I'm Going to Kill This Monkey Bird! - May 2014 TR ~UPDATE 5/29~

After going on Test Track we decided that we should just get some dinner and snag a spot for Illuminations (it was about 7:45 at this time). Since it was Cinco de Mayo we went to La Cantina for dinner! :cool1: I had the chicken tacos, which are SO good. I just wish they had some more toppings on them! I was a little hesitant about the green salsa but it tasted really good! :thumbsup2


We got a pretty great spot for Illuminations right between Mexico and Norway. :yay:


Since it was Cinco de Mayo the line for Margaritas was SO long, it cracked me up! :rotfl:


A few minutes after we were done eating it was finally time for Illuminations!!!! :banana: I love Illuminations more and more every time I see it!

Prepare yourselves for more crappy iPhone pictures...







VIDEO: Finale of Illuminations

After Illuminations it was time to head out. I thought this Mickey head shadow on the wall was picture worthy..


Then it was time for, you guessed it, more PhotoPass pictures! Denise and Deon didn't want any but I couldn't resist! I think this is my favorite one from EPCOT.


Up Next: Facing the Yeti... Twice!
DAY 3 - May 6, 2014

Today we accidentally overslept by 20 minutes!! We were so tired because THE MONKEY BIRD REFUSED TO SHUT UP AGAIN. When we walked outside the monkey bird was being chased by 2 other tiny birds :rotfl2: I guess they wanted him to shut up too! We ended up getting out the door on time thankfully, and were heading to AK by 8:15! It took us no time at all to get there, and we were really confused when our bus didn't stop at any other All Stars! We had a pretty empty bus! :cool1:

We have arrived!


Of course, our first stop was PhotoPass pictures!


The gates opened at 8:45!



We rushed to Dinosaur first thing because we had FP for all of the other big rides!



Tthe ride didn't actually open until 9, and we got there at about 8:58. :rolleyes: There were only about 15 people in front of us... this was the entire line! It's safe to say we walked right on :woohoo:



Ride photo! I knew where the camera was for this, thank goodness... the first time I went on this ride I was nowhere near this put together ;)


After Dinosaur we went to Everest to use our first FP of the day.


The wait time was only 5 minutes and our FP weren't ready yet, so we went on once in the standby line and once using our FP (even though we didn't really need them).

Ride photo #1... I look like I'm about to explode


Ride photo #2... A little more put together but not by much


Going on this ride is always a big deal to me. I RARELY go to AK, and I have a habit of being super freaked out about roller coasters, until I actually go on them and have a great time. :confused3 This time was no different! I was so glad I was brave and I could've gone on more times if time permitted! :woohoo: After Everest we went to the Maharajah Jungle Trek and looked around there for a while until it was closer to our next FP.



This lizard is pulling a Miley...


So is this tiger!



Bats are so creepy!! But cute. But creepy!


Up Next: Rhinos and Zebras and Hippos... Oh My!
The line for Kali was really short so we went on it! While we were drying off after Kali we watched the Flights of Wonder show. Then we went back to kali to use our FP! I didn't take any pictures because my phone was in a locker :sad1:

After Kali we went to eat lunch at Flame Tree BBQ. I had a pulled pork sandwich that was reeeaaally good!


Denise and Deon got some onion rings and fries.


After lunch we headed to use our Kilimanjaro FPs. But not before taking some PP pictures of course! :rotfl:



The photographer told us to growl... my growl wasnt very ferocious, but at least I look scary, right? ::yes::


On the way we stopped to watch the Tam Tam Drummers and my friends got pulled into the show! It was so funny. :rotfl2:


Then we made it to Kilimanjaro Safari. Let's see how many of these animals I actually remember...

White? Rhino...









Unfortunately no lions were out today, but we did get to see a baby elephant! You can't see it in the picture... but I swear it was there!




Maybe this was the White Rhino...


Ostrich eggs!


Zebras and Rhinos...


Up Next: It's Tough to Watch the Bugs

After the safari we walked through the Pangani Forest. We saw a hippo that swam right up to the glass, and some monkeys being fed - the CM working there said people rarely ever see the monkeys that close because they're always so high up! :eek:





I seriously almost puked when I saw this guy...



It was time to get another FastPass, and we chose Nemo for the 5 pm show. We (unfortunately) went to It's Tough to be a Bug next.



I don't understand how other children survive that ride - it's scary, dark, and there's just so much going ON. I spent the whole time trying to keep my feet off the floor and not lean back because I was so terrified of what would happen! I would've been scarred for life if I watched that as a child! :confused3

We were trying to figure out what to do since it was too far away from the parade to start getting a spot. We decided to go on Dinosaur again!



I'm the definition of swag...


Up Next: Jammin' in the Jungle!
After Dinosaur we snagged some shade spots for the parade.


We were toeing the line - there was no one in front of us! :thumbsup2


After about 45 minutes of waiting the parade started!



