Independent Owners Group

jctwizzer....I don't think this thread was started because DanG was feeling "abused" by Disney.

I took this thread as a stab to see if a group could be formed to utilize the buying power of DVC members to get discounts, especially at non-Disney venues and services.

I still think it is an interesting concept, but getting membership to agree to it (and a fee for the work entailed) is going to be a bit of a pipe dream, IMHO.

I still think it is something that Disney should do if for no other reason than to help it sell more DVC units. I imagine that would only be an impetus for them if BCV did not sell well. I think everyone's opinion seems to be that these will sell like hotcakes, so I'm not holding my breath for Disney to do anything for us.
Granny I think you're right. I got the impression that Dan was interested in seeking discounts with a buying power of more than 1 or 10 people. If there are 60,000 members, why couldn't we get together and negotiate discounts, even with Universal. It's kinda like a AAA thing. There are lots of members, lets make a deal. I don't think the general purpose was to strong arm Disney into anything, but if we all got together and were to gather discounts from other places that would be good for us wouldn't it? Then Disney may realize that they are ignoring a faithful segment of their followers.

They are increasing membership and decreasing things they have offered in the past. It is true they don't owe us anything, but common sense tells you to do things for those who are faithful.

I work for a restaurant company and I can comp food for regular guests, and while I don't do it all of the time, I do make some people feel really special by buying them dinner. Yes, it is true some people would say that I owe it to them, they are regulars and some would think that I went out of my way. As a business person, I kinda do owe it to the people who treat me right and keep coming back. It strengthens the bond between customer and business and makes good business sense.

While they are not abusing us, they are not doing anything extra for us. A little extra once in a while goes a long way, the problem is that large corporations lose sight of that, and that's where the "Mom and Pop" types of organizations have an advantage and can build loyalty.

It really wouldn't impact their bottom line either, or if it did it would be so slight that it would be nothing more than .000001% of their bottom line, basically it would cost them nothing to do so. The problem is because their bonuses are riding on watching every last penny, and since Disney is a lot of little corporations with their own pay structures, no one in their right mind will give something away for nothing because it comes out of their pocket.

Why shouldn't we look for discounts elsewhere if Disney is not going to give them to us?
I agree with my good-sensed fellow Missourian, Granny. This is not about feeling abused. It is about trying to see if people with a common interest can use their buying power to their own advantage. That works for credit unions, AAA, professional associations, etc.

I think alarge group like an Orlando Timeshare Owners (OTO) or United Society of Timeshare Owners of Orlando (US TOO) could be something that would appeal to a lot of businesses from grocers, to car rental agencies, to restaurants, to theme parks...We are a desirable market, with disposable income and MAY be worth courting. I am not about to try to form such a group, but I do think it is an idea with possible merit. A win-win for all not a slam on Disney, or anyone.

I view the suggestion as similar to having a subdivision Homeowner's Association, except that it would not have a mandatory membership and any dues would be voluntary.

I think it is an idea worth exploring. You don't know what leverage you have until you try.

As far as the name of the organization goes, I don't see how there could legitimately be an issue with a name such as "Association or Disney Vacation Club Members" or something similar. We do have deeded ownership and the right of free association.

As for costs - I would be willing to spend $10 at least for one year to see if this would provide any benefits. If 20% of the membership paid this, it would be $120,000 which could provide for some part time staff and cover association set up costs. I'd try to use e-mail instead of paper mail to avoid printing / mailing costs.

Can some one raise a poll on this?
I like the idea.

Some of this issues raised seem to be based on several assumptions that can be easily worked out.

Membership lists? It could easily be a voluntary sign up on a web site that is discussed here at DIS and TUG and other places. Word of mouth from member to member at the resorts.

What clout would you have? Massive letter writing campaigns initiated by the group may easily be enough to resolve important issues, like don't take away pool hopping, instead address the abuse of pools by locals.

