I Saw Mommy Kissing Goofy Claus - Dec '09 - DAY ONE, FINALLY (2/20) - PG# 40

So, the other night, Monday, I got a PIN code for December. ANOTHER pin code. All cause I registered that email address and then booked through AAA. It was for $69/night +tax for staying at a Value. They better keep the pins coming when I want to book our next trip!
thanks for the map!!! It looks the same as last years :) Do you remember when the castle lighting is? For the life of me I can't remember. 6:30 or 6:45 keeps popping into my head bc I know on MVMCP, they were kicking people out of the park who were trying to get photopass pictures of the caste lights because of the party..let me know if you remember!!

ps..did you get DME/Mickey Mail yet???

Totally LOVE the map. I was scoping it out and making a make shift plan of attack in my head. I really want to enjoy what the party has to offer. We'll have tons of time to get on all the rides, I want to meet all the characters and see all the shows. Plus we plan to be there at 4, so I think we're golden!

I hope you find yourself in Disney discount code heaven!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!
I'm so glad that we have a map now! I already printed it our just to look over.

Got the map from the MVMCP thread! I couldn't close the window for the longest time, I just sat and stared at it in all its glorious-ness!

thanks for the map!!! It looks the same as last years :) Do you remember when the castle lighting is? For the life of me I can't remember. 6:30 or 6:45 keeps popping into my head bc I know on MVMCP, they were kicking people out of the park who were trying to get photopass pictures of the caste lights because of the party..let me know if you remember!!

ps..did you get DME/Mickey Mail yet???

I feel that 6:30 sounds right, but I can not be quoted! Not too sure of the time.

Also, Mickey Mail came in Saturday, but I didn't get the message til AAA closed, so picked it up Monday.

Again...you are so quick and awesome with your info!!! :flower3::love:

Thanks for the flower! :laughing: There is a MVMCP thread I got it from!


Totally LOVE the map. I was scoping it out and making a make shift plan of attack in my head. I really want to enjoy what the party has to offer. We'll have tons of time to get on all the rides, I want to meet all the characters and see all the shows. Plus we plan to be there at 4, so I think we're golden!

I hope you find yourself in Disney discount code heaven!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!

Nic, your plan of attack sounds quite similar to ours!

You know I will get squat for codes when I need 'em!
Let me just start by saying that I am not your go to girl for movie reviews. I am pretty short and to the point...

Monday Madilynn and I met up with her BFF's, Bella & Griffin, and their mom, Alison. We had plans to meet at the mall at 11:30 for the 11:45 show. So I go grab some BK nuggets and fries for the kids and Madi & I arrive first. To locked doors... interesting. Madi looks up at me and says: "Mumma, keys?" I told her my keys didn't work here. So I call the darn automated line and get nowhere, so I get online on my phone and find out the first showing is 2:05. What the what?! :confused3 At this point Alison came and we decided to go two towns over to see it at 12:20.

Disaster averted and we get there just in time. The previews were just about over and we found seats easily. There were no other kids in the theater, all older folks enjoying a Monday morning matinee. Our kids were very well behaved, Madi needs to work on her movie theater voice, but by no means were the kids disruptive!

Now, on to the movie! I really like the way that it flowed. There wasn't a dull point or slow part that made the kids restless. Jim Carrey did a great job. He was very Jim Carrey, but I assume they cast him knowing this! Griffin and Bella got scared at a few parts (Ghost of Christmas Present "evaporates" into a skeleton) and they were snuggling up to their momma... and Madi laughed it off! My kid is crazy! I guess I really don't have a detailed review, but I can say that this movie is great. Be cautious with younger children, but parents - you know your kids best and will know if this is something they can handle. Highly recommend this film!
We all love to read about plans and details and days, I will not let you down by withholding this information! The other day I handed my rough draft of day one to Shamus and he nearly fell off his chair (maybe he was sitting on the floor already, but you know!). It really made me think twice about how structured I am going to write up our days. So, be prepared for some surprising twist in what you may have previously thought was going on... and without further ado, I bring you Day One! (P.S. - Currently jamming out to Christmas carols... Nic made me do it! :rolleyes:)

