Jack_Loves_Sally Halloween Wedding PJ & TR. Update 7/8

Looking forward to hearing all the details of your wedding! sounds like everything came together well from your vendor reviews and that is always wonderful to hear! Congrats!:goodvibes
OMG we were on the monorail on halloween driving past the WP and my mom said "look a bride!" -- I swear it was you! ... :confused3 was it around 5? :banana: I can't wait for pictures! I started my tr from the day before as well.

YAY for halloween weddings!! :dance3:
Great report so far, I can't wait to read more!

Did you have to pay a minimum at Narcoossees or did they just print the regular menu without the prices?
YAY!!! I am glad everything went good!!!!!!


Thank you!:goodvibes

Looking forward to hearing all the details of your wedding! sounds like everything came together well from your vendor reviews and that is always wonderful to hear! Congrats!:goodvibes

Thank you, I feel so lucky that everyone involved was so sweet and easy to work with, it made everything easier and less stressful!:)

OMG we were on the monorail on halloween driving past the WP and my mom said "look a bride!" -- I swear it was you! ... :confused3 was it around 5? :banana: I can't wait for pictures! I started my tr from the day before as well.

YAY for halloween weddings!! :dance3:

I don't think that was me you saw, we got married at Sunset Point at 5, but at around 6:30 we saw a bride and groom on their way to the Grand Floridian in Cindy's glass coach, maybe she was the bride you saw at the WP? I am trying to be patient about the pictures...;)

Congrats!!! I can't wait to see your pics! Everything sounds fantastic...:banana:

I want to see them too! Thanks for reading.:goodvibes

Great report so far, I can't wait to read more!

Did you have to pay a minimum at Narcoossees or did they just print the regular menu without the prices?

Thank you!! We didn't pay a minimum at Narcoosses, we didn't rent a private room or anything, but we were seated right by a window facing the Magic Kingdom, and we had more room around our table than the others did, I don't know if that is something they did for us or if it's always like that. Mike called the manager there months before, and they asked us our names, the date etc...and they printed the menus without being asked, I will post a picture of them in my TR.:goodvibes
Time to start the TR, but first I should introduce the cast of this event...
Me (Sarah): The OCD Bride
Mike: The Forgetful Groom
India: Mike's 7 year old daughter, and flower girl
Mama Sue: My mom, and official worrier
Dad: My dad, and the other "child" on the trip
Grandma: My grandmother
Uncle Jack: Grandma's brother (my great Uncle) and Magic Kingdom Cast Member
That is everyone...
I am not going to start with day one, as the events that happened the day before day one had a direct impact on day one, so I'm starting on the day before day one.
It was a Wednesday, and I hate Wednesdays, I work from 7:00-1:00, have class from 2:00-5:00, and class again from 6:00-7:30...not a fun day. So I get done with all of that, and I have to go to tan, and then go to Mike's work to pick up India. After I pick her up, I wanted to get some food because I hadn't eaten since 9 that morning, so I stopped and got some food, and we headed home.I started a load of laundry, and got to work on some homework. India went to bed early, and I was able to get all of the laundry done pretty fast. I had a still-life due for my drawing class that I needed to add a few last minute details to, and a summary of a documentary to do for another class, and a 4 page paper due for another class. I figured no big deal...I can crank out a paper pretty quickly...and I did, it was the still-life that killed me, I hate being a perfectionist....
Anyway, I finally got done with all of the school stuff at around 2 am, and I started packing, Mike and India are pretty easy to pack for, but I always pack waaayy to much stuff, the stuff I couldn't pack yet I set out so it would be ready in the morning, and when Mike got home (around 3am...he works nights) I finally went to bed. I had set the alarm for early...I think 7:30, our flight left at 2:00pm, and we live about 2 hrs away from the airport, and I had to go to school and drop off the work from the night before, so I figured if we left the house at 9, we would get to school around 9:30, and be on the way to the airport by 10...four hours before our flight left...good idea. To bad it didn't work out that way. Right before I fell asleep I told Mike "I really hope we don't have a Home Alone moment, and have to leave super fast and forget a bunch of stuff".

Day One
I don't remember my alarm going off, I remember India coming into our room at 8:15 saying "we're still going to Disneyworld....right?" I immediately went into panic mode, and started RUNNING around the house. I finished packing, Mike and India walked the dog, dropped the bills off at the mailbox, and packed the carry-ons, we made it out by 10...way behind schedule.
We ran to school, got some food, and were on the highway by 11, and then we hit traffic...gotta love Michigan construction. Luckily I had packed the boarding passes, tickets and marriage license the night before, but we had tickets for MNSSHP that night, and I thought there was no way we were going to make it to the airport, park, get the shuttle, get checked in, and go through security on time...at this point it was 12, and we were still an hour and forty-five minutes away...India was more worried about missing MNSSHP than anything:rotfl:
I forgot to mention the day before when I tried to check us in for our flight...it kept giving me the wrong flight info..so I call the airline and they told me our original flight was cancelled, we were supposed to fly out at 8am, but they changed it to 6am, there was no way that was going to happen, so they put us on the 2pm flight (which happened to be the same flight as my parents, and much better due to time issues). AirTran was really nice about the whole situation, and everything worked out, but I was irritated because they never notified us of the cancellation...but no worries, it all worked out.
Anyway Mike was driving so fast, and my poor Jetta was doing so well...and then the gas light came on....great. We stopped about half way there and filled up in record time....
Next up: Do we make it???:laughing:
that probably is who we saw then -- ah well :)

