International College Program

I didn't know that they would have them make their own way to the airport?? Seems a little like "What's you hurry, here's your coat"!!!! ME may be just the ticket to get the ride there and for what the resort costs, divided up it likely is no more expensive than taking a cab! Makes sense to me....
You are heading back down at Christmas time right? Are you there for the holidays??

That's a great rate that you got Marjorie...are you a card-carrying Clia member? Have you looked at the TA many cases they are better than the CM's! :confused3 Just a thought....

Okay....I have to paint my daughter's room (the OTHER one) and I have put it off as long as I can! ICK..I hate painting and am not sure how I let myself be vamboozled into it!

See you soon I hope soon too!
Yup, it's a shame that they can't make arrangements for the kids to get to the airport. Oh well, I'm sure they'll have a great time hanging out at a resort the night before. Apparently they're all flying out around the same time from MCO, 6 pm.

Yup, we're on Legend of the Seas for a Western Caribbean itinerary and then head to WDW on December 23 for 13 nights. Christmas and New Years included! This was long planned before Brynna even got into ICP.

Yes, I just received my CLIA card recently. Now how does one attempt to get TA rates for WDW? Never having tried before.......

Guess you're getting ready to head out next week huh, only a few more sleeps left?

Hope the painting goes well Karen!

That sounds an awesome holiday Marjorie!!! I have been there for Christmas/New Years and it is so lovely...where are you spending Christmas dinner? We have done Christmas Eve at the CG and it's wonderful! They have a set menu and the ambience is so nice. NYE there is outrageously expensive tho!!!

Have you been on RCI before? I really like them...all in all it will be an incredible vacation!!!

The painting is not going well...ugh
Shelby and I began yesterday and within a minute I had it on the ceiling too which I DON'T want to paint!!!! We're not sure about the colour at all and basically I have asked my hubby to HELP?!?!?!?! Just what he needs in the midst of all we have going on outside! Poor guy...he says my timing is lousy and he's right!

I guess Bonnie is getting really close now! I bet they can't wait...

Good thing I'm not too far behind :thumbsup2

Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Karen.

Yes we're C&A members, this will be our 4th cruise with RCCL. We decided to do Xmas Dinner at 'Ohana, something completely different from turkey! My mom seems kind of disappointed that we won't be eating traditional but then the whole holiday isn't traditional by any means. We normally have a turkey & trimmings dinner on the cruise at some point, that should have to do!

Christmas Eve might just be hanging out at Epcot in hopes of seeing Gary Sinese at the CP. Don't think we're going to do the dinner though, as only a couple of us want to see the CP.

Wow, you must be excited, only 2 sleeps left! How did the painting go?

Have a product launch with Sunquest tomorrow night so I won't be online. I hope you have a wonderful trip and hope it's not too hard for Shanan to leave.


I am sure you'll have Turkey onboard and that O'hana will be wonderful!!! Just the decorations at the Poly make up for gobble-gobble! Soooo pretty for the holidays! How many are travelling with you? We did a family 'thing' a few years back to Disney and we were was a lot of fun!

We saw Gary Sinese a few years back during Christmas time...he was waiting to go in a side door to Imagination and I think he had hosted the CP the night prior...I take it you are a fan?? ;) It's so pretty to see..really reminds us what Christmas is all about.

Will pop back in when I get back with Shanan (hopefully) in tow! Decided to spend the whole time at the BC so that will be nice as it is one of only a handful of resorts that I have yet to stay at! Looking forward to that...

Painting is almost done...but of course we ran out of paint as the store closed! will finish the bits and pieces tomorrow. One more thing to do.. :rolleyes: It actually looks really great! I was dubious as it is darker than we are used to, but it really gives her room some punch so it's all good!

Well guess that's it for me...another busy day tomorrow. Have to go into the office and do some files that I have been procrastinating over!

Take care and talk soon!
Hi ladies!!