Sunday, December 6 - Day One/Travel Day!
First off, my friend Kelcey (who lives at home with her parents and is enrolled in the Nursing Program at the local Community College) wants/agreed to stay at the house while we're gone. This makes me feel better than leaving the house unattended. So, since Kelc will be here we've opted to skip on the rental car and will be taking the 3:10AM :scared: bus to Boston. We like the thought of the bus since neither of us will be responsible for driving or keeping the other awake, heck we can all sleep! The bus arrives to Logan at 4:45 which is a tad early (our flight leaves at 7) but it's okay. Oh, on another note, I found a Graco Metrolite stroller on Craigslist for $15! It reclines, is lightweight, has both parent and child tray - and it cost $15 and is in great condition!

So, we'll have plenty of time to be drop dead tired while waiting to board. I figure we'll grab something from Dunks and patiently wait. Hopefully Madi will sleep some, probably not, but I am sure she will on the plane.

7:00 AM - board our flight to ORLANDO!!!
10:25 AM - arrive and boot-scoot over to the Magic Express!!!
I am guessing we should arrive at Caribbean Beach around noon, give or take. From here we will do something... :laughing: If the room is ready we may check in and maybe hop in the pool. We may ditch our bags and head down to DTD. Originally I had this all mapped out as to where we were and when, what we were eating/where; but I'm letting go. I am going to live in the moment. Shamus, I love you and thanks for showing me the light!

The next concrete plan is to be to Hollywood Studios no later than 5:30 to check out the Osborne Lights. I am SUPER excited to report that they added a Fantasmic showing for this night and so we are hoping that Osborne Lights will be all ours! We had an 8:15 ADR for Sci-Fi, but have decided to drop it as it is just too late and we'll be eating there on our other half day HS day. Hollywood Studios is open til 11, but we will have been up since 2:30 with short naps in between, so we shall see where this night brings us - plus, we've got a pre-park opening ADR at Crystal Palace the following morning.

We'll be playing it by ear and enjoying being in Disney as a family :goodvibes
Christmas music should be allowed all year round. Seriously, there are few things that can make people as happy as Christmas music. Well, definitely Disney, but unfortunately I don't live close enough to Disney yet. Only 37 more years to our retirement in Celebration, FL. :lmao: LOL I wonder if they make a count down long enough for that.

Anyway, I think it is a good idea that you loosened up a little bit. It's hard because you want to see everything, but I honestly think that you will be a lot happier and relaxed if the Drill Sergent at home. I learned that lesson before our first trip in 2006 and was so glad I did. LOL That's why I relinquish power the second we step out of the apartment!

We have a friend that lives near by doing periodic stops to make sure everything is copacetic. She said she would hang out for a little bit a few nights. Puppy will be staying with my in-laws, and I too like the fact that someone will be checking on the apartment. Just eases my mind.

I have not managed to get a DHS day with a Fantasmic! Oh well, what am I going to do. We didn't enjoy the show that much, but same as you, we were hoping that it would clear out Osborne's

It looks like a great day!! Enjoy!!! SO EXCITING, SO CLOSE!!!!!
love the pics of P-town- gorgeous! and the shirts and stockings, some of those shirts, I have never seen before, so cute.

like the schedule too- here is hoping Fantasmic sucks all the crowds away from the lights for you to enjoy all to yourself! and yeah on striking gold on the stroller find! sounds perfect for the trip. :worship:

we like the combi ones we got, they fold so easy for use on the trams (we are driving, so parking in the parking lot usually means a tram ride) and have a sling to throw it over my shoulder, it actually folds so small and lightweight, but has no snack tray for us or him. i got two cup holders added on up top for us and it has one for him and i hope that works. we will see.
oh btw- did you guys hear the rumor that the lights of wonder at Epcot may not be up this year? more cutbacks apparently.....:confused::mad:
I did some research. From a random Disney blog: The Lights of Winter was a series of archways with more than 30,000 lights that spanned the main walkway between Future World and World Showcase.

