I survived my first camping trip!

Etiquette question: since my October Trip won't be at the Fort will I need to post that trip report in a different forum?

(We're using points to pay for a Hilton for the original portion and DH is treating me to POR for the added portion.)(I did try to convince him to let us stay at the Fort, but even with the AP discount, free is cheaper).

I hope not... some of those other forums scare me... :worried:

Definitely share your Oct. non-Fort trip with us. Now that the important things are done, such as choosing a running outfit.....get in gear and get training little missy! :thumbsup2

They scare me too - and are not nearly as funny as these guys on the camping boards!

I'm starting to wonder....where have you guys been hanging out? I've been hearing lots of reports about mean forums lately.
:rotfl: No place particular - the forums I usually haunt are good ones - camping, the tri thread, and July countdown groups are all great! Sometimes I venture out to some of the generic threads or check out the "new posts" - people are so quick to jump on other people about the dumbest stuff.
:rotfl: No place particular - the forums I usually haunt are good ones - camping, the tri thread, and July countdown groups are all great! Sometimes I venture out to some of the generic threads or check out the "new posts" - people are so quick to jump on other people about the dumbest stuff.

How sad but true. I have found that most are generally friendly and very funny, but every now and then.......:sad2:Oh Brother! I've actually taken a few hits myself over the most ridiculous of things. Oh well, I took my big girl pill, so it doesn't bother me. :laughing:
I hear ya - we call it "puttin' on your big girl panties" :rotfl2:

Or I guess, in this case, it would be "puttin' on your big girl lime green thong"
Etiquette question: since my October Trip won't be at the Fort will I need to post that trip report in a different forum?

...I hope not... some of those other forums scare me... :worried:

By all means post it here! You pulled off what few people would attempt - no matter where you stay from here on out, you are a CAMPER! :thumbsup2
I wasn't sure where to post this (didn't seem "start your own thread" worthy) but I wanted to share: Musket-Katiekomo!


Over the 4th I was able to pose with this gun-- it was used in the revolutionary war! (They think it was also used in the war between the states because the nozzle was cut down.)

I was sad I couldn't be at the Fort (especially after reading TCD's report!) but at least I got to experience the "musket" if not the "Musket Mickey".

I just read the entire thread in one sitting (well, minus a few walks to the kitchen for snacks)! Sounds like you had a fabulous time. The right mindset always makes things go more smoothly. The two of you sound like you make great travel buddies.

Thanks for taking the time to post. I loved reading about all of your adventures. Have a great time in October and good luck with the training. PROVE HIM WRONG.......AGAIN!

We are hoping to be at FW in June of 2011. We've done a few trips to WDW but haven't been to the Fort in 15 years!
I loved your trip report and I am very impressed! I agree the camping board people are so nice (even I normally a just a camping lurker, but I had to complient you on pulling off your trip). Enjoy your October trip and I look forward to hearing about it.
Oh! I almost forgot! So on our way driving back from the beach (with LP and our DHs in the car) I casually mention that WDW has a ½ marathon race that’s going on a day before we are to arrive in October. Wouldn’t it be fun to change our flight, spend a few extras days and I can run in the race?? DH rolled his eyes, turned around and said, “KK, there’s no way you would have the stamina to spend 3 months training for a ½ marathon.” So… guess who signed up for the Wine & Dine Half Marathon?!? Silly DH… when will he learn?

:thumbsup2 I'm so envious!!!! We won't be there until November... but that half is on my short list :woohoo:


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