I'm baaack! As are you too Bonnie! How was the drive home? Seems like we made it out in time before it may have turned kind of nasty! Was soo nice to meet all of you!

Marjorie...still didn't get to meet Brynna :confused3 We didn't go to MGM at all this trip and with Shanan pretty much moving out the night I arrived there was just no opportunity. I just want to say tho...not to worry one bit about this Ernesto storm. Shanan and I were at Disney when Hurricane Charlie hit..and there's NO safer place with better safety provisions in place than there at WDW! They will be fine!!! In fact, I was thinking today that the worst (best??) that could happen is perhaps a temp closing of the airport which may have delayed her and Kevin's flights out of there but it appear that won't be happening this time! I am sure Brynna's fingers were crossed though!! :thumbsup2

We had a wonderdul trip...another couple of days would have been perfect...and now it seems mere days till Shanan is on her way yet again and back to school. Not enough home time...and Shelby is heading out likely this weekend so this place is about to get very quiet again.. :sad2:

What a wonderful summer these girls (and guys!) have had haven't they?? They've made the most of every minute and come away with great friendships to last a lifetime. I like to think I've made new friends too!!! :thumbsup2

Let's keep in touch...can't wait to hear about the journey home Bonnie and Brynna's last few days as well as her endeavours to get back!!

Talk soon..
Hey gals!

Well, we had a great drive home...we pushed 16 hours yesterday and 6 today and we were back home before noon! We had no problems at the border (I was really worried!), they just took back her I-94 card and that was it! I honestly don't think we could have fit one more thing in the van and I felt sorry for my's almost 6' tall and he was squished in the back with all Shayna's stuff! lol

It was great to finally meet you Karen...did you get sunburned from standing in the pool together all afternoon? It was the most sun I got all week! Sounds like Shayna and Shanan had a great last day visiting 'their' kingdom...make sure Shanan shows you the picture of the two of them scarfing down the kitchen sink! They've become professional ice cream eaters!

I've plowed through half the laundry and am starting to feel like I've got a grip on things. Shayna has gone out for a coffee with her's interesting how they are trying to remain friends...he was a great support for her when she was homesick and when she was dealing with her 'termination'...called her a number of times and such...gotta give the guy credit! I wouldn't be at all surprised if at some point he's back on our doorstep!

Shayna happily reunited with her dog and my folks did a fabulous job of spoiling her while we were away!

Like Shayna, I'm sure Shanan is on a bit of a roller coaster ride. I don't think it's hit her that it's all over quite yet, although she said today that it didn't feel like she'd been away. She certainly enjoyed her barbequed chicken tonight! I'm hoping she will get on track and start eating a little better. I'm trying to be careful with what I say, but she definitely could have made better food choices while she was working for the mouse! lol

Anyway...glad you're all home safe and Marjorie...keep us posted on Brynna's departure okay?

Take care ladies!

BTW, have you two noticed how many views we've got on this thread? Over 4300! Can't just be us can it? :goodvibes
Ladies, you're back! Been pretty quiet around here lately.....

Anyway, yes, we're hoping the weather doesn't affect Brynna's flight. I'm sure it won't given that the storm should be roaring through tomorrow and Thursday. Of course Brynna would love it if she was "stranded" but I have too much invested in the weekend!

We're driving to Seattle to pick her up on Friday, spending the night, doing a bit of shopping the next day, going to my sister's on Saturday for the night, taking Brynna at some point to the casino on Sunday too. Since she'll be 19 and doesn't drink, we figured it would be fun to give her a few dollars to put in the slots to celebrate her legality. We're also going out for a family dinner, spending the night at the Hyatt in downtown Vancouver and then ferrying home the next day. Whew! Busy weekend.

Of course school starts the next day and she'll be busy with that, books, parking permit, etc.

How are the girls dealing with the loss of Disney? I know Brynna will be devestated and I'm not quite sure how to deal with it. She's made a few very close friends from coaster, who actually live in Orlando, and finds it hard to leave them. Fortunately, she'll get to see them in December when we're down. She's also contemplating the cultural rep. program if she can't get a J-1 visa position (waiting to talk to the college next week).

