"It All Started With A Mouse" UPDATED 6/1/09 CASTAWAY CAY PT 2

Well the previous night we had ordered a pizza up to the room and watched a movie. I know, I know...why would you go all the way to WDW and watch movies?? But it was the perfect ending to that night. Everything was finally catching up to us and we were both really tired. I'm pretty sure both of us fell asleep before the movie ended because the main frame of the DVD was still on when I woke up that morning...oops:confused3

I had noticed two things the previous day that had started to upset me

1. Candi and I were both starting to get "snippy" with each other
2. Candi was starting to limp again

So, I decided that I would just let Candi sleep until he was ready to wake up. I shut off the alarm and took a shower. He still wasn't awake when I finished getting ready so I got some breakfast (with an extra plate for him of course) and found a quiet little "nook" on our floor to eat it on. After I finished breakfast I went back to the room and heard the shower running so I knew that Mr Sleepyhead had finally rolled out of bed :lmao:

Once we were both ready to start the day we headed out to the bus stop and decided that since there was already a bus waiting we would head to


Yep...that's right, we were going back to EPCOT!!! We had said the day before that we had to go back and so we took the waiting bus to be a sign;) We decided that our first effort would be Soarin' (preferably without cranky parents:rotfl: ) and then we wanted to explore the Neverland garden. We headed off to Soarin' and of course the wait was in the hours range so we got some fast passes for later in the day and then headed over to the Neverland garden area.


This guy was my favorite...they even had a recording of a clock making the "tick tock" sound. It was really cute. In fact, I thought the whole garden set-up was very cute. I'm not sure if this is something they have all the time or if it's special for the Flower and Garden Festival, but if you get the chance I highly recommend you check it out!

After our tour through Neverland we checked out a bunch of the Flower and Garden Festival booths. Let me tell you, if I had a house and a yard of any sort we would have been hurtin' in the checkbook after I made it through those booths :lmao: Fortunately for our bank account, it didn't make any sense to buy anything since we are still in an apartment. I think that means as soon as we get a house we have to go back to WDW during Flower and Garden Festival don't you???:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Oh, and I fell in love with these roses


They were everywhere and all of them were just as big and pink as those ones....so pretty!!

After our "wish shopping" through the booths we decided to grab some lunch. We had started the day pretty late and the bagel just wasn't doing it for our bellies:) We decided we would just walk (at a very fast pace) through World Showcase and just stop at whatever looked good.

I found the following story very funny

I stopped to take this pretty little picture


and when I had finished the shot I turned around and Candi was halfway to France. I run to catch up and go "babe what are you doing?" He goes "ummm...food, hello!!" I know it was funnier if you were there but that was just proof as to how hungry he really was at that moment.

In the end we ended up stopping to eat at


We were SO glad we did. As we were eating we found out that it was their last day of service before they closed for renovation and the food was SUPER yummy. They had some sort of combo type thing made for two people so we got that. To start we both had the wonton soup and then for mains we had fried rice, honey sesame chicken (oh my goodness it was to die for) and some other meat. I don't remember what it was but it was all very good and we were very glad that we got to try it before they changed it up. We looked up the menu for our upcoming trip and it just doesn't sound quite as appetizing to us :confused3

Anyway, while we were eating we had decided that we would (speed) walk over to Mexico and then make our entire way around World Showcase. However, as we were leaving Nine Dragons they had the acrobats performing outside and so we stopped to watch them. I don't know what happened but after that we ended up just starting our tour right there in China. We never made it to Mexico or Norway, which makes me kind of sad because we didn't get to ride either of the only rides in World Showcase AND (possibly worse) I never got a margarita at the Mexico Pavilion :sad2:

So, like I said we started our tour in China and after the acrobats (which were very impressive) we went into this beautiful building


It really blows my mind how detailed and intricate everything was. Even the ceiling was extremely impressive


