I love my Wishblade!!!


<font color=red>Has three great loves: Mickey, Po
Mar 30, 2004
I FINALLY took a little time to read some posts in the user group and get a little more up on doing my own shapes. I downloaded 2 free programs. In less than 5 minutes, I was able to tak a coloring book page I downloaded anfd turn it into a file that I could do a piercing with. I have only cut out one color, as I was supposed to be cleaning the house, but I'll try to have it all together and post a pic Sunday.

I'm soooo excited!!!! I can't wait to share the finished product with everyone!
I can't wait to see it! Was it easy to do, the downloading and all?
VERY easy!!!! I just needed to take a few minutes to look the info up and read through. I could give anyone else the easy version pretty quick, though.
I've never heard of a Wishblade until this thread (non-scrapper-but-would-like-to here). So I looked it up and now I want one! LOL

My main concern would be cutting your own designs. It sounds like you can? I do machine embroidery, and have the program to digitize my own designs...is there something similar for the wishblade? I would hate to be restricted to the pre-made stuff.

Also, I thought I read somewhere that there is a way to cut heavier materials too? Do you know if it cuts fabric? Thanks! I don't want to hijack your thread... :)

can't wait to see what you've done!

grrr...DUe to dial-up at home, I can't share yet. Will try again tonight.

I don't know about cutting fabic. I don't see that working, though.

If you have a dxf or a line drwing in a jg, bmp, and several others, you can use some simple software to convert to a Wishblade file. It' spretty easy.
thanks for the info! can't wait to see your pics... :)

Finally! The dial-up gods are on my side tonight!

Mushu ala Wishblade.

Am I green with envy! Now I know why they call it a "wishblade".

That looks awesome. What else have you done with it? :flower:
Carrie - what programs are you using? OpenOffice? I think I still have an easier time with tracing off the WB software itself... unless there is something cheap or free that will automatically convert scanned images into gsd files...
Wow, Carrie that is great. I purchased my Wishblade last June but really haven't had time to do much of anything or experiment, though I did make frames and journal boxes for the last DCL Swap. (Being a new mommy has really cut into scrapping time for me.)

Anyway, that Mushu is wonderful. Could you tell us what programs you used. You mentioned that you downloaded 2 free programs. Where'd you find them - got the links?


BTW, here are the pieces I made for the swap. I traced the logo using the WB s/w and downloaded the Disney font that someone else had traced. (The Mickeyheads are punches though.)
I love mine too, but have only done very basic things with it. I would love to here your easy versions of how to trace and do other things. I just don't have the time to sit and play with it like I would like to.
It would not have taken so much time, had I taken 5 minutes to read through the Yahoo users group 1st. ;) That's me for you though.

Here's what you do:

Download WinTopo (free)


This will take and B/W single line drawing (scanned coloring book pages, etc) and put them into a dxf file. (Open file, hit vectorization, hit one step vectorizaation, hit save as....___.dxf.

Download RoboCraft MAster (free)
This is the softeware for teh UK's version of Wishblade.


Open dxf file. Hits save as ... ___.gsd. You're good to go.

Only glitch. You cannot have Wishblade oand RoboMaster open at the same time. One or the other. Not a big deal, but if you have one open, and click on the icon for the other, it will just take tyou to the program already open.

Mushu was my first creation. I stuck with fonts or already done GSDs before that. Simpler would have been easier as he was a bit of an inrticate puzzle, but the pieces fit perfectly. Even my very picky, very frugal dh was impressed/amazed.

I highly recommend the user groups. They have a lot of free gsd files and a search will find you the answer to almost any question.
I have always thought that I wanted a wishblade. Now I KNOW that I want one. That is great!!! :flower:
I am a member of both of the user groups and Archives group. I have saved a bunch of files that the other ladies have posted, but haven't created anything on my own yet.
Hey, since we're not allowed to share Disney files on the Yahoo groups, does anyone here have some files, really, ANYTHING Disney, they could send me? I've got the new software, so anything will work. I bought the Pazzles software yesterday, can't wait for that to arrive. I also bought the CD of "Children of the World" thought it'd be PERFECT for Small world swaps/layouts. But I'm having a hard time coming up with anything, though I found some Pooh dingbats I'm looking forward to trying out on my WB. I've only had it for a month or so, so I'm still really new to it. Between my kit swap, and the swaps for DisneyDemocracy and other things (PIFfing) I haven't had a lot of time to play with it.

subbing for my cousin who has been patiently waiting on her wishblade for 8 weeks now. :rolleyes1 thanks for the links.

BTW Love the cruise line items. Awesome. Makes me want one, too.
Hi!! I have a new pink WB or wishblade 2007, and I'm very happy with it, because I have done a lot of *.gsd files, but I haven't cut anything. My DH was opening the box and removing everything from the bags and the blade fell to the floor... I'm waiting for a new blade!

Let you know when I cut, and yes lets share disney die cuts here!!
I am buying one of these very soon. I am so glad I held off from buying the Cricut.

Let me know how the newest model is.
I've had mine since last summer but except for merging words together I haven't really played with it. But I may need to get that bumped up on my list. The creations you ladies have shown are great.


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