Yes, let's keep in touch. One of these days we may all end up down there at the same time!

I'll let you know how the weekend goes......

WOW...lots of 'peeks' huh Bonnie? We are pretty exciting mind you! :lmao:
I often think things move a bit slow on these Canadian threads..not like the Community board where it moves sooo fast and I have been known to get myself in some 'tight spots' from time to time! :confused3

Sounds like the drive was are better people than we!!!! Not too sure we could face that drive again! Maybe perhaps because we have done it dozens of times??

I feel like I have been punished and sent to the kitchen since Shanan got home!! Last night she wanted Chicken Curry and tonight I have been asked for Ribs which are simmering away as I speak! Good thing I had a week off of cooking before this! :thumbsup2

We couldn't quite fathom where and how to get to the U.S Immigration to hand in Shanan's visa so Canada Customs took it and said they will ensure it gets to the U.S authorities. Sure hope so! Pretty uneventful with them too! For a change..

Sounds like Shayna is fitting back into routine...Shanan is still pretty quiet and I can tell 'homesick' for her mansion! Her friends held a brunch for her today to catch up so that was nice...may be one of only a few times she will have been able to get together with them this summer. I think she plans on heading back to Kingston next Mon or Tues. Shelby likely will end up back at Guelph on Sunday. All is unpacked and laundered now so basically it's all about RE-packing at this point!

Sounds like a great welcome home weekend Marjorie for Brynna!!!! You know, I am sure like Shanan and Shayna...her heart will be heavy but once she is home...being home will feel good as well and she'll get back into the swing of things before you know it!! Meanwhile...she has the wheels to do another stint back in motion so I am sure if there's a will, there's a way!! I just would hope that the victory lap would be as much fun as the first time around??? Sometimes it can never live up to it?? At least there's a Christmas visit which will be so much fun to anticipate and look forward to! Pretty lucky there!

I bet you can't wait to have her home Mom?? It does feel awfully nice, despite being shortlived!!

Well better get to the stove and see what's doing...
Look forward to hearing all about your weekend Marjorie!

Maybe all of us Moms and daughters (and Kevin and his Mom) should plan a reunion trip next year!!!!

See ya later ladies!
Karen :)
Hey ladies, I'm back, with my girl in tow!

Twas a very sad text message I received from Brynna on Friday afternoon stating she never wanted to do this (come home) by herself again. So I called her at MCO and she started crying, which in turn started me crying!

She actually arrived early, about 1/2 hour, and when I found her in all the mess that Seatac's arrival is, she was quite bleary-eyed and teary. So that went on and off for a bit, while she was receiving and sending texts the remainder of the evening. There was even a text received at 3:30 am, nice wakeup call!

So we went shopping on our way back to Canada which seemed to keep her mind off things and the weekend was pretty good all in all. She did appear to be in a funk some of the time but there was much to distract her. Mom, aunty & nana took her to the nearby casino to teach her all about gambling on her birthday. Took all of an hour for her to lose her $20 I'd given her! I did, however, win $26, woohoo. We had a nice birthday dinner for her at Macaroni Grill, there were 13 of us all together and 2 of her friends from home came out with us so that worked well.

She started school tonight actually, first class of the day was at 6:30 pm and school should keep her mind even busier. Of course she's still making plans to get back there, I think she's setting up an interview with Cast-a-Way in the fall as she's been in touch with Eric.

Anyways, what's new with the two of you? The girls have left for school I take it? I read Shanan's blog yesterday and it made me all teary again. You know it was kind of fun, as a mom, living the Disney dream through the kids and it definitely is sad that it's all over.

I'm off for the night, hope to hear what's up with you.....

And welcome home to Brynna...though I know she has left her heart elsewhere! It's not easy, but hopefully the days will be busy and fill her time and least for now? I am sure that one day before long she will be back there and fulfilled once again! For your sake..I hope not too soon :sad2: It does sound as if her birthday was a good celebration though!