Apparently it used to be set to music. I'm kind of upset because I did want to see that.
I heard that too. I'll be soooo disappointed if they don't have those. It was so beautiful to walk through the lights with the xmas music. My kids haven't seen them so I'm more disappointed for them.
I did some research. From a random Disney blog: The Lights of Winter was a series of archways with more than 30,000 lights that spanned the main walkway between Future World and World Showcase.

Apparently it used to be set to music. I'm kind of upset because I did want to see that.

OHhhhh!!! I remember that from my 2006 trip! That was super special, I hope this is one rumor that is false!!!
Christmas music should be allowed all year round. Seriously, there are few things that can make people as happy as Christmas music. Well, definitely Disney, but unfortunately I don't live close enough to Disney yet. Only 37 more years to our retirement in Celebration, FL. :lmao: LOL I wonder if they make a count down long enough for that.

Anyway, I think it is a good idea that you loosened up a little bit. It's hard because you want to see everything, but I honestly think that you will be a lot happier and relaxed if the Drill Sergent at home. I learned that lesson before our first trip in 2006 and was so glad I did. LOL That's why I relinquish power the second we step out of the apartment!

We have a friend that lives near by doing periodic stops to make sure everything is copacetic. She said she would hang out for a little bit a few nights. Puppy will be staying with my in-laws, and I too like the fact that someone will be checking on the apartment. Just eases my mind.

I have not managed to get a DHS day with a Fantasmic! Oh well, what am I going to do. We didn't enjoy the show that much, but same as you, we were hoping that it would clear out Osborne's

It looks like a great day!! Enjoy!!! SO EXCITING, SO CLOSE!!!!!

Oh man, I love Christmas music! Good luck on making, finding a countdown that long for your retirement!

I was kind of going a tad overboard with planning which land first and which order to ride... I need to go and watch the magic wash over Madi, that's all I need :goodvibes

Also, very glad to have someone here, even if she does nothing but watch tv, eat & play on the comp - at least she'll be here!

Sorry you couldn't manage a Fantasmic night for DHS. I just wasn't awed by it either and I think Madi would lose interest. Next time..?

love the pics of P-town- gorgeous! and the shirts and stockings, some of those shirts, I have never seen before, so cute.

like the schedule too- here is hoping Fantasmic sucks all the crowds away from the lights for you to enjoy all to yourself! and yeah on striking gold on the stroller find! sounds perfect for the trip. :worship:

we like the combi ones we got, they fold so easy for use on the trams (we are driving, so parking in the parking lot usually means a tram ride) and have a sling to throw it over my shoulder, it actually folds so small and lightweight, but has no snack tray for us or him. i got two cup holders added on up top for us and it has one for him and i hope that works. we will see.

It's a Sunday night, the end of most peoples trips (wishful thinking...) so I am really hoping Fantasmic SUCKS 'em in!

And ya know what, I don't even know if we'll bring the new stroller... we may fall back on the Maclaren... I don't even think I will know for sure until the night before!
The lights of winter at Epcot was really pretty, but what I remember most was the dancing water fountains set to the most beautiful Christmas music ever. Reese and I sat and watched this for a long time, it made me feel at peace with the world, it was so calming, I loved it.

The stroller! Score, sounds really nice, Madi is one lucky girl. Does she fully understand that she is going to Disney World? How excited is Shamus?

Your day 1 plan sounds perfect, better to take it easy then get so worn your first day that you can't catch up on sleep and are tired fo the rest of the trip.

I am upset about the Lights of Wonder as well. I had planned several nights in Epcot because of it. I guess they are not needed as much as I thought. I will probably head over to Hollywood Studios those nights instead.


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