January 2021 W.I.S.H. - New Year, New Goals

I'm very motivated to exercise now that my new treadmill is here. Unfortunately, it is a real eyesore in our living room. It really is the only good place for it. The family room doesn't have a good location for it with an outlet. DH's Nordic Track fits fine because it isn't electric. Dining room...no...bedrooms...no. So, when we have parties, it will have to be folded and moved onto our closed-in porch. It weighs 200 lbs., so it isn't easily portable. Being healthy is more important than aesthetics.

Last week, I taught a unit on MLK. I'm very motivated by Dr. King and his messages of love and peace. I believe that his ideas are just what we need right now.
I’m motivated to keep doing the small good things to get back on track. So far, I’d say this weekend has been a success, disengaging from the news and forcing myself to concentrate. I watched Tom Hanks’ new movie ‘News of the World’ last night, and only watched it, no knitting or checking my phone. It was a good old fashioned straight up western and I really liked it. Love him, would love to have a guy just like him if my own.

We have some blue skies this morning, the mountains are out and there was sunshine bouncing off of the ferry boats. Beautiful way to start the day.

I will finish “Wintering” today. Yesterday I posted another response to one of her IG posts and this time she responded back. So strange and wonderful to be able to connect to someone so far away... she’s in England. I want to go the the bookstore so badly, it’s a comfort thing, but promised I would finish two books first, so reading will be the focus for today.
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As mentioned I've just finished "Wintering" by Katherine May (that's her above). There is a section of the book where she talks about the Finish traditions of sauna and her personal struggles taking saunas, her body is just not wired for hot. She also talks several times about wild/cold swimming and recounts the experiences of a bipolar woman who settles her brain with cold. She also speaks about how healing cold is for her.

Have you ever experimented with hot/cold therapies? Which are you, hot or cold? If you've ever tried something (doesn't need to be swimming, could be hot/cold showers, saunas etc), how did it help?
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During the pandemic, I have changed my routine from showering before school to showering after school. I have been finding a lot of comfort in that hot shower after school. I’ve also had the hot stone massage before which I really enjoyed!

On the other end, I went for a quick mile walk the last two days. I’m not usually a cold weather person. And while it wasn’t extreme cold, it was quite windy and about 40 degrees (anything below 60 is usually too cold for me). Yesterday it even started snowing on my walk. But I went anyway and found it extremely refreshing!
Have you ever experimented with hot/cold therapies? Which are you, hot or cold? If you've ever tried something (doesn't need to be swimming, could be hot/cold showers, saunas etc), how did it help?

Never with official therapies or extremes, but I appreciate both in moderation - I love a long, hot shower, and I also (don't tell) find shoveling snow on a early new England morning peaceful.
I love being warm! On our Disney cruise a few years ago I used the sauna several times and they have these heated stone loungers in the day spa-another thing to buy when I win the lottery! I have to force myself to bundle up and walk in the cold, but once I am out there it feels good-invigorating! I am giving myself a pep talk right now that as soon as I am done here it’s time to go for my walk.
During the pandemic, I have changed my routine from showering before school to showering after school. I have been finding a lot of comfort in that hot shower after school. I’ve also had the hot stone massage before which I really enjoyed!

On the other end, I went for a quick mile walk the last two days. I’m not usually a cold weather person. And while it wasn’t extreme cold, it was quite windy and about 40 degrees (anything below 60 is usually too cold for me). Yesterday it even started snowing on my walk. But I went anyway and found it extremely refreshing!
Stone massage sounds devine.
Never with official therapies or extremes, but I appreciate both in moderation - I love a long, hot shower, and I also (don't tell) find shoveling snow on a early new England morning peaceful.
I've never really been a hot shower person, nor have I been into taking long showers... until this year. Having the hot water hitting my neck and head was one of the things that kept me going when the headaches were so bad.
I’m not a fan of the extreme temperatures. I do like a cool room about 66 degrees. My classroom is too cold, about 60 degrees because I keep windows open for the fresh air (anything to prevent getting covid). My students wear their coats all day lol.

I have been known to go in a jacuzzi in the winter and enjoy the sauna. It must be my Swedish in me.

I love the beach no matter what, but I really enjoy bundling up and walking on a freezing cold windy beach. The water is a dark blue. It’s usually deserted in the winter. My favorite.
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I love being warm! On our Disney cruise a few years ago I used the sauna several times and they have these heated stone loungers in the day spa-another thing to buy when I win the lottery! I have to force myself to bundle up and walk in the cold, but once I am out there it feels good-invigorating! I am giving myself a pep talk right now that as soon as I am done here it’s time to go for my walk.
Heated stone loungers? Did not know there was such a thing!
I'm both hot-and-cold, and it is probably the contrast between the two that I respond to the most. Last year my doctor wanted me to start doing hot-cold in the shower and I loved it during the summer but have a hard time doing the cold part during the winter.

