Just a silly little TR - Run Away!!

:offtopic:anyone here that can send me a quick ticker for dumbies tutorial?

Try this link:

You can click on my ticker too, but when I tried it a second ago, it said the website was down.

Ponzi, that was a great first chapter, loved it!


And great contibutions from the gang too. I just wish I was witty :( But I'm reading along and loving it, so I guess that counts for something :confused3

Everybody is sure making this possible, and that includes you. Don't worry about your wit, I've only got half what most people have, so it's all good.

T-Man, if you want wine, you are in luck, I just bought 8 gallons on Friday ;). I go for quantity over quality, LOL.

Okay. I think I'm all caught up with the shout outs. If I missed anyone... just shout!
Ponzi, I'm really enjoying reading this. Great start. I think you mentioned somewhere on Nebo's latest TR that you have 2 daughters, but we didn't know the names. Now I want pictures.

T-Man, if you want wine, you are in luck, I just bought 8 gallons on Friday ;). I go for quantity over quality, LOL.

Wine? I'll be right over!
I have to add that DGD13 and I baked cookies all day Saturday and froze them for my grandson's granduation party next weekend. Yes, the ultimate goof-off King is really graduating! And he's going to college!::yes::
Ponzi, I'm really enjoying reading this. Great start. I think you mentioned somewhere on Nebo's latest TR that you have 2 daughters, but we didn't know the names. Now I want pictures.

Yup. If you happened to see some earlier posts, I did mention I had two DDs. Good memory. Pictures shall be forthcoming in the next chapter.

I have to add that DGD13 and I baked cookies all day Saturday and froze them for my grandson's granduation party next weekend. Yes, the ultimate goof-off King is really graduating! And he's going to college!::yes::

That is amazing isn't it? One second you're changing diapers, the next you're sending 'em off to school for the first time and then a minute later they're graduating. How'd that happen????
:wave2: Hi! Followed you over from Nebo and Smidgy's report.

Sorry I would have been sooner, but I have been too busy watching hockey and my Fly Guys beating the carp our of whiny boy Sidney Crosby (oh, sorry did I say that out loud!:confused3).

Can't wait to hear more about Hawaii. Don't think it will be a place we will ever go just becasue I couldn't see myself on a plane for that long :faint:
:wave2: Hi! Followed you over from Nebo and Smidgy's report.

Sorry I would have been sooner, but I have been too busy watching hockey and my Fly Guys beating the carp our of whiny boy Sidney Crosby (oh, sorry did I say that out loud!:confused3).

Can't wait to hear more about Hawaii. Don't think it will be a place we will ever go just becasue I couldn't see myself on a plane for that long :faint:

Hi! Welcome! Your team is certainly doing better than mine did! Good luck!

If you're not a big fan of flying... you may not want to read the next chapter...
Hi! Welcome! Your team is certainly doing better than mine did! Good luck!

Hockey? I was going to say something here but decided to keep my mouth shut. (See, Mom, I was listening)

If you're not a big fan of flying... you may not want to read the next chapter...

Great start Ponzi, and thanks for all the insider information! Names, ages, hampsters (am I spelling that right, I'm neve sure???)!

Looking forward to the next chapter!


No, no, no! Completely misspelled! And that is one of MY favorite recipes. Hampster... no, wait, I mean Ham Stir. Yeah, that's it. Really a great recipe, just an unfortunate name!!

Just imagine telling your dinner guests that they are having ham stir...:rotfl2:
We’re going to Hawaii!!


Well What?

So I’m busily typing away at the keyboard with hopes high…

Not too high I hope

I know. I know most people use their fingers, sometimes more than one, to type. I prefer to do it with high hopes.

And low expectations.

So sue me.

You said the dough is all gone, so I don't know if you're worth suing.

And just who is this sue that wants to be me, anyway? :confused:

Peggy Sue? Runaround Sue? A Boy Named Sue?


