"I'M STUCK IN DISNEY!!!!!!!!" A Delightfully Unliveable TR ~ NEW TR 9/27!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Lia,

I love the shot of your feet up on the People Mover, that is one of our favorite things things to do in the MK. It is such a relaxing attraction and to be able to soak up so many MK sights and sounds while you kick back with your feet up....it is just the best!

I hate to admit it, but we have never watched the "Dream along with Mickey" show...:confused3 Somehow, we have always just skipped it for some reason. However, after reading your wonderful homage, we are going to make it a must do this trip (IN ONLY 25 DAYS!!!). Sorry, I don't mean to rub it in, but it has been a long year and we are so ready. It stinks that you cannot join us and SparklyDiva for our tiny F&W / 80's DIS meet on Sept 30th.:sad2: The Go-go's are even playing Eat to the Beat that night. Hey, I know it is not anything like Hanson for you ladies, but as sad as it is, this will be the first EVER concert for me. DANG, that really is sad!!!!

awdwnut (Rob & Jenn)
Dearest Miss Lia -

Thank you for the inspiration. I am leaving for WDW in two weeks and I am going to do my very own TR. I have a book to write in and I am so looking forward to share with you all.

Also! I saw Hanson a couple of days ago and thought of you. My sisters will be at the Hanson shows at Food and Wine - are you trying to go? they have been reading religiously and are dying to meet you :)

Thank you for this most outstanding report. YOU ROCK!

__disneygirl said:
haha, yes, there is an entire two weeks of #BirthdayFestivus13 coming your way. It will be enough content to keep you all entertained for a very long time!

There is a god!!!!! :worship:

Already can't wait! ;)
Main Street is just so breathtakingly beautiful, it's one of my favorite places in the whole entire world! :sunny: Sometimes when I'm having a rough day I picture myself wandering around on Main Street and it actually "does the trick" and lifts my spirits.

I can't wait to read about your last night in EPCOT on Halloween no less!
I am so incredibly late to this party but I was searching for Food and Wine trip reports and stumbled across yours.

Awesome, TR from what I've read so far...going back for more now.
Spent my week catching up on this TR! Thanks for making my in-between-trips-to-the most magical place on earth bearable :yay:

Thanks for reading! I'm glad I can make life outside of Disney World a little more magical for you. :smickey:

Hi Lia,

I love the shot of your feet up on the People Mover, that is one of our favorite things things to do in the MK. It is such a relaxing attraction and to be able to soak up so many MK sights and sounds while you kick back with your feet up....it is just the best!

I hate to admit it, but we have never watched the "Dream along with Mickey" show...:confused3 Somehow, we have always just skipped it for some reason. However, after reading your wonderful homage, we are going to make it a must do this trip (IN ONLY 25 DAYS!!!). Sorry, I don't mean to rub it in, but it has been a long year and we are so ready. It stinks that you cannot join us and SparklyDiva for our tiny F&W / 80's DIS meet on Sept 30th.:sad2: The Go-go's are even playing Eat to the Beat that night. Hey, I know it is not anything like Hanson for you ladies, but as sad as it is, this will be the first EVER concert for me. DANG, that really is sad!!!!

awdwnut (Rob & Jenn)

Me too! It's definitely one of my all time favorite attractions and I can never resist putting my feet up for a little R&R in the kingdom. :cloud9:

YAY!! It's okay, I'm so happy for you guys! Sad I can't join you but there will be other trips. I'm glad to hear you've added Dream Along With Mickey as a must do! It's the cutest thing, you're going to love it.

Wait... first concert EVER? Or first Eat to the Beat show? Because if it's your first concert ever I have to say you need to immediately stop what you're doing, find a band near you who is playing music that you even remotely like, and GO!

Dearest Miss Lia -

Thank you for the inspiration. I am leaving for WDW in two weeks and I am going to do my very own TR. I have a book to write in and I am so looking forward to share with you all.

Also! I saw Hanson a couple of days ago and thought of you. My sisters will be at the Hanson shows at Food and Wine - are you trying to go? they have been reading religiously and are dying to meet you :)

Thank you for this most outstanding report. YOU ROCK!


Two weeks! YAY. You're so lucky and you're going to have an amazing trip!

Unfortunately I don't think I will be able to make it to Eat to the Beat this year. :( But tell your sisters thank you for me and also thanks to you!

