It’s Always Sunny in California!..Eh?...L’il Bit!

So jealous... when I saw the pictures I told Momma we should change our California trip to a Florida one :lmao:

You are going to have a lot of fun in California. You know you will be back to Florida many more times and can enjoy it then
This is awesome Jen! I really can't wait to read your review. I'm still planning on Universal for October. That and Seaworld. We are going to do a 4 night trip to Williamsburg at the end of summer and I think we are going to get a BG annual pass since our Disney passes have expired.

I have to get this review finished and start the WDW/DCL one yet too. I may try to do that one right away though and slack on the WDW/DCL one when I get back.

That's great news, Jen! Not the busy weekend part ...... the Diagon Alley one. :rotfl2:
Isn't it great when suddenly all the "puzzle pieces" fall into place and everything works out?
Can't wait to hear all about it. :thumbsup2

I know, it will be busy, but it will be fun too. Of course this is the year you are not going in Aug!!!

That is great that everything is falling into place for this trip, but I think you need a vacation when you are coming back.


LOL! I know. I might catch a nap during my seminar. :lmao:
Friday, Feb. 28, 2014

This was our last full day. We were going to have breakfast together this morning as a group at Goofy’s kitchen and then some meetings and an official graduation. This was going to be held at the DLH today.

One thing I did not tell you was that we had been watching the weather forecast all week long. Sunny California had actual rain predicted for today. Now Cass loves rain, and was hoping it would. She also hoped it would make the parks less busy. I prefer it to not rain on the other hand. I just hate being wet, and I really hate wet shoes. Knowing that rain was in the forecast, I did bring a WDW rain poncho along with me though.

We woke up bright and early and it looked like rain.
I went outside and it was doing the on and off rain at that point in time. I called Skip and he wondered if I would be stuck in CA as they were expecting more snow at home on Sat. as well. I would not have been disappointed if I was stuck another day in CA, but the thing was, I had a connecting flight in Nashville and that is most likely where I would end up getting stuck if it came down to it. Stacy also texted me and told me that if my flight was canceled due to the rain storms, I could stay with them till I could get home. I must say, I really liked this idea. I did ask her if flights would cancel because of rain and she said in CA they sometimes due as they can’t handle the rain and it floods. Ok, here’s hoping!

Cass and I both did a little extra primping today since it was our last day and in the hopes of getting our picture taken with Mickey later on.
Cass said there was no way she was walking to DLH in a dress and strappy shoes in this rain, so we were getting a taxi, which sounded fine by me as well!
Once we were ready we headed down to the lobby to catch a cab and we saw another girl who was at our conference and we told her to join us and she did. The 3 of us got in a cab (van I believe) and stated where we wanted to go and laughed. It was probably the shortest drive this guy has ever made, but oh well, we didn’t want to get soaked.

Within a few minutes we were at the Disneyland Hotel.

We gathered around Goofy’s and waited for everyone. Pluto was out taking pictures.

He wasn’t there very long and then Baloo took his place.

Before we were seated we decided we would take a group picture. I don’t know what happened for sure, but people went up and then I think some girls wanted their own because they had bought photopass. It ended up that only 4 of us were in our picture. I blurred out their faces though.

And then we headed to our seats.

The had a few tables for us by the windows, but they had it set up poorly and wanted so many of us to sit at one table and there was just no way. Some people grabbed another table and there was a little bit of fussing, but finally they let them sit there. This place is a buffet, you have to be able to get in and out and it was really stupid on their part to stuff us at just a few tables.

Characters came around pretty fast!

Evidently Cass must’ve said something pretty darn funny.

I made a trip up to the buffet and got a few things.

My buddy Pluto was next.

Again!!! Cass must be cracking jokes or something.

And while Cass was at the buffet, Chip came around and another girl was nice enough to take my picture.

She obviously wasn’t cracking jokes!

I made a couple of trips up to the buffet. At one point it just started pouring rain outside. UGH. The really hard stuff too!

We never had all the characters come back to our room, though I have heard this is typical at Goofy’s. I know the Mad Hatter and Goofy himself were in other areas, but we never did see them in our area.

We left and luckily it wasn’t raining much as we went outside to the next building we were heading to, The Frontier Tower I believe!

