It's Good to Be Bad. A Villainous Adventure--Updated 1/28x2!

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS you guys looked awesome

Thanks girl!!! Glad you're here!!

Count me in! Awesome costumes, but why should we expect anything less! You guys are amazing!!!

Yay!! Thank you so much!!! Awe! You're too kind!

I'm here! And still trying to catch up on your other(s). Bad DISer! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Yay!! Lol Dont feel bad, I'm so far behind on my trip report reading!! Lol glad youre here!!
Ahahahaha! How weird!! Thats awesome! I think we were at the very last showing!

Wow!! How rude of southwest! Thats insane! But at least you got extra time in Disney!

Yep, we were at the last show! I was kind of side eyeing you 2 during the show...thinking that I'd seen you before somewhere. I must have ready one of your TRs before. Can't wait to hear about your experiences!
Hey team! I'm currently getting ready for MNSSHP, so I'm not going to be doing replies until we are back home from the trip, and I'm sorry for not keeping caught up on your TR's, but I will soon! I also am sorry, but I don't have any actual updates typed up for this trip report, so I'm going to have to leave you with some live updates:

In the meantime, follow along:
On instagram to keep up with our adventures or look through the last few days!! There's TONS of fun!!
Joining! Your costumes are awesome!

How great to see them announce the event and be able to go!
Yep, we were at the last show! I was kind of side eyeing you 2 during the show...thinking that I'd seen you before somewhere. I must have ready one of your TRs before. Can't wait to hear about your experiences!

Nice!! Lol. Hahah, it was a great time!!

Joining! Your costumes are awesome!

How great to see them announce the event and be able to go!

Thank you so much!! We lucked out a lot, I mean, technically, we financially shouldn't have gone, but like, you only live once, right?! Bahahah :rotfl:

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Just before we kick off this trip report of villains extremes, I’d like to say a quick “sorry!” about how long it’s taken sicnce posting the intro post! You see, we got back from the Villains trip on the 26th of August and left for a 2 week extravaganza on the 8 th of September! Not a lot of time to edit, download, organize, and re-upload all the pictures and start on a TR! So now I’m going to attempt to write this one as quickly as possibly to start on Sept’s as well before I kick off my year long journey working for the mouse! I apologize if I fall behind again!

So! Steven & I were up super early on the morning of August 20 th, our roommate agreed to drive us out to the airport since we’d picked her up from there a week prior, and through security & customs we went!

And yes, of course Yeti was along for the ride too! We stopped at a little restaurant beside our gate to grab some breakfast. I’d had a little snack before leaving the house, so I just got some toast, while Steven had the breakfast platter meal. The final stop before boarding was to pick up some Tim Bits, (we have a bit of history with telling Lady Tremaine about Tim Bits, aka donut holes, back in May I carried them around for a week before finally giving them off to Drizella to give to her since we hadn’t seen the right friend all week, and we hoped this week would go better!)

Soon enough our flight was boarding and we were soaring through the skies to our layover, and then eventually Florida! Yay!! Being home is always the best! It turned out that Disney had sent our Magical Express to my Mother’s house, in a different city from ours, so we checked in at the counter to get our transportation voucher, and the trip started off great with STICKERS! We also had them pick up our baggage since we had a very important date to get to!

My favsies!! We rather quickly boarded a bus and were on our way to the most MAGICAL place on earth!!!

Originally for this trip we’d been booked in at Pop Century, our lovely home resort of the year, but when Lia had posted something about being able to transfer herself over to AoA for her trip, I immediately checked and THERE WAS A ROOM AVAILBLE!! I’d been DYING to stay at AoA in the Little Mermaid rooms for AGES so it was a very easy decision to make!