There is a god!!!!! :worship:

Already can't wait! ;)

:D I can't wait to write it! Well, I've actually already written a small percentage of it. I can't wait to edit and add the pics and post it!

Main Street is just so breathtakingly beautiful, it's one of my favorite places in the whole entire world! :sunny: Sometimes when I'm having a rough day I picture myself wandering around on Main Street and it actually "does the trick" and lifts my spirits.

I can't wait to read about your last night in EPCOT on Halloween no less!

Me too, of course. I agree, that does work on the darker days. Imagining myself in Disney brings me a little peace instantly.

I am so incredibly late to this party but I was searching for Food and Wine trip reports and stumbled across yours.

Awesome, TR from what I've read so far...going back for more now.

Thank you so much and :welcome:!!! Food and Wine is the BEST.
He said I should visit Botswana when I do that because it is right near South Africa and shares a lot of the same culture (music, art, food, etc) as Botswana, but Botswana has a lot of unique things to see too. AHH. SOMEONE TAKE ME TO AFRICA IMMEDIATELY. I wish it wasn't so expensive and risky in some areas. I am dying to go, honestly.

I highly recommend that you try to find a documentary called Long Way Down. It's Ewan McGregor and his best friend Charley Boorman driving motorcycles from Scotland to South Africa. It's amazing. And you'll be surprised about how worried they are for safety and really, they're pretty darn safe.

Also.....now I desperately want to go to MNSSHP but that would mean I'd have to meet my dissertation committee on a Friday morning, drive from Fort Lauderdale to WDW a day before....money, money, money. Darn this trip report...it's making me want to do more. I also had a bad experience at MK last time I went by myself. I missed my little one while watching all the families so I'm not sure if I want to go back by myself again.
FINALLY I am all caught up! Wow, that took me a while, which I probably did on purpose cause I never wanted it to end!
I am so super excited because I found out I am going to my very first MNSSHP in October! YAYAYAYAYAY. Your TR really made me want to go & now I am, & YAY! WOO.
Love your updates & I'm excited for your next TR!
I highly recommend that you try to find a documentary called Long Way Down. It's Ewan McGregor and his best friend Charley Boorman driving motorcycles from Scotland to South Africa. It's amazing. And you'll be surprised about how worried they are for safety and really, they're pretty darn safe.

Also.....now I desperately want to go to MNSSHP but that would mean I'd have to meet my dissertation committee on a Friday morning, drive from Fort Lauderdale to WDW a day before....money, money, money. Darn this trip report...it's making me want to do more. I also had a bad experience at MK last time I went by myself. I missed my little one while watching all the families so I'm not sure if I want to go back by myself again.

I've heard about that, it sounds awesome!

Ahh, I hope you find a way to work out going to MNSSHP! It would be awful to miss it when you live so close. I know going solo isn't for everyone though. I love it now, but my first solo trip was a little lonely. Now I value the alone time but back then I was kinda bummed. So maybe you'd like it if you tried it again!

FINALLY I am all caught up! Wow, that took me a while, which I probably did on purpose cause I never wanted it to end!
I am so super excited because I found out I am going to my very first MNSSHP in October! YAYAYAYAYAY. Your TR really made me want to go & now I am, & YAY! WOO.
Love your updates & I'm excited for your next TR!

Thanks for catching up! Aww, that's so sweet. I don't want it to end either!

THAT IS SO EXCITING!!! CONGRATS!!! I'm so happy you get to go!

Thank you :flower3:
Just back from the most magical place on Earth and caught back up on your TR. Thankfully, most of my TR friends are moving along slowly and I didn't fall too far behind.
Love that you got to enjoy a bit of the party on Halloween! I could spend hours people watching. Last year we sat on the stairs to the station after the party was over for an hour just watching people leave the park and checking out the costumes. Awesome to just listen to the music and watch the lights and the people.
Wishing this TR didn't have to come to an end. But then, you DO have another one to begin! :cool1:
OCTOBER 31, 2012
Day 11, Part 6 In Which The Past Flickers By, If Just For A Moment

@babybritney: Tomorrow I'm either 1. Going home 2. Staying in Disney or 3. Going to Ginas. I literally have no idea.

@babybritney: There's also option 4: Give up on all other life plans and never go back.

Option 4 sounded nice. I wish it had been possible!

