Last one to post........... Part 5

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my dh doesn't want to say anything.. we argue about it sometimes.. Most times I just shut my mouth...

I am lucky my mom loves to spend time with him
Well is the parent(s) of these girls not as well of as you and the MIL is trying to compensate? Or do you think its because they're girls?
They are better off then we are!!

I think it is beacuse Darren is not my dh boilogical son.. We have been together for 7 years though.. time to get over it!!

One year at fathers day she had been drinking(oh what a shock) and proceeded to tell me how "its almost like darren is one of the family"

And how my Dh would have been a great dad if he could have had children
I had two female cousins that my grandmother spent more time/money on. I really never noticed it, but I know that it upset my mother. Their parents actually made more money than my parents, but had drug problems, so I think maybe that played a part in it...not really sure. The only time it really kind of bothered me is that when she died she left a bunch of stuff to my cousins and my brother and I werent even mentioned.
well I seem to have made the LTP thread not fun...

so lets go back to the game ok!! thanks for listening!!

Being left out like that is harsh!

I have 2 older daughters that were treated that way by DHs family, too. My younger daughter says she felt like I was all she ever had. After divorcing her father, they wouldn't have anything to do with the girls and DHs family always treated them like outsiders, too! Kids are kids! All that other stuff does not matter ~ kids are kids! :love:
that stinks!! I hate the way it makes me feel!! That is my baby she is not treating fairly!! said:
I think it is beacuse Darren is not my dh boilogical son.. We have been together for 7 years though.. time to get over it!!
Well, I always stand up to my family for my wife. My wife actually tells me to shut the heck up sometimes. This is not acceptable to me. She sounds like something that would prob. be censored here. I also have dial up.
Duckfan-in-Chicago said:
Everyone seems to have cleared out. Guess I'll just stare at the walls and poke things with a stick or something.

Ouch! That stick was sharp! (but at least I'm awake now!) :rotfl2:
its raining in mass

we just got inside from our walk then
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