I Don't Know, I Don't Speak Wind!!

The last day is always so hard...and the days that follow. I would love to live in Orlando also. Could you imagine saying," I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's go eat at one of the parks"? Thanks for posting the SeaWorld merchandise. We have 111 days until our SeaWorld trip. I am starting to get excited for it. I booked 2 tours the other day. One was a Behind the Scenes tour which ends with getting to pet a penguin. The second was the Dolphins Up Close Tour where you get to see the dolphin nursery, watch and learn the trainers hand signals, then get to use those signals woth the dolphins. Not sure if you get to feed but I do believe you get to touch the dolphins. I know you can buy food trays and feed them but I figured this would be fun and less crowded since there is a limited number in the tour.

BTW~ I am not sure if you have bought your SeaWorld tickets yet but you can get a FunCard for $89.00. It is good for unlimited visits until December 31, 2013. I know you are planning on doing 1 day this summer but since you are taking the girls down early this Christmas, you might could sneak bck over there. I have heard that the park is decorated nicely for Christmas and they convert the Wild Arctic ride to the Polar Express.

Also, we are keeping in mind those of you who are snowbound this morning. We hope it is pretty to look at, but that it is not causing problems and power outages for you. Check in with your snow results, if you will. Leslie L. said they had about a foot, I think, at last report. Amy was supposed to get 2-3 feet, I believe!

My anti-snow prayers did not work. We got probably about a foot and a half to two feet of snow. My mum came in her jeep yesterday to take me to work (my little Focus would never have made it down my side-street) and my normal 20 minute drive took a little over an hour. And it was pretty much for nothing because head office shut down all of the stores in our region a couple of hours later. But at least we still got paid for the whole day! :goodvibes No power outages or anything here, just sore from shoveling the driveway!:headache:

It's funny how even looking at someone else's pictures of leaving makes you feel that gross feeling of doom in the pit of your stomach! But I am very much looking forward to seeing and hearing about the October trip! :)
So sad to see this report come to an end but pleased to know another is coming. As always I have enjoyed following along with you. :goodvibes

Just under 3 feet of snow in this part of Connecticut. I am DIS'ing instead of shoveling. :rolleyes:
[/QUOTE]Anyway, we hope you have enjoyed this 13 day/7 month trip! Thanks for hanging with us. As soon as Jill gets the intro to October started, please come and join us again, if your sanity can survive it. :goodvibes[/QUOTE]

I am starting to panic...now that I have become a fan..how will I find the new report????? Do you put a link at the end of this one? :cheer2: Deb
Officially, our town ended up with 23 inches...but it's really hard to tell because of the drifting. We did venture out to Bertuccis for dinner, the roads we were on were cleared to the pavement and it was pretty easy driving. We live in the southern part of our town, maybe I'll take a drive north tomorrow.
The highest total I saw for our state was Hamden with 40inches! Glad we weren't them.

Take care, all
The last moments are always so sad.
But you know you will be back and I know that helps because it always helps me. :)

Half Marathon was Jan 12. Hopefully I can recap on my TR before the next half rolls around ;)
Spoiler alert : I did finish! :laughing:

We don't leave without plans for the next trip! :thumbsup2 I hope I never have to face that, either. I would probably cry like a baby! :laughing:

You are a go-getter, girl! I hope I can walk a Disney 5k one of these days.

I can't believe that tr took 7 months.... so much has happened since then. I did enjoy the fun- filled 13 days.
While, I have never left via the unmagical express, it is always sad in our car too. This past November wasn't too bad because we knew we were going in December, but that is when Justin started his June,June, June campaign. When we left on Jan 1 with the band, the director was taking pictures to put on twitter and getting all sad . So, being the mom, I started with the " it's easier to leave driving than flying because you can kind of ease back into reality" speech... and then reminded him that he was going to be back 3x in the next 7 months. He, too, is obsessed.

Have a great weekend, I'll post a picture on fb of the driveway with the snow before Jerry starts the final dig:)

Three trips in seven months - that's a good life!

