Linda's goal = Lose wt + 1/2 marathon 09(encouragement welcome)

Hi Gang!
Thanks for all the encouragement today!

Not much happening today,I had to work so that always puts a damper on things- I did run the halls all day long if that counts :)

Did a 1/2 mile around the soccer field at practice tonight,that's it.

Keep up the great work everyone,
This morning I set out to do my normal route but realized 1.5 miles in I was 2 mins. slower than usual.So I thought OK,I am slower already I will slow it down and see how far I can go.My usual 4.0 miles I did in 44 mins.-Ok I thought an 11 min mile is not so bad. I kept running and ended up doing 5.7 miles in 63:21,an 11:08 mile. I was not out of breath or ready to stop until the last 1/4 mile.I did stretch before and after but I feel it right now.

My dtr.does not believe I ran the whole way-I put her up to a challenge tomorrow morning but she will not get up!!!!!! Teenagers don't really know what their parents are made of!!!!!!!!!!!

The weather is unbelievable here and will be all week, I hope everyone is reaching their goals this weekend.

Wow Linda,

You really are amazing. Congratulations on those times. Good luck with DD. Mine rarely believes me.

Take care,
Geezzzzzzz Linda! You are kicking some serious butt!!!! You go girl! That is amazaing! Keep up the good work!

Not so good today- my 4 mile route I did in 40:39-it was a tough first mile. I did stretch but felt like my left leg was dead weight and so tight.

I am PMSing on top of it and not in a great mood- thought the run would help-NOPE!

Hope everyone else is having a more productive day than me!

Yesterday I started a new job which will be every T/Th-7a-5p. It invloves a whole new area for me and when I got home last night my head was spinning.

This morning I thought I was going to do something I just did not know what.

I decided to see if I could do 6 miles. I needed to clear my head after yesterday.I knew I had to slow it down or there would be no way. My first 4 miles I did in42:25, I finished 6 miles in 67:01, 11:16 per mile. I was happy just to finish.It was pouring out and it felt great.

After the run I came in and jumped on the elliptical for 30 mins.,1.92 miles and 267 calories.

My head is now clear!

I have to do more stretching I keep getting wicked tight and my left periformis muscle is killing me.

I hope everyone is staying motivated.What an upset on the Biggest Loser last night.

Woah girl! Kickin' butt and taking names! You're doing so great. Congrats on the 6 miler...that's a big accomplishment.

How are your hips and legs feeling? Make sure to take those rest days and do lots of stretching! And hydrate!!! :) I're probably on top of all that! ;)

Proud of you!!!
Whoa Linda,

6miles and 30 minutes on the elliptical !?! You are a machine. Keep up the great work.

Take care,
This new job is great but I am pooped.I am also still working at my old job so not walking as much as I was.

Today I did the elliptical for 45mins,2.88 miles and 400 cals.Then in the rain again I did 3.2 miles in 34:47,OK again not great.

Hope everyone is doing well,
Linda linda linda.... you continue to amaze me!!! Keep it up!
What a great day out there today-ah fall! Today I ran my 6 mile route in 63:51,my first 2 miles were tough then after that I hauled. No pain or soreness after,I did sretch a huge amount and took Ibuprofen before I left.

After my run I got on my bike for 24 mins. almost all out,had gear diff. at one point.

Ate lunch then out for a 4 mile walk with my friend whom I have not walked with since the new job.

Now time to relax and wait for the kids so we can be in the car at 3:30 to go across the world for soccer.

Hope everyone else is doing great!
Linda you continue to do AWESOME!!!! :) Great job once again!

I worry a bit about you pushing yourself a do take one day off a week right? LOL! But really....super efforts again last week and this weekend!:thumbsup2
Hi Linda,

You are the energizer bunny for Halloween, right?

Congrats on the 16 pounds and the major milage that you keep posting. I am glad the new job is good.

Take care,
Today I only had time for 2.5 miles, I ran it in 25:37 a 10:14 mile. I was trying to run 3.1 miles to see what my time would be for a 5K but screwed up and went less than I thought. I have to drive and find a specific 3.1 mile loop in the neighborhood.

I would like to do a 5K but I am really CHICKEN!

Linda....You would do AWESOME in a 5K. You have to find one and give it a try. I just know you'd do wonderful!!!!! :goodvibes

I think Amy is right. Find a 5k, bonus is that most support charity. I think you could definately catch the race bug.

Take care,
Not doing so good these days- my SI joint is KILLING me! Ibuprofen works but I don't want to live on it. I did 2.5 miles yesterday and it was like I was wearing cement shoes. It was very difficult.I don't know if it is the joint or not that is making it hard.It does not hurt while I run.It is my TOM(2 weeks late) maybe that's it. I am very frusrated,going from doing 6 miles to choking on 2.5.What gives????????

How is everyone else doing?



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