Steven & I were greeted at the online check in desk with a problem…yup…a problem…the lovely cast member went through all the details, handed out our magic bands & all with no problems, but then I asked about splitting the remaining balance between 2 credit cards. She seemed confused for a moment, and then said that the balance had already been settled to the “card on file” uhm…no…that’s NOT okay, I didn’t have the money to pay for all of the hotel, and the limit on my card would be hit if I had the entire hotel on there….(and since I was worried about this happening again in Sept, I called Disney to make sure it wouldn’t and they said that it is something that should never have happened, it’s against their policy to do that….weird…)

Luckily, she was able to refund half of the charge and place it on Steven’s card, but of course, she derped at first and put the refund onto Steven’s card, and then had to charge it, refund it to mine, and then charge Steven’s again to actually balance it all out, UGH. Soon enough, and everything sorted out, we headed out to our room!

Steven was hoping we were in the Ursula building, but since I’d requested bld 9, we were in Tritons!

Inside, the rooms are fairly standard, nothing to write home about but the decorations, Disney really did themselves good with the theming in there!

We pretty much dumped our stuff, changed clothes quickly, and raced down to the bus stop!

Soon on to Magic Kingdom and then a hop, skip and a jump later, we arrived at the Grand Floridian!

And checked in to 1900 Park Fair for dinner, where we spent some time waiting, charging phones and chilling in the lobby!

Luckily, it didn’t take too long for our buzzer to go off, and we were escorted into the restaurant, and seated right near the doors!
Our server came around in a few moments, Steven ordered a lemonade, I ordered a mojito, and we jumped up to grab some food from the buffet! Now, I have no dinner food pictures partially because we were SO freaking hungry there was no waiting before digging in, and partially because buffet dinner plates never look that appetizing so I wasn’t too concerned.

While we started to dig in, I received a facebook message from Kat, an instagram friend I’d made over the past few months, who said she was ALSO at 1900 PF tonight!! She pointed out where her table was through the message and said they’d swing by on their way out, since they were in the middle of all the character greets at the moment! Yay! And speaking of characters, Cinderella was quick to make it over to our table!

She took notice of Steven’s Disneybound right away (which was Lady Tremaine, in case you didn’t figure it out) and asked if we liked Lady T, well, of course we do, Steven’s engaged to her! Lol. She also asked if we’d gone into her wardrobe to get the necklace, well hey, there’s no barcode on the broach, so maybe we had! Bahah. She was super lovely and nice and we both appreciated the interaction with her!

Charming came around next, and was rather quickly done with the table, we were right among the last tables of the rotation, so it was to be expected, he was still lovely as ever and we had a nice chat with him though!

Shortly after the Prince said good bye to use, Lady Tremaine made her way over to our table, and she was quite amazing. It wasn’t the friend we had been hoping for, but she actually still remembered us. We chatted about the engagement between her & Steven, and she said she’d need a bigger ring, and that she’s got to keep her options open, I mean, “what if the guy at the next table proposes?!”

She was really all around fantastic and super interactive, and as she went to the next table, she kept it going, telling the guy to propose to make Steven jealous! It was great fun! We had a little bit of a lull in between the step mother & the sisters, so that meant it was time for dessert! On the way up to the buffet though, we stopped by Kat’s table to say hello to her, David, and another friend that was with them. They invited us to go out in downtown Orlando that night, but we had MK plans, so we had to pass!

Dessert is always the best at buffets, SO MUCH FOOD! Bahah. Drizella popped by for a few minutes, all I wrote down is that she asked if Lady Tremaine had wanted the necklace, but I know we liked her.

Anastasia was the last one to come by our table, and we absolutely loved her! She loved Steven’s outfit, and commented on my Elsa shirt, saying that Elsa was taking over the castle lighting this year, and that she thought her & Drizella should do it instead! When we got up to take pictures she freaked out over our phone cases, and had a good laugh over Steven’s Lady Tremaine one, and of course, over mine, which was a flik card (or the famous “red card” as many of you might know it as) Anastasia asked us where we’d gotten them, and then said she’d heard that the internet was a wonderful thing, and proclaimed that she “likes you guys!”