I have been seeing all of these snow pictures. I have also been being very thankful for it not looking like that here.

I am one of those who made a couple friends through your reports, including one amazing real-life best friend! I am so grateful for the time I've had here with Katie and Patrick. :goodvibes:

So, yes, winter storm Nemo delayed our travel plans...we live in the greater Boston area and were supposed to fly into Logan today around three. My dad called Delta on Thursday afternoon and asked what they had for Sunday. The agent basically laughed and said there was nothing till Tuesday. This was on THURSDAY! We got a direct flight at the exact same time on Tuesday that our flight today would've been. Oh, and three whole extra days in Disney. We went to guest services at Epcot last night and added three more days to our tickets. If you've gotta be stuck somewhere because of a snowstorm, there is no better place than Disney!

I have told your story to about five people. Everybody loves that Disney gave you a nice discount. I am so glad you are still having fun!

I like the plan of everyone coming later and I hope I can find the trip report given they don't show up on IPads wish me luck

I hope you can find us, too. Jill will put the link at the end of this report.

Such a fun TR like always, MeMom!

We are riding the ME for the first time in May, so I'm sure I will cry the whole way to the airport watching that video. :sad2:

You probably will shed a few tears. The going away video helps a little, though. It assures you that they will be ready for you to come back any time! :goodvibes

So sad the trip is over but looking forward to the next one! I love watching your girls grow up in each report.

Jill in CO

When we started all this, Brooklynn was a chunky pizza-eating baby. :laughing: Now she's a big sister and school girl. Such a sweet big girl, she is, too!

My DH gives a :thumbsup2 to the coconut patties, he buys them every trip. He only discovered the Mickey ones back in August and got some with his snack credits.
We still brought home a big box like you pictured, from Walmart though. My DH has only had the original flavour, but my DDs want to try a few others this summer.
They often have big bags of taffy when we visit Walmart too, what is this like, should we try some? We love to try different goodies that we can't get over here, we also brought back some Oreos, M&Ms and Pop Tarts in different flavours to what we can get at home.

Stay safe and keep warm everyone in the path of the snowstorm, it is big news over here :hug:

Good to know about those coconut patties.

Taffy is okay. It's pure sugar. It will get stuck in your teeth, though. I do like to watch them make it in Gatlinburg in the store windows.

That's interesting that the storm made the news over there!

So true- Enjoy your bonus Disney days !!!!

She sent me a text from MK earlier. Lucky girl!

Hi Fans of this TR. We got away easy. No loss of heat and electricity, but further out on Long Island got slammed, all the roads were closed, and more drama.... DH is thinking " 3 Days until Pitchers and Catchers Report!", a nod to his Yankee jacket. Hope everyone is safe and warm.

We are really glad you did not lose power. The thoughts of baseball season coming will help bring warm thoughts to many. :thumbsup2 The sun was shining here today. It was still cold, but the sun was nice.

Our drive is now clear and we will venture out later to see if anything is open. The sun is out and still a bit windy :)

You are a hardier breed than I am. I will consider going south someday, but I don't think I will ever give a thought to going north!

I am really looking forward to your October report. We had to move our dates from Dec and now we are going in Oct. I can't wait. Lexi doesn't know yet but she has been asking every day now for about 3 weeks when we can go back.

October is an awesome time to go. I'll be sad when I don't go in October, but if I want to go in December, the money will have to all go for that, so I am sticking to my plans. October is so nice for not being too hot or too cold. It is just right!

The last day is always so hard...and the days that follow. I would love to live in Orlando also. Could you imagine saying," I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's go eat at one of the parks"? Thanks for posting the SeaWorld merchandise. We have 111 days until our SeaWorld trip. I am starting to get excited for it. I booked 2 tours the other day. One was a Behind the Scenes tour which ends with getting to pet a penguin. The second was the Dolphins Up Close Tour where you get to see the dolphin nursery, watch and learn the trainers hand signals, then get to use those signals woth the dolphins. Not sure if you get to feed but I do believe you get to touch the dolphins. I know you can buy food trays and feed them but I figured this would be fun and less crowded since there is a limited number in the tour.