I just got home from taking Shanan back to Kingston yesterday and my house is once again empty.Much too little time with my baby this summer that's for sure. Her classes begin Monday and I left her hard at work prepping already. For Shanan...she LOVED WDW...but I think maybe a new experience is in order for next year! She has mentioned perhaps Disneyland Paris..which is a bit far for my liking but what can I do? I think unless there could be some sort of Internship available, she'd likely not go back to Florida though she is desperately missing the weather and the sunshine! Her memories will have to see her through for now and those are sooo many. WHen I was about to leave her today I noticed a little shimmering something in the back of my car and picked it up and gave it to was a little gold Mickey. The confetti type..he was the last little piece of a great summer! Shanan did take that opportunity to ask "Can we go back"?? lol..

Is Shayna back at school yet Bonnie? Is she recovered from her summer away? Seems they were merely home for 5 minutes doesn't it?? Does she make it home often through the school year?

We also moved Shelby into her house this past weekend and the partying has officially begun!! Every grey hair on my head comes from 'that' one let me tell you! :confused3 I told her come Monday, things better quieten down in her house or Mommie dearest will be dropping by! :furious:

Well has been a busy and tiring few days..I will pop back though to see how everyone's doing. I will be officially wallowing for a few days to come!

Karen :wave2:
Hi Momz,

My daughter was having a great time...been there for three weeks..when all of a sudden...she ran into a little bad luck..she defended her self by avoiding a young guy who continues to stock her and her room mate..that lead to a fight...her mistake was not calling security first time was until the young gentlemen came back and break the window in the apartment out of anger...

Momz, I tell you it was the most heart breaking call to get from my tore me up inside to hear her crying on the phone..I wanted so badly to reach though the phone and give her a hug.

She was told she can reapply after a few months....She was told on Thursday that she needed to be gone by 11:00 on Friday, 9/8. There was know what that could have happen...I fly from Syracuse to Orlando thursday night ....rented a car a drove her back home...

She's heart broken..she was doing well. SHe was working at the Tusker house at Animal Kingdom..

I thought I would share by upsetting news...Hopefully, she will be accepted when she reapply. Wish us luck...
Noooo! I'm so sorry to read your post c-nyce... :(

Your daughter was terminated because some guy broke the window in her apartment? Did she try and get reinstated? I do understand how god awful it is to get that call...

Which program was she down on? Was she living at Vista? She must be crushed...

I'm so sorry... :grouphug:

So very sorry too...that is shameful on the part of the Management company and that's the biggest flaw in the whole College program as far as I am concerned!!!! They make very critical errors in judgment all in the name of consequences and being the heavy when they are not even sure of the perpetrator or the actual facts. I say to anyone reading these posts that has a daughter/son entering or already in the program, address issues as they come up IMEDIATELY and make sure your complaint/concern is documented. Let NOTHING slip!!!

We have travelled this road as you may have read in our posts!!!! It is heartbreaking for all concerned and I sincerely hope that your daughter gets another chance at this great experience. Wouldn't hurt to address your concerns on paper as well to Disney and the Management company??? Start a paper trail...let them know there's an issue here and it's not an isolated incident.

All the very best to you and your daughter :sad2:
Good morning Karen!

You have no idea how many times Shanan's name comes up around here! :goodvibes

Shayna finally got herself moved over to Waterloo on Friday night. She was totally unmotivated to go and I was starting to worry a bit. Thankfully, she was scheduled to work (she has a part-time front desk job in one of the residences) on Friday night so she was forced to get over there! We forgot a bunch of crap so we're heading over today to drop it off. Can't say I'm too happy with her living quarters, but she's with a great group of girls and hopefully it will work out.

How's Shanan? I understand that her program is really intense, so I'm sure she's back and in the groove already! Boy, more and more your Shelby sounds like my Ben! lol

Shayna is certainly missing Shanan...Shanan's last blog entry was amazing! Made me weep...

