I survived my first camping trip!


May 11, 2010
Just got back from my first camping trip at the Fort (and ever)!! SO tiring, but we had a blast! Next time, though, I think I'm going to go when it's not summer-- SO HOT!! My biggest fears going in were a wet tent or a bear attack and thankfully, neither happened!! I'm going to work on a TR and will post when I have it ready! :)

Thanks to all for answering my many questions-- hopefully I can be of help to others now!!:thumbsup2
I'm sorry you had to leave the Fort,,but, WELCOME BACK from your first Camp Trip !:wizard::wizard:Glad it was good for ya'll !

But I gotta say,,I am very surprized ya'll didn't hear from the Otters while you were there,:confused3 You must not'a had a beer cooler.
We flew in with all our stuff-- no room for beer cooler! We had GG deliver some stuff, but they don't deliver alcohol. :(
Overpriced beers for everyone!! :rotfl2:
Can't wait for your trip report! popcorn:: And glad you had a good time. A couple more camping trips under your belt and you'll be RV shopping...
Yay! A summer tent-camping story. I CAN'T WAIT to read all about it :cool1:

Did you have an a/c?

Give us lots of details, OK?

Heyyy . . . weren't you the one that went on a dare from co-workers? Were those that went with you experienced campers?

I can't wait to hear about this trip. Remember that camping (especially in a tent) is alot more bareable when it isn't summer!
Glad you had a good time and I'm looking forward to a TR with pics. The only bad thing about the Fort is no other CG compares!
I have found an air bed in the laundry room makes for good summer sleeping. The funny thing it’s really not that hot yet hear in FL just try it in Aug. Glad you had a go time without any Bears or Beers
Sorry guys, I swear I'm trying to work on a TR (with photos, I promise!!) but my sweet DH whisked me away to the beach for some relaxation!! Don't worry-- day one is coming soon (and I did write out little notes on the plane so that I wouldn't forget any details!).

Yes, I'm the one who went camping on a dare (eek!) and no, we didn't have AC (double eek!!). But we had a grand time-- I really can't wait to share it all with you... probably tomorrow night I'll have some time to write out at least the first day (which was a big one-- setting up our home!).

Holy cow ! He whisked you to the beach for relaxation after the Fort VACATION !!:banana:
MAN, I want a husband like that !!:lmao:

Good for you, You Go Girl! :thumbsup2
I have a bad habit of proving people wrong. The best way to get me to do something, is to tell me I can’t…

Me (KK) and my sister-in-law (LP) traveled to FW for a week in June. I had never been camping and she had never been to WDW—so it was the perfect fit!

My previous trips to WDW include one when I was 5 (just MK & Epcot were open), one when I was 10 (added MGM) and one when I was 15. Then, when I was a Senior in College, I spent a semester there as a lifeguard on the College Program (and AK was there by then). So although technically only my fourth “vacation” there, I definitely knew the ins and outs of the world.

It all started with a vacation that my DH and I are taking in October for the Food & Wine Festival. It’s been 6 years since I worked there and I just couldn’t wait another 6 months before we went!! When I told DH this, he told me that it was just too expensive. Well, I was already getting an annual pass (I’m going 6 days with DH and other 4 days with my BFF in February as a Bachelor-ette party.) so really, I just had to look at flights and accommodations. At this point I thought I was going alone, so even the value resorts were a little high for a 5 day “I just have to go” trip. That’s when I saw the campsites… and that’s when I mentioned them to DH. “KK, there is no way you could make it 5 days in a tent.” That’s when I knew—I had to do it! After mentioning this to my in-laws, LP said she’d always wanted to go to WDW and decided to join! We practiced putting up my mom’s tent in the backyard and booked our flights.

And just to set up a little background on me and my fellow adventurer: we are late twenty-something Southern women with general positive attitudes. I’ve heard that getting along with your in-laws is hard, but I guess I lucked out—we’re all good buddies. Before we went, LP and I made a deal that if we needed to take some alone time it would be no hurt feelings. Also, I wanted to do rope drops every morning and fit in all we could in five days—she was a-ok to follow along. We knew we were going for an adventure—not a vacation. We did almost every ride at the 4 parks… but it was exhausting!!

My adorable “Safety Sam” DH has asked that I not put any face photos up…

Good for you! Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't!! It sounds like you had a good time, and probably excited to come back. YOU GO GIRL!!!:thumbsup2
I'm back at home now!! Here's a short post before I tackle "laundry mountain".

June 5th, 2010
I’m going to start a day before we left. A dear friend was getting married and I was in the wedding. I started bridesmaid duties at 10am and the wedding ended at 9pm. DH and I were on the road by 10pm to make the 4(ish) hour drive to LP’s house (also where all of DH’s family lives). At 2:30am we arrived and crashed.

(Told you it was short...)

Here are some of the bridesmaids and house party before the wedding. I'm far right-- you'll notice the pale skin (which will change by the end of the TR!).

Part One of June 6th, 2010
I woke up at 5:30am (yes, that’s a 3 hour nap!) and showered up. LP’s sweet husband had offered to drive us to the airport (about an hour away) and had woken up to buy us breakfast. Yes, we are both very lucky girls!!

It was a short (and uneventful) flight to Orlando. Once we arrived we went to collect our bags in Terminal A (we were flying Southwest). Since I was in charge of the tent, two air mattresses, air mattress pump, Christmas lights, linens, pillows, tarp, 2 Crazy Creeks, 2 rugs, mallet for the steaks on the tent, rope, etc… I had taken advantage of the two free checked bags! I weighed them at home and they came to 47lbs and 48lbs! LP’s bag was just a full with her things plus the fans and lanterns. So we’ve gathered about 150lbs of stuff (not including two backpacks and two purse-type bags) and we realize we need to lug this to the opposite side of the airport. I mention to LP that we can get a cart, but she doesn’t think we need it. Our bags are on wheels… how hard could it be?

Well, 30 minutes later with sweat pouring down our faces we finally arrived at the DME line. We swore we’d never again skip out on the carts. As we approached the line looking weary and sweaty, the kind man announced, “Oh, the princesses have arrived! We’ve got the castle ready for you!”. I’m sure he says that to everyone (and it’s probably usually to little girls—not nearly thirty-year-olds) but it just made my morning!

I had never taken the DME before and it was fun to watch the little video. They dropped us off at three other resorts first (one was Saratoga, one was Port Orleans and I don’t remember the other one). At each resort we oooh’ed and aaahhh’ed over the décor, the CM costumes and the nice things we could see from the bus (balconies, neat fountains, etc). Then we got to the Fort.

While LP waited with our bags, I checked us in with little issue. I had done a little research as to which camping loop was better for us and although I was happy to be given the 1500 loop, I didn’t have 1510 marked as “good” or “bad” so I figured it was neutral.

We were very glad to hear that someone would be driving us (and our luggage) to the campsite!! As we waited for the van that was to take us, a second family joined and the 8 of us piled into the van. They were cabin campers so they got dropped off first. Again, we oooh’ed and aaahhh’ed over the patios and the towel animals in the window… and then (after having seen three nice resorts and the cabins) we pulled into 1510… our little plot of land. Of course we knew that’s what we’d been getting, but it didn’t seem as nice after having seen all the other stuff first!!

Our kind driver unloaded our things for us and refused a tip. He drove off and LP and I looked at each other… time to set up camp!

Our little plot of land:

Our “to be” kitchen:

As you can see 1510 has VERY little shade-- especially afternoon. I would hope to get a site that has more morning sun and less afternoon sun next time (yes, I think there actually might be a next time!!). :thumbsup2


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