Lacey & Keith's 10/24/11 Wishes Wedding! ***honeymoon, day 4...updated 6/18***

Part 2

Ok so I have a funny story to tell before I get on with the report...Please notice the shirt that DH is wearing on our first day as a married couple. I had several tshirts made for each of us for our honeymoon, and these particular shirts are of Mr. and Mrs. Incredible with our wedding date. DH LOVES the Incredibles. Anywhoo, the day that we found out that we were expecting a baby, I came home from work and DH was wearing his Mr. Incredible shirt. I asked him why he was wearing that particular shirt and he said, "well, because apparently I am Mr. Incredible!" He was very proud of the "job" he had done and wanted to show the world just how incredible he is. :rotfl2:

So getting back to it...
As I mentioned before, after CM's four of us headed over to MGM (and I will say it again...I HATE that it isn't called MGM I continue to use the old name in protest! :laughing:). Our friends are not "Disney" people (meaning they had each been once as kids but probably wouldn't have gone again if it weren't for our wedding) but they seemed to enjoy this park with us. And it was fun for me to be the "boss" and show everyone where to go and what to see. Confession time: I love being the boss. I am and only child--can you tell??? :rolleyes1





We did a few rides in a relatively short amount of time (thanks to fast passes and an absurdly short line at ToT)...ToT, RNRC, Great Movie Ride, Muppets, Star Tours. Unfortunately we didn't get to ride more fast passes by the time we go to the park, and the line was like 2 hours long.


This particular picture cracks me up! :eek: Do you like our "scared" faces? :lmao:

Before we left the park we walked around a bit and took in the sights. We grabbed a snack from one of the little and pretzels, of course! I'm sure you aren't really surprised...


As we headed out I made sure to stop in the Villain store (my favorite), although I didn't buy anything.

We grabbed the boat and headed back towards the Boardwalk. We actually got off early (at the Swan? Dolphin? I can't remember!) and walked the rest of the way.

By then it was time for lunch and we decided to grab some pizza from the window at the BW and have another adult beverage...hey, we were on vacation, right?

Next up...MNSSHP!!!!!
Part 3

Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party!!!

DH and I met his sister and our nephews just outside of the MK around 5:30pm that evening. Originally, my MIL was supposed to come to the party with us, but since she wasn't feeling well she stayed at the hotel (she and my FIL ended up flying home the next morning because she was so sick). I know it broke her heart not to be with us, and it was so sad for us not to have here there. She was always so excited about every aspect of this trip, and I am so glad that she was able to be there for part of it. :lovestruc

Back to happy reports...

In the early stages of my trip planning, I had researched MNSSHP (as I had never been before) and was delighted to discover that many adults dress up along with the kiddos! :banana: So naturally I requested that we all dress up in coordinating costumes! I really wanted to go as Alice and have DH be the Mad Hatter. Thankfully, my SIL is wonderful and requested to be the Queen of Hearts. My nephews also agreed to be Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, although they kept arguing about who was the "dumb" one!


My MIL was going to be the Cheshire Cat (ears, tail, and all--bless her heart!).

The majority of our night consisted of waiting in line for characters, finding the trick-or-treat trails, and riding a few rides.

Of course we rode HM...

...And then had our picture taken with some hitch-hikers on the way out...

We waited in the world's longest line for the 7 Dwarfs, but it was SO WORTH IT!!!

DH and SIL held our spot in line while I took the boys on Thunder Mountain. :bitelip:

We saw Cinderella's Coach (notice the absent Tweedles...they preferred candy over a pumpkin)...

We chatted with Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip


At some point in the night, the Tweedles talked me into riding Space Mountain with them...3 times! Of course I agreed (I felt bad because I refused to ride Splash Mountain...I didn't want to get wet!).

And then, the moment I waited ALL NIGHT FOR.....

Alice was pretty shocked when I told her that I had just married the Mad Hatter!!!
Alice made a big fuss over the Tweedles, which I thought was so cute!

