** Kat & Pauls Wishes Wedding 3.8.11 WG/AG/DP @ UK Lochside **

I'm so excited! I just registered with Disney Honeymoons Registry!! I've been trying to register for ages but it won't ever accept my reservation number but today it finally did!! Yay!! :banana:
Hi Kat
Love the Etsy purchases - gotta love Etsy!!
I would get going on ordering your hanger. She has a long waiting list and I ordered and paid for mine on 21st September and it is not even showing up as shipped yet. She did warn me it would be at least 8 weeks before it was shipped.
Hi Kat
Love the Etsy purchases - gotta love Etsy!!
I would get going on ordering your hanger. She has a long waiting list and I ordered and paid for mine on 21st September and it is not even showing up as shipped yet. She did warn me it would be at least 8 weeks before it was shipped.

OK thanks for the tip! Who did you buy yours from???
What is everyones opinions on confetti canons???

I saw a video of someones recepton and they had them and they looked fab and now I'm thinking 'hmmm...do I want one?!' DF likes the idea so I emailed Carol and she said its $675 :scared1: That's a lot...but I do love it!!

What are your thoughts??? Is it worth it or too expensive?!
IMHO it is too expensive, but I guess I am just a meanie or just skint!!!
I think I've gone off my shoes. I loved them when I got them, but now, I'm not so sure! :confused3

So I decided to start looking around but I just cant find ANYTHING! :headache:

I have to have flat shoes as I had my dress taken up when I got it. I kind of wish I hadnt but I know it was for the best as there's just no way I would be been able to spend all day in heels! (Although I am changing into heels for just some of the photos - I love the photos people have of just their feet! Bizzare I know but I just love them! It's not just their feet...it's just the bottom half. You know the ones, brides dress pulled up to show off her fabulous shoes and the grooms trousers pulled up to shoe his funky socks. I just love them! :goodvibes)

So anyway, I've got these fabulous zebra print shoes...I love zebra print! :lovestruc I've had them a while and I just love them so they just have to make it into some of the wedding photos!! But I can't wear them all day so I have to find some others but its proving very difficult! With just over 3 months until we leave for Florida it doesn't leave me a huge amount of time but maybe I'll find something in the Xmas sales?!
I know the feeling! There just dont seem to be many nice shoes about at the moment! I told my BM's that they just had to find strappy gold shoes to go with their dresses, and I was going to wear a closed in pair of gold heels, but couldn't find anything anywhere! My sister found a pair for herself and brought them over to show me, and I fell in love! :lovestruc They were perfect! The exact colour and material and with just the right amount of bling. so naturally I was extremely jealous! :laughing: After a few more months of searching I stumbled across her shoes in a store, they're also the perfect height, so I emailed my sister asking her if she'd hate me if we wore the same shoes. She wasn't concerned, so I bought them! I love them so much!

3 months is still plenty of time, I suppose you've always got your back ups and your zebra prints, so keep looking, and if nothing comes up you'll be fine
I've been searching high and low for invites that I like for our at home reception. I didn't want to spend too much as, at the end of the day, they are only for the at home reception. People will probably just throw them out after they have read them!

So I found some on confetti that I liked. They weren't what I originally wanted but they were only £2.10 each and you got free RSVP cards with them :thumbsup2 (I love a bargain!!) So I showed DF, he agreed to them and I thought, ok, I'll buy them over the next few days...but...when I asked DF if he wanted to send invites to all the people he works with, and used to work with, he couldnt decide!

He doesn't get to see the people in his old office very often so I thought...save some money and just email them (I'm afraid that's what I'm doing with my work lot!! :rotfl:) But DF didn't like that idea and decided he just couldn't talk about it as he wasn't 'with it' (he'd spent 6 hours xmas shopping and I think that kinda killed him!)

So when he did finally agree to sit down and talk about it he said he wanted to send invites to everyone and to add to that he wanted to invite more people! The price of our invites went up from £83 to £123. It's not a huge amount but hey, money is money right?! Then I remembered some invites I saw in a store called G store at one of our local shopping centres. I checked out their website and could get 8 invites for £5! BARGAIN!! :thumbsup2 DF then decided to tell me that he never liked the original invites I was going to buy but he did really like the cheap ones so I got them before he could change his mind! :laughing:

They still aren't what I really wanted and I'll have to make RSVP's to go out with them but they were so cheap and made me smile! Here's a picture of the front...