Why not, if it doesn't work, at least it will be a good try for good reasons. This group hopefully won't be against Disney, (I'm not in favor of that) but to help Disney by better communicating, and to further the advantages of ownership by the possibility of additional discounts.

Go for it. We need a mission or purpose statement for the group. What is it they are setting out to achieve? How will they go about achieving it? Communication by internet and an independant web site may be an easy start. Dues? Perhaps a simple $20 in dues would provide plenty of operating income.
Please don't plan to use this website for anything but a DVC discussion forum.

Pete has made it very clear in the past that this board will NOT be used for any letter writing campaign and certainly won't be used to advertise another website without his express permission.

Where is the club aspect of the DVC? If we are a club then we already have in place the means to our ends. We start meeting on a regular basis, such as each week have a meeting of members at WDW (not run by DVD). We can make these meetings an event that no one would want to miss by combining the meetings with a discount information guide. We can register members online through a forum such as the DIS 4 updated meeting schedules. If a membership fee is required it can be used to communicate with members and a mailing list of members would be a valuable item to any Orlando business. I look at it as way to make my DVC investment more valuable. If we are 60,000 strong then we should use our strength for our benefit. :smooth:
We give ourselves discounts on restaurants all the time when visiting WDW and staying either at a DVC resort or any other WDW hotel. It is called "dining off-site". It is really available to anyone. I don't think that Disney really cares to negotiate with the DVC. I think Doc's post several weeks ago pretty much confirmed that. Disney thinks that we are a captive audience. Until they believe otherwise very little will change.
I certainly see DVC members posting messages here all the time to gather based on other common associations (e.g All Massachusett's DVC members getting together, etc.) I still feel though that DVC members are more likely to find their buying power enhanced by associating with other timeshare owners who share a similar interest (how to save money while in the Orlando area). I don't think DVC even at 60,000 members is big enough...Maybe TUG is the best place to try to start something like this, not here.

While a negotiation may work to benefit DVC somewhat in the non-Disney tickets and meals...think about this.

60K members looking for a discount. Many groups have larger memberships, AARP, AAA etc. and they do NOT have the 'substantial' discounts that are wanted (expected?) by DVC members. In reality, I think Disney could afford us the same discounts as DC. I think a dining discount at EPCOT would be a nice perk, since we do spend more time in the parks. And I think other attractions and nationwide chains could give us similar discounts to AARP and AAA, this would be helpful while traveling. But really 60K members worldwide is NOT a huge number, the only thing that makes us unique is that we spend more time than the average vacationer at WDW.
Please don't plan to use this website for anything but a DVC discussion forum.

Agreed. I hope my post doesn't say that a letter writing campaign should be launched from DIS, (and when I reread it I don't read that) because it is certainly not my intent to use DIS for such purposes.

However, Doc your post does make the case, a separate website for the "Unofficial DVC Members Association" which would allow such practices when they may be in order, especially if there is a big take away like pool hopping.

As far as other web sites? Well many signatures seem to contain website links. But, I'm not here to be picky, this thread asks for an opinion on the idea of a DVC association, and I'm just sharing my view.

I'm really very happy with DVC and I'm probably going to do an add on within the next week! I'm also very appreciative of the information DIS provides and have used them extensively, including for great deals on hotel rooms like this summer when the Dolphin resort was only $129 per night! Great deal, thanks DIS.

And thanks for running such a great website Doc and Pete.

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
While 'we' might not be as large as some other groups 'we' should have greater 'focus' than other groups as our visting patterns are known - they are 'marketing' to these groups with unknown visiting patterns. I think we are looking more for an 'incentive' to spend AT Disney while we are there. I think a DVC program and a AAA/AARP program should be different.

