Kim's new and improved life journal!

Hiya Kimmer :)

Still digging the trip seeing all of the pictures :) Glad to see that the shot was a success! How long will you have the 'heavy' feeling? Are you able to function normally or are you on some sort of rest schedule?

Hope everything else is going well for you!
Great news on the pain-free. That has got to be such a huge relief. I'm thinking no one is 100% WISH mentality all the time - the important thing is that you stick around and don't give up even when things aren't going the way you planned. :hug:
Ok guys, I have some news......

I got an award at work today!!! :woohoo: It's pretty much unheard of, since I'm so new to my job. But they gave me the non-technical award for 2007 (out of approx 100 people). I am BEYOND thrilled! :banana: We had our annual awards ceremony, and they announced the nominees, and I was was one of them! I immediately turned beet red! I was dumbfounded. (I always assumed the nominees knew ahead of time :laughing: ). Anyway, they announced that I had won, and I was like "WHAT??!?" I had to walk down the auditorium stairs (somehow I didn't fall) and up on the stage (trying not to convulse since I was shaking SO hard) and I had to take a picture with one of my "big' managers, while my immediate manager was telling everyone all the stuff I've accomplished (according to my co-worker, since all I heard was "mmmmwahhh, mmmmwahhh, mmmmwahhh - like the teacher on Charlie Brown :rotfl: ).

So that was my exciting day!:upsidedow
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! :hug: Congratulations Kim...what a great honor!!!!! :goodvibes

You must be on :cloud9: . What type of work do you do? is that hip feeling today? Heaviness still there?
Thanks, ladies! :hug:

Amy, I do mostly budgeting work, but I was awarded for a property (equipment) project I worked on. I had to organize $6.3 million of property & get them all set up under the correct managers. It took years, but I did it! :thumbsup2 And now that I'm not a contractor to the government, but a direct employee, they can actually award me for it. :woohoo:

The heaviness IS still around, but I'm thinking I need some moving around to help it out. Saturday morning I plan on going out for just a brisk walk. No running involved (although I think mentally it's gonna be hard to convince myself NOT to run ;) ). Just to stretch it out in a different way and see how it goes. WISH me luck! :goodvibes
Congratulations, Kim - that sounds like an impressive lot of work for which you SHOULD be awarded!

Your plan for a brisk walk on Saturday sounds like a good one. I think you might be right that you need to get things moving again in order to get things moving again...or something. Anyhow, don't get carried away - it's only your first time back out there. I don't think I'd probably be able to resist testing a little jog for a second, but I bet you can resist. I hope the walking feels GREAT. :cheer2:
Yay Kim!!!! :cheer2: Congrats on the award! How awesome!!! :banana:

Hope you have a very enjoyable walk this weekend! Sounds like a great idea!!!

I'm loving your trip report! It looks like you guys had an awesome time!!! The special lanyards are so cool! I love to get anything from the Dream Team!!!

Hi Kim,

Congrats on the award. That is awesome. It is always nice to be appreciated.

how are you feeling after the walk yesterday? Any pain, is the heaviness better/worse?

Hope all is well,
Take care,
Hi Kim! Just checking in. Hope you had a good weekend!!! How's the hip? Have you been able to get started back to running a bit yet???

Hey guys! No walking or running for me this weekend, unless you count hanging Christmas lights? :confused3 Not quite sure when I'll get a chance to get out there, but I plan on it soon. :thumbsup2

Thanks so much for checkin in on me. I'm still hanging in there and am going crazy trying to get ready for the holidays. :upsidedow

The hip is still there, heaviness and all. No pain to speak of, so that's good. After the kids' basketball practices tonight I plan on stretching out real good and icing. I also am gettin' back on my bean. I've neglected the ol' bean for long enough. :laughing:
Good luck getting back into the exercise swing of things Kim. Sometimes doing small amounts of exercise helps to loosen things up. Too bad the heaviness is still there though :(...that's not cool at all!!!

Awesome that you got the decorating done!!! I wish I could say the same but between the pilates training and running and my house being torn up as all my windows are replaced....ummm :headache: ....decorating has been on hold!!!
Hi, Kim. Congratulations on your award! Recognition of a job well done is always a good thing! Glad your hip pain is better, but sorry you are still having issues with it. Here's hoping it continues to improve.

Really enjoying your TR - love the great pics. Your kids are adorable - and I can't tell who had more fun, you or them! Thanks for sharing with us.

Hope you have a good one!

Kim, checking in on ya! Congrats on your big accomplishment, that is awesome, you must feel so good!

Hope your hip is doing better -- take it easy.
Hey Kimmy!!!
I MISSED YOU!!!! I think I're birthday is tomorrow...RIGHT???

Also, CONGRATS on the award!! See, I told you you were awsome!!! And here, not just a few months ago you were all nervous about even getting the job!!! peshaw!!! :rolleyes1

Sorry the hip is still giving you need to come south where it's warmer....not as many aches and pains!! ;)

Have a great weekend girl....and if my thinking is correct...


marie-rie :flower3:
Hey everyone!!

And, yes Marie, you're right. Tomorrow's my birthday. :woohoo: I can't wait!! DH, his brother, and his brother's girlfriend are taking me out. My mom's gonna have the kids overnight, so it's PAR-TAY time! :dance3: (anyone else wanna join in? :confused3 )

Things are kind of chaotic around here with the holiday planning/preparations and the painter here. She's hopefully gonna be done tomorrow, so then I'll take some "after" pics and show you guys how awesome she's done!

Take care, and have a great weekend!

(only 17 shopping days left :upsidedow )
Hi Kim!

I wanted to stop in and wish you Happy Birthday!!! Looks like you've got a great night planned....I hope you have fun :)

Hope all is well with your hip.

I liked looking at all the photos in that trip report :) Made me want to be in WDW for sure!!

Have a good B-day weekend :goodvibes:


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