And no I don’t. I don’t knit, purl or crochet either.
But I will play croquet if you give me a hammer.
Or build a deck.

And why is it pronounced crow kay and not crow kett?
I’ll tell you why. ‘Cause it was invented in France (maybe. There’s some debate. Nevermind.)
And then the French came to Canada and we say ‘eh’ not ‘ett’.
O kay?

Now that I’m totally and hopelessly lost, let’s begin again.

I really wish you wouldn't keep getting lost and stay on track. I can't offer a hammer, but here's a compass instead. I think you need this more.

I started the TR with high hopes.

You're still on high hopes?

“Maybe I’ll get a reader or two. That’d be great!” Then all these people show up and I’m blown away.

So thanks everyone for joining in and I’ll try not to disappoint too much.

We ended the last chapter with me asking a couple of questions. What’s my fave ride for you purist TR types. (6 points up for grabs) and a trip that shouldn’t/couldn’t/wouldn’t happen but did.

First the dutiful answering of the question:
For those of you who missed it, HM is for sure my fave ride.


Zebra Domes.

mmmmmm…. Zeeeeebraaaa Dooooooommmmmesssss.

Hang on, I’ll need a minute here.

Okay, I’m all done… nope. Hang on.


Okay, I think it’s out of my systemmmmm now. Oops.

I found a recipe for those. We've yet to try and make them. Waiting to try them at WDW first to see if they're really worth making.

And while you’re at it, throw in a Ferrari or two, a barrel full of cash and maybe rugged good looks that the women can’t resist.

Every Girl Is Crazy For A Sharp Dressed Man. AKA: Gold Diggers. :duck:

Sorry Ruby, shouldn’t have mentioned that last one. Wives are pretty sensitive in that area, no?


Now right about now, some of you are jumping up and down in front of your computers, iPhones, ipads, iDon’tknows or whatever. “A name!

Now she won't be known as the wife the whole TR.

Let the merriment begin. :sad2:

And some of you might think you’ve got it all figured out.
“Okay so we’ve got pkondz as the husband/father

Name to be revealed in a later chapter I suppose. Who wants to wager that it won't be until the final chapter?

Ruby as the wife/mother and at least two kids.”

You need to relay a message to your DW. "Hi Ruby. :wave2: Nice to know you do exist and thanks for letting Ponzi come out and play with us."

And some of you might be thinking, “Hunh? How do we know there’re at least two kids?”

KIDS is plural for kid, which means more than one.

Did anyone ever consider that perhaps pkondz was a woman and that Ruby is my partner and we adopted some rugrats?

Not for a second.

Why not? Nebo did! (Hi Nebo! :wave:)

I would have to go back to Nebo's TR's and find the answer. Too much work so I'll go with my gut.

Okay, okay. I set him straight so I’ll clear the air here. Yes I’m a dude married to a dudette. The hombre to my hombrette. The… you get the idea. And now I’m in trouble again for calling Ruby my hombrette.

Well, being of spanish decent; hombrette is not the word used around here. There are other spanish words that we use to refer to females, but I don't want to sleep on the couch tonight. :rolleyes1 Oh :scared1: Hi Lady H.

But she is. :hug:

All kidding aside, Lady H and I are the same way.

So Ruby comes home one day about 6 months ago and says to me.

"Honey I've got good news for you. You're going to be a father again. :faint:"

“Honey? Umm… we had a meeting at work today. And you know how I took over the job for Jainey when she took maternity leave?”

Oops. I missed that one by a mile.

“Sort of.” Now that might sound kinda cold. “The dude doesn’t know what his own wife does for a living! That’s cold, man!”

1. I do too know what she does!
2. I’m not cold, just dense. There’s a difference.

“Well I did.” She continues. “Do you know that she goes to conferences every year in other cities?”
“Okay, didn’t know that (not dense… new info :p) but now I do.”
“So, I’ll probably get to go this year.”
“Uh, huh.” At this point, as all you ladies know, the male attention span can be divided into two categories:

1. Sports. If there’s a playoff game of some sort on TV, a man can stay focused for upwards of 12 to 13… weeks.
2. For everything else, a man can stay focused for… I just noticed that my typing is getting faster. Cool.