I didn’t know it before, but there is a conference room in this tower as well. But that wasn’t where we were going first.
Ugh rain in Cali stinks! Especially because it isn't as warm as WDW. Taking a cab over was smart. I would have tried to do the same thing haha. I am with you, I do NOT like getting wet (unless it is of the Splash Mountain variety). I love Goofy's kitchen! It is my favorite meal on the property. I try and go there every trip. I am stunned they didn't initially give you all more tables. That place is usually fairly empty at non-peak times.....heck even at peak times it can be dead. Stinks Goofy wasnt out front for the photo and he never made it into your room :(
Ugh rain in Cali stinks! Especially because it isn't as warm as WDW. Taking a cab over was smart. I would have tried to do the same thing haha. I am with you, I do NOT like getting wet (unless it is of the Splash Mountain variety). I love Goofy's kitchen! It is my favorite meal on the property. I try and go there every trip. I am stunned they didn't initially give you all more tables. That place is usually fairly empty at non-peak times.....heck even at peak times it can be dead. Stinks Goofy wasnt out front for the photo and he never made it into your room :(

It sure does suck. As for Splash...I don't like getting wet there either.....;)
Bummer that California Screamin was down. Bigger bummer that there was no ceremony for the lighting of Carsland. Do you know if it happens at a certain time and if you can find out by looking at a times guide?

But on the positive side, you got some great pictures of the Pixar parade. I love the Pixar movies- most of them are the ones I watched with my boys when they were little. Treat yourself to Monsters, Inc. sometime. It's great. I haven't seen Monsters University, though.

I love your commentary in a Bugs World. :lmao:
Bummer that California Screamin was down. Bigger bummer that there was no ceremony for the lighting of Carsland. Do you know if it happens at a certain time and if you can find out by looking at a times guide?

But on the positive side, you got some great pictures of the Pixar parade. I love the Pixar movies- most of them are the ones I watched with my boys when they were little. Treat yourself to Monsters, Inc. sometime. It's great. I haven't seen Monsters University, though.

I love your commentary in a Bugs World. :lmao:

I don't think it is listed in the times guides, but we asked a CM...actually 2, one didn't know but directed us to another who had the list for the evening and they told us when it was.
Out the back door was the DVC building and a model room for Aulani and we were going to tour that next. Since we had a big group, half went over first and as they came out the rest of us trickled over.

I sure wish I had that view right now!


These rooms didn’t totally wow me, but I am sure I would have no complaints if I got to stay there either.
As we came out of the model room……you guessed it, it was POURING!!!!

Ugh. Really hard once again.

Cass took a video of it too.
I pulled out my rain poncho and put it on. There was no way I was walking through this crap without it. And I wanted to protect my camera as well.

We ran when the rain slightly let up, but even with a poncho, I was still very wet and looked like a drowned rat…and I HATE wet shoes!

We settled into the conference room in the Frontier Tower and the last meeting began.

I was really hoping this would be a fun meeting, but I was dead wrong. It was really long and boring. I think the lack of sleep was now catching up to me and I was doing all I could to stay awake.
They then had a drawing and were pulling business cards out of a bowl to win a few things. Cass goes…that looks like your card…and sure enough it was me. I never win anything. I won a 2 night stay at a Best Western in San Diego. The sad thing is is only good for a year and I won’t be back in time, so I have offered this to Stacy so her and Mark can have a weekend getaway sometime.

We were then given our certificates for attending the conference. I was disappointed as traditionally Mickey gives those out.

Finally we had a break and I stood up and stretched. I went outside and was talking to the one guy and then we came back in and I was going to use the restroom, but they flagged us in the conference room and told us to hurry back for the surprise.

OK, it HAS to be Mickey! And it was. Woohoo!!!

Many people were leaving today and in fact some had left already to catch the Disneyland Express while the meeting was still going on….this made me really happy that we chose to stay an extra night….and then one came back and told everyone who had flights in the next few hours that they better go wait for the shuttle as it was an hour behind already. OMG! This should NEVER happen. I don’t know if anyone missed their flights or not, but this would’ve put me in a panic!

Some still had time though and we let those who needed to hurry to go and get their pictures with Mickey first. Cass and I waited till the line died down a bit and then got our pictures taken.

After we all visited Mickey it was time for him to go.

We finally wrapped up everything and were allowed to leave. The majority of the people at the conference were flying home today. Cass and I were so happy that we had decided to stay one more night.

We walked back to the GC and got changed and headed off to Disneyland. I decided to just take my point and shoot so I wouldn’t get my nice camera ruined in the rain today.

Yep, it was still raining off and on and I had my poncho on, which wasn’t perfect, but did help.

This is definitely duck weather.

Yay! You get to see the new Diagon Alley! I know that you are super excited and I can't wait to hear all about it.

I am excited. I do love Harry Potter..and I was impressed with how well themed they made Hogwarts and Hogsmeade over at IoA. With it just being me and having express pass I should be able to get on several rides easily and utitilize the single rider lines as well. My plan is to get there very early, which will be hard with a late night before, but I can do it and sleep later!
Don't you just hate it when they try to cram way too many people onto one table? How are you supposed to sit your plate and drink down and still have a tiny bit of elbow room? :sad2: Glad that the problem got resolved and you were able to enjoy your breakfast.