The giraffe was eating from the tree! :rotfl:









I was glad I got to see it before it's gone forever. It's a cute parade, but just not up to par with the other Disney parades - I can kinda see why they're taking it away. :confused3

Up Next: In The Big Blue World...
After the parade we walked over to Nemo to use our FP!



We ended up sitting in the 4th row right next to the runway! It was so cool being that close.





I should've gotten more pictures but I was just enjoying the show! After that we went back to the hotel and ordered pizza for dinner! Denise and Deon went to watch The Little Mermaid by the pool - they had movie nights every night and this was the only one we had time to catch! I opted to just stay in the hotel and relax - I had a few moments of silence where my bird friend wasn't squawking up a storm!!! :worship:

Up Next: THE PROMISED LAND!!! :hyper: :wizard: :love: :cloud9:

~PHEW that was a lot of updates at one time. I will work on Magic Kingdom when I get back! pixiedust: ~
I laughed out loud at "this is my third trip this year - oops" because I "accidentally" went to WDW three times last year. Whenever anyone's shocked I just say, I didn't mean to! It just happened!

I'm glad they had so much graduation stuff! I definitely want to get some of that when I graduate college next year.

Bahahaha I love your enormous Test Track car...with the daisy on the side.

I LOVE the Chip photo! I definitely want to take one on my next trip!

Eeep enjoy your cruise! I really wanted to go to Disney for the 24 hour day but couldn't swing it financially, I can't wait to see pics though!!

:rotfl: at the animals just bein' Miley.

Great TR so far! I'm excited to hear about your MK day!
I laughed out loud at "this is my third trip this year - oops" because I "accidentally" went to WDW three times last year. Whenever anyone's shocked I just say, I didn't mean to! It just happened!

I'm glad they had so much graduation stuff! I definitely want to get some of that when I graduate college next year.

Bahahaha I love your enormous Test Track car...with the daisy on the side.

I LOVE the Chip photo! I definitely want to take one on my next trip!

Eeep enjoy your cruise! I really wanted to go to Disney for the 24 hour day but couldn't swing it financially, I can't wait to see pics though!!

:rotfl: at the animals just bein' Miley.

Great TR so far! I'm excited to hear about your MK day!

OKKKK I'm totally fangirling right now.... I am SUCH a fan of your TRs!! I'm reading (lurking) your Thanksgiving one right now and I'm loving it!! Thank you for all of the kind words!! I'm glad you're enjoying it!!! :goodvibes :yay:

OKKKK I'm totally fangirling right now.... I am SUCH a fan of your TRs!! I'm reading (lurking) your Thanksgiving one right now and I'm loving it!! Thank you for all of the kind words!! I'm glad you're enjoying it!!! :goodvibes :yay:

STAHP you just made my day! :blush: Thank you so much!!
Hello everyone! I'm back from my cruise!! It was a lot of fun and I got some much needed rest. Unfortunately yesterday I started feeling sick out of nowhere, and I'm really hoping it goes away before I leave for Disney this Thursday!! :sick: It's good to be back home for now, and I will continue updating this TR tomorrow! :goodvibes
DAY 4: May 7, 2014

Today was Magic Kingdom day!! pixiedust: My favorite day of the trip, but also the last. :sad2: We woke up at 7 and were out the door by 7:45. I grabbed some Pop Tarts and apple juice for breakfast as usual :rolleyes2 We were at the entrance by 8:15!


We took the time before the park opened to grab some PP pictures! The photographer said that because I was taking one by myself I had to "work the camera" :rotfl: I actually really ended up liking this picture even though I felt pretty ridiculous while I was taking it :blush:


Soon enough it was time for the welcome show!




First we were headed to Space Mountain! Obligatory walking down Main Street picture:


Ride picture:


We made fun of Deon the whole day because we told him where the camera was every time and he still managed to look the wrong way :rotfl2: That ride woke us right up!

Glad to hear the cruise was good, although I'm sorry you're sick :(

That's an awesome pic of you, and you got some great Welcome Show shots!

Hahaha, love the Splash picture, even with Deon looking the wrong way :rotfl:
Glad to hear the cruise was good, although I'm sorry you're sick :(

That's an awesome pic of you, and you got some great Welcome Show shots!

Hahaha, love the Splash picture, even with Deon looking the wrong way :rotfl:

Thank you! I'm feeling a lot better today so I think I'll be all good for this weekend :yay:

Thank you! :)

Yeah, it took him 2 tries before he finally got it right! :rotfl:
After space we went to use our FP for big thunder. I decided to take the long way so I could see the mine train!! When I walked by they were running it, I was SO excited!!! It's SO quiet and smooth. You don't even realize it's running unless you're looking at it!




Can't believe this won't be open for 24 hour day :sad1:


We went on Thunder and then headed right next door to Splash. I haven't been on Splash in a loooong time, and I almost didn't go but decided I didn't want to be a party pooper. I'm not a big fan of drops, as you can tell by the look on my face in the picture :rotfl2:


We did all 3 mountains in the first hour of opening! We went on Haunted Mansion next and walked right on (thanks to my knowledge of where the doors are... hehe). We grabbed some PP pictures of course...