Not quite sure if you broke some type of man law here. I'll have to go look it up.



“Focus honey, I’m losing you here. Look over here. See the pretty shiny thing?”

“Huh? Whatchoo say?”

“I said (this is usually after the ever so appropriate sigh of resignation) that I’ll probably get to go to a conference this year. It’s in different cities.”

Now at this point I’m thinking two things.
1. The conference is a one day affair in Upper Nowheresville, North West Territories. And;
2. What is that shiny thing anyway?

Are you talking about the 2nd star to the right and straight on until morning?

“So where is it?” I ask, trying desperately to sound enthusiastic.

Hello? Neverland.

“Honolulu. For one week.”

Close enough. They're both stuck out in the middle of the ocean. One's just a little harder to get to.

Hmmm…. We’ve got a small town called Miami here in Manitoba about an hour and a half drive away. There’s an Enterprise in NWT and did you know there’s a Vulcan in Alberta? And that Leonard Nimoy has been there? Or that there’s a …. Oooh, shiny thing.

I already told you, Neverland. I saw the movie and they tell you at the end. Here's a refresher in case you didn't see it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrizm2gnQBo

Honolulu? Honolulu, Hawaii?

“Where did you say that was, again?”

“Oh, so I’ve got your attention now, do I? Yes, you heard right. Honolulu. Sun, sand, ocean… Stop jumping up and down and making that horrible whooping noise! It’s not a done deal! It has to be approved by my boss, then his boss and then head office.”

(Stole from Lady H. Hope she's not wanting it back.)

“Oh, so it’s not likely to happen, then.”

“I didn’t say that. It probably will happen, we just can’t count on it quite yet.”

So here we are with Ruby getting an all expenses paid trip to Honolulu… and us having just recently bought a house with no cash to spare!

“Well… if we eat Kraft Dinner a lot, don’t go out at all and generally just scrimp, save and belt tighten… and since the airfare would be three tickets and not four… and since the hotel is usually one of the biggest expenses and it’s paid for… Let’s do it!!!”

At least you're on the Kraft Dinner. We're on the ramen noodle diet so we can go to DL and WDW this year.

She told me when we were alone so the kids wouldn’t get too excited and then bummed if it didn’t happen. Which was a very real possibility at the time. Besides, it’d be a lot more fun to tell ‘em, if and when.

Time marches on. I start doing what I do when it comes to trips. Over plan the heck out of it. Break out the spreadsheets. Hawaii here I come. She does what she does best when it comes to trips… let me over plan the heck out of it. Every few weeks Ruby’d come home with a “Guess what?”. "You're pregnant again? No. Just checking. Because you know another kid would totally ruin this trip for us :rotfl:" And each time it was one more hurdle… umm… hurdled. One step closer to the holy grail. One hop skip and a jump closer to the finish line.

At some point, with oh, I don’t know, maybe four months to go? We decided that things were looking pretty good. It wasn’t a done deal. Not a sure thing. Not a guaranteed bet… but let’s tell the kids anyway!!!

Okay. I never said patience was one of our strongest suits.

So I guess I’ll end the chapter here.

Thanks for the update.

What. Still here? You want to know how that went, do you? Oh, all right.

Phew, good think I scrolled down. Didn't realize there was more. But now that you decided to drag this chapter out, of course I want to know how it went.

We were sitting down for dinner and had decided that we would break the news after we had eaten. About two forkfuls into the mashed potatoes later, Ruby says, “So? Do you want to tell them?”

Did I mention that patience is not our forte? Patience Grasshopper.

I tell her it’s her news and she should be the one to tell them. Now both DDs our looking at us with suspicious eyes.

