I need a xanax! 5 Days!!

Camping is camping..but it's not a vacation without ROOM SERVICE!!!!

You know it is funny -- In my last job, I traveled quite a bit and stayed in some pretty nice places (particularly when meeting with customers) but honestly, it never seemed all that much like a treat to me. I tent-camped for the first time @ WDW a year or so ago and loved it. Waking up to the sounds that the birds and little tree frogs make -- awesome. One night, it rained a little bit and that was really pleasant too -- the air was so fresh and sweet. My attitude might change 100% if I'm caught in a downpour or a big-time windstorm but right now, I think I like camping better.
Welcome home Sue..I'm taking my Mom in October..any pointers?

Rosie - the best advice I can give is to let your mom take the lead. I can walk all day but my mom has had 2 knee replacements so she walks, but the endurance isn't there. She also has issues getting on and off some rides - especially boats like POTC where she needs to step down to get in and then step up to get out. Think about any mobility limitations that your mom might have before you get on each ride. And most of all ... enjoy spending time with her!
you'll like it even if you don't care for the food.....just chug on your beer and enjoy the show!
you'll like it even if you don't care for the food.....just chug on your beer and enjoy the show!

Both DS and I are really, really picky and we still find things to eat there. That's part of the beauty of a buffet:lovestruc You'll be fine (and there is always the beer).
Rosie - the best advice I can give is to let your mom take the lead. I can walk all day but my mom has had 2 knee replacements so she walks, but the endurance isn't there. She also has issues getting on and off some rides - especially boats like POTC where she needs to step down to get in and then step up to get out. Think about any mobility limitations that your mom might have before you get on each ride. And most of all ... enjoy spending time with her!

Thank you-

Spunky as Mom is, she is getting older. Because we live on opposite coasts I don't get to see what her frailties are. I do know that she is really looking forward to this trip and for the first time in a long while there is excitement in her voice when we talk.
Yeah I have been packed for awhile now. I am currently on the Great Shoe debate. How many to take, what colors and will my favorite pair hold in for one last WDW trip? or should I take a backup pair?

But I leave on Sunday morning. So if I don't talk to y'all at work today, I'll see you on the 18th.
Take them all... you can never have to many shoes.:thumbsup2
hope you have a great time.
Oh I agree but which of my 40 pairs of shoes to take :-)

:rotfl2: WEll, even I hafta agree 40 might be pushing the limit. But seriously, if there is one pair that may or may not last the trip then that pair needs a back up. This is comming form a girl who had a sandle strap break on day one of a ten day trip back when WDW did not sell shoes:headache: Back-up shoes are a GOOD thing.
:rotfl2: WEll, even I hafta agree 40 might be pushing the limit. But seriously, if there is one pair that may or may not last the trip then that pair needs a back up. This is comming form a girl who had a sandle strap break on day one of a ten day trip back when WDW did not sell shoes:headache: Back-up shoes are a GOOD thing.

Sadly one more pair of shoes might mean another bag to pack and then I can take more clothes :-)


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