its nearly Christmas -a thread dedicated to the angst, the drama, & the joy!

I wish mine would admit to not believing anymore so that I didn't have to get so much stuff before and could give them vouchers for after. I feel like that episode of Friends where everyone knows about Monica and Chandler and they all keep trying to call each others bluff.

I really love Christmas, but I am getting to the point where I want to go, here is stuff for the day, have fun after OR we can go to WDW faster:goodvibes

I should be grateful to have another year of Christmas magic, I just wonder when them not knowing becomes child abuse...
I wish mine would admit to not believing anymore so that I didn't have to get so much stuff before and could give them vouchers for after. I feel like that episode of Friends where everyone knows about Monica and Chandler and they all keep trying to call each others bluff.

I really love Christmas, but I am getting to the point where I want to go, here is stuff for the day, have fun after OR we can go to WDW faster:goodvibes

I should be grateful to have another year of Christmas magic, I just wonder when them not knowing becomes child abuse...

Our kids all know and i dont like it at all it has ruined the magic of Christmas i dont like it at all when we are shopping or looking at catalogues and point out things they would like you know who to bring they have the same expectations they had before i suggested the gift cards and they were horrified enjoy the magic whilst it still lasts you will miss it when its gone ;)
Our kids all know and i dont like it at all it has ruined the magic of Christmas i dont like it at all when we are shopping or looking at catalogues and point out things they would like you know who to bring they have the same expectations they had before i suggested the gift cards and they were horrified enjoy the magic whilst it still lasts you will miss it when its gone ;)

I agree :'( Once the santa magic disappears Christmas doesn't feel as magical. I remember going to bed early to wake up quicker (good logic?) when I was younger and because I have two younger siblings I had to be a good sister and believe :littleangel:

Now that I'm older and a bit more wise to the world, it's all commercialised and about the value of gifts, not the actual giving. I'm fine with gift vouchers although I just found 2 cards combined value of $75 which have expired but honestly, if I don't need anything, I don't want anything! In saying that...I do need a car :drive: don't think Santa will deliver that one this year.
Our kids all know and i dont like it at all it has ruined the magic of Christmas i dont like it at all when we are shopping or looking at catalogues and point out things they would like you know who to bring they have the same expectations they had before i suggested the gift cards and they were horrified enjoy the magic whilst it still lasts you will miss it when its gone ;)

This is exactly what I'm worried about. I KNOW it won't feel the same for me, or for them. It will definitely take a while to get used to the change but I think I still have 1 more year.
In my house if you don't believe you don't receive so they keep up the pretence for my sake :)
so I have my family organised....

christmas eve....full on baked dinner with the immediate family minus GK's
christmas day....DH, DS1 & I are off to pub crawl the city..:yay:my idea of stress free
Boxing day...lunch/dinner at SIL, DS2 , DDIL and GK's etc @ cronulla

Actually I have a weird kind of Christmas Day story from my childhood. I was essentially raised by wolves in a cave so the fact that I'm a relatively normal human being is pure luck.

Anyway, one of my earliest memories is when I was 4 our kitchen caught on fire on Christmas morning at around 11am. There was a short circuit or something with the oven which was on with a roast inside. The whole kitchen went up in flames.

Luckily we weren't in the house and someone came and found us in time to call the fire department etc.

The truly sad part of this story is that the reason we weren't home was that my parents were at the pub boozing it up. What a fun place for a 4 year old to spend Christmas morning.........not:sad2:. As a parent myself now I just can't help shaking my head :sad2:

Anyway I remember that afternoon sitting in my blow up kiddie pool playing with my Chrissie doll while my parents scraped the walls down in the kitchen and cleaned up the mess from the fire.

Note - I would totally go to a pub on Christmas day with family and friends just like Karen is doing for a meal and a few quiet ones, however I'd likely not be there first thing in the morning with my 4 year old :rotfl2:.
Oh shuttergirl, that is truly awful! Do you have any contact with your family now, any siblings?

I am so happy you broke the pattern, too often this leads to another generation of deadbeat parents.
so I have my family organised....

christmas eve....full on baked dinner with the immediate family minus GK's
christmas day....DH, DS1 & I are off to pub crawl the city..:yay:my idea of stress free
Boxing day...lunch/dinner at SIL, DS2 , DDIL and GK's etc @ cronulla


Sounds like a plan!! :thumbsup2
We always do back-to-back Christmas day/Boxing Day celebrations too - with extended family its the only way...

Actually I have a weird kind of Christmas Day story from my childhood. I was essentially raised by wolves in a cave so the fact that I'm a relatively normal human being is pure luck........

The truly sad part of this story is that the reason we weren't home was that my parents were at the pub boozing it up. What a fun place for a 4 year old to spend Christmas morning.........not:sad2:.