Oh man. You guys... I FINALLY FINISHED Day 1 of the May report. I've written other parts of it in addition to Day 1, but like the first day is the only thing all done with pictures and everything. It took me so freaking long! I'm just happy I'm getting some of it done before I even start posting it, that way it will be less overwhelming. I seriously don't know how I'm going to have time for anything cause the next few months of my life are going to be crazy, so I'm glad I've accomplished the first day at least!

I'm also very happy to report that things in my life are looking up for the first time in A LONG TIME. I hope you are all feeling the same way! If not... hang in there, I'm sure all is not lost.

In addition to that I'm just thrilled that summer is over. THE FALL IS THE BEST and I am just so excited. HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNN!!!

All my problems are nowhere near solved and I'm going to have to work really hard to keep all this goodness going but that's fine. I'm not interested in things being easy anyway because what do you learn from that? Nothing. The bottom line is... as the Beatles would say, "I got to admit, it's getting better." Whew.

Not to mention I just saw Hanson two nights in a row and it was the best it's been in awhile, probably because I am in a better place so I enjoyed everything that much more. The shows were UNBELIEVABLE plus I got to see them afterward both nights. Oh my God, it was a blast. They are my favorite people in the world... it's been over ten years of shows now and I can't believe how lucky I am to have them in my life. If you don't already follow me on Instagram you can check that out for a few pics, my name on there is @capriamoon! Lee-Anne came too and we had the BEST time! We even had our own private VIP suite the 2nd night. You know what that means? Free chicken nuggets and alcohol, people!!! IT WAS GREAT. Ugh, Hanson is the best. I love them more than anything and I just wish I could see them at Eat to the Beat. HEART BROKEN. I am so mad I am not in Richmond seeing them right now. I really should be. Too bad it's 7 hours from here!!! Not that I care at all about that, if I had a car I'd drive there in a second! I'll see them in November but IT'S NOT SOON ENOUGH!

Sigh. OKAY. Well. Enough about my not-in-Disney life. On with the report! I can't believe it's almost finished!!!

At the Transportation & Ticket Center, they were playing the Boo To You song! Oh my God that SONG. I am so obsessed and to this day I sing it all the time. Hearing that just made me even HAPPIER and I was bouncing along singing every word!

An amazing monorail ride later, I was in the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow!


Yay! Last park of the trip was Epcot, which is unusual for me. Most of the time I end it with MK. But I needed one last night at my beloved Food and Wine Festival, plus it was EMH night here at Epcot. OH YAY.

I went straight to World Showcase and got down to business! There were still quite a few things I wanted to try, and some things I wanted to eat again, so there was no time to lose!!!!

I examined my passport which also acts as a menu, and tried to figure out what I felt like eating.

I first stopped at the Caribbean Islands booth and got the Jerk Spiced Chicken Drumstick with Mango Chutney.


It was delicious! At the Food & Wine Festival you will notice they have this thing for chutney. They very much have this "When in doubt, add chutney!" mentality. I am not that crazy about it but I did like the mango flavor and the chicken was grilled very well. I think one of the grossest things ever is chicken that is not grilled properly. Like when it's barely done on the inside, but charred on the outside... OH MY GOD THE WORST. This happened at 'Ohana once. The Caribbean Island booth chefs definitely knew what they were doing though. So good.

I walked along just enjoying how perfect everything was and I decided it was FINALLY time.

After many years, I would be trying SCHOOL BREAD!!!!!!!! at KRINGLA!!!!!!!!

I immediately thought of Kristen, obviously.,This one's for you, frump!!


I told the CM who sold it to me that I had never had this before and she was like "OH MY! WELL I'M GLAD YOU ARE TRYING IT! Everyone must try School Bread!!!"

She was not lying, my friends. EVERYONE MUST TRY SCHOOL BREAD is definitely going to be my first tattoo. Consider it a public service.

I didn't eat it right away because I wanted to save it for dessert and I was in no way, shape, or form done eating regular food. But I did lick a little custard off the top and I was already IN LOVE. When I finally did eat it... angels sung. The heavens were open and I was seeing Jesus, basically. I'm not even a fan of coconut - I love coconut milk ice cream, but like, usually something with coconut shavings is not appetizing to me. They will make you School Bread without the coconut if you request that, but I wanted the unique and full School Bread experience. AND OH MY GOD I LOVED IT. I highly doubt I will ever go to Disney again without getting School Bread. I have been meaning to try this since literally 2006 but I am always so full in the Showcase for obvious reasons. If this is you, MAKE SURE YOU TRY IT ON YOUR NEXT TRIP BECAUSE LALALALALALALALALA ANGELS SINGING ETC ETC.

