Judy's Life of Change

:sad2: Another day that I didn't make it to the gym. (yesterday) I didn't get to bed until 3am. I am only up to check out daughters clothing choices for her photo shoot today. Then beck to bed. I can't be responsible for a bus load of passengers on not enough sleep. Today bites the dust.
Ack! You better get some rest! Don't worry about the gym, it'll be there tomorrow! Hope you had a nice and relaxing day!
Thanks for poping in Desiree. :flower: Another long day yesterday. My son and dil were supposed to spend the next few days with us. Daughter in law ended up in ICU @ the hospital. Apparently her lupus has decided to attack her brain. She is having seizures. :sad2: Please keep Stephanie in your prayers. No exercise again today. Still sticking to lo-cal healthy foods though. I am hoping to pick up an extra shift for tonight. Gots to pay for that new convertable.
Oh Judy, :grouphug:

I am so sorry to hear about your DIL. We'll definitely keep Stephanie in our thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:

Take care!
Prayers are on the way for your DIL and the rest of your family. :grouphug:
Exhausted. Worked both of my days off this week and now today is my Monday. Just woke up and I have to leave for work in 1 1/2 hours. Again no gym. And I goofed on food. I went down in the magic kingdon tunnel for dinner at Subway but they were closed and I ended up with a slice of pizza. boo hiss but I had to eat. I also had a side salad and a diet coke. Off to the showers. I will check others journals when I have a bit more time. Stephanie is doing ok. She had her MRI yesterday. We should hear the results sometime today.
:grouphug: to all.....

More exhausted. More bad food choices. No exercise. No sleep. :sad2:
Oh Judy, :grouphug:

I'm sending some :wizard: your way today. I hope you get a chance to sleep and relax soon. ::yes::

Continued prayers for Stephanie.... :grouphug:

Take good care of you, Judy! :hug:
oh Judy...

You need to really take care of yourself! Try not to burn the candle at both ends. I know your worried about DIL and that is understandable but you also need to try to get some time for YOU in. Here's hoping today is a better day.


Stopping by to see how you are doing, Judy. I hope you have had a chance to rest, relax, and to do something special for you. Take good care of you! :hug:
Working, working, working. This would be bad but I love my job. No day off until next Tuesday. More bad food choices. I promise I will eat right today. Stephanie is still in the hospital. She has a severe neck and head ache. They are going to inject meds in a nerve in her neck today to see if that will help. Working at MGM Studios tonight. Horray for Hollywood! I think you guys are the best!! Thanks for your continued support! :grouphug:
Still working, working, working. Going to have 62 hours this week. :cool1: Worked at Pleasure Island last night. I was oh so bad. Ate at McD's. Big Mac MD supersized. :blush: Working again tonight at PI. My lunch is already packed. (Actually it is the one I didn't eat yesterday.) I will stay away from the bad place tonight. :badpc: Sorry I haven't been by other's journals. I should be off Tuesday. :wave2: Hi to everyone.
Hi Judy,

I am so sorry to hear that DIl is having an exacerbation of her lupus. I am praying for all of you. With all that stress and your work schedule, a deviation from plan can be expected. Have a great shift tonight.
Hi Judy!

You have been super busy!!! :earseek: I hope Tuesday finds you able to rest and relax. :cloud9: Take care and have a wonderful day! :flower:
Tuesday Morning - I think

Worked 12 days straight now. Off today and tomorrow but I might work today anyway. Went to the gym yesterday. Worked out with my trainer Chris for an hour. I felt ever so much better. Food choices not bad but not great. Going to try to get all caught up on journals later today.

ps - Daughter in law is home from the hospital and doing much better. :flower:
Good morning Judy!!

That is wonderful news that Stephanie is home and doing much better! :Pinkbounc

Congratulations on getting your workout in yesterday! :cool1:

WOW Judy! You've worked 12 days in a row?!?! :earseek: You have been super busy! If you go into work today, will you have a chance to relax before going in?

Take care Judy! I hope you have a wonderful day! :sunny:

I looked for you, but didn't see you at Disney. :( How are you doing? Hope your day goes great.

I'm so glad that Stephanie is home! That's fantastic news!

You sound so busy! Please try to take some time for yourself!!! :grouphug:

Have a great day today!
Woo Hoo - I had a day off yesterday. And guess what? I didn't do a darn thing! I am off again today but we are taking friends to Epcot. Stephanie flew home to Valdosta from Dallas yesterday. Stephanie is tired but glad to be home. She has an appointment with her Rhumatologist this morning.

Desiree - Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I slept 12 hours last night. :faint:

Jen - Welcome home. I looked for you everyday. Maybe I will just plan to meet you on your next trip down. Glad to see you are still :fish:

Tracy - I really enjoyed my day off yesterday. Thanks so much for your concerns. I think today I look more like :earsboy: than yesterdays :earseek: hehehe

:grouphug: to you all and thank you.


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