How fast it all changed.

I agree with @Pea-n-Me - honor his wishes. We went through this same dilemma last month with my mom - family kept asking to come when we knew my Mom would hate having people see her so sick in bed. We finally agreed to her one sister and my cousin and honestly I regret that still. My cousin decided to FaceTime her sister so that she could say goodbye and it still bothers me. My mom was in her final hours and that shouldn't have been broadcast to others, especially since my own teen girls couldn't come and say goodbye due to flu restrictions at the hospital. I guess what I'm trying to say is don't feel bad for sticking to your husband's wishes if that is what you choose. This is his life and no one should fault you for making sure those wishes have been fulfilled.
As for planning final arrangements if you are ever in need for answers to questions please know that my husband is a funeral director and would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. He was a massive comfort to my own family and I know he would be happy to help if he could.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers today ❤️
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We don't know the family history on why there are issues with Mom and brother. I can understand on how you may be torn.. On one hand you want to serve his wishes and maybe should. When he said those wishes recently, did he know this might be it? On the otherhand as a mother it would break my heart not to say goodbye to my child.. But again, mine are young ( no adult issues) so I cannot relate.

Just decide soon and what ever you decide it's ok... Don't let this affect your time with your husband.. You have other things to focus on.

Edit: just recalled they did visit already. so it's not like his mom now hasnt seen him in years, that might help in your decision.. maybe it's better for them to have that memory as opposed to what is to come...

again, pravers to you and your kids.... cancer sucks
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I had a similar situation years ago with my mom. We were estranged from each other for 11 years. She was dying from colon cancer. I asked my brother if he would ask my mom if it would be okay for me to visit her in her last days, hoping to make amends with each other. My mom did not want to; I respected her wishes and did not get to visit with her in her final days. I often think about what could have been. :(

Rodeo, continued prayers for you all. :hug:'s
I think everyone wants to just make peace so there aren't any regrets. It's just so hard to have to be the one in the middle (especially since you've had to make too many decisions lately).
I'm so sorry you and the kids are going through such a tragic situation that has escalated so quickly.
Peace, prayers.....and virtual hugs (((Rodeo)))
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I think it’s a decision you need to make with your kids who are related to his mom. Often when people are close to dying, the reasons they didn’t get along with a family member may no longer matter and both sides may want to fix it before it can no longer be fixed. There are reasons someone would not have feelings for their mom, I know, and maybe you have those reasons, but you don’t want to regret your decision once it’s too late. Just another opinion.
Some people can’t find it within themselves to put the drama, hysteria and selfishness aside even when it comes to death. OP’s in-laws seem like that type. Her and her husband derserve peace at this time, not chaos and stress.
I am so sorry for everything you and your family are going through. You are an example of grace, love, and concern for your DH and your children. You have navigated the medical and emotional aspects so well and with the thoughts of what is best for your DH. You, your DH, and children are in my prayers.
Some people can’t find it within themselves to put the drama, hysteria and selfishness aside even when it comes to death. OP’s in-laws seem like that type. Her and her husband derserve peace at this time, not chaos and stress.

Exactly, if Rodeo had said that she was sure that the mother and brother would follow whatever directives that she gave them then my answer would be very different, but given the circumstances it seems that honoring her husband's wishes is likely for the best as the last thing that they need is any more chaos and difficulties.
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If I were you, I wouldn’t let them in. They say that hearing is the last sense to go, so when you think he’s sleeping, he might just be semi conscious and know that they are there. I wouldn’t want his last memory of me to be that I disregarded his wishes. They knew it was terminal when they visited, they had their chance to say goodbye then.
I'll just offer this. The meds and visitors are the last control you husband has in his life. It's completely understandable he wants to exert them. But is that need really the most importantly thing he wants? I might suggest that if he has a lucid and good morning that you kindly mention the control and remind him that this is the last time these people (including your own parents) will have the opportunity to say goodbye. I did this with my Mom (talk about the loss of control). And once reminded about the bigger picture she was able to look beyond her own pissed off feelings about what was happening to her.

But it's not worth the fight, or if his anxiety is high or it's just a bad day.
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My opinion is unless he requests to see them-no. A lot of good points about their behavior and they did recently see him. The focus should be on his peace.
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I am so sorry to hear what your family is going through. My sister passed away from cancer in 2009. Every day we were told to come in as she would pass that day but she held on until her best friend's sister came to visit. My sister kept calling her the best friend's name so I think she thought it was her best friend. Shortly after the friend's sister left, my sister passed away. I think she was waiting for her friend. My sister was 65 at the time and they had been best friends since junior high.
Thanks Pea-n-me. You helped focus it for me. They have seen him. I was thinking as a mother, not as a wife.

His family is not local.

Our ice storm seems to have subsided enough for me to go see him, so I'm headed over.

I am glad you made your decision. This is one thing you should not stress yourself with. You are a compassionate person but remind yourself that even tho this is his mother, she is does not have his best interests at heart. But you do & everything you are doing is for him. You are being strong for him & you don't owe anything to anyone but your dear husband & your children. His mother had years to make things right but for whatever reason did not. Please don't let this weigh on you. Don't take that pain onto yourself. You have enough to deal with.
Exactly. We are all strangers and don’t know what the past was. I thought the bigger problem was with his brother.