With that, our character interactions were done, and our bills were delivered in just under an hour! HECK YES! Character meal done, we raced our way out of the Grand and into our first park of the trip!
Hey team! I'm currently getting ready for MNSSHP, so I'm not going to be doing replies until we are back home from the trip, and I'm sorry for not keeping caught up on your TR's, but I will soon! I also am sorry, but I don't have any actual updates typed up for this trip report, so I'm going to have to leave you with some live updates:

In the meantime, follow along:
On instagram to keep up with our adventures or look through the last few days!! There's TONS of fun!!

I saw you at the 9/16 MNSSHP! You, Steven and another girl were at the Monsters, Inc. dance party and I wanted to come over and say hi, but didn't want to seem like a stalker, lol. :rotfl: plus, I was trying to keep up with the rug rats. :) Hope you had as much fun as we did!
How cute are your costumes!!! Love your character interaction!! How exciting to be able to work at WDW!! I wish you tons of good wishes and pixie dust to get into an entertainment cast member position!! I know a lady who was Minnie Mouse for several years and she loved it!!
Seems like a pretty smooth trip - other than the hiccup with the charging of the room prematurely to your CC ... glad they were able to clear it up eventually then and there vs. it dragging out through the trip

Great character interaction ... I know how much you enjoy meeting The Lady and The Sisters so what a fun way to start off your trip!
Great start Katt! Can't wait to read more and also read about your new adventure!!
Ugh, that's a rough financial start to the trip. Glad it all got sorted eventually. LM room is on my to do list as well.

You know, I too think Drizzela and Anastasia should do the castle lighting. That would be epic!
Not a stellar way to start a trip with the card mess up.

Oooh but a 1900 Park Fair dinner? That's the way to do things.

How great that Lady T remembered you!

And the sisters look like they were great fun too. So, I'm sensing you moved past the slight misstep at the start of the trip fairly easily.

- You and Steven are both so adorable. I love the costumes and disney-bounds so far.
- I've wanted to stay at the Ariel rooms FOREVER too. I can relate to the photo of you against the shower wall on a spiritual level (although tbh, if I were ever to stay in one of the Ariel rooms I'd probably be belting "Part of Your World" at like 7 in the morning and wake up everyone in the building).
- 1900PF is my fav. I stayed at the Grand Floridian in July and we contemplated going there every day (we only went there once for dinner though). The character interaction is amazing and the dessert buffet is my jam.

Can't wait to see more!!! :goodvibes
Where we left off, Steven & I were headed over into our first park of the trip, Magic Kingdom, we had a fast pass that was coming up almost past its due date, so we were quickly headed there first!

MINE TRAIN!! Steven’s first time on it, and my first time on it in the evening!

SUPER EXCITED!! We, of course, had a blast on it, I found it to be more thrilling & exciting than the last time I’d ridden in back in May, and we both absolutely loved it! It was super nice to be able to see inside the cottage at the end too!

We’d made it into the Mine Train just as our fast pass was coming to a close, so we lucked out in being able to walk right across Fantasyland to our next fast pass of the evening when we’d disembarked the coaster!

Fairytale Hall for Anna & Elsa! The queue was DEAD, seriously there was NO ONE in the fast pass lane so we were in the room saying hello pretty quickly!

She was super cute, not as bubbly as Anna usually is, but hey, she was still good and was sure to give us both some warm hugs!

Through both interactions, (and the rest of the trip) I’d brought some birthday cards for the characters to sign for my Mom’s birthday the following week. Elsa signed the card no problem and asked if we’d be having a party?

I’m not sure how it came up but we did start talking about Pirates, and how Elsa was surprised there weren’t any popping up in Arendelle yet, with them being right on the water and all, so we assured her she could take them on with her ice powers no problems! She told us she doesn’t really like to use them in Florida, since it’s summer all the time, and Olaf really likes that, he wouldn’t like the snow.

We thanked the Queen and headed out into the gift shop where we found a ridiculous hat….

