If you HAD to choose one of these E names for a Girl


  • Evangeline

  • Elspeth

  • Elizabeth

  • Eleanor

  • Eva

  • Eve

  • Elodie

  • Esther

  • Eloise

  • Elsa

  • Eugenie

  • Evandne

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NMAmy said:
Elizabeth. It's dd's middle name. It's also my mom's middle name and was HER grandmother's middle name. I love the way it skips a generation each time. I hope it's dd's granddaughter's middle name, too. :teeth:

The funny thing is--DH is dd's stepdad. After he found out dd's middle name, he burst out laughing. Elizabeth is HIS mom's middle name and also his dd's. :teeth: Bizarre coincidence, huh?

lol that's cool. It's also my middle name, my mom's middle name and my grandmother's middle name (on my dad's side)!
I picked Eva

However, you missed a wonderful name... Elaine ;)

I actually was supposed to be an Elizabeth and due to family history, I will never be able to pick that one either.
Elizabeth gets my vote hands down. My first daughter will get the name Elizabeth, that's been her name since I was 5 years old.
I like Emma but it isn't on the list. Emma is my DD's name.
DaisyD said:
I like Emma but it isn't on the list. Emma is my DD's name.

I do like Emma, probably better than a couple on the list. I just didn't think about it!
One of my DD's middle name is Elizabeth, but I adore the name Eleanor. If that wasn't my MIL's name, our second DD would've been Eleanor. LOL
mom*to*2*princesses said:
One of my DD's middle name is Elizabeth, but I adore the name Eleanor. If that wasn't my MIL's name, our second DD would've been Eleanor. LOL

:) If I ever do have another child and she is a girl, she most likely will be named Eleanor (and nicknamed Nell - Nell was dh's beloved grandmother).
I chose Elizabeth, but I would spell it with an S. And somehow I missed the D names, I'm off to do a search. :teeth:
:cool1: It looks like Elizabeth is winning hands down. My dd13 is named Elizabeth, so I'm kinda partial to it. It's an ageless name & imo a beautiful one too.
Elizabeth-it was my grandmothers middle name and I am a big fan of Little House On The Prairie (Laura Elizabeth Ingalls).
Hannathy said:
E for enough already! no more letters

Yeah, ok. I'll do that just for you. Because, of course, you are more important than anyone else on here and it would be much more difficult for you to just not open the thread.
Well I for one looked forward to your baby name posts every day, and I'm glad I found it here on the games board. I'm way past the baby making stage, but I like choosing names. Didn't realize it was a thing that would rile people up so. :confused3

In any case, of your list, I choose Eve. I also love Elizabeth. Two very beautiful names.
mom*to*2*princesses said:
One of my DD's middle name is Elizabeth, but I adore the name Eleanor. If that wasn't my MIL's name, our second DD would've been Eleanor. LOL

My mother's name is Eleanor and she has always hated it. She threated mayhem if anyone named one of the grandchildren after her--so we named DD Eleni, the Greek spelling of Eleanor :goodvibes


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