BTW~ I am not sure if you have bought your SeaWorld tickets yet but you can get a FunCard for $89.00. It is good for unlimited visits until December 31, 2013. I know you are planning on doing 1 day this summer but since you are taking the girls down early this Christmas, you might could sneak bck over there. I have heard that the park is decorated nicely for Christmas and they convert the Wild Arctic ride to the Polar Express.

That is a thought for a future time, for sure. We will be flying in and will just stay on Disney property this time. If we had a little more time this summer, we might very well go two days, but I have to get back to go to church camp.
Your experience at Sea World makes me feel pretty confident we will be making more trips to Sea World, though. ::yes:: The girls would enjoy the Polar Express idea! I know Jill, Brooklynn, and I would love doing all of those things you talked about.

My anti-snow prayers did not work. We got probably about a foot and a half to two feet of snow. My mum came in her jeep yesterday to take me to work (my little Focus would never have made it down my side-street) and my normal 20 minute drive took a little over an hour. And it was pretty much for nothing because head office shut down all of the stores in our region a couple of hours later. But at least we still got paid for the whole day! :goodvibes No power outages or anything here, just sore from shoveling the driveway!:headache:

It's funny how even looking at someone else's pictures of leaving makes you feel that gross feeling of doom in the pit of your stomach! But I am very much looking forward to seeing and hearing about the October trip! :)

It'll be like we turned right around and headed back the next day! :goodvibes

So far, we have not heard of any of our DIS family losing power, which is possibly a miracle!

So sad to see this report come to an end but pleased to know another is coming. As always I have enjoyed following along with you. :goodvibes

Just under 3 feet of snow in this part of Connecticut. I am DIS'ing instead of shoveling. :rolleyes:

I am so excited about Beach Club next month! I appreciate you guys letting us use your private Epcot entrance for a few days. :goodvibes

DISing your way to warmer days is a good thing to do when 'the weather outside is frightful'. :cold:

Loved hearing about your 13 day adventure and looking forward to the next one! :)

You know we love having our 'old' friends staying with us. We've watched each others' kids be born and grow up in the Disney fun!

I am starting to panic...now that I have become a fan..how will I find the new report????? Do you put a link at the end of this one? :cheer2: Deb

Jill is actually working on the new report tonight. She will put a link to it on here. We definitely want you to come with us on the next adventure!

Officially, our town ended up with 23 inches...but it's really hard to tell because of the drifting. We did venture out to Bertuccis for dinner, the roads we were on were cleared to the pavement and it was pretty easy driving. We live in the southern part of our town, maybe I'll take a drive north tomorrow.
The highest total I saw for our state was Hamden with 40inches! Glad we weren't them.

Take care, all

23 inches would have us inside for weeks! Be careful out there on those icy roads!
Darn!! Just when I have a chance to get caught up is over!! I love reading your trip reports MeMom. We just came back from our NYE trip and it was incredible. I couldnt havedone it without your TR from your last NYE trip. We are trying to decide if we want a summer trip in June or another xmas/new years trip.Too hard to decide! Cant wait to read your next TR!
Okay, thanks to the magic of TR update links I made it through your TR. :thumbsup2 A lot of new things in there, and really enjoyed seeing Disney through a different set of eyes! ::yes::

Well, this party is ending soon, but another one is starting. How do you feel about WDW in October? :thumbsup2 That's the next stop!
Sorry I joined in late and had to catch up quickly without the benefit of all the chatter. Looking forward to the October TR and hopefully joining in from the beginning so I can comment along the way! :rolleyes1

Hey Goofyfan, great to have you around.
Thanks Pat! Glad to be here. Better late than never, right??? :blush:

We hope you won't be scared away by my goofy :goofy: comments sometimes. I am guilty as charged, but that's just me, so hopefully you can overlook that and enjoy the pictures of your favorite place :smickey: in spite of it.
I'll never be scared away by goofy comments!!! :rotfl:

And I agree.....it is great making new DIS friends!!! :banana:
I was just thinking of you the other day. Hope all is well with you and your sweet fella. We need to see you guys again! Any chance you'll come to Nashville on July 6th?