Okay, let's move on. :D

You may remember the German hunk that I watched Illuminations with two days prior. I certainly did and I wanted to see if he was around! So I nonchalantly walked about, totally not obviously looking for him.

I actually spotted ANOTHER German hunk (they are in abundance here, I mean throw a rock and you'll hit five) with quite an impressive lanyard on his neck so I pin traded with him. He loved my Walt pins too, just like Hunk #1 did the other day! Not only were these guys attractive Germans, but they appreciate Walt Disney and pins. It's too much!

I moved on and GUESS WHO I FOUND!!!


Sorry... you're not getting a picture of him! But I certainly was embracing the culture. (;

I greeted him in German which I'm sure was more embarrassing than anything, but he responded so I consider that a win!

He was being really cute and sad because he was working Halloween night. He said, "I am being a Disney Cast Member for Halloween. Oh wait, that's what I am." LOL. He asked me what I was for Halloween and I told him about how I was Mickey Mouse three times and showed him pictures. He thought that was so cool! He had to get back to work though so we unfortunately had to part ways. :[ I'm so happy I got to see him again before I left, he is one of the coolest CMs I ever met.

Clearly, it was time to eat again! I went to the Germany booth and what do you know, more German hunks!!!! The place was just crawling with them.

I got the Roast Bratwurst in a Pretzel Roll. I don't recall ever having bratwurst before, and I'm always pretty skeptical when I eat a new to me kind of meat so this was kind of adventurous for me.


Like... why. Honestly why. Why does this have to be so awkward to eat. On what planet does that brat fit on that roll? Give me a pretzel roll the same size as the brat, people!!

Oh well. I managed to eat it and it was delicious! I can't even recall now what it tasted like, but I remember I really liked it. It wasn't that kind of white bratwurst that really freaks me out, it was more like a normal sausage. The pretzel roll was perfection of course, I only wish there were more of them. The one thing I would change about this is that they should ask if you want mustard. MUSTARD?!?!?! DON'T LET'S BE SILLY! LOL. I hate mustard so I could have done without that getting on some of the roll. Besides that, it was another enjoyable mini-meal at the Festival!

Ahhhhh, I am so sad I'm not going this year. I'm in denial about it. OK let's move on.

Italy was my next stop! I wanted yet another dish of ravioli. I think this was my third of the trip, but no one is mad.

These were selling in abundance so we actually had to wait for them to cook! It ended up being fine because there was a VERY ATTRACTIVE and very outgoing Italian CM basically entertaining the crowd of us that were waiting for our ravioli. Once he heard I was from New Jersey, he was very interested because he had heard/read all about Sandy. He seriously new more details about it than I did, it was amazing.

@babybritney: Oh my GOD I'm meeting so many amazing people here. And by people I mean boys.

I also met a family that was waiting too. They were from PA and one of the guys had a shirt on that was a reference to a Kevin Smith movie. I immediately bonded with him on how much we loved Kevin Smith, and his mom was so nice too. She was all concerned about me being alone and stuck in Disney, and I was like trust me... I'm fine. LOL. They were all really sweet and it was so great meeting them!



As I have said before, this is more like ravioli lasanga because of all the different layers. I was seriously IN LOVE with this dish. Oh my God. YUM.

Illuminations was going to begin soon and so I decided to watch it from my favorite location, France!

First I needed a hot chocolate though, so I went into the Boulangerie. This seriously took FOREVER. They had so many people in there trying to get the same thing and they kept forgetting parts of people's orders and it was just a mess. Even though I don't work in Food Service, retail is similar and so as I customer I NEVER get rude or frustrated with people who work behind a counter of any kind. So I just kept smiling and saying it was okay as they apologized, but it was coming close to Illuminations time and I wanted to shop a bit before the stores closed! About 10 minutes later, I finally got my hot chocolate, or as the French would say... chaud chocolat! It was very worth the wait, DELICIOUS!

I went into the shop on the right of the pavilion that has the perfume in it but it was literally like 8:58 so I didn't really have any time. Oh well!