Shuttergirl, I now totally understand your passion for all things Chrismassy and you're amazing efforts to make it magical for your children and for you. What a great Mum you are! :goodvibes

As for my Christmas 2012 efforts so far...

DH and I went to Costco on Sunday to stock up.... our DS will be getting a case of Dr Pepper and a huge bag of Reeces Peanut Butter cups in his Christmas stocking this year....he's been missing his American junk food :rotfl2:

Aside, a friend of mine posted a picture of a chrissy doll on Facebook the other day, I told her one of my earliest memories was desperately wanting one for Christmas - so she sent a doll to me that was from the chrissy family, I think the dolls name was cinnamon!

(I did get the chrissy for Christmas that year)
Oh shuttergirl, that is truly awful! Do you have any contact with your family now, any siblings?

I am so happy you broke the pattern, too often this leads to another generation of deadbeat parents.

I kind of do, I kind of don't. It's complicated as only family's can be :scared1:.

Sounds like a plan!! :thumbsup2
We always do back-to-back Christmas day/Boxing Day celebrations too - with extended family its the only way...

Shuttergirl, I now totally understand your passion for all things Chrismassy and you're amazing efforts to make it magical for your children and for you. What a great Mum you are! :goodvibes

As for my Christmas 2012 efforts so far...

DH and I went to Costco on Sunday to stock up.... our DS will be getting a case of Dr Pepper and a huge bag of Reeces Peanut Butter cups in his Christmas stocking this year....he's been missing his American junk food :rotfl2:


Thanks Andona, yes this definitely has something to do with my Christmas obsession, which I think will reach it's culmination by spending some time at WDW all decked out. I can't wait. I love poinsettias especially and I recently read someone's very detailed TR from last December and I was swooning over how many there were in the parks.

I think that is such a fun idea for your son's stocking. I bet he has the biggest smile on his face when he sees them.

Aside, a friend of mine posted a picture of a chrissy doll on Facebook the other day, I told her one of my earliest memories was desperately wanting one for Christmas - so she sent a doll to me that was from the chrissy family, I think the dolls name was cinnamon!

(I did get the chrissy for Christmas that year)

Awwwww, I still have my Chrissy doll, she's a little worse for wear now because my daughter was pretty hard on her when she was little but I wouldn't part with her for anything. We moved around alot, often in the middle of the night if you know what i mean, so I don't have alot from my childhood but I do have my doll.

I think that was so very nice of her your friend to send you Cinnamon
without going into detail, to protect the privacy of the individual i am talking about, i know someone who had to do a lot of moving in the middle of the night as a kid, and who to this day has issues with losing or breaking toys because theirs were taken in a 'purge' when the church their parents were involved in threw them out as tools of satan or some such... as such, i love making sure that this person is given at least one toy for christmas as i know how much it means to them :)

also, one year we went out west to visit my grandparents for christmas (half the boot of the car was filled with pressies, lol) and on christmas morning my parents got a phone call to say that a freak mini hurricane had come through our coastal town and my other grandparents had been by the house to check it out and the roof had been ripped off!! we got packed up pretty quickly christmas morning, and came back to town by nightfall and spent the night at my other grandparent's house while mum & dad went to inspect the damage... the entire kitchen/lounge room and dining room were completely trashed, water damage everywhere, roof and gutter were in the bushland behind our property etc. my parents were devastated. their insurance covered most of it, and the rest of the house was mostly fine, but that was the dodgiest christmas ever for my family :(

our christmas this year is still very much up in the air so it is looking like a very last minute christmas this year... it may be at my brother's place or my sister's place this year, both of which are fairly inaccessible and a total pain to get to...

last year we did a budget christmas. total pressie purchase price was $20 or under per person. it was actually pretty liberating. we got things we really needed, things that were useful and we all got to share our bargain hunting strategies and what deals we managed to get etc which was half the fun.

from memory, i got a new pair of thongs (jandals for you NZ folk), some tins of golden circle pickled cucumber (omg, i love them and you cannot get them in my local supermarket), some blush and eyeshadow, several books, some chocolate, bracelets, a scarf and a baking dish :)
Ummmm, can you pub crawl on Christmas day :rolleyes1.

Are the pubs open?

thats what i was thinking must be a state to state thing most pubs only used to be able to open if they were serving meals :confused3

Ms. Shuttergirl your memory of your childhood Christmas is awful and i understand why your traditions are so important to you my Christmas's were nothing like that and i still love the traditions though ;)
You are an amazing inspirational woman to have achieved what you have from where you have come your children truly are blessed to have you for a parent that has broken free from a cycle you didn't choose to be in:hug:
Ms Shuttergirl, someone I know could definitely relate to your story. We usually spend Christmas with just the four of us at home. Sometimes we go out to lunch at a hotel or restaurant on Christmas Day, but it's usually just us. Except for last year when we had a white Christmas with family in the US :)
While on the topic of funny Christmas adventures, a friend of mines DH has a street racing car, (forgive me I don't know the correct terms) anyway she decided that it would be a good place to hide the Christmas presents in the boot of this car.
She forgot to tell the DH who took it out for a meet, presents and all!