All is well just busy, catching up after a week at Disney. A trip to Nashville sounds great this summer, but I need to give DH a rest from the Disney trip before planning the next trip.

The Disney trip was a lot of fun. We went with DH's brother and sister along with their families. We made alot of family memories. As you have discovered I finally got around to putting up a few pictures on facebook. :goodvibes
Officially, our town ended up with 23 inches...but it's really hard to tell because of the drifting. We did venture out to Bertuccis for dinner, the roads we were on were cleared to the pavement and it was pretty easy driving. We live in the southern part of our town, maybe I'll take a drive north tomorrow.
The highest total I saw for our state was Hamden with 40inches! Glad we weren't them.

Take care, all

DH is watching the weather channel and they were just talking about Hamden. Cannot imagine that much snow!!!:confused3

We rode ME for the first time last year. I was excited to see the video for real after seeing so many pics of it. :goodvibes
Valgoof said:
DH is watching the weather channel and they were just talking about Hamden. Cannot imagine that much snow!!!:confused3

We rode ME for the first time last year. I was excited to see the video for real after seeing so many pics of it. :goodvibes

I cannot imagine 40 inches either and that's without the drifting !! I hope school is not cancelled Monday, we are getting dangerously close to the date we leave for vacation...
Sad to see your TR end, but I'm glad a new one is starting soon! That's why going frequently is so great! I just finished Aug and started Nov!
I HATE leaving Disney. It's so sad! Even Brooklynn's stuffed animals seem sad to be leaving.
Just thinking of the ride back to the airport for those families that are on their once in a lifetime trip makes me sad. At least we know that we will be back in a number of months!
Over? NO, say it isn't so!! Leaving is so very unmagical.

But you have wonderful trips on the horizon and PTR's starting soon and hopefully I get to meet all of you in less than a year! Lovely plans for solo time with the big girls at the front of the trip. :thumbsup2
Oh! and since we are going to be home for Christmas, and we bought Harper an annual pass. I'm thinking we will bring her along in Christmas too. I am so anxious to get that trip booked!
Thanks Memom

Have loved reading along with your adventures, thanks for letting me be part of it. Cant believe its been that long though, definitely makes time fly :thumbsup2

The Sunday Family movie here tonight is Up. Its my favourite, I love Dug.

So I'll sign off and get the chippies out and watch now. popcorn::

hope you've had a nice weekend. Looking forward to the next adventure. :woohoo:

Take care
Oh no! The bus of doom! :rotfl:
At least knowing there's another trip planned eases the pain somewhat. And I guess this time you and Brooklynn were starting to get excited about getting home to the rest of the family?

I've enjoyed this trip report and look forward to the next one - as your little Dis community over here continues to grow and take care of one another, good times or bad :grouphug:
I unburied myself from the snowbanks and made it back here just in time! ;)

Naw, we only got about 7 inches, no real snowbanks around here...but did you see CT's counts? 33 inches?! :faint:

I'm still playing catch-up on the DIS, hence my slow replies, but really making some progress finally. Of course that means everything else around the house is getting ignored. :rolleyes1

Where are those mosaic floors? I'm not sure I have ever seen those! And what shop is the palm tree in? I think I might have to try to bring that home.

I have your March schedule open in another window, I will add it to my planner so I know when we can meet up in case Epcot on the 23rd doesn't work out for some reason. Also, I will be at WDW starting on the 18th now, BUT, at a work conference - so not able to hang out on a whim-we only have a few evenings free (they keep us BUSY!). We will keep our plans for the 23rd, but the 22nd might work too since I'll be done with the conference and all my work buddies are leaving in the morning and the boys won't arrive until later that night. Of course Brook without Henry is kinda boring...:goodvibes I'll send you a text on that day and we can see if our plans overlap. Anita, I'd really like to see you too before you leave now that you are going a day earlier! Do you have a loose agenda?


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