It really has to be your decision and if possible your husbands. Not sure if you mentioned he knew this might be the last time he and his mom would see each other. That may make a difference.

Perhaps your children and your parents as well can help with the decision. You have been through enough, I pray either way there are no regrets and you get any help you may need.

I think everyone wants to just make peace so there aren't any regrets. It's just so hard to have to be the one in the middle (especially since you've had to make too many decisions lately).
I'm so sorry you and the kids are going through such a tragic situation that has escalated so quickly.
Peace, prayers.....and virtual hugs (((Rodeo)))
Excited family - I'm with you and praying for you and your family. I understand the "work" of dealing with this disease. The appointments, trying this, trying that. I so hope your husband has success with treatment.

It feels like all of that is over for us. Well, it is over for us, but now I feel it. There is nothing more to be done. No more things to try, results to wait for, doctors to talk to. I now just sit beside his bed and listen to his shallow breathing. Yesterday he had removed his oxygen but mid way through the day when I asked if he needed it he said yes and let me put it back. He is still resisting the pain medication with some regularity. Cries out when it is administered through the butterfly. The nurse said it stings going in, so I guess he is just reacting to that, not understanding that it will help him with pain.

He had the nurse call me again last night (this morning) - was confused about where he was. I talked to him for a minute or two and asked him to let them give his medication to make him feel better and I'd see him today. He said ok, but when I called the nurse's station 30 minutes later he still was refusing. I just wish this was easier for him. I think it's the speed of progression, not understanding what happened, medication that has led to confusion, toxins in his system...all these things that are not allowing him peace.

He ate nothing yesterday, and only a sip or two of water and another couple of ginger ale. He was sleeping for much of the day. It seems to be at night he's most restless. The nurse did say he had a good amount of ginger ale after I left last night. My parents did get to see him yesterday. He was asleep when they brought the kids and just poked their heads in. Initially, when I told my dad that DH was saying no visitors he said that was fine, he'd rather remember him coherent and interactive from a couple of weeks ago. But I also think he needed the closure when he got there. Since DH was sleeping and covered and decent at the time, I said it was fine and he and mom just stood in his doorway for a minute.

My brother is on his way back today. He is driving up with his kids and his wife will fly up Tuesday. I thought he had changed plane tickets to FL where they were supposed to visit our parents this week for tickets here instead. Now I wonder if he's driving with the intent that he will have those tickets in another short time for a service. The nurse yesterday gave me a list of crematoriums. I asked what happens to him after his passing. For some reason, TV I guess, I thought the coroner would pick him up, but she said no, because it's an anticipated death, the coroner does not attend. Since we are doing a celebration of life it wouldn't be a funeral home either, but legally he has to be moved by one of those three, so I put dad on calling the crematoriums and getting that sorted out.

I'm warring with myself right now about his mother and brother. They want to come back. He has said no several times this week when I've brought it up. It's near the end and I'm torn between honouring his wishes and giving his family closure. My parents, I trusted to just stand quietly in the doorway and then leave. His family first of all had strain always, and prior to this there had been years of estrangement. He called them when he was diagnosed and said he had a nice visit when they first came to the hospital. The next day, I was in the room and he was short with them, his mom fussing and constantly firing questions at him and complaining about the nursing staff etc. He was relieved when they left. She is prone to histrionics and he and his brother have definitely had plenty of issues too; everything is always about him. Even with meds and things DH was dealing with and discussing with them, he would say things like "well if you're dealing with this just imagine how it was for me when I dealt with..."

I feel like I should call and tell them they can come to the hospice and wait in the living room or family room or quiet room and when I know he's asleep let them do as my parents did. I'm just slightly afraid there would be drama and he'd be disturbed and then he'd know I went against his request. I'm still feeling that would be the kind and right thing to do for them but our whole marriage he'd been very clear that we were his family and he'd left his family of origin behind.
My dad & his brother were estranged. My dad had told me when he was first diagnosed that he did not want his brother there no matter how bad things got. So, although it’s different b/c I absolutely knew his wishes, I honored what my dad wanted. I don’t regret it at all. I could give him much at the end, so I felt like that was one of the few things I could do.
I just read this entire thread from start to finish in the last hour, and my heart is breaking for you, Rodeo, and everyone who is dealing with the same types of issues.

No matter what anyone says to you, know this - you have done the best, the BEST any person could do for their loved one.
So sorry for all your family is going through. May you have peace and strength when you need it most.
Just checking in with you this morning Rodeo. Hope you ok and I just want to say only you know best what will be right for you and your family, nobody else here and whatever you decide is the right choice. Continued hugs.
Good Morning Rodeo - prayers that you are doing ok. You are all on my mind and hope peace and strength are with you. Big hugs from your DIS family.
I have been told that about the person hanging on until everyone leaves the room, but good reminder that I need to let my kids know that. That they may not be right there for his last breath and that's ok.

My dad's last day in hospice, I went in, after going home to take a quick shower after spending the night, kissed him on his forehead and whispered in his ear "it's OK to go, Dad" and then I went out to get a bite to eat in the kitchen there. He passed while I was having tea and danish with my mom. I don't know if he was waiting for the OK, but he was so sedated with morphine he wasn't conscious the last few days. It felt like he was just hanging on, but not really there.

Rodeo, my heart is breaking for you - I wish your husband some peace and pain-free time. (((hugs)))


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