After quite a lot of picture taking, we grabbed some food at Cosmic Ray's and waited for Hallowishes fireworks to begin. After the fireworks we found a spot for the Boo to You Parade. It was FANTASTIC!!! I have a ton of pictures of the parade, but they were all taken with my iphone (which was brand new to me at the time and I didn't quite know how to use it) and the quality isn't that great. You are spared! ;)

After the parade I asked DH if we could head back to the room. I was exhausted. Like exhausted to the point that I could have slept right on Main Street under all that foot traffic and I wouldn't have cared. He agreed, and we made it onto our bus. Of course, DH began taking his costume off the second I we sat down on that bus. Again, my husband is such a good sport. :love:

We made it back to our room, set our alarm, and fell asleep...

Next up...our first "alone day" in Disney!
Lacey, those costumes are fantastic! Honestly, I've seen some great costumed photos with characters, but the ones of you and everyone with Alice and the Mad Hatter are fabulous! I love your Alice costume! :goodvibes
Hi Lacey, looked like a really great start to your honeymoon!

MNSSHP looked like a lot of fun! I actually just booked tickets yesterday for the party this year :goodvibes I've been to MVMCP twice but never the Halloween one, so excited! Just wondered - did you find most adults were dressed up? I am definitely wearing a costume (Barbie from Toy Story 3!) but DH said he wouldn't.. because when we went on our cruise he felt like we were the only adults that dressed up on pirate night :laughing: ... trying to convince him that most people do dress up!

Emma princess: x
-Oh yes, you’re terrifying!
-HA! I lol-ed at your husband in his Mr. Incredible shirt.
-Awww you look so cute with the umbrella. And thanks for making me want a pretzel! (Seriously, you would be in heaven in Wisconsin. All of our local restaurants have huge soft pretzels as appetizers.)
-You all look adorableeee in your costumes. So sweet!
-I am so, so sad that I didn’t do the HM pictures when I went to MNSHHP. So sad.
-Awww, I adore your pic with Alice.
-Also, isn’t the Boo to You parade fantastic?! Are you still singing the song??
Hi! I just read through your whole TR and loved it! How fun is MNSSHP?! Getting pictures with the real character your dressed as is the best! I went as Maleficent last year and she showed me how to pose and everything. :)
Hi, I am caught up with everything....loving it all. Those pics from the haunted mansion and hitch-hiking ghosts crack me up!
What a wonderful TR. i enjoyed all the details...i am so sorry about your MIL but what a great memory to have. The pictures made me cry! Glad this wedding was everything you hoped for! It looked perfect. Congrats!
Lacey, those costumes are fantastic! Honestly, I've seen some great costumed photos with characters, but the ones of you and everyone with Alice and the Mad Hatter are fabulous! I love your Alice costume! :goodvibes

Awww, thank you so much!!! I am a huge Halloween fan and dress up every year. I am so thrilled that the family decided to get in the Halloween spirit with me. We all had so much fun! :yay:

Hi Lacey, looked like a really great start to your honeymoon!

MNSSHP looked like a lot of fun! I actually just booked tickets yesterday for the party this year :goodvibes I've been to MVMCP twice but never the Halloween one, so excited! Just wondered - did you find most adults were dressed up? I am definitely wearing a costume (Barbie from Toy Story 3!) but DH said he wouldn't.. because when we went on our cruise he felt like we were the only adults that dressed up on pirate night :laughing: ... trying to convince him that most people do dress up!

Emma princess: x

Emma, you are going to have so much fun at MHSSHP! It was AMAZING!! :hyper: You will make an amazing barbie! :worship: I wouldn't say that most adults dressed up, but a lot of adults dressed up. The costumes ranged from special shirts and hats to some spectacular costumes. So many people kept stopping us and asking to take our picture! It was pretty cool! ;)

-Oh yes, you’re terrifying!
-HA! I lol-ed at your husband in his Mr. Incredible shirt.
-Awww you look so cute with the umbrella. And thanks for making me want a pretzel! (Seriously, you would be in heaven in Wisconsin. All of our local restaurants have huge soft pretzels as appetizers.)
-You all look adorableeee in your costumes. So sweet!
-I am so, so sad that I didn’t do the HM pictures when I went to MNSHHP. So sad.
-Awww, I adore your pic with Alice.
-Also, isn’t the Boo to You parade fantastic?! Are you still singing the song??

I think I need to plan a trip to Wisconsin. I love pretzels. And cheese. I think I would be in heaven there....

You will just need to go back to MNSSHP and do the HM pictures then! :)

And it's funny that you mentioned the parade song...I was humming it as I was writing about it!!