I can't even imagine how much time that must have took. Anyway, we wandered around the inside of the building for a while and then we headed in to see "Reflections of China." Candi and I both found it very interesting as I quite enjoy learning about other cultures and Candi is very into history. After the show ended we headed back outside to wander around China a little bit longer, it was just so beautiful


Finally, we felt like we had seen everything we headed on to


To be honest, I think the Germany pavilion was the one that Candi was most looking forward to. One of his childhood friends is currently stationed in Germany and we were invited out to see them either this year or next. We are tentatively planning on visiting in the summer of 2010 and I know he is super excited about it. Needless to say, we ended up spending quite a while in this pavilion as well. Again, I have to point out how wonderful I think Disney does with all the detailing. I can honestly say that every time we would go into a different country I would forget where we actually were for a while! Along our journey through Germany I saw this sign and felt it was quite appropriate since we were on our honeymoon...


Then I realized on the other side of the cute little sign was



Yes I am a nut, but I was really looking forward to checking out the mini choo choo trains!! We ended up spending quite a while looking at the little town that was built and (of course) I was impressed!!

Once we had seen enough (which, by the way, it never really was enough we just knew we had limited time for everything) we headed over to the pavilion I was most excited about


I really, really want to go to Italy one of these days. I think it looks so romantic and mythical and just wonderful!! For now this as close as we would get and I got a little picture happy. Of course, I was amazed by all the architecture and detailing...


So pretty!!!

Candi is very into Greek Mythology so of course we had to check out Neptune's Fountain


And then it happened (again) some outraged parent made their little girl cry because they didn't want to wait in the line for her to take a picture with Pinocchio. Now, I am not trying to judge and I don't think kids should get everything they want all the time, but seriously, there were only 3 people in line ahead of them!!! I felt really bad for the little girl and it was making me very sad to see her cry so we headed on.

Ok, so I think I mentioned that for a (3 month late) Anniversary gift we are taking ourselves back to Disney World. Well, in doing that we ended up buying into the Disney Vacation Club. When we did that they gave us "bonus" points that are good for one year at Saratoga Springs or Disneyland or through their exchange partner. Well, we used some of those bonus points to go to Phoenix. But we still have some left.

Candi just called me and said...

"Look up flight prices and see if we can afford to fly to Disneyland for four days for our Anniversary"

I am still in shock (and number crunching at the same time :teacher: )

I figured only you guys would understand how happy this news is

I now take you back to our regularly scheduled program :rotfl:
:dance3: Shannon thats awesome!!! I hope it all works out and you can go to Disneyland for a few days for your anniversay!!!! Yay for your super cool hubby telling you that :yay" and yay for you getting so excited, Disney is a definite cause for celebration :yay:
:dance3: Shannon thats awesome!!! I hope it all works out and you can go to Disneyland for a few days for your anniversay!!!! Yay for your super cool hubby telling you that :yay" and yay for you getting so excited, Disney is a definite cause for celebration :yay:

Thanks Samantha!! Your news for today is even greater though!! I put in the request from DVC for the dates we want, now I am just crossing my fingers. I will know within three days :goodvibes Luckily I work all day tomorrow so that should help pass some time. The flights for the dates we need are actually really good ($99 through Southwest) so as long as dates are good we are going:woohoo:
Yay, how exciting! I hope it all works out and you are able to go!
Thanks Shannon, I will keep em crossed for you. From what I have heard, DVC is very accomodating so hopefully you will be all set. Let me know how it all goes!
Those flights are awesome by the way! $99 is amazing!
Sadly our time in Italy was cut short, but I just couldn't handle seeing a little kid getting yelled at. So onward we went on our "world tour." At this point I was getting really hot and was in desperate need of air conditioning and I really wanted to sit down for a while because I could tell that Candi's foot was bothering him again. Luckily for us next stop was...