There was like no one in the actual pavilion, everyone was trying to get a better view of Illuminations. Having seen it a million time, I was content to sit on the fountain edge so I could relax, eat my School Bread, and drink my chaud chocolat!


Here was my view:

Oh, what a blissful moment. Halloween, at Disney, after such an amazing trip... just relaxing and watching Illuminations. I was really appreciating life right then. I will never forget it!

After the show ended, I walked back to Future World for EMH!!!!!!!!!! BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On my way out, I spotted a yittle bunny.


Imagination is sooooo pretty at night. Well, always. But I love the lighting!


My first stop was Mission: Sinise. Most of the time I get placed with the funniest people on this ride for some reason. Either they are foreign and yelling expletives or they are just comedically gifted people. This time was no exception!

I rode with three guys who told me they were on their "Spring Break". I was like, "Well, it's Halloween. But okay!" They explained that they were supposed to go to the beach for Spring Break all together back in March but one of them broke their ankle or leg or something like the week before they were to leave... I can't remember exactly. The other two friends felt really bad, so THEY DIDN'T EVEN GO ON SPRING BREAK and they just hung out with their buddy watching movies & playing video games and stuff since he was stuck inside. WHAT AMAZING FRIENDS.

Their kindness paid off because the kid who had gotten injured's parents decided to take the two friends along on their family Disney trip. So not only did they get a Spring Break do-over, they got to go to DISNEY WORLD instead of the beach, and they didn't even have to pay for it! They deserved it too, I mean being a college guy and sacrificing Spring Break at the beach is no joke. I was touched by that story.

These three had never been on the ride before. As a seasoned Sinise veteran, I was prepared for the literal insanity that occurs when riding it, so I couldn't wait to hear their reaction.

During liftoff, two of the guys just flat out screamed their heads off. It was just "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" the whole time in exact unison, LOL. The third one was silent before finally screaming "WHAT THE F--- IS HAPPENING."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. I laughed so hard that I couldn't breathe, which certainly brought a new sensation to the ride! I was dying. Omg.

So... now the sad part of the report comes. I figured out that I definitely couldn't buy another park day tomorrow. I was at the limit of 10 days on my hopper. And so I talked to Gina and she said she would come get me. I actually kind of wanted to stay an additional day just to have a non-park day but honestly at this point I had been there so long and the unexpected cost of #StuckInDisney12 was quite great, so I kinda knew it was time to go.

I literally went into Mouse Gears and just moped. It was pretty pathetic to be honest, like I think I even cried. I just became miserable SUDDENLY. It was so weird. I mean not really, because I knew I was leaving Disney the next day, but it was like someone slapped me in the face with reality all of a sudden and I was just like u g h n o. A few days before that, I had been tired and stressed and ready to go home that completely disappeared and all I wanted to do was stay.

But all good things must come to an end.... le sigh.

I noticed something I never had before: ducks working up in Mouse Gears!


I thought that was really cute. Ah, the Disney details.

I bought a few things and pin traded for a Daisy pin which I found quite appropriate since I had just noticed the ducks. I told the CM the whole story of #StuckInDisney and she seemed overwhelmed LOL. She was a really big Disney fan though, you could tell it wasn't just a job for her, so she understood! Meeting her cheered me up a bit.

After that, I headed to the Land so that I could ride Soarin' one last time. Upon entering, I saw something that made me so excited!!!



AHH I LOVE HALLOWEEN SO MUCH. The Land CMs are quite talented!

Look at that Jack and Sally pumpkin! I love the Ariel one too.


It seems as though the vampire Mr. Potato Head pumpkin won. Maybe not what I would have chosen, but still very cool!

And now we have my favorite three pumpkins! Here are numbers 2 and 3:


HOW AWESOME ARE THESE!??!?!? Like why didn't I think of the Cinderella one... the carriage is a PUMPKIN like in the movie, duh! And I just love that not only Mickey's head is a pumpkin... but his ears are little pumpkins! I LOVE CAST MEMBERS.

Here was my #1 favorite pumpkin of the Land!


Simple yet VERY effective!!! Bravo! I also love the note: "Experimental Pumpkin Carving of Tomorrow." Excellence.

After geeking out over the pumpkins, I got in the Soarin' line and it wasn't bad actually. I think I waited a half an hour and during that time I got hit with sleepiness. The fact that it was NIGHT ELEVEN of the trip probably had something to do with it! So it was a sleepy yet amazing ride on Soarin'.

