Kate's Back on Track Journal - comments welcome

Kate, get feeling better. I'm surprised that you were able to exercise at all with an infection. Take care of yourself! :sunny:
So haven't been here in a few days, did get back to walking, and actually ran one day, but back to the doctor and they want more tests. Oh boy. So I go today for a CT scan to see what's happening and why I'm still having thsi pain in my lower side.

I'd like to say I've been good and not doing any stress eating, but that's not the case! I'm very nervous about this and what they're going to find.

Post more later. :sunny:
Kate how are you feeling? :sunny: Did the test results come back. Right now is the time for you to focus on your health. I hope that you're able to get rid of the pain. You're in my prayers.

PS - Love that Halloween pic!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hope that all goes well for you. Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Take it easy and when the doc says you can go back to doing what you were doing, then go for it. But we want you to make sure and take care of yourself and not wear yourself out!

:grouphug: :grouphug:

Thanks for the good thoughts everyone! I am a bit nervous about the CT results. Supposed to hear from the doctor tomorrow, I just have a bad feeling about it.

But, we have good weather, the skies have been beautiful at night and in the morning, and life is good. :sunny:
My doctor called me. I do have an ovarian cyst, but this type is 98% of the time non-malignant, have to see a specialist next week about surgery etc.

Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes! :sunny:
Kate, I'm relieved to hear the news! You must be feeling much better but I know you won't relax until you've seen the specialist. I had an ovarian cyst once in college but it went away by itself. The dr watched it and fortunately no surgery was needed in my case. Keep us updated!
Thanks again for all the prayers and good thoughts.

Jane, I had one of those as well many years ago. This is a different type, and yes, I'm anxious to see the doctor tomorrow and get this thing outa here!!

Worst thing is I haven't really exercised at all, usually I'll at least walk a lot, but haven't done even that because I've been having some pain, not horrible, but enough that I just want to sit around.

But you know what happens when the exercise drops off and the food keeps going in the mouth at the same level?? LOL :rotfl:

Oh well, as soon as I get this taken care of, and have sufficient time to recover, then I'll be back on track. I have a good friend who has been looking into becoming to a personal trainer. She'll have plenty of advice for me I'm sure.
Saturday morning, I'm working, DD's soccer game later, then trip to the pumpkin farm to get Hallowween items!

10 more days until surgery, in the meantime I'm trying to stay focused and eat healthy, no junk, because I know I'll be doing not much exercising for a while, and DON't want to put on more lbs. because of it!
Kate, how are you feeling? I bet you can't wait until that surgery is over. Take things easy. You can only concentrate on one thing at a time. Are you having outpatient surgery or do you have to go to the hospital? I hope the next 10 days goes by quickly for you!
Hi Kate-

I wanted to pop in and thank you for posting on my journal the other day. :flower:

I know you can't wait to get your surgery over and done with so you can get back on track. Sending good thoughts your way.
Alrighty now. 6 more days until surgery, but I don't have time to get nervous because I'm busy taking care of DD. She has mono! There's always something with kids!!

She has been extremely tired and achy, doctor said no more soccer for several months, which works out ok as its the end of the season. She did have to miss the last game, which truly upset her, but, gotta rest and get better. And I have to be extra careful not to pick up the virus because I have to stay healthy before surgery!

I hope to get out and walk some today as we've had great weather, and I'm relatively pain-free the last few days.

I'm going to start posting my journals as well, I think that will help.
So yesterday:

FiberOne cereal with yogurt and strawberries

tortilla with laughing cow, shredded zucchini, onions, peppers, bean dip


large pickle

BBQ slaw, cauliflower/potato mash, carrots

FF chocolate pudding

Total 21 pts, 1 exercise point for walking and helping out at younger DD's P.E. class.
Hi, Kate. I am sorry you have your hands full taking care of a sick child. I'm sorry she missed her last soccer game :sad: , and I hope she is feeling better. You have to take good care of yourself so that you don't go into your surgery exhausted and weak. I hope everything goes very smoothly.

Thank you so much for visiting my journal and providing encouragement. I hope your friend will be able to provide all sorts of great advice for when you are up to exercising again, but until then, don't push yourself.

Sending a :hug: and :wizard:
Friday night, I'm tired. It's been a long day. Participated in a walkathon to raise money for the kids school. It was fun walking with lots of school kids, but it rained, which made things tricky!

Afternoon was the talent show at school, both my girls danced in it, cute.

Thanks again everyone for the good wishes. I can hardly wait 4 more days to get this all over with. :sunny:
Hi Kate-

Just popping in to send more positive thoughts your way. Take care of yourself. :)
Hope you have a good weekend, Kate, and that your daughter is feeling better. I'm praying that all goes well with your surgery and you have a quick recovery. Take time to take care of you!
Kate, you really have a full plate. I'm so sorry to hear that your daughter is sick on top of everything else! Sometimes it seems like everything hits at once. Will she miss much school? I don't even know what they do for mono nowadays. I had a friend in highschool & he missed alot of school because of it. Be careful & stay healthy!
Today was relaxing, DH was out working concessions at a football game, all the DD's were out with friends, DS was the only one home with me and we enjoyed a movie together, which we don't get to do that often. It's amazing that a 16 yr old will watch a movie with his mom! :sunny:

Food has been pretty good, though I haven't posted my journals.

Today was strawberries, and toast with PB, and coffee for breakfast.

Lunch was some leftover homemade minestrone soup.

Dinner - I had put some pork tenderloin and a mixture of pineapple juice, soy sauce and other spices in the crockpot. Had that with some cauliflower mashed potatoes.

Frogmommy and Cam, thanks for the good wishes, thanks for stopping by here also!

Julie, I do appreciate the prayers! Thanks!

Jane, DD must have a mild case of mono, she's only missed a few days of school, but when she goes she comes home and immediately takes a nap!
They really don't do anything but say to rest, and no contact sports for several months. That's because the spleen enlarges, and could burst if she would collide with someone else. I feel so educated now!

Since I took the whole week off from work, tomorrow is going to be fun day. My 2 youngest DD's are off school (teacher professional day) so I think we'll put the finishing touches on their Halloween costumes, then go to an afternoon movie as the weather is still rainy and yukky here. They've been wanting to see Corpse Bride, so at this point its a tossup between that and Wallace and Grommit.

Then Tuesday is surgery, I'm hoping all goes well!
Because I've not been on much I missed that today was your surgery. I really hope that all went well and you are resting tonight!!!!

Sorry to hear about your dd's mono. I had that when I was a senior in high school and I had a bad case - I slept for 72 hours straight and woke only when mom came in to give me meds and something to try to eat. I also had strep at the same time. I was out of hard sports for 6 months and it took me several years to fully recoup. About a year after I had a very bad case of pneumonia (in the hospital for 7 days with 5 of those under an oxygen tent because I couldn't breath well on my own). Doc had said it was because my body had gotten so worn down with the mono that any little cold was going to be trouble and it was. I hope she recoups well and takes it easy!!!!!

Take care of yourself and I'll look forward to your update on your surgery.

Keep on :banana: :banana:


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