She also wanted me to do saunas and I tried it couple times but didn't love it. In hindsight it was probably because I got stuck in mind games, telling myself to "suck it up", "try harder" "do more than you did last time", instead of listening to my body and getting out when it had had enough. I'm going to do a sauna after my acupuncture appointment this week... back into the human suitcase. If I respond to it better, I'll buy a package at a new place in the neighborhood that has actual sauna rooms.

Wild/cold swimming really intrigues me... but I don't swim. I did get water shoes so that I can walk in the water but haven't done it yet. Katherine May's IG post that I commented on was about how to not get sucked up into making it a competitive thing, worry about doing it right, wearing the right gear etc. And how most often it is more cold floating, or cold bobbing about. The point is to just do it, and listen to your body.

My big hot/cold experiment right now is that I roll down the car windows while I'm doing the beach drive (added benefit smelling the salt air and hearing the waves) and letting cold air hit my head/face while I've got hot air blasting my feet.
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I am also one that does not like extreme temps. If it could 70 and sunny every day I would be happy. I am always curled up in a blanket when on the couch.

I don't have much motivation this week. I am pretty sure I have an ear infection so I have been just laying around. I have an appointment with the DR. here shortly so hopefully I will get some relief.

Yesterday, I deemed it a movie day. We watched Godzilla, The Joker, The Princess Bride, 2 different Fantastic 4's and Captain Marvel (will finish this one this afternoon. I was really trying to get DD to watch Pollyanna, the old Parent Trap and Willow. No such luck. I will keep trying though. I am just happy she wants to spend time with me. Today, she has spent most of her day with me in the living room. She is in school and I am working. She just wanted to talk most of the time so I had to keep telling her I need to get work done and concentrate on what I was doing. I am loving this time with the kids and will really miss it when they go back to school, sports and hanging out with friends.
I’m not a fan of the extreme temperatures. I do like a cool room about 66 degrees. My classroom is too cold, about 60 degrees because I keep windows open for the fresh air (anything to prevent getting covid). My students wear their coats all day lol.

I have been known to go in a jacuzzi in the winter and enjoy the sauna. It must be my Swedish in me.

I love the beach no matter what, but I really enjoy bundling up and walking on a freezing cold windy beach. The water is a dark blue. It’s usually deserted in the winter. My favorite.
Yes! This was the beach last week.
Woohoo - I’m sticking to my meal plan & morning workouts
Woohoo - my students are showing progress and growth even throughout these difficult learning conditions.
Woohoo - My son and his team continue to be able to play basketball for the high school (while wearing masks, of course).
... it is Inauguration Day!
... the new quilt and sheets I bought for a bedroom refresh arrived yesterday and I love them. The new cooling bed pad I bought back in December came a few days ago and I really like it as well. The "cooling" properties are pretty subtle, but I really like having the extra layer of padding on the mattress.
... I finally decided to for sure change my WDW trip. I was considering pushing it out to September but that just didn't feel right. This morning I decided to rebook for May and am pleased by that.
... since I'm not going to WDW in March, I'm going to book a week off sometime in Feb and do a trip down to the ocean.
... I got on the list to be notified when I become eligible for the vaccine. The state just broadened eligibility to everyone above age 65, so that's a big group to get thru considering all the current challenges. I'm hopeful they will have worked thru that by the time I can do it.
We headed back to the beach today because something was delivered here by mistake. So we’ll stay through the weekend. It’s cold very windy today so debating on walking...but happy to be here.
Woohoo, we’re doing well with meals. I’ve lost that stuffed, never hungry feeling. Brought vegetable soup for dinner tonight and will grocery shop tomorrow.

Oneanne, we are booked for August-I believe we’ll get both our vaccines by then, so I am feeling hopeful. Our last trip was in May and it was perfect weather and lower crowds.
I am not so woohoo today. I am on an antibiotic now for my ear and it is making a bit sick to my stomach. All I have had to eat today is a bowl of Ramon noodles. I am still a bit congested and hoping that goes away soon. I am also still having lots of ear pain.

On top of not feeling great I had to go to DD's school to pick a piece of paper for scheduling her classes for next year. They refused to email this to me. So I thought maybe this paper was specific to each student. Nope just a generic piece of paper that could have been emailed. There is a reason why we are doing full remote with the kids and avoiding the school buildings is one of them.

One woohoo is that DS got his braces off this morning. Yay!!! One down. Now hopefully the other will be done soon. I do have to say it was nice having them both in braces at the same time. DD is just about 4 months behind DS.


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