How to know if someone is vaccinated...

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I've got the scar from the smallpox vaccine. I'm 53 and I got it via a huge gun that I was terrified of in first grade.
Just remember the masks that vaccinated people wore protected the unvaccinated. The only people who should be worried right now are unvaccinated which are not worried about covid enough to be vaccinated so if they get sick it's on them. The one group I feel bad for are the medical issue folks who can't and the children who also can't.

Sure they can mask up but like it's said before masks protect others not yourself so they no longer have the choice of safety due to folks not getting the vaccine. I hope everything turns out ok and children younger than 12 get approval soon.
Not a truthful statement. Only parroting the narrative here. There are other reasons not to get the vaccine than not being worried about Covid and most fall under other reasons and not not being worried about Covid.
Just about every American who attended public school before 1972. They were routinely given in school-based clinics, mostly when you entered first grade, but they checked for scars on older new kids and sent them to the clinic if their parents couldn't prove vaccination.

I don't know personally anyone who has that scar, not even those people who attended public school before 1972. I wonder if there was another way of getting it. I have seen people with that scar on their arm but never known anyone personally. are we still at a point where people don't understand what HIPAA is. Its like the people yelling about how we have free speech who don't understand what the amendment actually says and means.

Are you kidding, LOL? There are still honest-to-God flat earthers out there; people who are bound and determined to spin whatever evidence they see in a direction that fits their preconceived result. (The flat-earthers like to insist that all "so-called space exploration" is a hoax, thus all satellite photos are, too.)

There are so many people who don't *want* to understand what HIPAA actually says or means; they have a preferred idea of what it *should* mean, and they are going to insist on (and persist in) believing that it means just what they want it to mean. And then there are the people who really don't care; they just sign what's put in front of them.

I personally have *zero* patience with willful ignorance, but there are a distressingly high number of people who take comfort in it.
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I don't know personally anyone who has that scar, not even those people who attended public school before 1972. I wonder if there was another way of getting it. I have seen people with that scar on their arm but never known anyone personally.

AFAIK, all smallpox vaccination creates a scar. The process is actually an inoculation, and the immune response directly involves the skin, so scarring is the natural consequence. As a PP noted, there was a belief among medical professionals that immunity was not established if the patient did not exhibit the visible skin reaction, so they would sometimes re-inoculate in order to try to produce it.

The guns, believe it or not, were actually considered the less-nasty way to administer it. (And like just about anyone who experienced the gun method, I clearly remember that it hurt like hell, and often bled pretty badly, too. It was also loud. But it was considered VERY progressive in the 1950's.)

The traditional procedure involved creating several small cuts and then deliberately rubbing cowpox pus into them. Some doctors used multiple needles inserted just under surface of the skin (sort of like an IV) instead of making cuts, and I guess that probably kept scarring less noticeable, but doing it that way was very time-consuming, so it wasn't common.
I never personally known anyone with that scar. My parents don't have one, nor do any relatives. I wonder how many people actually got that vaccine.

I have one and so does my husband....mine is on the side of my thigh, which my pediatrician apparently did as I was a girl....thinking about sleeveless dresses I My husband's is on his arm.
I never got the small pox vaccine because my childhood doctor didn't think it was necessary :confused3 :oops:. Apparently neither did my parents.
However, all three of my sisters had theirs.
What I can imagine (as a department manager) is people misusing their sick days and if you think that’s any better... :rolleyes1 Our standard is documentation for any absence 3 days or longer as well.

Who gets enough sick days to abuse, though? Our teachers get 5 per school year.

And of course, the other problem with requiring a note is that it assumes everyone has a PCP who will provide one a low/no charge, even though that's not the case and for a whole lot of people that note costs $50-100 for an office visit to confirm that it is a bad idea to go to work while puking or coughing uncontrollably.
What I can imagine (as a department manager) is people misusing their sick days and if you think that’s any better... :rolleyes1 Our standard is documentation for any absence 3 days or longer as well.
The way I look at is my sick days are my sick days. They were part of my hiring package. They are mine to use when I don't feel well.

If I run them out (which I never have), I then have to present documentation and possibly take future sick days without pay.

I am sure people use them to sleep in and watch TV all day, who knows. But maybe they can claim that is helping their mental health. Some people work like dogs and are worn out. It's nice those people have sick days to take a mental health day. But when they are gone, they are gone. That's when I feel employers can request a doctor's note.
The way I look at is my sick days are my sick days. They were part of my hiring package. They are mine to use when I don't feel well.

If I run them out (which I never have), I then have to present documentation and possibly take future sick days without pay.

I am sure people use them to sleep in and watch TV all day, who knows. But maybe they can claim that is helping their mental health. Some people work like dogs and are worn out. It's nice those people have sick days to take a mental health day. But when they are gone, they are gone. That's when I feel employers can request a doctor's note.
That's not the way it works at my company. Paid sick days are basically unlimited at management discretion and separate from PTO but they are not to be used as free vacation or to take advantage of corporate goodwill. It doesn't take long to determine who needs closer accountability than just the honor system. Not only have I required doctor's notes to the letter of our policy, in certain cases I've even flat-out asked certain employees to "suck it up" and come in when their patterns of not-feeling-well repeatedly to coincide with scheduled tasks they found onerous.
That's not the way it works at my company. Paid sick days are basically unlimited at management discretion and separate from PTO but they are not to be used as free vacation or to take advantage of corporate goodwill. It doesn't take long to determine who needs closer accountability than just the honor system. Not only have I required doctor's notes to the letter of our policy, in certain cases I've even flat-out asked certain employees to "suck it up" and come in when their patterns of not-feeling-well repeatedly to coincide with scheduled tasks they found onerous.
That would be a much different situation indeed. People would take advantage of unlimited sick days for sure.
We've been eating at restaurants again and it made me feel weird that the waitstaff is running around in masks and we are sitting and laughing and drinking and carrying on mask-less. Kinda like who am I, Marie Antoinette? So last time we ate out, I noticed again the waiters kind of rushing in and away, so I told the waitress, "We are all vaccinated; you don't have to be afraid of us."
The whole meal suddenly became more relaxed. I could tell she really appreciated the gesture of caring about her health, and we had great service.
Long story shot, we probably need to make each other feel safe. It's been a very strange year.
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