James and Jeffrey PJ - 05/10/11 - SBP/Attic/UK DP/Wedding Day 2 Arrival

I take it that's Boo? She's adorable; how great that she was able to be there.
Dearest James - Oh what a lovely shot of your little princess!!!
Can't wait to see your photos!!!
And don't go away again as you were sorely missed!!!
I've been lurking and had to post about that baby! So adorable and if you do call her Boo, I have to mention that I was called Boo as a baby! I was thrilled when Monster's Inc came out :goodvibes Congratulations and best wishes! Can't wait to see more pictures
Ok I'm TOTALLY late to this party, but better late than never right!!?? Looking forward to seeing more pics of the big day!
Ok I'm TOTALLY late to this party, but better late than never right!!?? Looking forward to seeing more pics of the big day!

If you are late to the party.... I am much later to the party. Welcome and thanks for reading. I will try to give you something more to read.
My TR was so far back on the boards I could not even find it. I was forced to post something so I could find it :lmao: . I know I have been away to long, but since the kids dumped water on the computer it has been a nightmare to use. On top of it all the saving of money and being frugal for the wedding seems to have carried on past the wedding. I so do not want to pay for a new computer. However half my numbers don't work, my wedding pictures won't load and today it crashed on me. I am going to have to back everything up and get a new computer soon. I did manage to get a picture or two to upload to photobucet today and thought I would share. The kids will be returning to school soon and hours will be cut at work, so once we get to the fall, I will have alot more time to wrap this baby up before Christmas :santa:. Thanks all for reading and miss you all.


Jeff and I


Jeff and the boys
Yay, my dearest James, you are still with us. Looking forward to more!!
Yay, my dearest James, you are still with us. Looking forward to more!!

Thank you for welcoming me back Joanne. Glad you are looking forward to more. You have a bit of an advantage over the others because you saw some of the wedding. It was so great to have you and Chrissy there. It made the day even more special.
I am so excited! Carrie (LURKYLOO) has invited me to be a guest on her podcast to discuss our commitment ceremony. I am all aflutter with joy. I get to be a guest tomorrow, August sixteenth. I so do not feel worthy of this honor :worship: I have no idea what information I have to offer, but I hope it will be interesting and helpful to someone. I will keep you posted.
I am so excited! Carrie (LURKYLOO) has invited me to be a guest on her podcast to discuss our commitment ceremony. I am all aflutter with joy. I get to be a guest tomorrow, August sixteenth. I so do not feel worthy of this honor :worship: I have no idea what information I have to offer, but I hope it will be interesting and helpful to someone. I will keep you posted.

Yay dearest James!!! I have done the same thing for Carrie a couple of times now, and it is great fun!!! When she first approached me and asked if I would do a recording for her, I was sick with nerves, but she and Scott are so sweet and professional, it was all fine!!!
I recorded my latest edition last week but it has yet to be posted.
Good luck with your recording and I really look forward to hearing your masterpiece!!
Maybe, we will see some more photos of your big day soon eh???:rolleyes1
Much love to you, Jeff and the kids!!
Yay dearest James!!! I have done the same thing for Carrie a couple of times now, and it is great fun!!! When she first approached me and asked if I would do a recording for her, I was sick with nerves, but she and Scott are so sweet and professional, it was all fine!!!
I recorded my latest edition last week but it has yet to be posted.
Good luck with your recording and I really look forward to hearing your masterpiece!!
Maybe, we will see some more photos of your big day soon eh???:rolleyes1
Much love to you, Jeff and the kids!!

Thanks so much for your support.... It was fun, but I was so nervous I sounded like an idiot. I just prattled on, spoke random thoughts and offered no information about same sex marriage at all. I am afraid I am going to be one of the most boring podcast that poor Scott and Carrie have done. I hope they can do some editing magic. It was still fun though. Yes I will be getting those pictures up next week Joanne. I promise. :goodvibes
Hi James! I thought you sounded great on the show, and I loved all the details you shared with our listeners. The texted-on-a-Disney-bus proposal has to be the most unusual Disney engagement story EVER! :rotfl: It was also neat to hear all the ways you guys incorporated your kids in the wedding without taking away from the fact that it was a celebration of the two of you.

Thanks so much for making time to chat with us! :thumbsup2
Hi James!

I just listened to your episode on Inside Disney Weddings with Carrie and then came to find your PJ on the boards this evening :goodvibes

I loved your fast-pass save the dates, colour scheme, cake, venues.. everything looked wonderful!

Hope to see more pictures & read more about your WDW trip :wizard:

Emma princess: x

Dearest James - Wonderful podcast!!!! it was lovely to hear your voice again and to hear the kids in the background. I was so honoured to be a part of your day and still listen to the CD you gave at the DP a lot, especially in the car!!
Much love sweetie!!


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