All was good, nothing was damaged and Santa still made it to their house!
Actually I have a weird kind of Christmas Day story from my childhood. I was essentially raised by wolves in a cave so the fact that I'm a relatively normal human being is pure luck.

Anyway, one of my earliest memories is when I was 4 our kitchen caught on fire on Christmas morning at around 11am. There was a short circuit or something with the oven which was on with a roast inside. The whole kitchen went up in flames.

Luckily we weren't in the house and someone came and found us in time to call the fire department etc.

The truly sad part of this story is that the reason we weren't home was that my parents were at the pub boozing it up. What a fun place for a 4 year old to spend Christmas morning.........not:sad2:. As a parent myself now I just can't help shaking my head :sad2:

Anyway I remember that afternoon sitting in my blow up kiddie pool playing with my Chrissie doll while my parents scraped the walls down in the kitchen and cleaned up the mess from the fire.

Note - I would totally go to a pub on Christmas day with family and friends just like Karen is doing for a meal and a few quiet ones, however I'd likely not be there first thing in the morning with my 4 year old :rotfl2:.

I only just started reading this thread and saw this...I now understand why the traditions of Christmas is so important to you. You are a very special woman Ms Shuttergirl and your family are very blessed indeed to have someone like you look after them. I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet you in person. So warmm and full of life both online and in real life! :grouphug:
Awwwww, I still have my Chrissy doll, she's a little worse for wear now because my daughter was pretty hard on her when she was little but I wouldn't part with her for anything. We moved around alot, often in the middle of the night if you know what i mean, so I don't have alot from my childhood but I do have my doll.

:grouphug: You are a wonderful woman Ms Shuttergirl. I hope your children grow up knowing just what an amazing Mum you are :thumbsup2
Awwwww you girls are gonna make me have a little cry. Thank you for all the warm fuzzies :grouphug:. I really appreciate it.

Traditions at times like Christmas are hugely important for children. The year after the "fire" it was Christmas eve, I was 5 and my brother was 15 and he was stuck at home babysitting me while my parents were, you guessed it, at the pub. There was no Christmas tree at all. We lived on the Gold Coast in a rental across from the beach and my brother ran across the road and pulled out a small "pine" tree that night and came home and we cut up a Target bag, do you remember the paper target bags that had the red cirles on them. We hung the red circles on the tree as decorations.

Again as a parent looking back at those children, I am so saddened that any child would spend a Christmas eve like that. I don't feel so much sad for myself, but more as a parent looking at a child having those experiences and thinking how awful.

But then I am reminded that there are so many children who have had/do have worse childhoods than myself and it makes me really sad. I don't kid myself that I had it as bad as many.

I know how important putting up a Christmas tree is and how important doing simple tasks with the kids are, year after year because I didn't have it. Traditions, however boring, give children the feeling of stability and safety. My friends often tease me about how "over the top" I am at Christmas and boy there are times when I curse myself for creating all of these yearly traditions. Sometimes they feel like a noose around my neck as our lives get busier and busier but I still make time for them and try to live in the moment when they are happening because I genuinely know that they are the things that confident, well balanced grown ups are made of. I am none of those things but I sure hope my efforts result in those qualities in my children.

When I was growing up I spent alot of time watching old movies. You know the classics like White Christmas with Bing Crosby, anything Doris Day, Judy Garland, those sweet classics. I escaped alot into movies and wanted that picture postcard existence. Of course it's not real but my favourites were always the Christmas movies. Many dreams were born from watching those movies. So once I was a mother and able to create magical Christmas's I tried my very hardest. As the children get older I know some things will have to fall by the wayside, but many things will stay the same and my kids will always look forward to them. And when they have their own children and start creating their own traditions, wow won't that be an amazing thing.

Gosh I didn't mean to get so mushy and philosophical about Christmas, this is supposed to be a stress relieving thread :lmao:. Soapbox drama over people. On to the fun stuff.

Christmas this year - I have a few things put aside for the kids that we will take away with us and DD14 has mentioned she would like to forego tradition Christmas items for clothes and shopping. DS10 who is my "believer" will be happy with whatever I'm sure. It will be a little more complicated to make the magic happen but make the magic happen I will.

Me - I would like to shop for some new sunglasses, perfume and watch. I would also like a new engagement ring but DH doesn't seem as keen as me on that one so I'll likely just settle for the sunglasses :rotfl2:


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