Hi! I just read through your whole TR and loved it! How fun is MNSSHP?! Getting pictures with the real character your dressed as is the best! I went as Maleficent last year and she showed me how to pose and everything. :)

Thanks for reading along! :goodvibes I will definitely be going back to MNSSHP in the future. It was one of the highlights of my trip!!! I bet you had to wait in line FOREVER to meet Maleficent!!! So worth it though!

Hi, I am caught up with everything....loving it all. Those pics from the haunted mansion and hitch-hiking ghosts crack me up!

I'm glad you liked the pictures! I think we all did a pretty good job looking scared! :scared1:

What a wonderful TR. i enjoyed all the details...i am so sorry about your MIL but what a great memory to have. The pictures made me cry! Glad this wedding was everything you hoped for! It looked perfect. Congrats!

Thank you so much! The pictures make me cry too! And it's not just pregnancy hormones either! :lmao:
Honeymoon Day 2

Part 1

Our first alone day!!!

DH woke up before I did on this particular morning (not unlike him in the least!). I was still tired from all the fun we had the day before, but we had more big plans for the day...our honeymoon photo session! Since I wasn't feeling particularly motivated to get myself up and into the shower, DH decided to grab us some coffee and breakfast from the Boardwalk Bakery in hopes of bribing me with food and caffeine. It worked! :rotfl:

We used Sterling Photography for our wedding pictures. The package we chose was supposed to include an engagement session but since we live in MA and wouldn't be in FL before our wedding, we asked to have a honeymoon session after the wedding. Since we got married at the BW, I decided that our pictures should be taken at the GF!

Once we got dressed and ready, we packed our change of clothes and headed to the lobby in order to catch a taxi to the GF. We were scheduled to meet our photographer in the GF lobby at 9:30am. We got there a few minutes early and had a seat...


We ended up waiting about 10 minutes for the photographer to show up, and then decided to head outside for some pictures...

Now, there are a couple of things that I wish I could have predicted when I was booking this shoot. First of all, I decided not to have anyone do my hair for the photos. Usually I am a pro at blow drying and straitening my hair, but something about the FL water/weather/humidity made my hair look awful throughout the whole trip. Second, it was sooooo bright outside during our photo shoot. DH and I both have very sensitive eyes so there are a TON of pictures of the two of us squinting. But of course, we aren't squinting in the same pictures! No, we each ruined a lot of pictures because the sun was in our eyes. :cool2:

The shoot lasted for about an hour, and we did get some good shots. Here are several of my favorites...








After the photo shoot ended, we took another taxi back to the BW. Today was the day we were checking out of our standard room and into our garden suite for our complimentary night!! When we got back to the room, we packed everything up and called bell services to pick up our belongings. We then headed to the front desk in order to settle up the bill for this room before we moved into the suite.

This is a picture of us standing at the desk. I can't tell if this is before or after DH saw the bill for the bottle of wine I ordered from room service the night before the wedding...;)
Loving the updates! You look like you're having a blast! Your costumes for MNSSHP are fabulous! We met the same Prince Phillip when we were there. Cool. Kudos to your hubbie for dressing up! I went to MNSSHP with my matron of honor and my flower girl, but DH wasn't with me, and so no costume for me that night. :( But we are definitely going this year and dressing up. Yay :)

Your honeymoon photos are great! I adore your outfit! Whoo, those shoes are SEXY! Those pictures are so classy and beautiful, and then the change of outfit is so cute and fun. Good call with the outfits, ears, and parasol. Perfection! Can't wait for more!
Ah... Lacey!

All your photos look like you had an amazing time! I love the 'Mr incredible story' how funny! haha bless him! Its a good idea to have a few different t-shirts made, very cute! :)

The MNSSHP looks fab! I think we might try this next Halloween! (Im hoping to be in the States again) Your costumes look amazing! What a cute pic of you and the real Alice! :)

Your honeymoon photos are beautiful, and something really special to keep! My favourites are the ones on the hammock outside the WP. Such a good idea to swap from a engagement shoot to a HM one! :) Very good!

Anyway, I'm glad your sticking around on the boards!

Speak Soon!


I promise I've been keeping up! ;D I just haven't had a chance to respond because my computer is horrible! But I hijacked my mom's for now!