We saw that another show would be starting pretty quickly and decided to go in and wait for it. Upon our entrance we were again requested to the telephone for that infamous phone call and then led upstairs while we waited for the show. We were also given one of these


And got the pleasure of having these guys sing us a song


They were actually really, really good and I enjoyed listening to them. Once they finished up their song for us we were led into the auditorium and given our choice of seats. Now I understand that this wasn't really a big deal because it wasn't at all crowded. But once again, it just shows how Disney really tries to go out of their way to make you feel special :hug:

Candi really enjoyed the presentation (crazy history lover :rotfl: ) and it gave us both a much needed break. It was probably from about this point on that we never really recovered from how tired we were from everything leading up to the trip. This made me kind of sad because I know we ended up missing a lot of stuff that we would have enjoyed, but nothing can be done about it now....except go back in September!!!

After leaving the American Adventure we talked about going back to Italy because Candi wanted to try the Pistachio gelato but for some reason we didn't. Instead we headed on and took a brief look through Japan.


When we were in Japan I told Candi I wanted to go in the store because I wanted to find something for my sister. She loves Hello Kitty and I knew they would have a bunch of stuff in there. Well, out of nowhere he starts going off on me about how I've been spending all my money on stuff for everyone else and that I can't spend anymore money unless it's on me :confused3 He was really irritated about it too....I was really confused because I've never seen him react like that before. I told him to calm down that he could make me one of those "pick a pearl" things that they have in there and he seemed satisfied...crazy kid:confused3 !! Well, the line for the "pick a pearl" was really long so I started to look through the store hoping it would calm down. I ended up not finding anything for my sister but while I was looking I heard a familiar voice scream "they have it, they have it." I'm like "they have what?" and he goes "Hi-Chew" I'm all "ummm, I don't have a clue what you are talking about ya big dork." I learned that it was this candy that a Japanese exchange student he went to high school with used to bring them all the time and he loves it!! It pretty much taste like taffy but he loves it. So of course, because I'm a big brat I go "well I'm sorry that you love a foreign candy but you forgot your debit card and you forbid me to spend money on anyone else but myself" :lmao: Of course I let him buy it and it really is yummy stuff!!

After our large candy purchase we headed on to Morocco


but for some reason we just kind of walked right by :confused3

Following Morocco we headed to France

This was the pavilion I was second most looking forward to. Again I really want to visit France some day (even though I've heard the people are very rude). I spent a long time looking around and then we went into the perfume shop...bad idea!!! Some crazy lady was going psycho spraying perfume and somehow it ended up in my eye. Now I've accidentally gotten perfume in my eye before but I don't remember it burning like this. I quickly tell Candi to lead me to the nearest restroom so I can clean out my eye. Once we found it he (of course) says he will wait for me outside. Well, I get outside and I don't see him anywhere. Now granted, it took me a while because after I cleaned out the left eye I realized that now only my right eye had make up on it so then I wash the make-up off my right eye so I don't look like a dork. But then I ended up smudging mascara across my cheek and yep....I ended up washing all my make-up off!! Oh well, nobody in Disney cares what I look like right? Anyway, I thought maybe he went to the restroom and then I see him walking towards me with a plate in his hand. He waves me over to a bench and says "I bought you one of those crepe things you were talking about to make you feel better, but I think they messed it up, it just looks like tortilla and chocolate sauce to me" :lmao: Now that comment made me feel better!! Of course then I had to ask him how he bought anything without his debit card and he says "umm, hello, room key" geesh !!

Well, after our (disasterous) trip through France we decided to check out our fastpass times for Soarin' and we had timed it just about perfect. So off to Soarin' we went and we both LOVED it!! After that though we decided to head out for the day.

We ended up going back to DTD for the evening to try to find something to eat. After walking around for a while we decided to eat the fish and chips from the restaurant there (I don't remember the name) but they just didn't compare to the Rose and Crown :sad2:

After our (not so good) fish and chips, we went back to the hotel to go swimming. It was the perfect decision too. There were only about four other people in the pool and the water was the perfect temperature (not too hot and not too cold). We stayed in the pool for a couple of hours and then headed up to the room for a dip in (our own) jacuzzi.