AHHHH cliffhangers are the worst!! lol. We flew AirTran as well and both our flights and my moms flight was changed - they did notify us though, and it indirectly caused us to have to stay another night! DARN! :rotfl: Plus if you complain they will let you change your flight to any similar flight leaving within 24 hours forward or backward...for future reference. I do like AirTran though...
Sooo..where was I? Oh, yes, the airport. So we filled up and got back on the road, everytime we passed a mile marker India would say "only 45 more miles to go, only 44 more miles to go.." and so on. We were all tense, no one wants to miss a flight, and I suddenly remembered I forgot the autograph cards I made for India. Then while saying to myself.."I am so glad Grandma took our dresses down when she went for the winter"...I suddenly remembered...I forgot to pack India's pearl earrings, oh well she had nice gold earrings in, it would be ok. And then...I yelped "Mike, did you pack that little box from the closet in one of the carry-ons?" Mike says "no, was I supposed to?" Oh crap, that was my birdcage veil. It was too late to turn back, and I had a fascinator, so long story short, I didn't wear the veil for the wedding. Luckily those were the only things I forgot, and for me that's pretty good. While all of this is going on, my Mom is calling my phone every five minutes to see where we are.
At this point it's 1:00 and we have thirty miles to go, India had the exit number on a piece of paper in one hand, and Pal Mickey in the other, I wish I had taken a picture, she was so apprehensive.. We got off of the exit at 1:18 (Mike was driving pretty fast), we checked which terminal we were supposed to be at, got off, grabbed our parking ticket, parked, exited the car, grabbed the bags and started to RUN...a shuttle pulled up behind us, and bless this man's heart, he loaded us up, Mike explained the situation, and he gunned it, we got to the walkway, booked it and ran to the check-in. We were so lucky there was no one in line ahead of us, we got through that and ran to security, again we lucked out, no one was ahead of us, and we ran up to our gate as they were boarding our flight. My Dad was standing there with a grin on his face, and we boarded the flight. :scared1:
We finally sat down on the plane, and I felt sooo relieved, my parents sat a few rows ahead of us, but the whole flight I could hear my Dad "My oldest daughter is getting married at Disneyworld tomorrow" my Mom is so shy, she was turning bright red. The flight was pretty uneventful, none of us slept, and we landed in bright, sunny Florida ahead of schedule.
One we got off the plane, we headed to the Disney welcome center, and we boarded the Magical Express, my Mom and Dad were on a different bus, they were staying at All Star Music, and we were going to Port Orleans Riverside. The year before we did not have a good experience with the ME, we waited an hour sitting on the bus, but this year we waited ten minutes and we were good to go.
By this time it was about 5:30, and India still had to change for MNSSHP, I was smart and packed her costume in her carry on, and we had to check into the hotel as well. My Uncle Jack called me while we were on the bus, but I had trouble hearing him. We pulled up to the resort, and the first thing I see is Uncle Jack, with presents for India. He went in with us to check in, and he must have talked to the CM behind the counter, because they gave the star treatment. They handed us the Just Married pins, handed India a Snow White trader pin, and sent us on our way. We went to the room so India could change, and Uncle Jack gave us our dresses and about twenty new pins (I collect Nightmare Before Christmas and Haunted Mansion, India collects whatever she fancies at the moment).We changed and headed out the door to catch the bus to The Magic Kingdom.
Next up: MNSSHP:)
I have to say I'm totally hooked!

Have you seen the giant LE500 haunted mansion pin yet? Its so killer - its the seance scene and the background spins! Unfortunately it was like $95, but it was too cool. We saw them twice at trading kiosks, specifically that one in epcot near the fountain. It was seriously the coolest thing we'd ever seen and I had to all but drag Tim away from the kiosk to prevent him from buying it! :rotfl: because as it was totally awesome, it was not almost a hundred dollars awesome. :(

We need pics!! :P
Ok, so we went to the bus stop at POR, and we waited maybe two minutes for it to get there, and we were on our way to the Magic Kingdom...with Snow White in tow. While we were at the bus stop, I saw a about 307 pirates, everybody was a pirate! Mike and I didn't dress up, we just wore Nightmare Before Christmas shirts, I wanted him to be Peter Pan, and I would have been Tigerlilly, and India has a Tinkerbell dress, but Mike wasn't happy about the idea of wearing tights :rotfl: , oh well.
We were really excited for this party, we have done P&PP, and MVMCP, so we wanted to see what the Halloween party had to offer. We had made plans to meet my parents at the front gate at 7:00, we got to MK at about 6:50, and by chance (and luck) ran right into them. We got our treat bags and our maps, and headed in. Mike, India and I were starving, we hadn't eaten since the drive to the airport, except for some sacks I packed in the bag, and we wanted to eat first thing. Neither of my parents had ever been to a party, so my Dad was itching to do everything he could, he was on a quest for candy!!! We grabbed a quick bite to eat at Casey's, and made our way to ride Pirates, my parents hadn't been on it since Captain Jack was added, so that was a must. Next we started scoping out candy stations, Mike, my Mom and I hung back while my Dad (who is 57 by the way) and India RAN to the candy stations to collect their treats. Next we rode the Haunted Mansion and Big Thunder, collecting candy all the while.
While we were over by the Haunted Mansion, India spotted Cindy's Coach for a photo op, and she insisted we stop, the first parade was just getting started, so my Mom, Dad, and Mike sat down for that while I stood with her (I knew it was going to take awhile).