I was really sleepy and sad so I decided to head out of the park. It's so weird when you're all deflated about it being the end of your trip and you hear other people talking about how they just got there and you're like CAN I BE YOU. But I mean... I doubt anyone else had the killer experience I had. What a unique and unbelievable trip.

I sloooowllly meandered my way out of that beautiful park.


When I got to Spaceship Earth, I thought about how my family had done Leave A Legacy in 2000. We have the original cards we got back then that have the exact location on them, but I forgot them at home. I honestly haven't looked at the actual tiles since like 2002 or 2004. I figured, it's Disney, they can probably look up the location, right?

So I went into the camera shop and found some of the most helpful and friendly CMs in all of Disney, which is really saying something! They took my first and last name which did not work, but my mom's did! The CM was like "Oh, there you are! You're so cute!"

I asked if I could come behind the counter and see the picture, and she said sure. So I walked around and saw this:


That's my mom in I over 12 years earlier, in August of 2000. I seriously almost started crying. It was so weird to see that picture in full color and everything! My dad got it done too, but it was only two people per tile so his was next to ours. I got the location and they gave me this little card that told me how to find the tiles. It took me a minute but I finally located them!




There we are!


Oh man. Seeing this after so many years was a trip. I got really emotional, like I wasn't already. I know a lot of people think the whole Leave a Legacy thing is ugly and a waste of space. Those people must not have photos of them and their family ETCHED INTO EPCOT FOREVER. I just... love that. Like, we're always there. There will always be this memory of happiness with my family etched into stone. Like all photos, it's a moment frozen in time only it's CARVED INTO DISNEY WORLD.

That was really one of our best trips ever. I was 10 and it was the trip that really turned me from a kid who loved Disney to someone who was 100% obsessed with every detail of the place. I had just gotten done with 4th grade which was like the best year of school ever, my parents hadn't split up yet and we were still in the house I grew up in, we had our dog and I don't know, everything was perfect back then and I feel very far away from it now so seeing that hit me pretty hard. I really hope they never do away with this because I would love to show my children that someday. It's very special to me.

With that, it was time to say goodbye to the theme parks. Seeing our Leave a Legacy tiles was a surprising and wonderful way to end the last full day of #StuckInDisney12. I love when things happen that you never even thought of happening. It had been a trip full of things I didn't plan or expect, so seeing that was a very fitting finale. I was sad the time to leave had finally come, but I couldn't help but feel thankful for every second of this unbelievable trip

I took the bus back to All Star Movies and stopped at World Premiere because I had previously seen that they were offering pumpkin muffins as a special, and Halloween just wouldn't be complete without me eating something pumpkin flavored! Sorry I didn't take a food picture, I don't know what I was thinking but it was very delicious.

I went back to Andy's Room, and then through to mine, and packed everything up! It's always such a crazy feeling when you're going through all the little things you've accumulated over your trip and putting it away. Oh, the instant nostalgia.

I stayed up pretty late watching TV and eating what was left of my MNSSHP candy.


Tomorrow the 39839th leg of this trip would begin!

Up Next: My last morning in Disney ends with Gina coming to pick me up!
Just back from the most magical place on Earth and caught back up on your TR. Thankfully, most of my TR friends are moving along slowly and I didn't fall too far behind.
Love that you got to enjoy a bit of the party on Halloween! I could spend hours people watching. Last year we sat on the stairs to the station after the party was over for an hour just watching people leave the park and checking out the costumes. Awesome to just listen to the music and watch the lights and the people.
Wishing this TR didn't have to come to an end. But then, you DO have another one to begin! :cool1:

Thanks! I hope that you had a beyond magical trip!

Omg that sounds like a good idea. I hate leaving the park when the party ends, I would much rather sit there and people watch til 1am! haha.

Oh trust me... the next TR is gonna be so long and so jam packed!
During liftoff, two of the guys just flat out screamed their heads off. It was just "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" the whole time in exact unison, LOL. The third one was silent before finally screaming "WHAT THE F--- IS HAPPENING."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's always great to experience things like this with random strangers! :rotfl:

OMG, you must have been an emotional wreck over the Leave a Legacy - I was tearing up just reading about it. :goodvibes
I've heard about that, it sounds awesome!