Once again, an easy but perfect ending to the night!!
Ahhh I cant go in the perfume store b/c the smell is way too strong for me and I get a headache! Thats no fun about your eye, but your right Disney does not care about make-up lol! :lmao: !

I love walking through the world showcase, your pics make me really want to go back now... and get a tortilla with chocolate sauce :rotfl2: ! Too funny, I love it!
Yay, how exciting! I hope it all works out and you are able to go!

Thanks so much :goodvibes And thanks for continuing to follow along with my TR!!

Thanks Shannon, I will keep em crossed for you. From what I have heard, DVC is very accomodating so hopefully you will be all set. Let me know how it all goes!
Those flights are awesome by the way! $99 is amazing!

Thank you!! We have already booked two other trips through DVC (our AZ trip through their exchange program and our September WDW trip) and we haven't had any problems. So far I am stoked with our decision to buy into it. Now hopefully they come through on this one too. My only concern is that it's over Memorial weekend so I don't know how full the hotels might already be :confused3

Ahhh I cant go in the perfume store b/c the smell is way too strong for me and I get a headache! Thats no fun about your eye, but your right Disney does not care about make-up lol! :lmao: !

I love walking through the world showcase, your pics make me really want to go back now... and get a tortilla with chocolate sauce :rotfl2: ! Too funny, I love it!

Yeah, I don't think I will ever go into the perfume store again :sad2:

World Showcase is the main reason I love EPCOT so much! When you go in March you have to make sure to get tortilla and chocolate for me :rotfl:
I just found your trip report today and I am really enjoying it! It looks like you had a lovely wedding and you looked beautiful!
If you read the title just know that you've been warned...grumpiness is up ahead :sad2:

I knew that this day was off to a bad start when we didn't wake up in time to eat breakfast in the lounge. Now, I understand that we could go buy breakfast anywhere, but it had become our thing...I would wake up, get ready, go get breakfast, wake Candi up...you know the drill....

Well, on this day neither one of us was "up and at 'em." When I finally woke up and saw the time I was really upset. I don't know if it was because I was so tired or because I knew the "world" portion of the trip was coming to an end, but I started crying. Candi woke up and (of course) freaked out because he thought something was really wrong, but nope, I was just emotional. So, we got out of bed and got ready and that's when I realized I didn't have any more clean shorts to wear. I don't know why, but I started attacking Candi about it. I knew it wasn't his fault, I just don't own that many and when we went shopping to buy some I couldn't find any in my size that weren't "hoochy mama" short :laughing: But, for whatever reason, that morning I decided it was his fault. After I calmed down we finished getting ready (yes, dirty shorts and all) we headed out for the day. And, wouldn't you know it ... that was the only day of the whole trip we had to wait for a bus. We waited and waited and waited some more (know that in hindsight I am not complaining, we had been lucky all week long, but at the time we were frustrated about it). Finally our bus pulled up to take us to


Animal Kingdom!!

Of course, when we pulled up to Animal Kingdom my bad mood started to disappear. And then I realized that I had forgotten my sunglasses, and anyone who's been to AK knows, that park is hotter and sunnier than any of the other three at the exact same time of day...I don't get it, really I don't :confused3

Well, after buying me a pair of (not so) attractive and very expensive sunglasses we were off. We headed to Expedition Everest but (of course) the line was extrememly long so we grabbed a fastpass and headed to the Safari instead. The line at the safari wasn't too bad and we were on our jeep in about 15 minutes.



We both really enjoyed the ride. There were lots of animals out and I love animals!! After our safari adventure was cut short by those darn elephant kidnappers :rotfl: we decided to see if we could catch one of the shows. I really wanted to see "The Lion King" and "Finding Nemo" after looking at our little pamphlet we realized we might be able to make it to see "Lion King." Of course we didn't realize how far away the theatre was from where we were (or maybe we just took the long way by accident :confused3 ). Anyway, by the time we made it to the theatre it had already started. They said we could go in anyway but I didn't want to miss the beginning. We decided that we would just come back in time for the next one.