"Look scared!"


Then it was time to head to BOG for an early lunch. While we were waiting in line I noticed a PP photographer taking pictures in front of... the Mine Train!!!


He also took a picture of me in front of the castle!


It was really hot and sunny outside, so they brought out complementary water and umbrellas! The little things like this just make me so happy and make me realize why I love coming here!!



We got a seat right by the window, which was great because I always sit right in the middle of the ballroom :goodvibes


I had the croque monseur - my favorite!


I also tried a little bit of Denise and Deon's grey stuff on their cupcake. It is SO GOOD - it tastes just like an Oreo in frosting form.


Up Next: Practically Perfect in Every Way
After eating lunch it was time to use our FP for Jungle Cruise. Our skipper was great, and he added a lot of jokes I had never heard before! Unfortunately we were pretty much the only people reacting and playing along. :confused3 We then went right across the way to use our Pirates FP! It wasn't quite time so we watched the Jack Sparrow show. I've never stopped and watched it before and it was really cute!


Denise didn't know Pirates had a drop and thought we were lying to her, until we actually got to the drop - then she realized we weren't kidding! :rotfl: We completely overhyped it though so she was really relieved it wasn't the Splash-type drop we made it out to be :rolleyes1 After Pirates we went to go get another FP - we scored Buzz for right after the parade. :woohoo: We saw Philharmagic and then grabbed parade spots right in front of the train station!


Our spots started out being in the shade, but then the sun started moving - soon enough we were in the sun. We were DYING, it was SO hot. My weather app said 90 degrees but I say it was at least 150. My phone eventually turned off because it was too hot. :eek: We took turns standing in the shade. All of the sudden I looked over and saw MARY POPPINS RIGHT OUT IN FRONT OF TOWN SQUARE THEATRE!!! AND she had no line!!! I ran over there really quickly and grabbed a picture!!! :banana: :cloud9:


I was a little hungry so I got some popcorn! Even though it was hot outside, I couldn't resist it - I had been waiting for this popcorn all day popcorn::


Around 3:20 the parade made its way to us, starting off with the Main Street Philharmonic! :cool1:



It was my first time seeing this parade, and it was absolutely GORGEOUS. I'll try not to put too many pictures.... :rolleyes:



I LOVE Cinderella's pink dress, I'm so glad they included it!! :yay:





These floats are HUUUUGE. :eek:







Unfortunately, the dragon didn't breathe fire on us... :sad2:







There were so many beautiful details - I don't think I'm ever going to see everything! I cried at least 5 times during that parade.

Up Next: We're Basically Celebrities...
***This is going to be my last post before I make my way to WDW for 24 HOUR DAY!!! Wish me luck!!! :yay: ***

After the parade it was time for our Buzz FP! Not before stopping for some PP pictures, of course...

The photographer taught me how to "pose like a princess!"



Then it was off to Buzz!


I did SO bad, I came in last place haha. But at least I had fun doing it!


We went on the Carousel of Progress and then got FP for Pooh. Then we went on the Laugh Floor! We got on the screen!! They told us to get up and dance and then got mad at us for sitting and dancing instead of getting up, haha.

Our 5 seconds of fame... see me holding the phone over my face? :rolleyes:


It was the second trip in a row I've gotten on screen!!! I usually try to avoid getting on screen but recently I've been like what the heck, I'll go for it! I just really wish they did that girl instead of that guy... not as funny, but I want to be that guy!!!!! :rotfl:

After the show we headed over to Fantasyland!


We used our FP...

(possibly the best picture I've ever taken)


...and then we headed to Ariel! It said it was a 20 minute wait but we walked right on!

(another quality pic)


I don't remember going on Space again, but I have a picture of it so it must have happened! :rotfl: (nice arm bomb.... hahaha)


Up Next: We Can Fly!
Guys im at 24 hour day right now and i had to update because im in line for the mine train the signs are on the wait time is 90 minutes but im waiting it im going to throw up goodbye
I'll reply to the actual posts when I get home from work but MINE TRAINNNNNNNNNN OMG have so much fun don't throw up!!!!
Once again, sooooo happy you got to ride Mine Train, and I hope you're having a ball at MK! No sleeping in Disney!

Bahaha that Splash picture! I used to hate the drop too, but now it's my absolute favorite ride :goodvibes

They had the water and umbrellas for us at BOG in August, which was SO nice. I really appreciated it since it was brutally hot out.

The croque monsieur and grey stuff cupcake are my favorites! So good!

I love the pic of you and Mary Poppins! Even better, it's in the shade :thumbsup2

I scrolled very quickly through the Festival of Fantasy pictures because I want to wait until I see it in person. I'll assume they were great.

YESSS I want to get on screen at Laugh Floor so badly.


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