Yes I dropped another factoid. We have two girls. I’m guessing (and this is just a guess… could be wrong) that the ladies are going, “Awww… a houseful of young ladies. How lovely.”

The men are basically saying, “You poor schmuck.”

I will admit that there are times when the oestrogen levels get a little high in the pkondz household.

Ruby knows this.

And laughs at me.

Heck even the dog is a girl.

<sigh> Okay let’s get this out of the way. There’s me, Ruby, DD15, DD11 and the dog. There’s also a hamster and a fish. And if DD11 gets her way, a gecko is in the near future. And when Kay sets her mind to something, it usually, inevitably, inexorably happens.

<sigh> The other one is Elle.

Happy now? ::yes::

So recap of Characters:
DH/Dad - Pkondz (Name to be give later. Still say we need to start a betting pool.)
DW/Mom - Ruby
DD15 - Elle
DD11 - Kay
Dog, hamster and a fish, and bingo was his name'o.

Now both DDs are looking at us and waiting for the bad news. When Mom & Dad start a conversation with, “So? Do you want to tell them?” it can’t be good.

“Okay… it’s not a done deal yet so don’t get too excited… but it looks like we’ll be going to Hawaii.”

Pandemonium, and bedlam ensue! Elle goes running around and around the room flapping one arm at her side while fist pumping the other in the air. Kay swings from the chandelier. They both chant, “Ha Wa EE, Ha Wa EE, Ha Wa EE…”

Whoop, Whoop.

Well, maybe not quite.

We don’t have a chandelier in the kitchen.

But suffice to say, there were two pretty pumped people participating in a plethora of pleasurable platitudes pertaining to packing for paradise at the table that evening.

Sounds like plenty of pleasantry at the pkondz palace on the pre-paradise proclomation.

Eventually, all the approvals came in and we knew we were going.

I was wondering if they said yes or not.

The next few months were a combination of reading about Hawaii, talking about Hawaii, planning for Hawaii, buying supplies for Hawaii and, of course, saving for Hawaii. I’ll spare you the details. Time to get this party started!

Coming up…
We start the trip! Or do we??? :scared1:
And… wait for it…. Pictures.

Pictures. :dance3:

Ok, I'll say this again, Thanks for a great chapter.
I hear ya. I worked all day then got home and did yard stuff too.

Don't ever feel like you have to do anything, here. This is supposed to be fun!

Breaking down the TR is fun. I was just wiped out that night. Or drunk. OR both. Might have had one too many beers while doing yard work. :drinking1
T-Man, if you want wine, you are in luck, I just bought 8 gallons on Friday ;). I go for quantity over quality, LOL.

Lady H and I will stop on by when Ponzi posts the next chapter. We can have cheap wine together and laugh, I mean comment about his latest chapter. I actually prefer a few cheap wines over the expensive, supposedly better quality, type wines.
Pkondz said:
But suffice to say, there were two pretty pumped people participating in a plethora of pleasurable platitudes pertaining to packing for paradise at the table that evening.

Sounds like plenty of pleasantry at the pkondz palace on the pre-paradise proclomation.

Lots of spit stained screens across the DIS universe. Ptooey! :thumbsup2
Hey Ponzi!
Thanks for the ticker info. I think I managed to get one going. Waiting patiently (sort of) for the next chapter. Well is it up yet?? How bout now?
No, no, no! Completely misspelled! And that is one of MY favorite recipes. Hampster... no, wait, I mean Ham Stir. Yeah, that's it. Really a great recipe, just an unfortunate name!!

Just imagine telling your dinner guests that they are having ham stir...:rotfl2:

That's not an unfortunate name. That's a great name! I'd love to see the look on Elle's face when I told her we were having ham stir for dinner. :laughing:

Somehow, I'm guessing she might not see the humour of it, though.
You said the dough is all gone, so I don't know if you're worth suing.

Nah. You're going to have to wait for a bit before it becomes worthwile.

Peggy Sue? Runaround Sue? A Boy Named Sue?