Instead we headed over to the Kali River Rapids. I love, love, love this type of ride. I love the drops and the anticipation of getting wet and seeing people scream when they get wet...I just love it :goodvibes Once again, the line wasn't too bad so we jumped on. Well, let's just say my shorts were "washed" while on that ride :lmao: We were drenched from head to toe, I don't think either one of us had a single dry spot and I thought it was hilarious....until I realized that wet shorts equaled stretched out don't stay on shorts :scared1: I was quite the site, walking around holding up my shorts by the belt buckle. From there we went on a quest to find a replacement. We really didn't want to go all the way back to the hotel....anything would have done. But that's when it happened...just when I thought the day was finally "grump free" ........
you are the queen of anticipation Shannon :lmao: !

I actually wore Terry cloth shorts on KRR once and I probably looked just like you did, I was holding up my pants all day long :rotfl: !
Oh well, you live and learn!
you are the queen of anticipation Shannon :lmao: !

I actually wore Terry cloth shorts on KRR once and I probably looked just like you did, I was holding up my pants all day long :rotfl: !
Oh well, you live and learn!

Hee, hee!! I actually didn't do this one on purpose...I wasn't feeling good and had to lay down to try and ignore my headache :sick: Darn sinus infections!! Anyway, I'm (almost) good as new and an update is on its way....:goodvibes
Last I left you I was trying to find new shorts :lmao: Well, for some reason I got this weird feeling that I needed to call and check the bank account?!?:confused3

** Quick side note - we had saved up a lot of money for this trip but the day of the wedding there were several occurances that had us spending almost $1000.00 of that money:mad: Well, we knew that we would have to cut back our spending because of that but we would be ok because we both got paid (direct deposit) right in the middle of the trip *** End side note

Well, I called the bank and (if you haven't already guessed it) they didn't deposit my paycheck :mad: :headache: :mad: :headache: So we had to make an emergency call to my work. Well, the girl left in charge of the store while we were gone claims that I didn't fill out my timesheet for the entire pay period (ummm yeah, like I don't want a paycheck). I was frustrated and asked her what to do, to which she said, figure it out when you get back. Well, I was furious so Candi called his boss (the boss of all the Managers) to see what he could do. Well, she tried to say the same thing (we fill out our time sheets in the computer manually, no time clock puncher thing). Candi said this is ridiculous, clearly they got erased somehow and they tried to say they couldn't pay me until I came back to fill out a new timesheet. So...


Candi used his "stern" voice and what do ya know?...Leslie (not the boss but the girl left in charge) miraculously found my timesheet....crisis averted.

Needless to say this put us both in a grumpy mood for a while so we decided to go pay a visit to the Yeti (our fastpass time had finally come). Well...big mistake....

The line itself wasn't too long but it felt like it took FOREVER to get through because of the group ahead of us in line. There was this school group of fourth graders (their shirts said so, that's how I know :) ). Well, I have no problem with school groups or kids in general. But these kids were out of control and the "sponsor" adults weren't doing anything about it. First, there were these three boys that were "fighting" and I got elbowed in the face (not once, but twice). The second time Candi said "you guys need to watch out" and they started cussing at him saying he wasn't their Daddy and couldn't tell them what to do. Then everytime the line would move ahead of them they would just stand there making comments to everyone behind them. And then (and this is what disgusted me the most) there were these two boys gropping all over one of the girls (kissing her neck and smacking her butt and everything)...THEY WERE IN FOURTH GRADE!!!!:scared1: We were finally just about to get out of line when one of the park attendants made all of them get out of line, but of course they cussed at her too (I think she was about to cry) and the "sponsors" said it was ridiculous that they were "just kids" and "that's what Disney Word is for" :eek:

Well, I don't know if it was because of all that but I didn't enjoy Expedition Everest and it made me really sad because I really wanted to ride it :sad1:

After our time with the Yeti we decided to go get in line for Lion King so that we would be sure to get there in time. I'm really glad we did because it cheered up my whole day...