I don’t know if anyone’s ever actually bought it, but hey, it’s hilarious, so there’s that! Bahaha. We chose to continue our meandering over into New Fantasyland to pay a visit for to a certain mermaid next!

We asked at the gate if by chance our friend was “swimming with Ariel” that evening only to be found out that apparently she’d been gone for a while now! Bahah #whoops! We did however swim on through to see Ariel anyways!

She was SUPER amazing, and SUPER beautiful! She signed the card for my Mom, asked who Steven was bounding as, as she couldn’t really figure it out, we told her, and as the attendant held up his phone for the posed pictures, she exclaimed “OH I GET IT NOW!!” Super cute!

After we took pictures she turned to me and told me to “make sure I tell my Mom happy birthday right from her” she was seriously lovely and perfect!
With princesses out of the way, and time to kill before parade, Steven & I headed into Town Square to say hello to Tink! We didn’t wait long before we were “pixie dusted” right into the Nook, and saying hi to her!

Tink really liked Steven’s “lost thing” (the necklace) and asked him where he’d gotten it. He told her Forever 21, and she said “21?! 21 SEASONS?! THAT’S A LOT” We assured her that he was only 10 seasons old, which she thought wasn’t a lot, but he was really tall for only 10 seasons! Tink also commented on the “pixie dust” on our bags (they were sequined on the back bahahha!) We told her we kept all of our lost things in there, and she commented that it was a great place to keep our pixie dust!

Steven & I said good bye to Tink and headed next door to see the Main Mouse himself!! We only waited about 5-10 minutes, which was super awesome, because lets be serious, Mickey is the CUTEST, and his little closed mouth smile is just the derpiest!

He asked if it would be okay with us to do a magic trick, which of course we said YES, and he pulled out his playing cards and had me pick one out!

And then he had me say the magic words, look into his eyes and seriously I was IN LOVE, guys, my inner six year old FULLY came out!

Let’s just zoom in on that shall we?

BAHAHAH! I’m seriously SO happy that the photopass caught that moment because it is JUST PURE JOY! I’d met talking Mickey before but it hadn’t been anything like this and it was BLOWING MY MIIIIINNNND!! Mickey had me show everyone but him the card, and then guessed which one it was! (it was the Queen of Hearts)

Surprise, he knew what card it was! He then had Steven pick a card and did the same drill with him.

Steven showed off that he also had the Queen of Hearts, we had a little giggle, and Mickey guessed correctly again!

Mickey then showed us the entire deck, and said “Oh boy….guess I should’ve only done that one once!” Surprise…the entire deck was Queen of Hearts! Bahaha!

Like, actually in love… was such an incredible experience! I’ve always been hesitant about talking fur characters, and I will admit that Mickey’s reactions are a little delayed (and like, what if I had said NO to the magic trick…. #awkward….) but I’m warming up, and my inner child DEFINITELY came out, and it was a fantastic way to kick off the trip!

Inner child’s fully embraced, we headed back over to Fantasyland, we knew we didn’t really care about Wishes this trip, and figured we’d stop to watch it another day, so Fairytale Hall was our next mission to accomplish! And lo & behold, we WALKED RIGHT IN! Cindy was good, I’m not sure what we chatted about, but I’m sure it involved the Tremaines!

Rapunzel was super awesome, and it was actually even more super awesome (kind of?) because it was actually this friend’s last night working in Florida, and we timed out perfectly to catch her! I* think * she may have recognized me, but I’m not too sure! Lol.

Steven, being Steven, had to ask her a question, “which Stepmother did she think was worse? Mother Gothel, or Lady Tremaine?” bahaha. Rapunzel thought for a bit, and then said “that’s a tough one, I’ll have to ask Pascal what he thinks!”

She then had a lovely idea to pose us differently for the photo, which was SO FREAKING APPRECIATED! Seriously! Especially after a year of trips with Steven, we’re kinda done with the standard photos, but never have ideas for poses, so it’s amazing when the characters pose us!



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