty virus, so is the flu. The flu is very deadly also but people have not been wearing masks during flu seasons. I also wonder how many of those who are vocal about everyone wearing a mask now "to protect others", have NEVER gone to work sick, or to the store, etc. Have all of these people been so careful and considerate with other's health before this? And again, the flattening the curve was not to ensure that people will not get the virus, but to spread it out so the hospitals would not get over run. It's still out there, more people will still get sick and it is up to each person to do what they feel most comfortable with to protect themselves.
I would love it if there was reliable testing available, especially for the antibodies. We believe that we were already exposed and had minor symptoms of it in February. It would be nice to know for sure.
The few times I've had to wear a mask (it's not required here, so I've only worn one to places where I knew social distancing wouldn't be as easy), I fidgeted with it. When I'm not wearing a mask, I'm hyper-aware about not touching my face, but if the mask falls a little bit in one direction, etc., I'm messing with it. I'm sure this is the same for most people, so I really think it's counter-productive.

Second point... like others have stated over and over, the heat/humidity. Not just from a breathing standpoint, but sweating; hence, touching to adjust it even more!

Last point (I'm assuming this has been mentioned already), what about about the safety of the rides? If someone loses a mask on a ride (intentionally or accidentally), not only could it land on someone else, but I would be concerned with it potentially getting tangled in vehicle wheels, etc. and impacting the safety of the ride.
So a couple of thoughts. First, if masks are required by Disney, then I think folks should abide by the rules. Easy enough to stay home until that rule is changed. Second, it's finally started warming up here in northern Virginia (was mid-80s for the first time this year yesterday) and I personally would not want to wear a mask in that heat. So I would not go to Disney in the summer if masks are required, but might in January/February timeframe.
well people here is your answer
Face Coverings:
All Guests ages 3 and older, Cast Members and Operating Participant employees are required to wear an appropriate face covering. Guests must bring their own face coverings and wear them at all times, except when dining.
Masks and Face Coverings

Will masks or face coverings be required to enter Disney Springs?
Yes, the use of appropriate face coverings is required for all members of your party throughout your visit to Disney Springs. Cast Members and Operating Participant employees will also need to wear face coverings while at Disney Springs.

What if I forgot my mask? Will masks be provided to Guests or will they be available for purchase?
The use of appropriate face coverings by both Cast Members and Guests is required for all members of your party throughout your visit to Disney Springs. Disposable masks may be available; however, Guests without masks will not be allowed entry to Disney Springs.

What if I don’t want to wear a mask?
Given this unprecedented situation, we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we navigate these challenges as responsibly as we can. With our robust measures in place, we believe a key factor in our success in reopening Disney Springs will be our Guests’ acceptance and adherence to our new protocols while taking personal responsibility to ensure proper physical distancing. Guests without masks will not be allowed entry to Disney Springs.
Do you think the masks will be a temporary mandate? If so, do you think by September that will be lifted? No way to know I understand just want what people's thoughts are. We are booked at the beginning of September. If this has been discussed before I apologize I tried to search and nothing came up.
Do you think the masks will be a temporary mandate? If so, do you think by September that will be lifted? No way to know I understand just want what people's thoughts are. We are booked at the beginning of September. If this has been discussed before I apologize I tried to search and nothing came up.
My guess based on current medical recommendations is that masks will still be in place the rest of this year. But I'm sure others will disagree.
Do you think the masks will be a temporary mandate? If so, do you think by September that will be lifted? No way to know I understand just want what people's thoughts are. We are booked at the beginning of September. If this has been discussed before I apologize I tried to search and nothing came up.
They do use the language “temporary” and “during this initial phase” often. Nobody knows how temporary, though.
Impossible to say. I think it highly depends on how many cases we're still seeing daily in September. Right now a lot of states are pushing reopening, but this could easily lead to a second wave. Especially with people getting tired of distancing, flaunting guidelines, and generally acting like nothing is happening. By September we could have a better handle on it, or things could be significantly worse.


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