We were in the "warthog section" which was perfect for two reasons

1. I love me some Pumbaa I think he is too funny and
2. I have this bad habit of snorting when I think something is really funny (yes it's embarassing and now you know about it :rolleyes1 )

But anyway, Candi teased me the whole time because at the beginning the section has to make warthog sounds so he said "they must have known you were sitting here" :lmao:

Beyond that I truly enjoyed the show. My pictures aren't that great but I'll show my favorites anyway


Yay for Pumba!!!


Of course wherever you find Pumba, Timon must be around too


LOVED the tumble monkeys ... if you haven't seen it yet, you have to just to see the tumble monkeys!!!

Ok, so clearly The Lion King show put me in a better mood (I was still laughing when we left the theatre) but we basically had all we could handle of Animal Kingdom (it was just a bad day for us). So we decided that we would just go back to the hotel and swim, rest and get ready for dinner.

Tonight we were attending the Polynesion Spirit of Aloha Luau thingy...I was really excited ... Candi was, well ... not so much. However, he loves me and we did it anyway :hug:

We arrived 30 minutes early like they told us to and enjoyed just sitting outside with this beautiful site


It is my goal on our next trip to watch the fireworks from the beach at the Polynesian!!


Oh look...there's Candi playing with the camcorder again :laughing:

After all was said and done we were both glad we went. It was cheesy, but we still enjoyed it. The Pineapple was to die for and the other food was really good too. The only thing I didn't like was the dessert :confused3 Like I said, the show was cheesy but it made me laugh and the fire tricks after the show were awesome. And of course Candi didn't mind the Hula dancers :rotfl:

I think it was exactly what we needed after our (not so great) day. After the show we walked around the Polynesian for a while and then went back to the room and called it a night. Our last day at the world was the next day and we wanted to make sure we were nice and rested for it.....
Ick, I had the flu last week and it totally knocked me out! I hope your feeling better, and that Candi is making you some chicken soup heehee:flower3:
aw your wedding looked incredible!! i'm still waiting on my wedding cd to come in (LONG story about my photographer)

we had a disneymoon too! and were totally disney addicts now! we loved it!!

i can't wait for your next day!!
Ick, I had the flu last week and it totally knocked me out! I hope your feeling better, and that Candi is making you some chicken soup heehee:flower3:

Thanks!!! He was a good, nurturing hubby while I was sick :goodvibes

aw your wedding looked incredible!! i'm still waiting on my wedding cd to come in (LONG story about my photographer)

we had a disneymoon too! and were totally disney addicts now! we loved it!!

i can't wait for your next day!!

Awww, that sucks about still waiting on your wedding CD :sad2: When was your Disneymoon? I will have to go check out your TR :goodvibes Thanks for reading!!
Hey Everyone!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, life has gotten in the way lately and just haven't been in a very good mood :sad2: Anyway, I am slowly bouncing back from it all and figured what better place to go to help me feel better :goodvibes

So, it looks like last time I left you we had crawled into bed after our "luau." The next morning I woke up feeling really sad because I knew it was our last day at WDW, but that sadness was also mixed with excitement because we would be heading on our cruise next :woohoo:

We decided for our last full day that we would just take it easy and enjoy whatever came our way. We started out our day by enjoying the concierge breakfast selection and then decided to explore the hotel a little bit. Even though we had been there for a week (and I absolutely loved the WL) we still hadn't really seen it all.


I thought this was the cutest totem pole ever!!!