Everything looks absolutely fabulous! I cannot wait to see more!
Loving the updates! You look like you're having a blast! Your costumes for MNSSHP are fabulous! We met the same Prince Phillip when we were there. Cool. Kudos to your hubbie for dressing up! I went to MNSSHP with my matron of honor and my flower girl, but DH wasn't with me, and so no costume for me that night. :( But we are definitely going this year and dressing up. Yay :)

Your honeymoon photos are great! I adore your outfit! Whoo, those shoes are SEXY! Those pictures are so classy and beautiful, and then the change of outfit is so cute and fun. Good call with the outfits, ears, and parasol. Perfection! Can't wait for more!

Yay for dressing up! Do you know what/who you are going as??

Yes, those shoes are definitely something! ::yes:: I love the way that they look, but I must admit they are not the most comfortable! :sad2:

Ah... Lacey!

All your photos look like you had an amazing time! I love the 'Mr incredible story' how funny! haha bless him! Its a good idea to have a few different t-shirts made, very cute! :)

The MNSSHP looks fab! I think we might try this next Halloween! (Im hoping to be in the States again) Your costumes look amazing! What a cute pic of you and the real Alice! :)

Your honeymoon photos are beautiful, and something really special to keep! My favourites are the ones on the hammock outside the WP. Such a good idea to swap from a engagement shoot to a HM one! :) Very good!

Anyway, I'm glad your sticking around on the boards!

Speak Soon!



Well, Faye, I am definitely back and have found my motivation to complete this PJ! :cool1: Thank you for all of the compliments! You are such a sweetheart! ;)

I promise I've been keeping up! ;D I just haven't had a chance to respond because my computer is horrible! But I hijacked my mom's for now!

Everything looks absolutely fabulous! I cannot wait to see more!

Hahaha...Jen I am glad you were able to hijack mom's computer! And glad that you are still following along! :goodvibes
Part 2

After checking out of our old, standard room, and checking in for our complimentary night in a garden suite, we (and all of our bags and belongings) were guided to the lovely garden suites. We were staying in suite 1208.

This is the view from later on that evening.

Once we made it into our room and bell services dropped off our stuff, a lovely woman from club level met us in order to give us the low-down on how CL works. I'm not sure if everyone gets an upgrade like this for their complimentary night, but it was definitely a fun experience for us. :goodvibes She told us where the Inkeeper's Club Concierge Lounge was located, and encouraged us to visit in order to grab a snack and a drink.

After the CM left us, we decided to unpack (only the necessities because we needed to be ready for DCL super early the next morning) and take some pictures of the room. I hope these pics don't bore you, but I know how much I love to look at room pictures!!!

We were told that this room was picked especially for us, the "honeymooners" because of the heart-shaped garden in the front. :flower3:

The chocolates that were left on our coffee table. They were devoured in about 2 minutes, by the way!





We finally made it out of the room and over the the CL lounge. It was snack time so we each made ourselves a little plate and grabbed a beer. Please notice the healthy snack I chose for myself...chocolate chip cookies and white chocolate covered pretzels, among other things...:rotfl:

After hanging out for a little bit, both of us realized we were still hungry, so we decided to grab some "real" food at ESPN.

We are from Massachusetts, where the best beer on earth is made...Sam Adams Octoberfest. I was SOOOOO flipping excited to find it in the World!!! :cheer2:

Ok, time for a little story...remember way back when in July of last year when I posted about my bachelorette party at Misquamicut Beach, RI :beach: (good memory if you do!!!)? Well, I am pretty sure I told you all about the couple who was sitting at a table next to us at the bar and noticed my bridal ears headband and asked whether I was getting married in WDW. It turns out they were also planning a trip in October and they were also staying at the BW. Small world, huh? Well gets better.

So while DH and I were sitting at the bar and I was (loudly) telling the bartender (who was also from MA) about my excitement over the Sam Octoberfest beer, a woman who was sitting near us said to me, "are you by any chance the girl who was at Misquamicut Beach over the summer?" YUP, that same couple ended up at the same bar on the same day as me and DH. :confused3 I couldn't believe it!! :scratchin

After lunch DH and I made our way over to AK for a few hours...this is our least favorite park (sorry to anyone who thinks we are nuts!!! ;)) so we usually only spend a short amount of time here. We rode a few rides--Everest, Dinosaur, and Kilimanjaro safari, saw It's Tough to Be a Bug, had a couple of rootbeer floats, and decided to head back to the BW.