You're a graduate! :cheer2: I'm glad to see that Mickey came out to pose for pictures but I have to say that the last one...the black and white one...makes Mickey look a little like a pregnant lady. :rotfl:
Don't you just hate it when they try to cram way too many people onto one table? How are you supposed to sit your plate and drink down and still have a tiny bit of elbow room? :sad2: Glad that the problem got resolved and you were able to enjoy your breakfast.

You're a graduate! :cheer2: I'm glad to see that Mickey came out to pose for pictures but I have to say that the last one...the black and white one...makes Mickey look a little like a pregnant lady. :rotfl:

I hate that. In fact after Claire's dance recital on Sat. we went to Longhorn to eat and they tried to cram 8 of us at a table that clearly was made for 6 at the max and I told them we rather have 2 booths. We saw 5 atthe table next to it and they were seated just comfortably, but no way would 8 be nice.

Mickey does look a little pregnant in that last photo. :rotfl2:
Sorry you guys got rained on! I hate being wet too. Glad you stayed the extra night...I hate the thought of missing my flight and would have been super stressed!

Jill in CO
You don't like chocolate cake? Oy. How could I not have know this about you after all this time. I'm going to have to rethink our friendship. ;)

I think I made a tactical error deciding to play catch-up today. Food pictures were the last thing I needed........ It was almost worth it though to see that fun photo of Cass with her soup! :rotfl: I'm pretty sure they put it in a bowl like that for slobs like me who end up dribbling soup all over the place.

How fun that the Monster's Inc. ride was interactive at the end. I'll look forward to that. And I'll have to see if I can get as good a photo of Roz as you got!

I told you this before, but I'll say it again.... you looked awesome in that dress with Mickey! :cool1:

Yeah for staying an extra day! It looks like maybe the rain cleared out the crowds a bit. And double Yeah for the Disney ducks!
I can't believe all the rain you had. In all the times I have been to Southern California, it rained once, very lightly, for about 20 minutes. How strange that they all tried to squeeze you into a space that was too small at Goofy's Kitchen. I have never seen anybody but Goofy take photos out front. I would have been mad if I had missed the Mad Hatter. We have never managed to see all characters at Goofy's Kitchen either, but we have always been lucky enough that the once we missed were once I have met many times before like Peter Pan.

It was touring those models that convinced DH that we have have to visit Aulani at one point and now it is a matter of months until we are going.

Those certificates look really nice. Well done on winning a price. Mickey looks precious in his graduation outfit.

Love that Mickey mouse came to your graduation. :goodvibes Boo hiss to the rain although in Ireland it rains most of the time so rain at Disney doesn't really stop us :rotfl:
Sorry you guys got rained on! I hate being wet too. Glad you stayed the extra night...I hate the thought of missing my flight and would have been super stressed!

Jill in CO

I know! I would be freaking!

You don't like chocolate cake? Oy. How could I not have know this about you after all this time. I'm going to have to rethink our friendship. ;)

Oh no!~ You like chocolate cake..I might have to rethink the friendship too! :rotfl:

I think I made a tactical error deciding to play catch-up today. Food pictures were the last thing I needed........ It was almost worth it though to see that fun photo of Cass with her soup! :rotfl: I'm pretty sure they put it in a bowl like that for slobs like me who end up dribbling soup all over the place.

I hope you are doing well and feeling ok today! :thumbsup2

How fun that the Monster's Inc. ride was interactive at the end. I'll look forward to that. And I'll have to see if I can get as good a photo of Roz as you got!

I am sure yours will be great!

I told you this before, but I'll say it again.... you looked awesome in that dress with Mickey! :cool1:

thanks. I got a lot of compliments on that dress. I got that one on sale too!

Yeah for staying an extra day! It looks like maybe the rain cleared out the crowds a bit. And double Yeah for the Disney ducks!

Yeah, I am not a fan of the rain, but at least it was off and on.

I can't believe all the rain you had. In all the times I have been to Southern California, it rained once, very lightly, for about 20 minutes. How strange that they all tried to squeeze you into a space that was too small at Goofy's Kitchen. I have never seen anybody but Goofy take photos out front. I would have been mad if I had missed the Mad Hatter. We have never managed to see all characters at Goofy's Kitchen either, but we have always been lucky enough that the once we missed were once I have met many times before like Peter Pan.

It was touring those models that convinced DH that we have have to visit Aulani at one point and now it is a matter of months until we are going.

Those certificates look really nice. Well done on winning a price. Mickey looks precious in his graduation outfit.


I thought Goofy would always be out front too, but I guess I was wrong. LOL
It was nice to win something!

Love that Mickey mouse came to your graduation. :goodvibes Boo hiss to the rain although in Ireland it rains most of the time so rain at Disney doesn't really stop us :rotfl:

It's raining here today and I actually like it today because my flowers needed a drink! ;)


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