Kate's Back on Track Journal - comments welcome

I'm a big Laughing Cow fan too. I love their lowfat spreadable cheese on a bagel. I've had to switch & use'em on veggies because I was wanting to eat bagels for breakfast & midnight snacks everyday. Great job on those workouts!
I'm so glad be be able to get back on the boards again!

For the past day and a half I couldn't get on the site. Kept getting an error message, you are not authorized..etc. FINALLy back up, I checked on the technical board and apparently they were doing maintenance. Not sure how many others were affected.

Any how was a bad food day, I wasn't feeling well all day and just had to have some chocolate to make me feel better! :sunny:
think I'm headed to the doctor today as still not feeling well, and my eye is no better. Wasn't able to get out to run.
Sometimes your body just needs a break! Glad you are feeling better! :flower:
You are really doing a great job!!! Keep up the good work!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Life is too busy sometimes! I haven't kept up with my journal here for a while, work has been crazy, the kids are back in school, and I'm not doing so well! Really need to get recommitted here and concentrate on healthy eating, no junk snacking and regular exercise. I was doing well until all this rain. But this is nothing compared to the horrible conditions down south. I feel so bad for all those affected by Katrina. Definitely going to donate blood today, if that will help anyone.
I know...sometimes we think we have it so rough, and then you hear of others who are REALLY struggling. It makes our problems seem so small, doesn't it? It's hard to get back into the right frame of mind, but I know that you can do it. Start today!! :flower:
Kate, hang in there! You can do this. Just take one day at a time. Its great to see you posting again.
Glad to hear that even though you hadn't been doing so well you have recommitted to getting back on track - good job!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Haven't posted for a while, but doing good. Not exercising as much as I'd like, but at least doing something every day.

It's been a tough food week, but I'm still staying within my points.
DH had a class reunion that I went to with him.
Had my work picnic on Sunday.
DD's art show opening last night.
Another picnic for DH's work on Thursday. ALWAYS food involved!! :rolleyes2
Kate, glad to see that you're posting again! You're beating me with the workouts. Hang in there!
Oh gosh, I guess I was so excited about my new tag, that I didn't realize DD hadn't logged out. :blush:

It was a good day.
Ran again this morning, and have been walking most places since I'm tired of paying so much for gas! Get more exercise that way too!

Have been doing good with journaling and staying in my points range.

gotta get back to work! :sunny:
Kate you're so lucky that you have another Disneyphile in the family. It got to the point in my family where my sons were refusing to go to Disney. Dh thinks he hates it but has a great time when we get there. This year he even requested another miniDisney trip during the Flower Festival - he wanted to see Arlo Gutherie. However, no one ever helps plan etc. I can't imagine being able to 'talk Disney' at home!

Congrats on the eating & workouts!
Yeah, Jane, most of us are Disney fans, and since our trips are usually far in between, they don't get tired of it!

Had a pretty good day today, even with DH's company cookout, I still stayed within my points, with using a few flexies. and I stayed away from that chocolate cake!! :sunny:
Still exercising, eating pretty well, but upset that on W.I. on Friday I was UP 4 lbs! I can see fluctuating a bit, but 4 lbs all at once was a little too much to take!

Have to really keep on here to get back to my normal maintenance. :sunny:
Well, I might make the September challenge, just have to walk slow. I've been not feeling well, finally went to the doctor and found I have a bladder infection (UTI) and he told me to take it easy, don't do much. I guess I can still walk 10 - 15 minutes a day, don't think that will hurt anything!


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