Don't you find you miss the adventure? The news, the build-up, them going off, living vicariously through them, and then after 6 months of everything 'Disney', there's nothing? It's weird...

Didn't we all love to brag to everyone and anyone that our daughter's were working at WDW? I loved it! :cool1:

Anyway, back to bathroom calls to me....I read somewhere that you can wax your tub...I've got an old clawfoot one and I'm thinking I'll shine er up and see how she looks! :goodvibes

Have a good one ladies...and C-nyce...please keep us posted. I would love to hear the details of your daughter's termination. It sucks...plain and simple!

Hey ladies. Yes, we lead a much more boring life huh, now that our girls are home!

Brynna has only been able to pick up 4 classes this term, the other she hoped to get into she was waitlisted on and it looks like she won't get in, such a shame. There are only 20 students in her class and the prof didn't want anymore (Publishing). So Brynna has 4-day weekends but is hoping to get a part-time job that will fit in with her availability. Of course she's still hoping she doesn't have to even apply for next term (ha-ha) but I think she's more likely to get into that H2B program and apparently it's prob May - Nov.

I'm taking her on a 1-night fam Karen, it was offered thru CSC, bus to Seattle and Norwegian Sun back to Vancouver. Thought it would be a nice distraction for her.

Well, I'm off to bed. Had a busy weekend hosting friends/family for Brynna's welcome home/belated birthday bbq. The house looks like a hurricane hit but I'll deal with it tomorrow.

Oh and c-nyce, sorry to hear about your daughter. I know I was always expecting to hear security had messed up something or other for our girls. I hope your daughter does reapply and goes back and has a great time.

Take care ladies!

That is too bad about Brynna's courses Marjorie..sure is better to get in thee and get as much done as possible but perhaps next term? Does Brynna live at home while attending school? Wish both of my girls could...sigh

I'll be interested to hear about the Norwegian Sun...I have some people doing Hawaii on her next year when she is the replacement for the Wind I think it is undergoing refurb. Sounds like a perfect littloe escape!! I am off on Oceania on Oct 9 in the Med and both of my girls are not happy that they are not coming!!! I can't believe it is coming up so quickly! We haven't even booked our excursions yet..yikes

Well, you can feel Fall in the air these mornings. The house has a bit of a chill and outside just has 'that look'..but I refuse to put the heat on! Not yet. The days are so lovely once it begins.

So my girls begin classes this Brynna and Shayna's first day too?
Hope it's a great year for all of the girls!

Will stop by again soon...have a great day all!
Karen :wave2:
Hey gals! Long time no chat! :)

Had a minute, and thought I would pop in and say Hi!

Hope Shanan and Brynna are settling in at school. Sounds like Shanan's got her hands full with Homecoming or something...? She's one talented young lady!

Shayna is experiencing living in a house with 4 other girls this year. Seems to be going okay...she's enjoying her classes and getting into a bit of a groove. She was in no hurry to head to Waterloo...we ended up moving her stuff over at the very last minute...never been so disorganized. She really enjoyed the time at home which was nice...

Is Brynna still exploring ways to get back down again Marjorie? I think Shayna has come to the same conclusion that Shanan wrote about in her blog (which was fabulous BTW) that it would never be the same the second time around. Sometimes trying to recreate a moment in time is next to impossible...

Keep us posted...

Have Shelby's parties slowed down to a trickle now that classes have started Karen? Does Shanan know how much time she'll have at home over Thanksgiving? Hard to believe it's only 2 weeks away!

Hey Marjorie...has Brynna stayed in touch with Jei? She's a Canadian girl that's down for the year-long program but Shayna was reading a while ago that she wasn't really enjoying it, so I was wondering how she was doing. I think she spent quite a bit of time with Kevin and it must have been hard for her when he left.

Anyway...stay in touch. Would love to hear how everyone's doing.

Bonnie :goodvibes


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