Ahh, I hope you find a way to work out going to MNSSHP! It would be awful to miss it when you live so close. I know going solo isn't for everyone though. I love it now, but my first solo trip was a little lonely. Now I value the alone time but back then I was kinda bummed. So maybe you'd like it if you tried it again!
I've been solo many times. Was a CP alumni for 2001. I actually don't live in Florida just going to be there to meet with professors. I wish I lived close I'd be there all the time. Still condidering the party though.
So, I haven't been posting much (if at all, not sure if I have posted on this trip report), but I have been reading along faithfully!

I'm really at the point after a trip (we went in March), where I get the terrible, all-consuming urge to plan a trip, but we just bought a house, so, meh, I guess I have to be a responsible adult and wait a bit. Your trip report both helps and makes the obsession worse!

Anyway, what spurred my post was that I saw Hanson this weekend in Boston and they were AMAZING, as always! l;kaj;elkjladjgaglakhg!!!!! For some odd reason though, there was a second show that night at House of Blues, so I think they HAD to be done by a certain time and cut a few songs. They didn't play Juliet, which I LOVE and was dying to hear!!

I LOVE that Spaceship Earth pumpkin by the way!
Maybe it's my pregnancy hormones kicking in, but I got tears in my eyes at the picture of you and your mom! So cool that you found it.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's always great to experience things like this with random strangers! :rotfl:

OMG, you must have been an emotional wreck over the Leave a Legacy - I was tearing up just reading about it. :goodvibes

I know, right? It was hilarious!

Aww yeah it was definitely an intense moment to see that after so many years!

I've been solo many times. Was a CP alumni for 2001. I actually don't live in Florida just going to be there to meet with professors. I wish I lived close I'd be there all the time. Still condidering the party though.

Aww well I hope you get to go!!

So, I haven't been posting much (if at all, not sure if I have posted on this trip report), but I have been reading along faithfully!

I'm really at the point after a trip (we went in March), where I get the terrible, all-consuming urge to plan a trip, but we just bought a house, so, meh, I guess I have to be a responsible adult and wait a bit. Your trip report both helps and makes the obsession worse!

Anyway, what spurred my post was that I saw Hanson this weekend in Boston and they were AMAZING, as always! l;kaj;elkjladjgaglakhg!!!!! For some odd reason though, there was a second show that night at House of Blues, so I think they HAD to be done by a certain time and cut a few songs. They didn't play Juliet, which I LOVE and was dying to hear!!

I LOVE that Spaceship Earth pumpkin by the way!

Thank you!

Ahh, I know exactly how you feel. It's tough to resist! No matter what's going on, I'm always like "MUST SEE HANSON AND MUST GO TO DISNEY" period, like that's just automatically what my brain goes to. But then it's like, oh wait, I have life things to worry about. Boo.

I'M SO JEALOUS! Boston is one of my favorite cities and I've been there for them before had the time of my LIFE. I wanted to go so bad but it's expensive and 4 hours away and I knew I was going to the shows on the 1st & 2nd so that would have been kind of crazy. I'm sorry you didn't hear Juliet, that's one of my favorites too! However, you got to see Taylor do Save Me as a solo. AHH.

I love it too! I really want to re-create it!

Maybe it's my pregnancy hormones kicking in, but I got tears in my eyes at the picture of you and your mom! So cool that you found it.

Awww! It was quite an emotional moment.
Well, the third night of MNSSHP did me in...I just modified my reservation so I'll be there a day early for the party on Sept 27!! You even convinced me that I need to costume it up.... now I'm all excited. I'll be there Sept 27th for the Party and leave in the evening on the 29th if anyone else reading along will be there and wants to meet up for a glass of wine somewhere.
ok, ok...so here I am at work...with tears in my eyes as we come to the end of the WDW part of your TR...
Admittedly, there are many times during your many TR's that tears come to my eyes, but IDK, this feels different for some reason.
This trip seemed just different to read, even more special, more magical, more infused with happiness and laughter and pixie dust. And cupcakes and yumminess too!
Or...maybe it's because DH and I are now 86 days out from our trip and reading your TR, imagining all the fun we'll have and special times, makes me just so unbearably excited!
I don't comment much on your TRs because to be honest, they leave me speechless (in a good way of course) and also because my comments would be very long commenting on everything that I want to, because your writing is so freaking fantastic. (Seriously, out of all the TR's I've read here on the DIS and another board, yours are my all-time favorite!)



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