So after that was settled, we made our way to everyone else, and listened to my Dad go on for an hour about The Headless Horseman, and how BIG his horse was....We decided to go do Space Mountain, and once we were finished with that made our way to the Villains show, and the fireworks.
We decided to head over to Fantasyland and went on Peter Pan, and Small World.
And then India said the dreaded words, "I want to go on the teacups"....ugh. Don't get me wrong, I like the teacups...if I'm with someone who isn't a crazy spinner, I just can't hang, and India is a crazy spinner. Well Mike REFUSES to go on them, and so do my Mom and Dad, so I say I'll go if she doesn't spin, boy was that a bad idea...so after almost losing my dinner, Mike spotted Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and as India was dressed as Snow White, it was kind of a must to get a picture with her. Now we weren't sure of where she was going to be stationed, so Mike and India just followed them, and they were BOOKING it, I was running after them too, but my stomach wasn't feeling so hot, so I was behind them. When we finally stopped I was happy to get in line and wait for a few minutes, and Snow White was so sweet and kind to India, she is incredibly shy, and she was so good with her.


So then we went to find seats for the second parade, we were sad because Uncle Jack had the night off, and usually we get to see him in the parade at other parties, but not this time, we still enjoyed it though, and we watched the Villains show again, this time we stuck around to meet them, India was afraid of certain ones, so we only met a handful of them, but it was still fun. The Queen Of Hearts was hilarious, after India had her picture with her, she came walking over to us, SHOVED my Mom out of the way and stuck her hand in my Dad's face to kiss, he did, and he thought he was the coolest thing ever, I am just sorry I didn't get a picture of it :sad1:




By this point we had gone on all of the rides we wanted to, we had four full bags of candy, and it was 11:50, so we headed for the buses back to the resort, the next day was our wedding day!
We got back to the hotel, India took a bath, and I had three voicemails, from Ana, Randy, and the dog-sitter, it was too late to call anyone at that point, so I crawled into bed, happy knowing I would get to sleep in!!!:goodvibes

Next: The Wedding Day...Part One:)
I have to say I'm totally hooked!

Have you seen the giant LE500 haunted mansion pin yet? Its so killer - its the seance scene and the background spins! Unfortunately it was like $95, but it was too cool. We saw them twice at trading kiosks, specifically that one in epcot near the fountain. It was seriously the coolest thing we'd ever seen and I had to all but drag Tim away from the kiosk to prevent him from buying it! :rotfl: because as it was totally awesome, it was not almost a hundred dollars awesome. :(

We need pics!! :P

Thanks for reading!! I have been peeking at your TR as well!! Your day looked so beautiful, I love your dress!! Yes I have seen the pin, It is really cool, I wasn't going to spend that kind of money on it either! Uncle Jack said he may be able to find it at some pin thing he goes to every year for CM's, I will tell him to keep and eye out for two of them!!:goodvibes
Thanks for reading!! I have been peeking at your TR as well!! Your day looked so beautiful, I love your dress!! Yes I have seen the pin, It is really cool, I wasn't going to spend that kind of money on it either! Uncle Jack said he may be able to find it at some pin thing he goes to every year for CM's, I will tell him to keep and eye out for two of them!!:goodvibes

Aw thanks :goodvibes I know, as soon as I saw that dress I was like omg this is totally it. :banana:

I know that pin was too cool, but definitely not worth that kind of dough!

Love your TR so far! More pics! popcorn:: :yay:
Randy needs to hurry with those pics as I loved all your details in your PJ and I want to see how it all came together. I am dying to see the cake. I adore your necklace. Does your mom's friend Mary make jewelry for other peeps as well? If so, please pm me with info. Thanks, Sarah
Hello All!!!
I have been so busy with school finals, work and Christmas I haven't had time to work on my TR, but my pics from Randy came yesterday, and I thought I would add some pics so you guys didn't think I abandoned you...so here you go, finals are done next Tuesday, so I'm going to aim to finish my TR during break....enjoy!






I promise I will add more next week!:goodvibes
Wow you looked absolutely amazing. I love the black sash and the necklace... and the hair! Can't wait to see some more pictures!
You looked GORGEOUS! Your "look" came together perfectly. I am going to be stalking this thread, looking for more pix! :banana:
Your pictures look great! everything looks like it came together really well! I love the sash and necklace! looking forward to seeing more....:goodvibes


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