I'm not exactly sure at which point in the day this picture was taken, but now is as good a time as any to include it for your viewing pleasure!


We spent a bit of time walking around the Boardwalk and did a little window shopping in a few stores. Eventually we made our way back to the room and began pre-packing for the next day and getting ready for dinner at California Grill.
Had to split up that last post because I had too many pictures...

DH and I were very excited about our dinner plans, as this was the first time at California Grill for both of us. Our reservation was made for 7:55pm, and when we arrived for check-in, I made sure to request a window seat. We took the elevator up to the 15th floor and had a cocktail in the lounge while we waited for our table. We didn't even finish our drink by the time we were told our table was ready.




We each had a lovely dinner (although I can't remember exactly what it was we ate!) and a yummy dessert. Watching Wishes from our table and hearing the music from inside the restaurant was awesome. We finished our bottle of wine (yup, I was tipsy AGAIN) and grabbed a taxi back to the BW.

This was our last night before leaving on our cruise! I wish I could say we lived it up and went out dancing or to Jellyrolls, but we were both so exhausted again that we climbed into our king-sized bed and went to sleep!

Next up...DCL!
Ah! I love your room! It's so cute! I want to stay at the Boardwalk so badly! I've only ever stayed at Value resorts.. and adfter reading all of these trip reports I'm getting major resort envy! ;D

The picture of you in the garden is adorable! Love Love Love it!!!!!!
Okay, so it seems like you were busy while I was gone and dealing with a concussion. :rotfl2: I am all caught up now. :cool1:

First off, I know I said it on facebook, but CONGRATS on the upcoming arrival! :cheer2: That is awesome news.

On to the TR comments --

* Love your DATW pics! That's amazing that you got everyone to go as a group. That is usually nothing but a disaster when we try it.
* Good job on the surprise dessert party. Love that you went low key. We are kinda doing half and half. We don't want to be all dressed up, but if our DPS package still has time left over, we will use it for the DP. I bought a white dress, but one I can wear in the park. We'll see how that goes.

Day 1

* Glad Chef Mickey's worked out for everyone. Awesome pic of you and Keith with Donald!
* I now have a VR goal, get everyone to listen to me, like your guests listened to you. Awesome job!
* Love the Mr. Incredible story!!! :rotfl2: Good job, Keith!!!
* I love being the boss too! A lot of guests fear me, so this could be a good thing.
* Why is TSM still crazy?? I love it, but come on!
* Love the MGM pics! Very nice.
* Vacations are made for adult beverages. :rotfl:
* OMG!! Love the MNSSHP pics! They are fabulous!
* We have waited ages for the The Dwarfs too, but you are right, it's so worth it.
* To us, the special characters are the best part of the parties.
* Love, love, love the pics with you and Alice.

I have to say that I had the Boo to You song in my head too!!!

Day 2

* Love the HM shoot pics! Good idea for the switch. Paul had never seen the picture point before last week, but loves it now. Great pics there.
* OMG!!! The suite was amazing! Wow! I have a new thing to put on my WDW bucket list!
* Of course you are a Sam fan!!! :rotfl2: We are insisting on it for our events, since Paul loves it. :rotfl2: At F&W, Paul really loves the Sam Adams stand and all the different types they serve. Tries a new one every time he stops.
* The Small World story about the couple you met last summer is fabulous. You never know who will run into.
* I understand your feelings about AK. We like it, but don't feel the need to visit it every trip.
* Looks like you had a very nice dinner at Cali Grill. Good way to end the night.

Can't wait to hear about the cruise!!! :cheer2:
-Omigosh, that suite is GORGEOUS and HUGE!!! I am just a littttle jealous!
-Mmmm those snacks look tasty.
-I do remember your party at Misquamicut! Because I used to go there all the time when I was little. ☺
-WOW! It’s a small world after all, huh? Huh?
-Yup, AK is my least favorite park too. ☺
-Mmmm. That dessert at cali grill looks fabulous.
Ok, your dress and shoes for the honeymoon shoot were super cute! I also really like how the hammock shots turned out. That suite is amaaazing! And yay, you went on a DCL cruise! I can't wait to read about it!


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