Jack_Loves_Sally Halloween Wedding PJ & TR. Update 7/8

You guys look great in your pics!! The cake looks like it turned out absolutely amazing.. wow!
Ahhh I have been a bad Disney Bride, I have not updated my TR in forever, in my defense I had a very hectic semester at school, but I am happy to say it's o-v-e-r....well until I have to go back in September:rotfl: Oh well, I only have a year left and then I am done!!:cool1: Anywhoo, I'm going to start where I left off, with the first part of the wedding day...

We had planned to sleep in, but I had to call Ana and Randy to let them know what room we were staying in, so I got up at 8:30 to call them. After that I went back to bed!:laughing: I didn't want to have huge bags under my eyes. Mike left early to go shopping in DTD, so it was just India and I, we got up and took our showers, but Mike had taken my flat iron to do his hair...so I was a frizzball until Ana got there to do my hair. India and I went and got lunch, I was not nervous....I was starving!!! We went to the cafeteria in POR and ate, and went back to the room to wait for Ana and Maribelle. The showed up right on time and got to work right away...they were so funny, and they were both really good with India as well. Maribelle started with my makeup first, and Ana went to work on India's hair. I really wanted a dramatic eye because I typically wear a lot of eye makeup day to day, and I loved what she did. I was worried about India's hair because at the time it was about chin-length and I wanted it all pulled up, I didn't think it was going to happen, but Ana worked her magic and it looked great. The only problem was that India had downed a ton of MNSSHP candy and she kept jumping around, and everyone was worried she was going to mess up her hair, so she was sprayed, and after that her hair wasn't going anywhere! So after Maribelle finished my makeup Ana started with my hair...and I felt bad for her because I have A LOT of hair...I wanted it half up, and had a fascinator to wear...I really can't say enough great things about Ana, she was amazing!!! I loved my hair, and 12 hours later it was still going strong. By the time she was winding down I had Maribelle and Ana on either side of me with curling irons :rotfl:
It was getting close to the time where the limo was going to pick up the boys, and Randy showed up just as Ana and Maribelle were leaving. My grandma and mom were there to help me, and Randy started snapping away..






Then it was time for me to get into my dress, so we kicked Randy out, and he took this picture..


Once I was into my dress, I needed to put my 20 pound necklace on...for real that necklace weighed a TON...I took a page from Carrie and brought tape to put on the crystals so they didn't move, my grandma and mom helped me put the necklace on, it was a chore.....



So once I had that monster on, India and I primped some more, and Randy took it upon himself to snap more pictures.
While I finished getting ready, Randy took some really cute pictures of India...



We got outside and did some obligatory shots of me by myself, I was really self-conscious at first, but Randy was so awesome that I started to feel more and more comfortable posing for pictures.


After we were finally ready, we walked to the courtyard...and Randy took some of my favorite pictures on the way there...



Once we got to the courtyard we took pictures by the fountain, and I love how this one came out...


So by then it was getting close for us to leave, but Randy was still snapping away...





After all of that picture takin' we had to high tail it to the limo, but somehow we lost my mother....she can get lost ANYWHERE...Randy found her and we were on our way to the Poly to get hitched....
These pictures are BEAUTIFUL-they don't seem like typical Randy editing from what I've seen--or am I totally wrong?
Well after we all piled into the limo (which India thought was the coolest thing ever) we made our way to the Poly. We arrived and Karen was waiting for us in the lobby with my bouquet, and we did the handoff.



Now I was very curious to see what my bouquet was going to look like, as I have seen different variations of what the rose bouquet can look like, and I was so happy when I saw it....I think it was beautiful!
So by now it was time to make our way to where the ceremony was being held, Mike and my Uncle Jack were already waiting with Rev. Tim and Karen and Randy were giving me tips about how to hold my bouquet so I didn't look like I was grazing on it in the pictures. My mom and Grandma went to sit down and India and I walked to where the ceremony was going to be.


Everything felt like it was happening so fast, and my Dad and I were getting ready to walk down the aisle, and India was fidgeting with the ring coffin, she was ready to go!


I have to say that at this point I still wasn't nervous, I just wanted to get the show on the road, my Dad was trying so hard not to cry...and he kept joking that if I wanted to change my mind I better do it quick:rotfl:
I'm his oldest, and I think he was sad because I have always been his little girl..




After a few minutes of waiting, we were ready to go...cue the music, and India started walking down the aisle.


And then my Dad and I started waking down the aisle...and freakishly I still wasn't nervous...


That was a looong walk, and my dad kept stepping on my dress, and I was tripping on it, which is typical for me, I could quite possibly be the most clumsy/accident prone bride that ever walked the earth, the nice thing about that whole situation was that in pictures Randy still seemed to make me look at least somewhat graceful and bridelike....

