Hula's Yard Sale

don't worry she has lots of candy canes. You will get one for sure!
anya.sparrow said:
Hula's room description asks, "What treasures will you find"?

Answer: Carpel Tunnel syndrome! :rotfl2:

Click, move mouse. Repeat as needed.
Not to mention, frustration, disappointment of getting "We're Sorry yada yada" and wasted time just trying to get in. :(
Aunt - what did you end up with?

For that matter - what did all those who got in end up with? was it what you were hoping for, second on your list? or just something random?
No - really.. maybe.. I hope not.. Frozen again... and I am first in queue!
Well, that was 3 hours of clicking constantly completely wasted. :sad2:

3 hours that I could have spent earning credits or sleeping off this cold I'm getting.

But I really wanted to at least get a chance at getting something off my wishlist.:sad:
Well, that wasn't great.

But we all knew what we were in for after clicking non-stop for a while.

Congrats to those who got in, and to those of us who didn't... there's always something good around the corner in VMK :).

I am sure I speak for all of us *losers* lol when I say "Please post what you got!"

yes yes - ashjoe made a boo boo. But she did get lucky and host hula was very kind. I did end up with something I wanted, but as a lesson to all, stay in your chair and watch the computer for items that dissapear. Also - make sure you have 3-5 items you may want. I saw lots of things I liked grabbed from those ahead of me!
jasonpwns said:
you got red crate?

There were no more red cates on the floor when I arrived. I saw it when I entered, then I stepped away for a few moments, and when I came back to ask for it I was told it was not there anymore. I was dissapointed to hear that, and I said so in so many VMK words.

I want to thank Hula again - I did not mean to sound so angry - it wansnt anger, just dissapointment. And thank you for being so kind :) I hope you can understand and forgive me :) I will feel bad for a few days over it. :) hope you can forgive :)
I just have to say that I really thought this was a great event! and there will be more of them! I am so sorry for those that did not get in, but try next week. It was fun!
it was only fun once you got in
the hour and a half wait in line was not fun.
This was the slowest host event I have seen since DC days
hdmonkeybug said:
I just have to say that I really thought this was a great event! and there will be more of them! I am so sorry for those that did not get in, but try next week. It was fun!
I agree. It is a great event. But, when a person tries for 3 hours just to get into a queue and never gets in, that is absolutely insane.

I wasted away 3 hours. Not 1. Not 2. But all 3 hours of the game! There has to be a better way to do this. I would usually get in at least once in all that time. But not at all this time.

Increase the Queues! We don't have to worry about disconnects anymore.

And I can only hope that I can actually get in next time. There is no guarantee that I won't waste another 3 hours trying to get in.
cteddiesgirl said:
...There has to be a better way to do this. Increase the Queues! We don't have to worry about disconnects anymore.

...And I can only hope that I can actually get in next time.
I totally agree that there should be a better way. Increasing queues would help greatly!

I hope you get in too!
I agree that it is soooo frustrating to keep trying over and over again for hours at a time and never get in. Most of the time I never do get in unless they have one that last until about 11:30pm my time. I wish they would have 2 rooms going and I don't understand why they don't when they know so many people are trying to get in. But even after saying that I will still keep trying to the very end!! :hourglass
be grateful you can get in at all. If I am ever lucky enough to get in line early (today was at 5) I get disconnected. It always happens. When I make it in after hours of clicking, I get disconnected UNLESS it is a fast host game, the teleporter ones. The trade games..I will never be able to get into.
sharkm said:
I agree that it is soooo frustrating to keep trying over and over again for hours at a time and never get in. Most of the time I never do get in unless they have one that last until about 11:30pm my time. I wish they would have 2 rooms going and I don't understand why they don't when they know so many people are trying to get in. But even after saying that I will still keep trying to the very end!! :hourglass
This is something they should consider now. It was fine when there were only 2000 people on at any given time. One host room sufficed for that many people.
But it's now at least double that and more. One host room at a time does not work too well. There are twice the amount of people trying to get in at the same time.
We've seen it during the ride-a-thons. They will have many rooms open and yet, there's still long waiting queues and people being unsuccessful in getting in.
We need at the very least, longer queues and 2 host rooms at once. Or maybe 2 hosts in the same room would also work for this type of event. It would get people through much quicker.


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