They're nothing fancy but they do the job. I don't have a pic of the inside but they say...

'Weve decided to do some knot tying & would absolutely love you...To join us for the Best Bit of our day, venue&date...time...dress... to party  up our marriagement. Try not to laugh at our first dance & maybe drink some bubbles, Please say youll come & (R.S.V.P) to us as soon as you can.'

I think they are quite cute and they fit our personalitlies well. I'm looking forward to them arriving so I can get them all sent out!! :goodvibes
Just caught up on all of your planning...looks great so far! I can't wait to read more :yay: Keep up the good work!

I have a special place in my heart for Make-A-Wish...we are tying that into our wedding too...But I love the Cadbury Wishes, I wish I could find them in the US!!!

Oh AND I have the same frames from IKEA to use for our table numbers too...plus we each have Carol as a planner...we have so much in common...lol! :rotfl:
Just caught up on all of your planning...looks great so far! I can't wait to read more :yay: Keep up the good work!

I have a special place in my heart for Make-A-Wish...we are tying that into our wedding too...But I love the Cadbury Wishes, I wish I could find them in the US!!!

Oh AND I have the same frames from IKEA to use for our table numbers too...plus we each have Carol as a planner...we have so much in common...lol! :rotfl:

Hiya, thanks for joining in!! :goodvibes You have to love Ikea eh?! They have sooo much great stuff at bargain prices!! I love Carol! She is so fab!!
I got an email from Carol yesterday to let me know our next payment of $11,000 is due December 8th...Bizzarely I'm super excited to be paying this! (I know, weird right?! :rotfl:) I thought I'd just whack it on the credit card and then pay it off but when I called egg to let them know this was the plan they soon put a stop to it! They wouldn't temporarily increase my credit limit so when I said I'd just put the money on the card so I was in credit and then pay Disney they said if I'm in credit they'll just transfer it to an external bank account! How annoying. Luckily I soon figured it out and transferred the money to my bank account and I'll just pay them with a different card! Sorted! My poor ISA is looking a bit worse for wear now though but I know its soooo going to be worth it!! :goodvibes

On other news, totally not wedding related...it's snowing! Woo! We don't get snow very often but when we do...the country comes to a stand still!! We just don't deal well with snow! :rotfl: Here's a some pictures of what I found when I woke up this morning...


This is out the front of my house...I actually caught one of my neighbours throwing a snowball at someone else's cat! How mean!


This is part of the back garden

I love snow :lovestruc but only when I don't have to go out in it!! I had to walk into work this morning which wasn't too bad as the snow was still nice and fluffy but it still took me 15 minutes more than usual. Work let me leave at 3pm too so I didn't have to walk in the snow in the dark but by then so many people had walked over it, it was all slushy and icey...not nice...I am not looking forward to walking into work tomorrow!! The snow is still going strong but I'm now at home in my pj's with the fire on so it's ok now!! :thumbsup2

Enough of my totally unwedding related babble! In other, more wedding related news, our friends Jay and Jo have booked! Yay! :banana: Still waiting for MOH, BM and photographer to book though but MOH should be round thursday to book so we are getting there slowly but surely!!
Hi Kat
I hate snow and we have had 3 - 4 inches up here in the Lake District for the past 4 days!!!
It is still snowing on and off today and since I live in a 300 year old cottage with storage heaters and open fires (and no central heating), which is up a hilly farm track, it is becoming a real pain!!!
Oh well, just have to stay indoors in front of the fire and do wedding related things!!!:thumbsup2
Glad to hear there has been some more booking going on!! Especially since that big payment is due very soon. Makes it seem real eh?
Hi Kat
I hate snow and we have had 3 - 4 inches up here in the Lake District for the past 4 days!!!
It is still snowing on and off today and since I live in a 300 year old cottage with storage heaters and open fires (and no central heating), which is up a hilly farm track, it is becoming a real pain!!!
Oh well, just have to stay indoors in front of the fire and do wedding related things!!!:thumbsup2
Glad to hear there has been some more booking going on!! Especially since that big payment is due very soon. Makes it seem real eh?