So we finally made it up to where the guys were standing and my Dad gave me away.


By this time my dad was full on bawling..no one else shed a tear throughout the whole wedding, but my dad was a mess. He said after the fact that it was his "allergies" but I have never heard any mention of allergies in my 26 years, but anyway I digress....
Rev. Tim started the ceremony, it was sooo funny, I told him when we spoke that we are kind of goofy and we love to laugh, so I think that is why he did the ceremony he did, and it was perfect for us...




We went on with the vows, and we were trying not to laugh because India was jumping up and down trying to see what was going on over at the Magic Kingdom...they must have been having a stage show, because they were shooting fireworks from behind the castle, and she REALLY wanted to know what was going on over there....:rotfl:

Rev. Tim was going on and making everyone laugh and Randy was snapping away...one of the best things about him is that he can make himself invisible...we never knew he was there.



Another great thing about Randy is his ability to capture little things that would probably go unnoticed, it was so freakin' windy that day, and my bouquet had fallen on the ground during our vows, it was fine, and someone picked it up lickity split cause I never noticed it hit the ground until I got my pictures back.


So then it was time for the rings...






And this is one of my favorite pictures from the ceremony...I cannot say enough wonderful things about Randy...he did such an amazing job!



After all that serious vow business, we had to kiss...now Mike and I are not fans of PDA's....I know, I know it was our wedding, and we should be excited to kiss, and we were, but we were a little apprehensive about everyone watching, we joked before the wedding that instead of "you may now kiss the bride", we would change it to "you may now high five the bride..." but we stuck with tradition.



After all the planning, packing, stressing and everything we were finally married :goodvibes



WOW... thats all i can say is WOW!!! Your picture are amazing! You looked absolutly stunning on your wedding day! I can't wait to read more!
I don't know how I missed all this up to this point! Looks like you had an AMAZING wedding! Can't wait to follow along with the rest of your TR!popcorn::
oh my what beautiful pictures. you look so classy :goodvibes I love that you did dark eye make up. beautiful
Well where did I last leave off? Oh yes we were about to get to the cake. Funny thing about the cake...*I* was more interested in what the cake was going to look like on the outside, meanwhile DH was more worried about what was going to be on the inside....
Back in December 2007 we did a birthday blitz trip as mine, DH and his DD's birthdays are within 12 days of each-other, and on India's birthday we went to the Princess Storybook Dinner and we ordered her a cake to be served after the dinner, and holy crap was that cake awesome!:love: I mean really, it was so good...we ended up getting an eight person cake because we wanted writing on it, there was only three of us, so we obviously had a ton of cake leftover, but DH had eaten all of it by the next day..kinda gross if you ask me, but the point to this long story is that DH wanted the same flavor of cake we had at that dinner. It was a yellow cake with bavarian filling, I personally wanted something with peanut butter in it, but DH wasn't having that...so I got the cake I wanted on the outside, and Mike got the cake he wanted on the inside. Here is the above mentioned birthday cake...



Anyway...sorry to go off on such a long tangent, while we were making our way down the walkway after our exit...I saw it, and I was in love!!:lovestruc Our cake was amazing, even better than I imagined, it was perfect!!


I love this picture, they gave me a hidden Mickey, and a bonus hidden Jack!!


My Grandma did the toast, and she said something short and sweet...(I think everyone wanted to eat at that point!)



So we assembled to cut this masterpiece, I didn't really want to, but everyone looked pretty hungry at that point, so we didn't really have a choice, so we cut into the cake...


And then we had to feed each-other the cake, now before hand I told DH if he shoved cake into my face we were going to have BIG problems, so we agreed to be nice...



And not to be outdone India insisted that she be fed cake as well...


After all of this hoopla, we sat down to eat and enjoy ourselves, I'll spare you the pictures of all of us eating....:scared1:
We invited Rev. Tim to eat cake with us, but he informed us that if he ate cake at all of the weddings he officiated at, he would be "huge" so we bade him farewell at that point. The violinist played beautifully, and he was so funny, he came over to our table and we had a game of guess that Disney tune, and I'll have you know I got all but one of the songs right, and the one I got wrong was from The Fox and the Hound, which I refuse to watch even to this day because I know I will bawl like a baby if I do, so I don't think that should really count against me.

After we were all done eating, we did the obligatory family shots...




And that concludes this installment, next up....the super glamorous photo shoot on the Poly beach!:goodvibes
So after we ate cake and did family pictures Randy took us down to the beach and let us do our own thing, everyone else went to chill in the lobby of the Poly. So for this installment, I am just going to let Randy's pictures do most of the talking...I apologize in advance for all of the pictures, but it's hard to pick just a few...












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