My opinion, and they are like, well, you know the saying... :D

Chuck S Wrote:
60K members looking for a discount. Many groups have larger memberships, AARP, AAA etc. and they do NOT have the 'substantial' discounts that are wanted (expected?) by DVC members. In reality, I think Disney could afford us the same discounts as DC. I think a dining discount at EPCOT would be a nice perk, since we do spend more time in the parks. And I think other attractions and nationwide chains could give us similar discounts to AARP and AAA, this would be helpful while traveling. But really 60K members worldwide is NOT a huge number, the only thing that makes us unique is that we spend more time than the average vacationer at WDW.
I was referring to maybe some hotel chains and restaurant chains that are off property (like Hampton Inn) giving us similar discounts to AARP/AAA to encourage us to stop there while driving nationwide, not Disney. I said I think Disney should at least give us the same discounts as Disney Club, as well as some dining discounts.
Re: previous post saying we should get dining discounts...
When we checked to WLV last month we were given a sheet of discounts for DVC members.....the sheet included discounts at 20 restaurants on property. IMHO we are already getting dining discounts....maybe we need to pay more attention to what's already there.
Chuck S wrote: "I said I think Disney should at least give us the same discounts as Disney Club, as well as some dining discounts."

I have never bought into the idea that Disney "should" do anything except make money and do it in a way that allows them to keep making MORE money. If a discount would lead to that, then maybe the word should applies. What I find silly is the idea that DVC members "deserve" a discount for loyalty or some such nonsense. If you can create profit from that loyalty-like getting people to eat in the Swan or Dolphin when they would not otherwise think of it, fine. But as a perk- it is just not warranted.

With regard to the current discussion- timeshare owners in general are a market which is riper than AAA and AARP in that you know exactly where they are likely to be and what they are likely doing (they are vacationing in a particular place) and that they have more disposable income than the average guy (maybe even the average AAA and AARP member. It would be interesting to know the average meal check totals for the various subgroups. Companies do all sorts of stuff to seek out groups like that in order to target their products. Therefore it may be worth more to them to appeal to DVC or Timeshare owners.

the sheet included discounts at 20 restaurants on property.

Then things have already improved since my last trip, the sheet then listed very few discounts. It would be nice if they could update a website with ALL current discounts, even if it needed to be updated on a monthly basis. Then we could check out the menus on Deb Will's site to see if it is a cuisine that would appeal to us before our trip, and be able to add this eatery to our 'want to do' list.
Originally posted by Chuck S

. It would be nice if they could update a website with ALL current discounts

Hi...just checked the DVC member site...all the on property dining discounts referenced in my post are listed...take a look>

:) :)
Is there anyone interested in being the president and starting the unofficial DVC owner's association?

Or is this just one of those threads that passes on....
Capn Midnight, I will weigh back in after having initiated this thread.

I deliberately wanted to let people express their thoughts and opinions before suggesting a course of action. Just to clear up any issues around the initial question, I am not unhappy with my DVC purchase and do not believe that Disney "owes" anything. That said, there is no forum for collectively expressing opinions or asking Disney to do or stop doing something.

I am willing to work with a group of people to take a look at the issues and challenges inherent in starting and organizing an independent owners group. I would ask that others interested in helping to set up and publicize or join this type of group either send me a PM (Private Message) or e:mail to discuss further. You can get this information by clicking on my profile information below.

I understand that many of you see don't see a need for this and we won't purport to speak for you.

"there is no forum for collectively expressing opinions or asking Disney to do or stop doing something. " (I don't know how to do that underline thing people do to pull quotes from other post).

From what I've been told,Disney monitors this board all the time. We've all talked about how popular toasters are in studios and low & behold,DVC put toasters in the studios. We had massive discussion on how unclear the pool hopping rules were,shortly afterwards DVC posted the guidelines on the DVC website. I'm sure there are other examples of this others could post.
I guess I've also missed the point of this post as far as what we're going to negotiate for and with who. The DVC website is choke full of member discounts. If your talking about off property in the Orlando - Kissemmee area the same thing applys. If you can't find a discount or coupon,your not looking to hard.
As for our 60,000 + membership: If some 15 million people visit WDW annually, is our size deserving of that much clout ?
I'm not against anyone trying to organize some type of association but I really don't see a need for it.Good luck in advance if you try.


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