Hiya! We've got about 8 inches now...it hasn't really snowed during the day but it's started again and I've heard we could get upto another 20cms tonight! If that's the case I certainly wont be going to work tomorrow!

I can imagine that is becoming a real pain!! I'm very grateful for my central heating and, pretty much, flat ground!

It really is becoming more real! In 3 months we'll be on our way! Super excited! :goodvibes
Love all the new updates!!!

SEND THAT SNOW DOWN HERE IN FLORIDA!! I've never seen snow and would love some! I think Disney world would be so pretty with a nice white blanket of snow!! :goodvibes
Amanda sweetie - you can gladly have the inches we have got here!!! I hate the stuff!!! Cold wet and makes a mess of everything!!! I would rather have your Florida sunshine any day!!
Love all the new updates!!!

SEND THAT SNOW DOWN HERE IN FLORIDA!! I've never seen snow and would love some! I think Disney world would be so pretty with a nice white blanket of snow!! :goodvibes

Thanks!! Your welcome to our snow! I love it when I'm at home but totally hate the stuff when I have to walk to work in it!! It's still going strong...maybe I'll get a snow day tomorrow! YAY! :banana: I think you're right too...Disney World would look so pretty covered in snow!! :goodvibes

Amanda sweetie - you can gladly have the inches we have got here!!! I hate the stuff!!! Cold wet and makes a mess of everything!!! I would rather have your Florida sunshine any day!!

I have to say I totally agree...I'd love some of that Florida sunshine over here...I think we missed out on summer...again!?!
Ok, so I know I've complained about this A LOT on here but I'm so annoyed and I just need to vent so feel free to skip this post if you don't want to hear a lot of moaning!!

Twice my MOH has cancelled on me when she was supposed to come round so we could book her flight. First time she was sick (fair enough) 2nd time her car was snowed in (again, fair enough) but how is it she cant get her car out of the snow to come and see her best friend but she can get her car out to go round another friends to watch a movie and have a catch up??? Am I being unreasonable??? I've reached a point where I just want to say 'dont bother.' I honestly cant imagine my wedding day without her but she's thrown so many obstacles in the way...she didn't save any money because she kept moving and couldn't afford to/she doesn't want to fly alone/she doesn't want to stay alone etc...each time we overcome one issue another pops up!

We gave everyone a deadline of December 1st to book as we wanted to confirm numbers before we paid Disney on December 8th and my parents need to confirm everyones rooms with DVC, and surprise surprise we are STILL waiting for MOH, BM and photographer to book! I don't know what to do?! I don't want to pressure them into it but I'm seriously starting to lose the plot over this! I just want them to tell me straight...are they coming or not?! Everytime we ask (and trust me we've asked a lot) they always say yes they are coming and that they wouldn't miss it. So if that's the case why, with just 3 months to go, have they not booked?

DF said he'll send the 3 of them a message over the next few days to try and get it sorted out because honestly, I'm afraid of what I'll say to them if I have to do it!

I'll be really upset and disappointed if they cancel but at least I'll finally know. I've got no issues getting a new MOH, BM and photographer (well, photographer may be a bit difficult with so little time to go but I'm sure I could find someone!) In fact both DF and I know exactly who we'd ask but until we get some answers we're stuck in limbo!

I guess we'll see what happens after DF sends this message to them (it'd be easier to get together but that's near on impossible!) Maybe I'll get some good news soon eh?!

Thanks for listening. Sometimes I just don't know what I'd do without these boards!!
We have two months and some change to go and I have an aunt and uncle who haven't booked flights OR Disney stay and another uncle who hasn't booked his flight. I feel your pain. None of our other guests can BELIEVE that they haven't booked yet. I freaked out about it for the longest time and finally got my mom to call....they're coming, they just don't feel they need to book yet (?!). It's not the money.

Different strokes for different folks ;)

But yes, it's SOOOOOO annoying!


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