Suzy Q

I really wish you wouldn't keep getting lost and stay on track. I can't offer a hammer, but here's a compass instead. I think you need this more.

:lmao: Thanks for that! I'll see if that will keep me on track now. But somehow I doubt it.

I found a recipe for those. We've yet to try and make them. Waiting to try them at WDW first to see if they're really worth making.

I found a recipe too. It looked fairly complicated and (I must admit) I was a little afraid to mess with perfection.

Every Girl Is Crazy For A Sharp Dressed Man. AKA: Gold Diggers.

Can't go wrong with a ZZ Top quote.

Now she won't be known as the wife the whole TR.

Oh no. She'll still be my wife for the rest of the TR. :rolleyes1

Name to be revealed in a later chapter I suppose. Who wants to wager that it won't be until the final chapter?

I'll take some of that action. Hmmm... I'll mention this at the start of the next chapter.

You need to relay a message to your DW. "Hi Ruby. Nice to know you do exist and thanks for letting Ponzi come out and play with us."

I'll let her know. :)

KIDS is plural for kid, which means more than one.

Yeah. But my explanation was way more complicated.

I would have to go back to Nebo's TR's and find the answer. Too much work so I'll go with my gut.

When I first started posting on Nebo's TR, Nebo said something like, "Now just a minute young lady."

I replied, "What makes you think I'm a lady?"

I had even referred to myself as Dad once or twice, but he missed it.

That was a lot of fun, actually. :laughing:

Well, being of spanish decent; hombrette is not the word used around here. There are other spanish words that we use to refer to females, but I don't want to sleep on the couch tonight. Oh Hi Lady H.

Being not of spanish decent, I like hombrette better than mujer even if it isn't right. And Lady H, if you're reading this, it's the thought that counts. Send him to the couch. :laughing:

"Honey I've got good news for you. You're going to be a father again. "

Oh, you have no idea how close you are to the start of the next chapter.

Close enough. They're both stuck out in the middle of the ocean. One's just a little harder to get to.

Tell me that again after the next chapter.

I already told you, Neverland. I saw the movie and they tell you at the end. Here's a refresher in case you didn't see it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrizm2gnQBo

Thanks for the link. I enjoyed that. But then again, it was a little hard to watch, knowing that those people will never again be together... at least not in this world.

At least you're on the Kraft Dinner. We're on the ramen noodle diet so we can go to DL and WDW this year.

Even I draw the line somewhere.

Sounds like plenty of pleasantry at the pkondz palace on the pre-paradise proclomation.


Ok, I'll say this again, Thanks for a great chapter.

And I'll say you're welcome! Thanks for the fun breakdown.
Great drivel so far. I thought I had subscribed to this but I guess I hadn't. I must have been busy taking care of my robot.
Breaking down the TR is fun. I was just wiped out that night. Or drunk. OR both. Might have had one too many beers while doing yard work. :drinking1

Ya gotta do, what ya gotta do. And if it involves alcohol, so be it.

Lady H and I will stop on by when Ponzi posts the next chapter. We can have cheap wine together and laugh, I mean comment about his latest chapter. I actually prefer a few cheap wines over the expensive, supposedly better quality, type wines.

Hey! I'm right here! I can still hear you!

Lots of spit stained screens across the DIS universe. Ptooey! :thumbsup2

That's what wet naps are for. And for one other thing... see next chapter.

Hey Ponzi!
Thanks for the ticker info. I think I managed to get one going. Waiting patiently (sort of) for the next chapter. Well is it up yet?? How bout now?

You're welcome. As for the next chapter...

It's coming up i////

We're sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service. Please hang up and make your call again... We're sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service. Please hang up and make your call again... We're sorry, the ... bzzzzzz... <click>
Great drivel so far. I thought I had subscribed to this but I guess I hadn't. I must have been busy taking care of my robot.

That's weird. Posting to a thread automatically subscribes you. Welcome back, though.


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