Very romantic to just sit and enjoy life with the one you love. In fact we did sit there for a while talking about everything that the week had brought us. Of course we couldn't believe that it had all gone so fast, but we couldn't believe how extra-perfect it had been either :cloud9: That was when Candi told me that he would no longer make fun of me for saying that WDW was a magical place....he was now a believer :laughing:


After that we crossed my favorite bridge and headed to the boats.

We decided that the best way to end our time at WDW was the same way we ended it.... at Magic Kingdom.

Unfortunately, I don't have any other pictures from this day. We just wanted to enjoy being with each other and not worry about the "perfect picture" etc. We decided that our first stop would be Splash Mountain because I couldn't leave without riding it. After that we went on BTTMR and then roamed around for a while just taking in the sites. I know that we rode a bunch of other stuff including the Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Carribean. After that we had lunch at the Plaza Restaurant. That was one of my favorite meals, it was simple but delicious and we had one of the nicest servers ever :goodvibes

We spent most of the day at Magic Kingdom. That night they closed early for Pirates and Princess party, which we almost bought tickets for and then didn't :confused3

After they closed (at 7pm) we headed over to Hollywood Studios...solely to ride Aerosmith :rotfl: We were able to get right on :woohoo: and then basically walked on Tower of Terror as well. Of course I had to go back to Aersomith, the line was pretty long but we waited anyway.

Once I had enough (that word is used very lightly :laughing: ) Aerosmith we decided to go over to Epcot. We really wanted some more fish and chips from Rose and Crown....yummy, yummy, yummy.

When we got there they told us it would be about 15 minutes but promised us a meal we wouldn't forget....and they weren't kidding. We were seated in less than the stated time, outdoors in the center....just in time for Illuminations!!!!!!!! It coudln't have been more perfect...front row seats for an awesome show with our favorite food :cloud9:

It was truly the perfect ending to the WDW portion of our honeymoon....it was completely unplanned, last minute and magical!

We knew that nothing could top that moment so we headed back to the hotel for one last "dip" in our jacuzzi tub and to finish packing up. The cruise line bus would be picking us up bright and early the next morning....
Ok, before I continue on to the cruise portion of the honeymoon I wanted to take a second to list my "fives" on certain things. I have seen these on several TRs and they always help me to come up with new things to try etc so I decided I would do it too. Keep in mind, just like everything else in life, it is all a matter of opinion. Just because I loved/hated it doesn't mean you will too, but hopefully it convinces you to try something new anyway :goodvibes

Top Five Experiences:

1. Getting to eat in Cinderella's Castle....I think it was even more special because we truly didn't think we were going to be able to get the reservation

2. Fireworks Table at Rose and Crown....once again a complete surprise...love that Disney magic :goodvibes

3. Dolphins in Depth....I don't know if I would do it again anytime soon because it is pretty pricey but it was definitely worth it

4. Conceirge Level at Wilderness Lodge...everything about Wilderness Lodge...seriously you MUST stay there!!!

5. Walking down Main Street with Candi for the first time:cloud9:

Bottom Five Experiences:

1. Dinner at Hollywood and Vine...it was completely awful from start to finish and I hated that fact even more because it was a gift from my Aunt (Fantasmic Package on our honeymoon registry) so I almost felt guilty that I hated it so much :mad:

2. Sounds Dangerous Drew Carey show...seriously a waste of my time

3. The school kids in the Everest line at Animal Kingdom....again, I want to remind you I love kids but these were out of line

4. The over the top angry parents at Soarin and in World Showcase...again, I understand discipline but they took it too far (IMO)

5. Perfume in my eye at the Perfume shop :sad2:

I Can't Believe We Missed That:

1. WISHES...what were we thinking :confused3

2. Goofy's Candy Co

3. All the souveniers we meant to go back for and forgot :sad2:

4. The majority of Animal Kingdom Park :lmao: Now, I understand and still am glad that we left when we did, because it was just a rotten day, but I definitely want to spend more time there on our upcoming trip

5. knowing the DIS existed before we went on our honeymoon...I so wish I would have had ya'll when I was planning everything!!!


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